Light Spirit Epic Chapter 172: Disclosure to Daylight (Part 1)


Chapter 172: Disclosure to the Day (Part 1)

The next morning.

“Tomorrow is duel, Arthur, are you ready?” Bedivere asked worriedly as he ate his breakfast. Arthur basically hasn’t prepared for battle in the past few days (only whispered a lot of things to the dragons that only they can understand), so is there really no problem? !

“I’ve thought about a few countermeasures, but I can’t know the effect until the actual battle.” Arthur said with disapproval, “Anyway, my cards are roughly grasped by Duke Yones, so I can only bite the bullet. .”

While Arthur was still talking, suddenly, a black shadow shot in from the window, pointing directly at To’vir’s eyebrows!

Pop! Arthur blocked the shadow with a knife in an instant. The thing bounced in mid-air for a few seconds before hitting the ground with its sharp point on the wooden floor. Only then did everyone see that the shadow was a pure black arrow. The surface of the arrow even glowed purple.

“It may be poisonous, don’t touch anyone!” Arthur’s mind turned instantly, and he commanded: “Lianne, use the magic shield to protect Tol’vir. Bedi, Tristan, come with me.”

“It’s too late. Seeing that the attack was not successful, they would have already fled.” Tristan shouted.

“It’s not too late,” Arthur said, “it depends on how you do.”

The murloc boy knew in his heart that the attack was launched from outside the sensing range of the Lotus Sound Magic Barrier, that is to say, the location of the opponent was at least two hundred feet away. ——An arrow from two hundred feet away! That guy is a master of assassination, and it is an inevitable action to escape at high speed after a single blow. I’m afraid it’s gone now! Arthur still wants to chase? Is this a fool’s dream?

Tristan wondered, and followed Arthur and Bedivere out of the house. At the same time, Arthur shouted, “Beddie, which direction? Be precise!”

“The direction of 11:05,” the werewolf boy called immediately, discerning the smell in the air. The scent on the poison arrow formed a line in the world of his sense of smell. On this windless day, the direction of the line is clearly presented.

“Tristan, can you help me with a stepping shot like Ivan did?” Arthur asked again.

“Never tried. But it’s possible to shoot a Frostbolt strong enough to push people. Shooting in your back? Don’t blame me for hurting you.” Tristan aimed in the direction Bedivere was pointing, ready to cast his magic .

“Just shoot!” Arthur ran in the direction Bedi pointed, waiting for Tristan’s shot.

“…Never mind!” Tristan charged up and released his magic. He shoots a huge ice arrow, and uses the magic of orbital acceleration to instantly accelerate the ice arrow to the speed of a bullet, and fly straight in the direction of Arthur. Arthur rolled in a volley, stepped on the Frostbolt steadily, and flew out with the Frostbolt.

“It’s so convenient, I must learn this trick.” Tristan said enviously.

The Frostbolt that flew out at high speed quickly caught up with the assassin. The assassin was still running desperately, but he saw that he was about to be caught up, so he immediately turned his head and shot an arrow at Arthur!

“Naive!” Arthur smashed the Frostbolt used as a stepping stone with his sword, and the fragments of the Frostbolt were scattered towards the assassins like shotguns, which not only lowered the assassin’s attack, but also raised ice fog to cover the opponent’s sight.

“Caught you!” Arthur had come to the assassin’s back and chopped off his feet with a sword. Another sword, cut off the left arm. The last sword cut off the entire bowl of the right hand!

Seeing that he couldn’t run away, the fox assassin opened his mouth, intending to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

“You think beautiful!” Arthur had already put a dozen rags ready into the foxman’s mouth.

Roll and roll. The foxman, who had been cut into a human stick, rolled on the ground for a long distance before stopping, and Arthur walked over slowly, grabbing the assassin’s hair and hanging him up.

“Hey, aren’t you dead yet?” Arthur asked coldly.

The Foxman Assassin has long since lost consciousness due to excessive blood loss.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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