Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1341: Trapped in the deceitful way (13)


Chapter 1341 Trapped in the trick (thirteen)

Hearing what King Arthur said, the young werewolf frowned deeply.

King Arthur would be so anxious, and rightly so. After all, [Desert Boat]’s database may contain a way to wake Queen Greenville from her endless slumber.

The purpose of the King of Great Britain’s trip is not simply to find out the secrets hidden in an ancient ship. Everything the king does is actually to save the woman he loves.

“Hey.” Bedivere sighed long and compromised: “Okay. I’ll just help.”

He really hates Gwengreen, the self-assured dead kid. But he couldn’t help but look forward to it, hoping that Gwen Green would really be able to crack and conquer the golden ship’s database. Although that guy is a nasty conceited genius, since he can gain such a high degree of trust from the King of Great Britain, it means that he must have a real talent and practical knowledge that is equivalent to his sky-high conceit?

“Very well, I’m glad we have finally reached an agreement.” The King of Knights smiled, a smile that carried the majesty of a king: “You all get ready. The next battle will be in half an hour. Begin.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” the crowd shouted.

With half an hour to prepare, Bedivere plans to go to the infirmary first to treat the wound on his body. His current appearance is actually quite miserable. Not only does he have old wounds and bloodstains from falling in the desert before, but also the hair on his body is scorched one after another—it was obtained when he passed through the electric wall of the flywheel array. . In addition, when he escaped just now, his **** was hit by his iron horse, and the bruises on it were enough to make the werewolf youth restless.

When he stepped into the medical room and was about to seek some emergency treatment, he unexpectedly saw Constantine, the Knight of the Round Table, hurriedly treating the wound on the head of the magic swordsman Solar in the hall of the medical room.

“Solar?!” The werewolf cried out in surprise when he saw the magic swordsman.

“Shh! Don’t make a fuss in the infirmary!” Konstantin just turned around and gave Bedivere a dissatisfied look as soon as he finished dressing Solar.

“Sorry.” The werewolf youth lowered his voice and apologized, and at the same time set his eyes on the unconscious magic swordsman: “Oh my God… How could Solar be in such a place? He is so good, and he was beaten like this, is his opponent really that powerful?”

“I don’t know, don’t ask me.” Constantine looked a little indifferent: “Solar pressed the emergency button on the Demon Sealing Bracelet before he fell unconscious, and asked our rescuers to bring him back in time. He wasn’t seriously injured, but his opponent must have been a strong character, and he was very clever. He was hit at the most vulnerable point of the skull in the back of his head, which gave him a very strong concussion. ——The kind that will make ordinary people comatose for a few days. He, it will take a few hours to recover.”

“Oh, **** it—” Bedivere smacked his lips, he remembered that Elaine the Ice Bear once said that he would go to work on the construction site with Solar. Since Solar was in a coma after being attacked, and Elaine did not come back, it meant that the White Bears had encountered some kind of danger—it was estimated that they had been taken away.

However, the only one who knows the truth of the matter is Solar, who is in a coma. In this way, there is no way to even ask Elaine’s whereabouts.

“There are no other wounds on his body. It is estimated that he was knocked to the ground during the fight.” Constantine examined Solar’s body and continued: “He doesn’t seem to be such an easy loser. It must have been attacked in a very urgent situation.”

Beads of sweat form on Bedivere’s forehead. The “very urgent situation” must be referring to the situation in which Elaine was kidnapped. At that time, Solar must have been in a state of impatience and tried his best to retrieve the White Bear Man, but he was attacked from behind.

“By the way,” the werewolf asked instead: “Since the bracelet’s signal can be tracked, do you have a way to track the location of a particular bracelet? Elaine should be out with Solar today. Yes, since Solar was attacked, Elaine probably has an accident too.”

Hearing that Elaine had an accident, Constantine’s face sank.

But he still pretended to be calm and shrugged, took off the surgical rubber gloves stained with a little blood, and threw them into the wastebasket: “Don’t expect too much. The tracking signal from the bracelet is not a panacea. , if blocked by an enchantment or thick wall, we can’t track it. It is true that the bracelet holder can use the emergency button to send a stronger signal, but it is very short-lived and requires the bracelet holder to maintain This emergency distress signal can only be used when you are awake and able to move.”

Bedivere’s heart sank again. If Elaine was taken away, at this moment he would either be stunned by anesthesia, or he would have been tied up, and it would be impossible to free up his hands to send out a distress signal. Moreover, the most important point is that the little confused probably didn’t know that the Demon Sealing Bracelet could send out a distress signal.

