Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1387: The ultimate battle is in the deep end


Chapter 1387 The ultimate battle against the hidden teeth (3)

After hearing what Duke Gwynne said, Bedivere immediately showed an expression of disgust and disbelief at the same time: “Shouldn’t the Knights of the Round Table have a lot to do and be very busy? However, Lord Gwynn But it seems to be very busy.”

Although Solal remained silent, he showed a subtle expression—an expression mixed with anger, disgust, surprise, and anxiety. The expression was so complicated that when Solar showed such a complicated expression, Bedivere looked at the magic swordsman with a puzzled look.

“Interesting…so you’ve never changed.” An intriguing whisper from Solar afterwards made it even more puzzling.

“Perhaps.” Knight of the Round Table Gwen hummed and said with a smile: “The Elaine you are talking about should be Elaine the White Bear, one of the candidates for the round table trial, right? I have always paid attention to that child. The round table trial It’s unbearable that one of the examinees was kidnapped. As one of the examiners, I have an obligation to rescue the child.”

“Whatever you want to say.” Bedivere didn’t bother to reason with Duke Gwynne: “The biggest problem right now is that we don’t even know where Elaine was caught. If we don’t even have a clue, then Elaine can’t be saved.”

“Before you fainted, did you remember anything, Mr. Solar?” Gwen turned his gaze to the magic swordsman.

“I really don’t remember…” Solar touched his head, which was still bandaged. At this moment, he can be said to have a splitting headache, not to mention that he was in a panic during the fight to **** Elaine, and there was no way to observe the surrounding situation clearly.

“You really can’t remember anything?” Bedivere also urged Solar: “Come on, try harder. Elaine relies on your memory to find it back.”

They all know that human traffickers who act so carefully are definitely not idle people. It has been several hours since the incident began. The traffickers have had enough time to clean up the scene, and it is absolutely impossible to leave any more evidence at the scene of the incident. In other words, everything Solar saw at the time was all the information that could be used. If Solar couldn’t remember even the slightest clue, tracking Elaine would be completely impossible.

“Um…” Solar thought hard while holding his head, but from his distressed look, it could be seen that he couldn’t remember anything.

Bedivere’s expression gradually became solemn. Things might be worse than he expected.

At this moment, Duke Gwyn spoke: “Okay, go and lie down on the table next to me. I’ll do something.”

“No!” Solar glared at the Knights of the Round Table: “I don’t need your help!”

“Do you have a better way?”

Solar is at a loss for words. Although he was very reluctant, the magic swordsman seemed to have no choice but to follow the words of Gwen, the Knight of the Round Table.

Bediver was at a loss, all he knew was what Gwen did to Solar, and what it was, he had to read it to understand. So he stood silently watching, watching the magic swordsman Solar lay flat on the table, and the middle-aged knight of the round table also walked to the table and announced in a low voice: “Relax. I’m going to start.”

Solar still looks reluctant, looking uncomfortable as he lies on the uncomfortable hardwood desk. As soon as Duke Gwen’s words fell, a gray-black smoke slowly poured out of the sleeves of his outstretched hands. The smoke rushed towards Solar as if alive, covering the face of the magic swordsman. Solar sucked the smoke in.

“Relax. Your consciousness is now back to the moment Elaine was kidnapped three hours ago,” whispered Gwen, the Knight of the Round Table. “Open your eyes, take a good look, and see what’s around you?”

Bediver basically understands this. Gwen was using some kind of smoke to hypnotize Solar, using hypnosis to stimulate the deep memory of the magic swordsman, so that Solar could recall every detail of the fight at that time.

“I saw… a man…” The magic swordsman replied in a low voice, “I heard the voice was a middle-aged man, his face could not be seen clearly, he was wearing a black robe with His face was hidden. The robe was dirty, the sleeves and the hem of the trousers were slightly tattered black robe. There was nothing on the black robe, but… but he used a dark gold belt to hold the black robe. The robe was wrapped around him. There was no mistake, he moved, and the metallic luster of the dark-gold belt was faintly revealed from the corners of his floating clothes. The belt looked a bit similar to a chain. Every inch was a lock, and the front could See… ten knuckles, so this guy’s waist is about…twenty inches? There’s also a noticeable scratch on the seventh knuckle from the left, it seems It was cut by a knife, and then smelted and repaired with metal.”

