Light Spirit Epic Chapter 161: Sinking to the Nightmare (True)


Chapter 161: Falling into Nightmare (True)

Bedivere sighed. Just as he couldn’t do anything about the Tol’vir, his necklace began to shimmer. He suddenly realized that this gentle gleam was exactly the kind of light that had saved him from a nightmare just now.

In the mood to give it a try, Bedivere took off the necklace, held it in his hand, and used this hand to tightly hold Tovel’s palm.

The icy hands of the Leopard boy were gradually covered by a shimmer of light, and his face, which had been distorted by pain, gradually showed a trace of serenity.

“I don’t know what you’ve been through,” whispered Bedivere, “but may you find your way forward in this light.”

In the next instant, Bedivere actually saw it. Surrounding them, there were many figures glowing with light. Bedivere didn’t know the leopards among them, he only vaguely felt that these people should be Tovir’s clansmen.

A Leopard woman smiled at Bedivere. Brady sensed that this should be Tol’ville’s mother.

She wasn’t angry.

Then, these figures turned into countless white lights, escaping into the air.

“Mum…” The leopard boy opened his tearful eyes and looked at Bedivere. He was stunned at first, but it took a few seconds to finally understand the current situation.

“Thank you… thank you meow.” Tol’vir whispered. There was a childishness in his voice, and it seemed that he was younger than Bedivere imagined.

“You don’t have any reason to thank me. You conquered your own nightmare.” Bedivere said, “You are stronger than you think, Tol’vir.”

“Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo out,” Toville cried in Bedivere’s arms without saying a word.

“Uh, what a terrifying trial…” Evan seemed to have gotten rid of the nightmare, and slowly walked over, clutching his aching head, “Are you all okay?”

“Fortunately,” Bedivere said, “I had a sad and nostalgic dream.”

“Me too. I don’t know how many years I haven’t recalled the tragedy of my mother’s death in the plague.” Evan said, “Uh…that murloc guy still seems to be in a nightmare, What to do?”

“Spider!!” Tristan shouted hoarsely, jumping up and waking up.

The others looked at Tristan and said nothing.

“Ow…” Tristan covered his face, his voice full of shame, “Can someone lend me a pair of pants? I think I pee.”

“Huhu…I’m sorry,” Bedivere laughed, “I think my pants are wet…”

“Me too…” Evan said with a wry smile.

Tol’vir covered his face and said nothing.

“His hissing!” The nightmare on the side was hissing at this time.

“What’s the matter, bastard!” Tristan provocatively said, “Your mental attack is no longer effective against us! Come over and fight me one-on-one!?”

“Don’t provoke it!” cried Bedivere. “There’s something wrong with the atmosphere…what’s the matter?”

He vaguely felt a certain sense of disobedience in the cave, which he had never experienced when he came here just now.

“Not good! The barrier here is going to be broken! Everyone run away!!” he shouted.

Rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble! !

The whole black island is shaking. Even Arthur and the others who were waiting outside the cave felt that something bad was about to happen.

“How is that possible?! The barrier of Black Island is obviously impossible to destroy!” Greenville said in surprise.

“…Perhaps we’ve underestimated the power of nightmares.” Arthur drew his sword.

“Arthur, Nightmare will use nightmares to devour other people’s hearts. If it escapes from here, there will be tens of thousands of victims in one day.” Greenville also had to reveal The weapon, “Since the enchantment is no longer useful, then we have to…kill it!”

“Conventional weapons may not work, but the sword of kings in your hand may really be able to hurt the nightmare. I can only hope so!” she said, “I will try my best to attract its attention. Force, you rush over to give it a fatal blow.”

At this time, Bedivere and his group had already escaped from the cave at a very fast pace.


“What did you guys do? How did you break the barrier!?” Arthur reprimanded, but he also knew that the blame was useless, and it was better to focus on dealing with the nightmare that was about to rush out of the cave. .

Nightmare broke through the blockade of the numerous enchantments in the cave, only a few seconds later than Bedivere and the others. Greenville calculated the timing, raised the photon hammer, and smashed the exit of the cave.

The rubble fell and hit Nightmare. Although it wasn’t really buried or injured, there was a moment of hesitation. Taking advantage of this moment, Arthur had already rushed over and stabbed Nightmare’s chest with a sword!

“Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Arthur found himself surrounded by suffocation, his sword only inches away from piercing the monster’s heart, but his body would not obey.