I just hope Elaine can keep going until Solal wakes up from his coma and lets Bedivere ask where the Ice Bear is going.

“Did you come to the infirmary just to see a friend? Or something else?” Constantine looked at the werewolf from head to toe again, “You look so bad. Do you want to heal?”

“Uh, yes. Please help me bandage, I have to fight in half an hour.” Bedivere said helplessly. There’s no point in worrying about Elaine now, since he can’t do anything right now. After the battle of sneaking into the desert boat is over, I’ll try to save the little white bear.

“Then come with me.” Constantine walked to a cubicle of the medical room, and at the same time waved to a nurse, asking her to send the unconscious Solar to another cubicle to rest.

Bediveville followed Constantine into the cubicle of the medical room. As soon as he closed the door, Constantine said, “Take off your pants and lie down on the bed.”

“Do you want me to take off my pants?!”

“Looking at your awkward walking posture, it must be that your **** was injured, right? You have to check whether your plate bones are cracked. Don’t underestimate this injury, if it is left behind, it will be enough for you to suffer for a lifetime. .”

“Okay… okay.” Bedivere wondered, but the other party was a doctor after all, and the doctor’s professional analysis was always right. He took off his trousers, leaving only one shorts.

“Actually, you’d better get naked and lie down, and let me do a full body check on you.” Constantine said dispassionately.

The werewolf took off his shirt again and lay on the bed with his back to the sky.

“Humph…” The doctor’s hand just landed on the swollen part of Bedivere’s buttocks. The werewolf could not help but let out a low moan.

“It looks like it’s just a bruise. But it’s a bit strange, your body is a little swollen? Could it be that you’ve been overworked recently and haven’t eaten well, which has caused such severe malnutrition?”

“No. No.” Bedivere remembered about Logan: “Magic.”

Are you edema? In order to use time magic, the werewolf injects pure water into his body again and again. It is a strange thing that the body does not change.

“I don’t know what you’ve been through, but this edema problem needs to be dealt with.” Constantine opened the door of the cubicle and called to the nurses outside: “Normal saline mixed with Dumonisol drops. medicine, immediately.”

“What? Still need an IV?” Bedivere was a little upset. He came here to treat his wounds, not to be drugged.

“It’s just a small amount of drip, and it can be done within ten minutes.” Constantine turned to apply disinfectant to Bedivere’s injured calf, which was the preparation before bandaging: “By the way, why don’t you sleep for a while? Do you think? It will be half an hour after the wound is treated with the drip. Well, there is a slight bone fracture on the calf, which needs to be treated as well.”

“Sleep again?” Bedivere rolled over at Constantine’s instructions, “but I’ve slept enough today——“

“This.” The young Knight of the Round Table took out a metal headband from his arms: “You should have seen this once, right? This is something sent from the Knights of the Western Heaven yesterday.”

The werewolf looked at the metal headband. Of course he recognized this. Last night, the werewolf was forcibly taken to the infirmary of the Knights of the Western Heavens for a physical examination—this was one of the conditions for the mermaids to lend out their treasures [metal detectors]—and the doctor at the time was Loaned this to Bedivere to pass the time.

“Isn’t this headband a tool used to remotely control the Holy Spirit and conduct long-range investigation?” The werewolf asked suspiciously: “And the spirit body it released yesterday was hacked to death by the Shaxing guy. Isn’t the ring broken?”

“Perhaps Constantine shrugged and said irresponsibly,” but the guys from the Knights of the West said that the headband collected useful experimental data from you, and they want more. Just as a pastime, wear this thing. Although it can no longer emit spirits, it still has a way to put you into a kind of false hibernation, which is very helpful for recovering from fatigue. “

Bediver pouted, showing disbelief. This is obviously just a statement made by Constantine in order to quote Bedivere. No one knows whether wearing such a half-broken headband will have any effect on the human body. God knows if it’s going to screw up Bedivere’s head?

Seeing that the werewolf’s reaction was not right, Constantine switched to a strong tone: “Listen, I have to stitch your wound next. Do you want to receive stitches without anesthesia? For the first half an hour, do you still want to use this headband for a good night’s sleep, and wait for the time to pass? You choose.”

“So you all want to save the anaesthetic. Good.” Bedivere gave Constantine a stern look and put on a headband.

Constantine is right. Although the spirit body bound to the headband has been “destroyed” by the evil star, the function of the headband itself forcing people to sleep is still working normally. Within seconds after the werewolf put on the headband, intense tiredness struck, and he immediately fell into a deep sleep.


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