Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1342: Trapped in the deceitful way (14)


Chapter 1342 Trapped in the trick (fourteen)

At the same time, somewhere in the woods of southeastern Great Britain.

Daniel was awakened by a freezing sensation and slowly opened his eyes, but his eyes were confused.

He found his hands tied behind him, while he was lying on a bed with a silk fabric sheet. The bed was still a high-end product made of latex mattress and sandalwood frame. It was extremely soft and comfortable to lie on. The aroma of lingering in the boy’s nose.

The blur before his eyes is due to an ice pack. The cool and comfortable transparent bag contained the ice-water mixture, which was pressed on Daniel’s forehead, which not only brought bursts of fun, but also blinded Daniel’s eyes, making the foreground in his eyes look like fog.

He found himself naked, presumably wearing only a pair of shorts.

What the **** is going on here? Daniel couldn’t help but wonder even more.

Is it because he was exposed as a Knight of Great Britain, caught by the people of the Starscream Rogue and thrown into prison?

However, something is not right. Soft and comfortable bed, cool and comfortable ice pack. How could the prison of thieves be so comfortable? This is clearly the treatment of VIPs, not the enemy.

That is to say, his identity has not been revealed yet?

Not true either. After all, he was tied up, and his hands were tied back to the wooden frame by the head of the bed with something like a towel. This is the treatment of prisoners, not their own people in the band of thieves.

That is to say, his identity has really been revealed?

But why? The more Daniel thought about it, the more confused he became. He was thrown into a prison built the size of a VIP room, only tied up, but not killed. If his identity was revealed, he should have been executed by these cruel thieves long ago. What he was experiencing now was neither meaningful nor logical. What is it for?

His brain is burning. He probably had a fever and couldn’t stay awake. Although the ice pack on the forehead has a certain analgesic and heat dissipation effect, his burn is far from being suppressed by ice.

He lay on the bed sweating constantly, the sweat slipping off his naked body, sticking to the soft and smooth silk sheets, and even soaking his panties, it was extremely uncomfortable. He shuddered uncontrollably.

At this moment, a voice sounded in his ear: “Oh, are you awake?”

Who is it? The dark iron knight boy tried to recall the owner of this voice, but he couldn’t really think of it. He could only hear the voice of a man.

Then he felt something moving around him. The thing was cold and elongated, as thick as the hilt of a sword, and it crawled wetly and eerily on him, making Daniel shudder.

It’s a snake! A large snake about a foot long. There was a snake crawling on Daniel, so scared that the boy didn’t dare to move. It is no longer important whether it is a venomous snake or a non-toxic snake. The important thing is that human beings are naturally afraid of snakes. If a snake crawls on one’s body, anyone will be panicked!

“Hehehe.” The man who spoke smiled grimly and took off the ice pack from Daniel’s forehead: “Hello, Mr. Knight of the Knights of Great Britain.”

“Huh!?” Daniel was startled. Sure enough, his identity was identified! Moreover, what surprised him even more was that the elegant black-haired young man in front of him was the branch head of the southeastern branch of the Starscream Thieves Group, Oscar.

“You…you really…” Daniel pondered, with horror and surprise in his eyes: “You came to kill me…?”

“Oh, no, no no no no no.” The handsome brunette sneered, walked to the bed, and pressed Daniel with a very strong posture: “I’m not the kind of narrow-minded person. Although you killed more than 300 of my subordinates in the southeast branch, maybe more, but I’m not angry with you at all~”

The boy frowned, wondering what the dark-haired young man in front of him was thinking. The face of the other party seemed to be wearing a mask, and under that peaceful and laughing face, there was a faint hint of hideousness and danger.

Okas gently stroked Daniel’s face with his hand: “You know what? My group of idiots are useless at all, they are all scum with less than five combat power. That kind of **** is dead, no It’s a pity that a large number can be replenished at will.

But you are different. I noticed you when you first infiltrated our base. When I saw you brutally murdering my subordinates without even the slightest hint of emotion on your face, I knew that you and I were the same kind of people.

You are cold-blooded, bloodthirsty, empty and insane. You can do whatever it takes to get your end. You are covered in blood and stench, but there is a gleam of vitality in your eyes. You are the most perfect slayer I have ever seen.

I have a hunch that we will become very good friends.

No. wrong. I want to get you. No matter the cost, I want you to be my personal property. “

“Don’t think about it.” Daniel said calmly: “Kill me.”