The knight in black armor appeared in front of him. He saw the figure of this man. Although he knew it was an illusion, he still felt his whole body go weak.

“Yayaya Arthur thurse thurse——” That voice echoed infinitely in the darkness.


The knight in black armor flashed in front of Arthur like a ghost, and the sword fell!

(I don’t know who you are, but you can’t scare me!)

Arthur did not hide or escape, he parried a blow from the black armored knight. The two swords clashed, and the sound of the collision was so real and so unpleasant.

(I’m not afraid of you, I’m no longer afraid of you! I’m not what I used to be!)

The knight in black armor drew numerous sword blows, and Arthur blocked each one with his sword.

“Why don’t you die quickly!” The black armored knight scolded while attacking, “You **** with nothing, you came from nothingness, just return to nothingness!”

“I don’t have nothing!” Arthur picked up the black armored knight’s sword, rushed over, and stabbed the sword in the knight’s heart, “I have more than you can imagine!!”

Exactly. He has all the light in the world, and these lights have illuminated his path from the beginning, so he is not nothing.

In reality, Arthur plucked up the courage to stab forward, so that the tip of the King’s Sword finally reached the heart of the nightmare, and nailed the monster to the stone wall.


Arthur had to keep leaning over to dodge, but he still had a large chunk of flesh bitten off his left shoulder.

In his hallucination, it was the black armored knight who slashed his left arm with a sword, and Arthur was in a desperate situation!

“Go to hell, bastard!” The opponent slashed his sword to cut off the head of Arthur who couldn’t escape!

“I won’t!——” Arthur dodged the final blow, “I won’t lose to you again!!” He rushed over and bit the opponent’s throat in one bite!

In the real world, Arthur did the same thing. He dodged the Nightmare’s attack, took advantage of the flaws revealed by the opponent, and rushed over at once, like a lion catching its prey, and instantly bit the Nightmare’s throat.

This savage and ruthless attack made everyone present dumbfounded.

Piercing Nightmare’s heart and biting its throat at the same time, the monster struggled a few times, and finally died on the spot.

“Uh, that’s disgusting!” Arthur came back to his senses and found the stench of monster blood in his mouth. He quickly spit out, hoping to clear the stench and disgusting taste from his mouth. Lose.

“Please, don’t bite if you know it’s disgusting!?” Greenville said in disgust.

“How can I take care of so much in such a critical situation?!” Arthur drew his sword, blood spurted out of Nightmare’s chest immediately, and the monster fell to the ground like mud and would never move again.

“Are you all alright!?” Arthur looked at Bedivere and the others, his eyes couldn’t help falling on the boys’ soaked pants, “Oh, it doesn’t seem like it’s all right. These idiots. Shaxing, you won your bet, should you be happy?”

“The evil star?”

The red fire dragon evil star lay on the ground and did not move. He was affected by the black gas released by the nightmare just now, and is now trapped in his own nightmare.

“Mother… don’t!——” When Arthur went to check the situation of the evil star, he vaguely heard the evil star’s dream.

“It’s nerve-racking, what should we ride back?” Arthur said.

“Can’t you still summon the White Dragon Xianvia?” Tristan said with disapproval.

“Xianvia’s self-esteem is so will not agree to take us for a ride.” Arthur said helplessly, “I have no choice but to find a hotel in a village near the coast.”

“I want to change my pants before that…” Bedivere said blushing.

“Tsk, you should slowly clean up the mess here.” Greenville said, “With such a big thing, even the nightmare used for the Knights’ trial was killed. I have to go back and report the situation. Thank you, I guess I’ll be scolded! I’ll go first.”

“Oh, oh… sorry for causing you trouble.” Arthur said with a naive expression.

“You group of plague gods will definitely increase the workload for me—goodbye.” Greenville muttered, while packing up the medical equipment that had been prepared, and then sat on the iron horse, hurriedly gone.

“It’s coming and going in a hurry.” Tristan said with a wry smile as he looked at Greenville’s cavalry.

“Did she also see some hallucinations and was hit?” Bedivere asked in a low voice.

“Perhaps. Even if it is, she is already strong enough to pretend that nothing has happened.” Arthur said, hugging the still unconscious Shaxing. The red dragon was hot like a stove, and if Arthur hadn’t had the power of a dragon, he would have been burned already.

“Let’s go, let’s get out of this hell,” Arthur said absently.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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