Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1366: Trapped in the deceitful way (38)


Chapter 1366 Trapped in the Bewildering Way (38)

“Daddy! Daddy Odin meow!!” Seglade rushed back like a storm, and immediately returned to the stone house of Daddy Odin in Egypt through the portal: “Look at me! How did I change? It’s like this meow!!”

“Oh.” The old man who was forging iron by the fire couldn’t help but put down his work and turned to look at the panicked little leopard.

Seglade must be looking very funny and downright at the moment, he is wearing a shirt that is a full circle larger than his body, no pants, and a loincloth around his waist. People who don’t know it will definitely think that this child is a little lunatic who ran away from where, and is worried about being separated from his parents.

However, all this has long been expected by Father Odin. He calmly hummed, and then slowly scolded: “I told you thousands of times, don’t go near that lake. Why don’t you listen?”

“How did I know the lake would make me look like this meow!!” Seglade complained angrily: “If there is a monster in the lake, I’d say, at least I can pick up a weapon and fight it meow! But what the **** is this meow! I’ve become a child meow!!”

“Huhuhuhu——” Father Odin was actually laughing so hard that he was about to collapse. He covered his mouth and tried his best to hold back the laughter. He finally took a breath and said: “That The lake is the failure of our dragon hunters to study the mystery of immortality before, which is the so-called [(pseudo) rejuvenation potion]. Anyone who jumps into the lake to bathe, the body’s cell activity will be temporarily stimulated by the magic of the lake water. , to achieve the effect of rejuvenation.”

“Temporary? That means this state is not forever meow?”

“Of course it doesn’t last forever. Otherwise, it won’t be called a failure.” Father Odin sneered: “How long have you been immersed in the water?”

“Um… ten seconds—no, maybe a minute, meow.” Considering the dulled sense of time when he’s in the water, Seglade reckons come up with a number.

“A minute. That’s fine.” Father Odin snorted: “Then the effect of your rejuvenation will only last for about forty hours.”

“What meow!?” The leopard young man was immediately displeased: “Forty hours is… almost two days, meow?! I have to keep this look and endure for two days meow?! There is no antidote meow?!”

Daddy Odin shook his head. How could there be an antidote for this kind of thing.

“Then what should I do for tomorrow’s game meow?”

The old man shrugged his shoulders irresponsibly: “God knows. I will fight with this child’s body.”

“How can you meow! Quickly think of a way meow!!”

“There’s no other way, just give up. You’ll have nothing to lose, except that you’re smaller and a little more inconvenient to move around. The experience in your mind is exactly the same as before, and— —” Father Odin reached out and squeezed Seglade’s little arm: “Sure enough. The muscle structure of the orcs is very special. Although it seems to have been reduced by the water of rejuvenation, your strength should not be It will attenuate too much. At least in terms of strength, you won’t be at a big disadvantage in fighting your opponent.”

“But, this is still too stupid meow!” The little leopard waved his arms in panic: “Even if I don’t mention the issue of strength, I will definitely be criticized for playing like this, meow? Besides, the round table trials Whether the organizer is willing to let children play is also a problem——“

But as soon as he said this, he stopped immediately. He realized he was slapping himself by saying that. This year’s round table trial has a very young contestant – the white-haired boy Mordred.

For the Knights of the Round Table, power is everything, and other details are ignored. Even a kid like Mordred can play in the game. Seglade looks like this now, and no one will stop him if he wants to play.

“But—but!——” Leopard Renqing (young) was both rational and lacking in words, so he turned around in a hurry.

Father Odin is really bad-hearted, and said with a sneer: “It’s useless for you to be in a hurry, why don’t you put on your pants first? Walking around my house in a diaper, it will affect the appearance of the city.”

“Diaper meow?——” Saying this, Seglade immediately blushed. The loincloth he was wearing not only did not loosen due to Seglade’s shrinking size, but instead shrank a circle due to the wet water, wrapping even tighter around the leopard boy’s waist.

“Uh!” It was Seglade, who was so annoyed to death, scratching his head with both hands: “Father Odin, do you have a smaller size here for me to wear meow? I can’t. Go back to the Cairo Hotel with this look!”

“You’re lucky, there’s still a set of clothes Hank wore when he was a child in the closet. I’ll borrow you too.” Father Odin held back his smile and went to get the clothes: “By the way, leave your pants over there. already?”

“I rushed back in a hurry just now, and my pants were too loose, so I fell right away. I’ll go back and get me now.” Segred sighed and hit the ground three times with the hammer of the dragon hunter. down, open the portal.

“Wait.” The old man said, “I took off my shirt, let’s do a test.”


“You just take it off. It’s Hank’s clothes, and I don’t want to break it.” The old man picked up a long sword from a weapon rack beside him. Seems like he wants to do something to Seglyde.

