Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1368: Trapped in the deceitful way (40)


Chapter 1368 Trapped in the trick (forty)

“Yes, but!” Seglade jumped up and down in anger: “It’s annoying enough to be forcibly turned into an old urchin, who would know that there was a giant meow hiding in the lake! He almost killed me meow! What the **** is it, Frost Giant Meow?”

“Oh, don’t call him the Frost Giant. He’s a far nobler, older and purer race than the Frost and Fire giants you know.” Father Odin turned his head and continued on the anvil Knocking on the iron: “That’s a Jotunn.”

“Jotun… Giant Meow?”

“They are the ancestors of the giants. They are much larger than the giants you know in terms of strength and size, and they know all kinds of profound magic. Many ancient civilizations will worship the Jotun giants as gods. It can be seen that their status among the giants. The Jotun giant in the lake is our dragon hunters trying to [please] go to the forest in order to increase the deterrent force, but he usually falls asleep at the bottom of the lake, and he is rarely attacked. Alarmed. Did you do something to the lake to wake him up?”

“Uh…you’re right about that, meow.” Seglade remembered waving a Luna steel long tomahawk to the water in order to escape from the icy lake. The huge wave that hit was enough to startle any creature on the bottom of the lake.

“But why didn’t he come to kill me at first, and then appeared after ten minutes?”

“Isn’t that simple?” Father Odin hummed and said, “That lake is usually a place where a group of pseudo-dragons take a bath. Those little things have a habit of cleanliness, and they have to take a bath at least three times a day, and they are very naughty. Playing in the water and making waves are also common. The water of that lake is already full of the magic of the pseudo-dragons and their smell. When you fall into the lake, you are also covered with the smell of the pseudo-dragons. Jotun giant It’s common for naughty behaviors of those little guys to be ignored. But you are different. You are an outsider.”

The leopard boy took a deep breath and suddenly realized: “Because I was in a hurry to make a fire to dry my body, the pseudo-dragon smell on my body gradually dissipated — so he recognized me. Meow!”

“Probably.” The old man replied nonchalantly, “I thought you would be a smarter kitten, but that’s not all. I advise you to stay away from the wooded area of ​​Norway for the next few months. Stay away. Giant Jotun is vengeful, and he already remembers your taste. You’d better keep a low profile until he completely forgets you.”

“I can’t go into that forest area, meow?” Seglade protested, “How can I do this, meow! I have to catch a pseudo-dragon, so I can’t give up halfway!”

“Pseudo-dragon? Didn’t you catch one?”


Daddy Odin stretches his finger to Segred’s shoulder.

It was only then that Seglade noticed that there was something lying on his shoulder.

“Huh?” The little silver pseudo-dragon called out to the leopard boy.

“When did you come with me, meow?” This unexpected discovery surprised Seglade for a while, but his joy only lasted for two seconds: “But it’s useless, meow. This child is still young, It is estimated that there is no magic power, meow. To enchant the pine resin, you have to let other pseudo-dragons do it.”

“No, it has nothing to do with age. As long as they are pseudo-dragons, they can use their bodily fluids to enchant pine resin.” Father Odin hummed: “And your kid has found a treasure. This little guy is quite It is a rare star silver pseudo-dragon, it is a variety of [all attribute preference], which means that the fire, lightning, and ice enchantments made from its body fluids are all equally powerful.”

“Yes, meow?” Seglade took another look at the little silver lizard: “I didn’t expect you to be useful, meow.”

“呱~” The little pseudo-dragon swiped the leopard boy’s face with his tail in protest.

“Now you’ve got what you want,” Father Odin handed Seglade his clothes again: “Should you put your clothes on and hurry back to your hotel? ? You kid keeps getting in the way of my work, it’s annoying.”

“Uh! Alright meow…” Seglade was flushed with shame when he remembered that he had only been wearing a loincloth since just now.

“呱~” The little pseudo-dragon sniffed Seglade and immediately climbed to the top of the leopard boy’s head.

“But Mr. Hank’s pants fell over there, sorry meow.” Seglade apologized as he put on his clothes.

“I’ll come back and find a way to recover it.” The old man didn’t really care, after all, he was free to enter and exit the wooded area of ​​Norway, and the giant Jotun only hunted down Segred, not Odin. .

Seeing the pseudo-dragon sniffing at his own appearance, Seglade figured it all out at this time. He lowered his voice and asked Father Odin faintly: “Actually, there is still a shortcut to capture the pseudo-dragon.”

“Oh? Let’s hear it?” The old man deliberately remained calm, following the words of the leopard boy.

“These little things rely on their scent to identify their companions. This pseudo-dragon rejected me at first. I wanted to catch it, and it drenched its face with its urine.” Seglade analyzed: ” However, when I accidentally fell into the lake and was in a hurry to keep warm and save my life, it came to help me meow. Because of the lake water full of pseudo-dragon smell on my body, it regarded me as its companion meow .”

“Good analysis.” The old man smiled calmly.

” However, anyone who doesn’t know who touches the big lake will be very troubled by the effect of rejuvenation, and secondly, it is very likely to be attacked by the giant Jotun, so this method of gaining the trust of the pseudo-dragons is also very risky. Very high meow.” Seglade rolled his eyes at Father Odin: “That’s right, it’s almost foolproof, you dragon hunters have thought about everything so thoughtfully meow.”

“Huhuhu, you don’t need to appreciate it. In the end, you still got a fake dragon for Isn’t that good?” The old man sneered.

Seglade rolled his eyes at the old man. He knew very well that he was just lucky this time. He happened to encounter a small pseudo-dragon who didn’t recognize the life, and he happened to have lake water with the smell of a pseudo-dragon on his body, and was mistaken for a companion. He was even just extreme enough to survive the pursuit of the Jotun giant. Father Odin took Seglade to hunt down the pseudo-dragon, basically taking him into a death trap, leaving the leopard boy to fend for himself.

What does this old man have in mind?

“What are you still stunned for? Hurry up?” Father Odin suspected that Syglade was obstructing his work, and began to evict guests.

“Wait, meow.” The leopard boy picked up the smelting hammer: “Lend me the furnace, I have to forge something more meow.”

“Thinking of what to use tomorrow?”

“Hmm…that’s an idea meow.” Seglade replied. He recalled the experience of escaping from the giant Jotun just now, and while looking at a large piece of metal material on the side, a silhouette gradually emerged in his eyes.

The outline of the wheel.


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