Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1371: Trapped in the deceitful way (43)


Chapter 1371 Trapped in the trick (forty-three)

Accident investigation report on second capital London attacked by out-of-control machinery:

At about 9 o’clock today, a small ship under research and development in the laboratory of Fort Elsenburg, the base of the Eastern Sky Knights, was attacked by a malicious **** and lost control. The looted small ships ran rampant in the downtown area of ​​London, causing 112 buildings to collapse or be damaged, and the number of casualties among Londoners reached 557.

According to preliminary investigations, the accident was caused by the notorious terrorist organization, the Order of Twilight. Although the cult organization, the Order of Twilight, has not made any statement on the incident, Great Britain has sufficient evidence to link the Order of Twilight to the attack.

The Kingdom of Great Britain strongly condemns and protests the Order of Twilight.

(30,000 words omitted below)

It is reported that the small ship hijacked in this incident was a mining ship secretly developed by the Merlin Institute to mine rare ores in deep formations. The purpose of the Twilight Order’s attack was most likely to hinder the economic development of the Kingdom of Great Britain, or even to compete for resources with the Kingdom of Great Britain.

In view of this, Great Britain will never put the research plan on hold because of the attack of the ****, but will accelerate the plan and increase the security of the research institute to ensure that similar incidents will not happen again.

The Knights of Great Britain will also start an inventory of the dens of various secret organizations across the country, vowing to eliminate various criminal gangs and terrorist organizations hiding in the country.

(The following 30,000 words will be omitted)

Sincerely, the Cabinet of Great Britain.

In the office of Fort Elsenburg, the base of the Knights of the East, King Arthur peruses a manuscript. It took him about a minute to read and memorize the manuscript with tens of thousands of words. After a preliminary understanding of the contents of the manuscript, the King of Knights couldn’t help showing a knowing and mischievous smile.

“Interesting idea.” The King of Knights turned his head and glanced at the strange Oriental Crab Man: “Vivian just said a few words casually, did you put it into practice and write such a wonderful report manuscript? ? You did a great job, Mr. Li Daoyuan.”

“Please don’t praise me, Your Majesty.” The wonderful Oriental scratched his head with his giant crab claws, looking embarrassed, “I don’t deserve your praise. In fact, in my country, this is fabricated. False reporting of this magnitude is not uncommon.”

“Really?” The King of Knights just thought it was incredible.

“Because Nanliang has long been shrouded in darkness, there will be some problems every day. If you tell the truth to the people, it will definitely cause chaos. Therefore, our monarch will always ask his ministers to try to cover up the truth. , to make some false political reports. It is indeed embarrassing to say that a country’s government should lie to its own people one after another. But that is also a way out of nowhere.”

The King of Knights grunted and stopped talking.

“Okay.” The Knight of the Round Table, Jaglow, took the manuscript from the king: “This is probably what I want to explain to the public. Your Majesty, you only need to show your face a little in the next press conference. That’s it. I’ll take over and deal with it later. It’s just a press conference, and you don’t need to worry about it, Your Majesty.”

The King of Knights laughed: “No, cousin Jaglow. How could I miss such an interesting thing?”

“Interesting?” The Knights of the Round Table were puzzled: “This should just be a boring press conference——“

“Trust me, things will get interesting.” The King of Knights, however, appeared confident, as if he could foresee something.

“That’s what I’m most afraid of.” Jaglowe looked at King Arthur with a little fear: “Your Majesty, are you planning to do anything out of the ordinary? Please don’t do this again! You are the king of Great Britain, The head of a country, the representative of the country’s solemnity and power! If you speak indiscriminately to provoke the masses, your Majesty’s reputation will deteriorate!”

King Arthur slapped the knight of the Round Table Jaglow on the shoulder with a smirk: “Fuck, don’t worry, cousin Jaglow. I only have a sense of proportion. If you’re really so worried, I’ll follow you. The original plan was to show a few words at the beginning, and then only be responsible for listening, and all the rest of the speeches were done by you.”

Yaglowe thought about it, although he still felt that it was not very reliable, but he couldn’t find the slightest flaw in the words of the King of Knights. He thought that as long as he was there, no matter how the king came, he would have a way to stop it. So there shouldn’t be a problem… right?

Ten minutes later, at the press conference in the Nave Auditorium of Fort Elsenburg.

“The above is the summary of the incident.” The King of Knights smiled coldly. “The following detailed information will be explained to you by our dear Lord Jaglow. Please feel free to ask questions.”

Jagrovillo gave King Arthur a gloomy look, but said nothing.

“So!” A large group of reporters were already eager to raise their hands to ask questions.

“The one over there. That’s right, you, the gentleman with the plaid tie.” King Arthur picked a reporter at random.

“Okay.” The middle-aged male reporter stood up from his chair, his slightly bald forehead gleaming in the light: “I want to ask, about this so-called [mining ship], what exactly is it? What specific ore is it used to collect underground?”

“Sorry, this matter involves the military secrets of Great Britain, we can’t answer you.” Jaglowe replied quite cleverly.

“Yes, then——“

“Each person can only ask one question at a time,” King Arthur interrupted.

In desperation, the middle-aged male reporter had to sit back on the bench.

Another group of reporters raised their hands.

“You, the lady in the black shirt over there.” The Knight King pointed out again.

A young female reporter stood up: “While we can’t know what minerals are being mined by mining ships, the government should at least tell us if this deep underground mining is safe? Are you sure this Wouldn’t mining lead to dangerous radiation leaks, or formation collapse or something like that?”

“First of all, mining is not carried out underground in London, or any densely populated city, so there is no need to worry about landslides.” Jaglowe had already thought up a full set of words to deal with, and at this moment, he was answering like a bell. Use the memorized lies as if they were true.

“Secondly, you can rest assured that the ore and radiation to be mined will not touch at all. There will be no problem.”

The female reporter nodded and sat down.

“The gentleman in the fuchsia tie with orange polka dots.” The King of Knights named again, “By the way, you have terrible taste in clothing.”

King Arthur’s words caused a burst of laughter in the venue, and the young male reporter stood up awkwardly and asked: “Okay…about what to mine, I won’t ask anymore. But one thing makes I am very concerned about: the Twilight Order mentioned in the report, which is very likely to be involved in the case, how did they know about a secret research project in the Knights of Great Britain? It is because the Knights of Great Britain’s information confidentiality is not good enough , did this incident happen? Or is it because you were negligent in your——“

“You can only ask one question at a time.” Jaglowy, the Knight of the Round Table, made a disgusted expression and refused to answer.

“Ahem!” However, King Arthur winked from the Knights of the Round Table, motioning Jaglow to answer the question.

In desperation, the Knights of the Round Table cleared their throats and replied, “No. This mining ship research project is not considered a high-secret technology within Great Britain, it is actually a semi-public technology. According to the agreement signed seven years ago The Geneva Treaty, the Allies of Great Britain can enjoy the use and research and development rights of this semi-public technology. I am afraid that many people have already known about the research and development of mining ships in Elsenburg.

It is true, however, that we acknowledge that the Knights of Great Britain were negligent in their vigilance in this incident. We also never expected a mining ship to be snatched by a gangster and cause so much damage in the city – that ship hasn’t even been commissioned and no one can guarantee it Can move. The Order of Twilight exploited a loophole in our security and created such a tragedy. The British government expresses its deep condolences and apologies to the people who lost their lives. “

“Wow——” The reporters in the audience couldn’t help but murmured and began to express their dissatisfaction with Jaglow’s statement.


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