Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1358: Trapped in the deceitful way (30)


Chapter 1358 Trapped in the trick (thirty)

Speaking of this, Bedivere was indeed shocked: “You…are you kidding?!”

“This is absolutely true.” Gwen said with a serious face: “At that time, Gwen Green was only twelve years old, but he showed amazing computer skills. He was a child prodigy. He had no children. Her Majesty and the Queen had considered adopting him. However…something happened, Gwengreen was completely hated by Queen Greenville, and the adoption had to be abandoned. It was our couple who took in the homeless man at that time. The child. Even now, the child probably still hates His Majesty King Arthur.”

So it is. Gwengreen’s disdain for King Arthur bored Bedivere. But what if that kid Gwengreen wasn’t out of pure arrogance, but because he hated the King of Knights for another reason?

“Wait.” The werewolf youth noticed something, and couldn’t help but ask in a low voice, “Don’t you think that Gwengreen is deliberately acting on his own accord and taking the opportunity to kill His Majesty King Arthur?”

The knight of the round table can’t help but look down: “It’s possible.”

“Since that’s the case,” Bedivere couldn’t help but have murderous intentions in his heart: “When I see Gwen Green, I must have a good talk with him.”

The kid is definitely a scourge. Whether he is a prodigy or not. If Gwengreen has bad intentions and wants to be unfavorable to King Arthur, Bedivere thinks it is better to get rid of this person as soon as possible.

“Please let me talk to that kid first.” The Knight of the Round Table Gwen said, “He is very young, he is in a period of rebellion, and he does things recklessly. As far as he is concerned, he is a group of fools. Under the influence of such an environment, he will inevitably become arrogant and arrogant. Everything he does may be wrong, but I know very well that child, his nature is not bad. After returning home If I can teach him well, I believe that child will repent.”

Yes, every parent sees their child as an angel. Bedivere groaned inwardly. Even if Gwengreen is bad enough, Duke Gwynne will turn a blind eye. The question is whether Gwengreen will truly repent after he has been taught, or whether he will pretend to repent and deceive his adoptive parents, but he has other plans in his mind, thinking about his next plan to deceive Arthur.

The more I think about it, the more Bedivere wants to kill Gwengrin. He seemed to be able to detect a budding evil force from Gwengreen’s back, and the only way to stop this evil force from murdering the King of Great Britain was to get rid of that boy Gwengreen.

Of course, this is all just speculation at the moment. Maybe Gwengreen wasn’t that bad, maybe he didn’t hate Arthur enough to kill him. Let’s find a way to get to the golden ship’s data room first, and see what Gwengrin has to say. Depending on the circumstances, it may not be too late to decide whether to kill Gwengreen.

Besides, with the Knights of the Round Table, Gwen, I’m afraid Bedivere won’t have a chance to do it.

The mage in the squad finally climbed over the laser trap. He is wearing light armor and robes, all of which are light equipment, so he is relatively agile. The other knight in the team is more troublesome. The heavy armor he wears is cumbersome to death. It is not easy to just lie on the ground and crawl forward. He walks in the back and the progress is greatly behind.

“The heavy armored knight of Great Britain, hum.” Bedivere sneered involuntarily. For those who don’t wear armor for a long time and fight all over the world in light clothes, the knights wearing clumsy and heavy armor are really stupid enough.

In the face of monsters, evil spirits, and other opponents that are hundreds of times stronger than humans, no matter how heavy armor is, it is useless, and its defense is comparable to that of thin paper. The armor was a blur of flesh. In that kind of battle, the more you wear, the more you can’t run, the more dangerous it is.

“Be tolerant.” However, Duke Gwyn whispered: “Not every knight is as good as you, Mr. Bedivere. Some people lack skills and can only rely on good equipment. Make up for it. Make fun of others’ weakness and lose the demeanor of a general.”

“I know…I got it.” The werewolf youth replied with a blushing face. He didn’t expect to be preached by Gwen, the Knight of the Round Table, in such a place. This big man seems to be approachable, but he is actually quite strict.

“Hello, what’s your name?” To ease the embarrassment, Bedivere turned to ask the British knight who was still crawling in the laser trap.

“Hello, sir. My name is Tarkas.” The knight was sweating and crawling cautiously, looking very nervous: “Golden Knight Tarkas.”

“Really. Tarcas, take your time, don’t be nervous.” The werewolf youth said: “We have time, it doesn’t matter.”

Although Bedivere wished that the knight would climb over the laser trap net right away, he said something against his will, persuading the man to take his time.

