Light Spirit Epic Chapter 173: Disclosure to the day (middle)


Chapter 173: Disclosure to Daylight (Part II)

When the Foxman Assassin woke up, he was already placed on a stool, and the stump that had been cut off was bandaged. Arthur put a muzzle over the assassin’s mouth, allowing him to barely speak without biting his tongue.

“Are you awake?” Arthur sat aside and asked, “Now, how can I torture you so that you can spit out all the secrets in your stomach?”

“kali’gugalu’mas, va, dahagon’dara…” The fox man muttered a few words in a language that no one could understand.

“What is this?” Arthur asked Bedivere, “The language of the fox?”

“No, it’s not a language, it’s a spell!” Rabbit Ryder shouted.

The foxman’s body began to glow and swell, and even Arthur knew something was wrong. He immediately came up with a countermeasure, aimed at the fox man and kicked it fiercely, kicking the assassin out of the house!

The assassin was like a football, smashed the glass of the window, flew out of the house, and exploded before flying very far.

The glass fragments that were originally scattered outside were swept up by the blast and flew into the house again! Tovir, who happened to be sitting near the window, was about to be injured by debris! In a hurry, Arthur had to rush over and block in front of the leopard boy!

“Ugh!” Arthur groaned, and countless pieces of glass had already plunged into the places where his body was not protected by armor. Especially the left arm, which was covered with glass **** and bloody.

Toville looked at the injured Arthur and was stunned.

“Tsk, these fox maniacs, have they already thought of countermeasures for this situation?!” Arthur suppressed his anger and reached out to remove the glass shards from his left arm.

Tol’vir quietly helped Arthur without saying anything.

“In this way, it is almost impossible to get information from those foxmen.” Tristan said, “Even if it is hypnosis, it must be done while they are awake all the time to be successful. Maybe they are so determined that they don’t take hypnosis at all.”

“We’ll always find a way,” Arthur said.

“No, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” said Ryder, who was trembling under the table. “It’s scary! I’m just here to eat. If I knew it was so dangerous here, I wouldn’t come if I was killed. I’m done!”

“I’m sorry, Ryder.” Bedivere said apologetically, “I didn’t think about putting you in danger. … Whether you stay here or not is up to you, you have to go. I won’t stop you, and I can also lend you some money for your travel expenses…”

“You’re crazy, why did you drive me away at this time?!” Rabbit said angrily, “Those fox people might have thought that I was your accomplice, and now chasing me away is like asking me to die!”

Bedivere was stunned for a moment, as if he was deeply stabbed, speechless.

“Got it, you’re staying here, and your personal safety is protected by Brady, okay?” Arthur said.

“I still have to go to the city to do business!? Are you going to put me under house arrest here?”

“It’s really troublesome… You should have Beedy as your bodyguard when you go out. Bedi, do you have an opinion?”

“No…” Bedivere replied feebly like a deflated balloon, “I brought Ryder into it, and I will ensure his personal safety. I’m sorry, Ryder.”

“Hey, it’s alright,” Tristan said as he dragged the rabbit out from under the table while hugging Ryder, “Your personal safety will be guaranteed by your brother, you little cutie.”

“Stop, stop! Don’t touch around!” Ryder struggled again.

“Is the effect still going?” Bedivere said helplessly.

“It has nothing to do with the medicine!” Ryder said as he struggled. “His thoughts are so ingrained that it is impossible to correct them in a short period of time.”

By this time the glass on Arthur’s arm had been cleaned, although it was still bloody.

Tovir didn’t think much of it, leaned over and licked the wound on Arthur’s arm with his tongue.

“Wow, what are you doing?!” Arthur said in surprise, especially when he saw Tovir licking while crying, he suddenly felt a strange feeling.

“It’s not uncommon for cat people to lick their wounds,” Ryder said, “although they only lick wounds for their relatives or those they trust the most.”

“Really?” Arthur said, although it felt strange, he still touched Tovel’s head, “Strange customs, isn’t it?”

After treating the wound, Arthur quickly wraps it with a bandage. Since the wounds have healed quickly recently, he didn’t particularly care.

It was Tol’vil, who stared at Arthur’s injured arm all day.