The leopard boy took off his short-sleeved shirt suspiciously: “What the **** are you thinking — wow!”

Before he finished speaking, he had already suffered a heavy blow from Father Odin in the chest!

The sword was so sharp that it was easy to rip through Seglade’s chest. He felt the piercing pain, saw his chest split in two, and could even see his ribs clearly!

“Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo forth!” He fell down in exclamation, the darkness eroded in front of him, he thought he was going to die.


His chest torn by the blade is healing quickly. The broken ribs were automatically reattached, and the cut flesh quickly regenerated, and the wound was completely blocked in a few seconds. Except for a little bloodstain, the fatal injury just now seemed to be a joke, as if it had never happened!

“Sure enough.”

“You, what did you do to my body?!” the Leopard boy exclaimed.

“I haven’t done anything to your body, but what the immortal lake has done to your body.” Father Odin hummed: “You are now in a state of [rejuvenation], which means, Your body’s cells are very active. A very active body, it’s easy to repair a wound.”

“I…have a super recovery ability meow?”

“Yes, congratulations on your temporary super recovery ability.” The old man said dispassionately, “I don’t know if it can last for forty hours. But look, it’s not all that you have become like this. It’s a bad thing.”

Indeed. If he has the super recovery ability like Elaine, Seglade will definitely have a huge advantage in battle. Compared with this, the small problem of becoming a child’s body is not a disadvantage at all.

Is he a blessing in disguise?

“I…I’ll go get my pants first meow…” Seglade hurriedly crawled towards the portal: “I think I’m really tired, I need to get back to the hotel as soon as possible Go inside meow. That’s it for today, meow.”

“As you wish.” Father Odin hummed and threw the clothes suitable for teenagers to the little leopard: “But I advise you to prepare some light weapons. In tomorrow’s battle, Don’t you think you can use this child’s body to wield that long and big tomahawk as usual?”

He really can’t. Even if the Luna Steel Tomahawk was shortened into a machete shape, and even if the Luna Steel weapon was originally light and turned into the appearance of a ten-year-old child, Seglade would probably not be able to wield it freely.

Seglade’s opponent tomorrow is likely to be the sharpshooter Faris. Fighting against such a formidable opponent with an incompetent weapon and wanting to win is a fool’s errand.

However, what kind of weapon should a ten-year-old’s body use to hold its hands? Choices are very limited.

“I’ll have to forge something out of Lunasteel meow.” Seglade muttered, jumping into the portal.

“Huh?” Unexpectedly, when he just returned to the Hall of Heroes of the Dragon Hunters in Norway, he immediately ran into the little silver lizard before, and almost stepped on it.

“Wow!” Luckily, Seglade was fast and avoided the little lizard when he fell.

“What are you doing here, meow?” He got up from the ground and scolded: “You know it’s dangerous here, meow? I almost crushed you meow!”

“呱~” The little lizard didn’t seem to care at all, and jumped onto Seglade’s shoulder a few times, rubbing and rubbing affectionately.

“Ha, I won’t come to catch you, but instead you stick to me and won’t let go.” The leopard boy reached out and teased the little pseudo-dragon a few times: “I want to be my friend so much, meow? But you are so young, can you? Enchanting pine resin is also a problem meow.”

“Quack.” Although he couldn’t understand what the Leopard boy said, the little lizard must have heard contempt from Seglade’s tone, so it began to protest in dissatisfaction and bit Seglyde’s cheek.

“Hahahaha, don’t make a fuss.” Seglade was not bitten, knowing that the other party was joking. He ignored the little pseudo-dragon who was tearing at the fur on his face with all his might, walked out of the ruins, and returned to the forest area to look for his dropped pants. The things were easy to find, of course, but there were so many holes in the trousers out of nowhere, apparently bitten out by some troublemaker.

“Oh my God! This is what you did, meow?!” Seglade picked up the little pseudo-dragon and scolded angrily: “You know Father Odin will kill me for this, meow !?”

“Huh?” The little thing tilted his didn’t understand at all.

“Ow…! I don’t care about this, meow! I’ll take you back and let daddy punish you meow!”

“呱~” Someone was willing to take it to play, and the pseudo-dragon wagged his tail to express his happiness. Seglyde was speechless.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook. Some giant shadow emerged from the lake full of rejuvenating potions.

That’s a thousand-foot-tall giant with ice blue skin! !

At least Daddy Odin is right, there are still monsters in the lake!

The giant sniffed and seemed to sense a familiar scent. He turned his head and found in the snow that the familiar smell came from Seglade soaked in the lake water.

Pounds! ————————— The giant was furious, and slapped the leopard boy with a palm!


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