“Do you have a family? Do you have any children, Mr. Tarcas?” Bedivere asked casually.

“Yes. There are three children in the family, all sons. All of them are knights in the Knights of Great Britain, although they are all low-level knights.” The golden knight replied. He actually took the tension out of his conversation with Bedivere, and crawls a little faster—much better than navigating through the lasers without saying a word.

“Lower knights. Huh? Isn’t the rank of golden knights hereditary? Then why are your sons still lower knights?”

“The rule of hereditary rank of knights at the same level is an antiquities of the previous dynasty. The rule of hereditary was revised as early as the founding of Great Britain.” The Knight of the Round Table, Gwen explained: “At present, Great Britain can be hereditary. The rank of knights is only above the golden knight, and after the father’s rank is hereditary, the knight rank of the children will be lowered by one. The father is a golden knight, and the children can only start from the silver knight at most, relying on their own The strength will rise again. And——ahem, although it is not auspicious to say this, the rank of knights can only be inherited to the children after a knight dies.”

“For example, if I die in this mission, one of my three children can become a silver knight, haha.” Golden Knight Tarkas said with a wry smile.

“Oh.” Bedivere finally understood: “You are so optimistic, Mr. Golden Knight. You can still joke about your own life in this death trap.”

I didn’t expect the werewolf’s voice to fall when the problem came. The entire sand ship shook for a while, and the laser array surrounding the Golden Knight Tarkas was also affected by the shaking and began to move!

“Shit!” Bedivere was startled.

Just getting the heavily armored knight to climb out of the intricate laser trap is already difficult. Now the laser traps have changed, and those lasers are still moving up and down, left and right! The complexity of the laser trap net has greatly increased, and even Bedivere has no confidence to pass through it without injury. If he doesn’t do anything, the golden knight still in the trap net will surely die!

“By the way.” Bedivere took out a flash grenade and photographed the silver bracelet on his right arm.

[Time Magic] activates. The world in Bedivere’s eyes seemed to freeze suddenly after receiving the acceleration effect. He threw a flash bomb to illuminate it, then established the goal of rescue, and rushed towards the laser trap net!

Dodge left, dodge right. His movements were neat and tidy, and there was nothing superfluous. He crossed the barrier of dozens of lasers and soon came to Tarkas. But two people. In this case, the amount of [Accelerated Water] may not be enough. In desperation, Bedivere patted the silver bracelet again and injected another dose of [Accelerating Water] into his body.

Then he put one hand on the shoulders of the golden knight Tarkas: “Move!”

Time is transitive. All objects that Bedivere touches in an accelerated state will also accelerate. Tarkas, who had been still at first, gradually became active. He looked at the stagnant world in front of him and couldn’t help but be surprised.

“There is no time to be surprised.” Bedivere said: “Get out of here!”

He took Tarcas by the hand and escaped the laser trap net by the shortest route he could imagine. However, he missed one thing, and that was the heavy armor of Tarkas. Heavy armor is both thick and massive, and almost a set of armor is equivalent to the weight of Bedivere alone. And the [acceleration water] that Bedivere injected into his body was actually only enough to accelerate the weight of two people. When the werewolf saw the world that was gradually getting faster in front of him, he knew that it was the heavy armor that was in trouble!

Surrounded by dozens of lasers, they were moving at an inconspicuous speed at first, but now they are moving faster and faster, turning into a waist-high fence!

Bediver can always get through by tumbling, but he’s taking a man with him! And that man was a knight who was wearing heavy armor and was dying! It is absolutely impossible for two people to travel through the past! The only thing Bedivere can do at the moment is——

“Sure!” The werewolf made a decisive decision and lifted the golden knight up.

Tossed hard!

With the brute force of an orc, throwing a heavily armored knight out isn’t a problem. But in doing so, Bedivere is equivalent to condemning himself to death! He lost the opportunity and lost his balance even more. Facing the laser array that was constantly pressing towards him during the acceleration, Bedivere not only failed to retreat, but instead stumbled and slammed into the fence formed by the laser!

The sizzling sound of high-energy laser beams is dragged slightly longer in the slowing world, but still audible. The sound was like the roar of the **** demon, urging Bedivere to come!

The body is a little out of control. If he doesn’t do anything like this, the werewolf youth will slam into those laser beams and be cut into dozens of pieces of meat! But what can he do in such a short period of time? !

Time! If only there was a little more time! The werewolf patted his silver bracelet without thinking, and injected more [acceleration water] into his body!


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