“If you really care that much, thank him.” Bedivere leaned over and whispered to Tovel.

Tol’ville looked at Brady, but said nothing.

At noon, while Bedivere and Tristan were practicing swordsmanship outside the house, Ryder was busy arranging props outside the door, and Arthur lay in the bedroom to recover, Tovel walked over and pulled Arthur’s clothes. horn.

“Well? What’s the matter?” Arthur opened his eyes lazily and looked at the leopard boy.

“…wash…bath meow.” Tol’vir said blushing.

“What? It’s only noon… can I wash it for you tonight?” Arthur said impatiently.

Tol’ville shook his head, pointed to Arthur’s injured arm, and repeated, “Give Arthur… a bath meow.”

Arthur finally understood. Towell meant that it was inconvenient for the injured Arthur to take a bath by himself, so he wanted to help Arthur to wash it — this child’s idea is really strange.

After a fight in the morning, Arthur, who was covered in the smell of sweat and blood, thought it was not bad, so he didn’t refuse.

Tovel was wiping Arthur’s back while massaging Arthur’s shoulders. He was so skilled that he could see that he had been a slave for many years.

When he was done, he motioned Arthur to soak in the bathtub, and it looked like he was going to let Arthur continue to massage Arthur while he was in the bath.

“No need, you also wash your body and come and join us.” Arthur said.

Tol’vir knelt aside and whispered, “I don’t have the qualifications…”

“Idiot, wash it quickly and soak it in, don’t let me repeat it a third time.” Arthur said.

After a while, Tol’vir shyly crawled into the bath.

“Looking like this, what do you want to say?” Arthur asked, “Since you’ve made up your mind to say something, why don’t you say it quickly?”

The leopard boy shrunk his body into a ball, as if the heat of the hot water could not drive away the chill on his body. He trembled and whispered: “You all call me Tol’ville, right, meow? But I didn’t have a name, I’m just the one hundred and seventh experimental subject, meow.”


Arthur waited silently for the Tol’vir to continue his words.

“That’s the fox’s strengthening warrior plan. A baby is selected from each village of the alliance clan and brought to their research institute, where they are injected with special drugs every day to control their growth.”

“They did this to create two things: a powerful army of warriors, and the master key of the World Wall.”

Arthur paused for a few seconds as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer in the heart.

“Shi, the master key of the Wall of the World? You just said the master key of the Wall of the World?” he asked.

The chill made the leopard boy cringe even more. He shuddered and whispered, “Yes, it’s [Master Key] meow. I heard those foxes say, it’s not wrong meow. They need a life force. Very strong body to take all the [key fragments] they have got their hands, let those fragments merge into a complete [master key] in that body meow. Then you can use this [master key] to open the wall of the world Meow.”

“What will happen to the person who becomes the [Master Key]?” Arthur asked again, he had a bad premonition.

“The key fragments are engraved in the body in the form of incantations, Nyan.” Tol’vir cried, “Just one fragment engraved in the body will cause a lot of burden on the body. If you put six keys Put all the pieces in…the internal organs will burst, thinking will stop…the nyan will die. No matter how good the physique is, it is a sacrifice that will die with just one use.”

“A useless guy like me can’t become a good fighter, so I was assigned to the key test team meow. I watched the children who grew up with me being killed one by one just for the sake of experimenting. You can’t put the key in your body meow.” Tol’vir cried excitedly, “they swelled and exploded one by one, and their bodies were scattered everywhere. That scene was really scary meow!”

“Okay, okay.” Arthur stroked Tol’vir’s head comfortably, “Just do it, stop if you don’t want to say it.”

“No…let me finish me,” Tol’vir whispered, “that test ended only after the sixtieth subject died, and I got my life back, meow. But It’s not over yet, the foxes think we can’t bear the power of the key because the inside is too fragile meow. So they set about remodeling our internal organs meow.”

“Those days were like hell, meow. The body was dismantled and played with, tattered, just for them to study how to modify the internal organs, meow.” Tovel whispered, “It’s now. , I can still feel the pain meow……”

“Did they remake you successfully?” Arthur asked.