“Humph.” Bedivere hummed softly. I have never heard of this character, but Solal’s description under hypnosis is so powerful that it is so accurate.

Gwen paused for a moment, then continued to hint: “I’ve never heard of this character, and our primary target right now is not him. Leave him alone for now and look at other details. Like the venue? “

“Humph…” Solar continued trying to recall: “The site…is very dry. The gravel floor of the desert, next to the port….Many container holds, Nothing particularly useful…well…this port is marked all over… Daddy’s pier.”

“I knew it.” Bedivere sighed softly: “Everything is now connected. The legendary richest man, Father Sphinx, is really the mastermind behind the kidnapping incident!”

“No, not necessarily.” The Knight of the Round Table, Gwen, analyzed without emotion: “The Sphinx has a lot of industries in Cairo, both underworld and white. It can’t be said that a kidnapping of people happened in the In the dock of the Sphinx, it means that the Sphinx is behind it.”

The werewolf youth was silent. He originally wanted to say that this Sphinx had direct contact with Palamidis and others, and perhaps the contact with Palamidis was conspiracy to do something. But he thought about it further, Daddy Sphinx didn’t seem to have seen Elaine the white bear, nor did he seem to have a direct motive to kidnap Elaine? That being the case, he really couldn’t insist that the kidnapping was caused by the Sphinx.

“Well, let’s ignore the venue for now.” Duke Gwen continued to ask: “Look at the others. Besides the black-robed man who is your opponent, they must have other comrades, right? They have What characteristics? Look carefully.”

“A group of Egyptians…basically brown and black with rough skin, apparently working as coolies on the construction site all year round, exposed to the sun and rain.” Solar went on to recall the details: “It was also a ragged sackcloth…a lot of patches, not enough holes…the kind of poor enough to do anything dirty for money. The local hooligan. Basically no shoes, but running very fast on that kind of gravel, they are used to this kind of terrain. They carried Elaine on a stretcher, and Elaine basically had no strength to struggle… …foaming at the mouth, is it anesthesia…”

The Knights of the Round Table hurriedly interrupted: “You are distracted. Leave the white bear alone for now and continue to observe the group of coolies.”

“There’s nothing to say…that group of coolies are dressed…it’s really ordinary…I guess it’s to hide their identity, so try to use ordinary clothes as much as possible. Hey, Wait!… The stretcher who took the lead… There seems to be something on his waist…”

“Very well, pay full attention to him.” Duke Gwyn ordered, “Focus your vision on his waist. Now, he is continuing to move at one-tenth of his original speed. Take a good look. Look closely at him, what exactly is on his waist! One step, two steps——“

“Under the ripped hole in the clothes can be seen…small…black. It seems…some kind of weapon…hidden in A small dagger for emergency use around the waist.”

“Three steps. Four steps.” Gwen continued to use “slow motion” to help Solar recall: “Look, what the **** is that?”

“That’s… the… hilt of the dagger! That’s right, it’s the hilt!” Solar seemed to see more and more clearly: “The hilt of the dagger seems to have something …? Ugh! I can’t see clearly! Still moving too fast!”

“Five steps!” Gwen continued to hint: “The flow of time is one-thousandth of the original. Now? What the **** is that thing?”

“It is…it has…wings…its mouth is sharp and hooked…its head is ugly…. a bald head…it’s…a vulture!”

Solar suddenly woke up from half-sitting up and shouting: “Yes, it’s a vulture! Vulture’s coat of arms! Where have I seen this coat of arms!”

Bediver has seen the same coat of arms everywhere. The answer is already on the horizon.

“The Muhammad Merchant Group.” The werewolf whispered.

“What? The Mohammed Merchant?” Solar looked at Bedivere in surprise. “That—a—the Mohammed Merchant? The Mohammed Merchant that we used to be guards on the ship?”

“Yes.” The important thing had to be said three times, Bedivere couldn’t help muttering. He turned to look at Solar with a serious face: “Looking at your appearance, I guess you still don’t know what the Mohammed Merchant Group was carrying in that mission, right?”

“I heard it’s food…mainly canned fish.” Magic Swordsman Solar scratched his head: “It’s the smell of fish that attracts those desert sharks, isn’t it?”

“I knew it.” Bedivere sighed, “Solar, you’re an idiot. That sand boat was actually transporting drugs under the pretense of transporting food. Under the boxes of canned fish. What’s really hidden is actually tons of narcotics.”


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