“Um hehehe~” Oscar continued to sneer, rubbing his right hand more restlessly on Daniel’s less muscular, smooth chest: “Don’t jump to conclusions. You are a knight in Great Britain for money and fame. I can give you ten times what the Knights of Great Britain can give you. The Knights have countless stupid rules that limit your promotion; I don’t care about anything here, you just need to be strong enough. Listen to me If you become my servant, you can live better than a fairy; otherwise, you won’t survive tonight.”

“Can’t live…?”

“Don’t you understand, my sweetheart?” Oscar’s hand continued to touch down, reaching Daniel’s belly: “I’m a succubus. My blood is poisonous, a kind that only I have It is a highly poisonous poison that is only possessed, has a slow-acting release, but is bound to kill people. And you have been poisoned by this poison.”

Succubus! —— Hearing this, Daniel felt a chill in his heart.

And Oscar is also a male (male) Succubus (Incubus)! He is also extremely rare in the succubus!

A male (male) succubus and a male merman are equally rare. A succubus can fuse with almost any race, but the offspring are usually female succubus (), or the corresponding male of that race. The chance of a female succubus giving birth to a boy of pure succubus blood is about one in 300 billion. The magic power of male succubus is far incomparable to that of female succubus, and its danger is self-evident. Even in the racial database of the Knights of Great Britain, it is listed as the most dangerous S+++ level, and a live The adult dragon of tens of thousands of years is quite!

Such a dangerous character was lying in front of Daniel like this, teasing the boy of the dark iron knight with one hand, coercing Galileo, and asking Daniel to become his subordinate!

This is crazy!

Due to the severe headache attacking him, Daniel could only weakly ask: “What you said [poison], is it…”

“The poison that can make you my emerald knight, yes.” Oscar smiled proudly: “My physique is very special, even more special than other succubus. My poison strikes very slowly, Far less deadly than other succubus poisons, but very suitable for [making] a green knight. Take my word for it, give up resistance and you can be reborn as a green knight with great power. Otherwise, the venom will Slowly erode your body, and let you die in excruciating pain before the sun rises tomorrow morning. You still have, um, twenty hours to live? You can use the rest of the time to slowly consider whether to obey or not. Me. But I have to warn you, the more time passes, the more you suffer!”

“It’s useless…you absolutely…can’t make me give in. Just kill me…”

Not for wealth, or status. Daniel’s real purpose of climbing up is actually for others. He has lost everything. He thought that there was no one else in the world worth caring about, but unexpectedly found that there was actually a friend who genuinely cared about him.


In order to live up to Husky’s expectations, Daniel did not leave the Knights of Great Britain, and even took on the dangerous mission of destroying the Starscream Thieves, and ended up in this desperate situation at this very moment.

Daniel can be hostile to the world for Husky’s sake. But he would never be moved by coercion and inducement to change his original intention.

“So it is. Does your heart already belong?” The black-haired youth saw everything in the eyes of the young knight: “It’s a pity.”

” But I’m not going to kill you. I’m going to make you change your mind and lay you in bed, slowly tormented by the poison, bit by bit to wear off that stubborn will. Or maybe more More—” Oscar said with a treacherous smile: “Since you are awake, let’s start playing. Even if you can’t get your heart, at least you have to possess your body! From now until tomorrow morning. , you will always stay awake, screaming under the nourishment of my love. Let me see, when I keep injecting poisonous liquid into your body and filling your little belly, you will Can you still hold yourself back!”

“What ——?!” Daniel was shocked, he could clearly feel the opponent’s hand moving down, all the way to the position of his crotch! There’s one thing the Dark Iron Knight boy couldn’t learn from the library of the Knights of Great Britain.

That is, succubuses, especially male succubus, are very good. These already lawless alien monsters are never restricted by ethics and morality, and after they have the power, they can do whatever they want, and dare to meddle in everything in the world—even a boy like Daniel!

“No!——” The dark iron knight boy struggled desperately, but the high fever and poison made him weak, and his hands and feet were even more tied. His so-called struggles were only a few things Just twist down. This powerless struggle actually aroused the other party’s **, Oscar smiled evilly, and was about to tear Daniel’s body off———

“It’s time for you to stop, right?” A voice suddenly said: “Although it’s funny to leave it alone, I can’t stand this unhealthy behavior anymore.”

Oscar stopped as soon as his hand touched the edge of Daniel’s crotch. He turned his head in disappointment and looked at the voice—in a dark corner of the ceiling of the room.

The Xinghuilong evil star descended from the sky. At first, it was just a small flying dragon the size of a fist, but before landing, it became a teenager in golden armor.


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