“They haven’t transformed me, meow.” Tol’vir cried, “I’m just an early experimental subject. I’ve been tattered, and I don’t think it’s suitable for me to be transformed, meow. I’m no longer useful to them, they Just brainwashing me, trying to turn me into an idiot, and dispose of me like trash meow. After that…that’s what happened after I became a slave meow.”

“Wait a minute. They’re brainwashing you?” Arthur said, “Since they’ve brainwashed you, how come you can still have a normal mind like you do now? As far as I know, the foxman’s brainwashing is very good. Rough…”

“Because they didn’t wash my [brain] meow.” Tol’vir said, “They don’t know that, although I can’t use the ‘madness’ of other orcs, I have a special talent meow. ——I can reverse the positions of the internal organs in my body meow.”

Arthur was not particularly surprised. It was almost the same as his original imagination, but he didn’t know that To’vir could even swap his brain with other organs.

Indeed, this can be seen as a kind of spatial magic. If you only temporarily swap the space of the two organs in your own body, it is possible to do it. This seemingly useless and extremely risky technique saved Tol’vir’s life from becoming an unthinking idiot.

“They disposed of me like trash, sold me with slaves shipped to the Shining Territory, completely unaware that I still have my own consciousness meow. But just in case, they’re still on me. I got a tracking magic meow. Magic will detect my emotions, and if my emotions fluctuate abnormally, they will think that I am potentially dangerous and send killers to clear me and the people I have come into contact with meow.”

Arthur looked at the leopard boy with tears on his face: “So, just to save your life, you have been keeping your feelings closed. Even if you become a slave and are abused in every way, are you still indifferent?”

Tol’vir was stunned for a moment before continuing, “No, not meow.

When my body was shattered by the foxes, I couldn’t feel anything anymore meow.

After that, whether it was cut open for research, whipped, punched or kicked, or hung upside down and beaten with sandbags… I just didn’t feel the pain.. ….” Tol’ville said that I couldn’t stop crying here,

“…I just…don’t feel the pain!”

No matter how painful the body is, if the mind is numb, you will not be able to feel anything.

Alive, but live like a walking corpse. A life that is not even allowed to die.

——How unbearable that is.

“Is that why you cried and cried last night in pain?” Arthur stroked Tol’vir’s head lightly and asked, “Can you feel the pain now?”

“Yes, meow.” Tol’vir looked at Arthur, crying and laughing, “I will be in pain, and I know what pain is, meow.”

“That’s good,” Arthur said.

“One more thing, Meow.” Tol’ville said, “I think the Chetovia Coves you’re talking about…he might be my dad.”


“I was taken away when I was born, and I shouldn’t have known about my parents, meow. But I have peeked at the information in the research institute. I may not have been snatched from the village by the foxes. Yes, it’s… it’s my parents who took the initiative to send me to the research institute, nyan. Because I have this Chetvia Coves in my [use right transfer document]. Signed meow.”

Arthur looked at the Tol’vir again and said nothing.

“My dad abandoned me like **** Maybe from the moment I realized this, I started to feel like I can’t feel anything meow.”

“I’m a…. a child who was thrown away like garbage from the beginning meow. I was always treated as garbage in the research institute, even when I was sold to the human world as a slave. It’s also treated like trash meow.” Tol’vir grabbed Arthur’s hand and cried, “I didn’t treat me as trash, just you meow.”

Arthur sighed and said nothing, waiting until Tol’vir finished crying.

“It’s decided.” He said while helping the Leopard boy dry his body, “Next time I see that guy Coves, I’ll give him a punch for you. You want me to punch him in the face, Or beat him in the stomach?”

“…all slap meows.” After crying, Tovir’s mood seemed to be much better, and he smiled at Arthur.

Actually, Arthur didn’t fail to notice that there were several unnatural things in Tol’ville’s lame lies.

However, he could clearly feel that Tol’vir’s cry was real. Without experiencing those tragic things, it is impossible to have this real cry, and there can be no such sad tears.

Therefore, Arthur would rather trust Tol’vir than expose him. He would rather not pursue the part of the truth that Tovir had hidden.

He just hoped that the Tol’vir would stop being haunted by his past.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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