Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1319: Explore in the Wilderness (34)


Chapter 1319 Exploration in the Wilderness (34)

At the same time, Ghana in Africa.

[Ghana Black Kings]’s home stadium is built in the only large stadium in the capital of Ghana. As dark and illegal as it may sound, dark American football is actually an open, legal sport that is blatantly broadcast on television and other media channels and known to the entire world.

Perhaps people’s hearts are full of darkness, and it is a matter of course that such violent and **** sports are openly accepted.

The Sphinx’s sand boat stopped in the harbor, and after everyone disembarked, they were only two minutes away from the start of the game.

“There is no time to do warm-up exercises.” Captain Shiloma looked at the Ghana Stadium from a distance: “Let’s run into the stadium with a jog.——Let’s go!”

“Oh!!” A group of blood-filled orcs ran quickly behind the tiger man Shiloma. They had been holding back in the cabin of the sand boat for several hours, their muscles were already stiff and uncomfortable, and they wanted to move their bodies for a long time.

“Let’s go too.” Albert looked back at Mutter, but found that the cat boy was wearing casual clothes: “Hey, where’s your jersey?!”

“It’s dirty and not yet washed.” Mutter said with a displeased face.

“Didn’t you say there are replacement jerseys?” Albert asked curiously, looking at the clean and fresh clothes on his body.

“It means—you—have replacement clothes.” Mutter was even more unhappy: “I’m just an ordinary player, and I don’t have the special treatment of a big man like you.”

“Aren’t you unable to play?!” Albert was stunned: “Who should replace the outfield catcher of the Sphinx?!”

“Don’t worry.” Father Sphinx also slowly got off the sand boat at this time, accompanied by several bodyguards: “His jersey has been sent from Cairo by special personnel, you can insist on it during the game. In about ten minutes, a catcher will be available immediately.”

Anyone delivered? Hearing this, Mutter’s face suddenly flushed red. Albert smiled when he saw the expression of the cat boy boy, and took the kitten’s hand: “Okay, keep up! The game is about to start!”

He was about to run out, but bumped his head into something.

“Ow!” The tiger grunted and took a few steps back, only to see that he had bumped into it. It turned out to be a strong man in a black suit and sunglasses.

“What’s the matter with you, meow! You don’t need to apologize even if you bump into someone, meow?!” Albert said dissatisfied.

But the strong man didn’t answer at all, or he didn’t take Albert seriously. He and several other strong men were surrounded by a luxuriously dressed guy, who seemed to be the bodyguard of the big man.

“Oh, isn’t this the Sphinx?” The big man said suddenly, “It’s been a long time, you’re not dead yet?”

This is a polite greeting. Albert couldn’t help but wonder.

“Set. Long time no see.” Father Sphinx replied calmly.

Site? This guy is Seth? ! ——Albert glanced curiously at the big man.

Under a luxurious black suit with gold trim, is a burly man who looks quite high-spirited. The figure of the other party is almost the same as Father Sphinx, tall and majestic. But it wasn’t Seth’s figure that really caught Albert’s attention, it was the face.

This guy is also an orc — or more precisely, a jackal.

Wait… a jackal?

There is this race among the orcs, meow? Although there are werewolves (Eskimo) among the orcs, they all have a wolf face, which is very different from the face of the jackal in front of Albert.

Even though I haven’t seen it or heard of it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Albert himself was doubting himself. Daddy Sphinx is a lion man, and the lion man is also a branch of the tiger man, and the number is very rare. Maybe there really is a Jackal tribe, a minority in the werewolf tribe… God knows.

However, even though he knew it was an orc, Albert could still see bad intentions in the face of this Mr. Set. If Daddy Sphinx is a humble and reserved ** boss, this Seth is a reckless, domineering villain, disregarding morality, and even the drug trade that Sphinx disdains to get involved in. , Seth will also meddle.

If what Father Sphinx said is true, the name [Set] is probably the Sphinx’s nemesis. Although I don’t know what their relationship is in sex, at least, they are business rivals.

Site is probably the one behind the pirate ship attack just now. This person did everything possible to prevent the Sphinx team from reaching the game venue, and now he is still here with a high profile, is it to cause trouble for the Sphinx team?

Albert can feel the smell of gunpowder condensing in the air. The current situation is probably very tense. Although neither side had moved half an inch, Albert could clearly feel that the bodyguards of the Sphinx were always ready to draw out their weapons to fight their opponents, and the people of Set were probably the same.

It was Seth who first broke the deadlock. He patted the bodyguard in front of him on the shoulder, told him to get out of the way, then walked over to Albert, staring at Albert through the tiger’s helmet and the goggles on the helmet: “So, this is Are you the super rookie you got back, Sphinx? Huhuhu, why does he look so thin, is he not full?”

“Thanks to your care, at least I haven’t starved to death.” Albert replied unhappily.

“Cough cough.” Father Sphinx patted Albert on the shoulder, to the effect that Tiger should not interfere in this matter: “Don’t you have a game to participate in? Then go quickly. Seth is an old friend of mine, and we’re here to reminisce.”

Albert then remembered the game, dragged Mutter and ran away.

“Quick, let me go!” Before running to the venue, Mutter began to blushed and protested loudly: “I have legs to run, do I need you to pull it?!”

“Oh, can you run?” Albert turned his head and looked at the cat boy with mocking eyes: “I was stunned just now, could it be that I was frightened by Seth’s aura? Stupid?”

“Hu, nonsense!” Mutter’s face turned from red to purple, and he was furious: “There is no such thing!!”

He was indeed stunned, but not because of Seth, but because of something else.

“Why don’t you come in yet!” Shiloma scolded in front of the main entrance of the gym: “The game has already started, what are you still dawdling about!”

“Come on!” Albert dragged Mutter into the venue.

Perhaps because the time was in the morning, or because this game was a major event that decided the promotion to the African Super Cup, the scene at the Ghana Stadium was quite grand, and the entire stadium was full of excitement. It was the first time in his life that Albert was surrounded by so many people, and he couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. He was thankful that his face was hidden under the goggles of his helmet, and his true identity was not revealed.

What about the competition?

The tiger looked towards the center of the gym again. The game is already underway, and it’s currently the Sphinx’s defensive round, with Ghana’s players in charge of the attack. Therefore, the quarterback Shiloma, who is not involved in the defense, is sitting on the bench outside the court.

The tiger looks back at the enemy group of players. The members of the Garner team looked like a group of ordinary human beings. Although they were all black and had the best physical condition among humans, the physique of black people seemed to be a bit inferior compared to the physique of orcs.

So the Ghana team does not rely on physical fitness, but a team that wins purely on the basis of technology? In the dark American football team with many masters and a large number of powerful races supported by monsters, this team that relies solely on humans as the main force and entered the Super Cup may be a powerful and respectable opponent?

At the moment when Albert felt a little respect, the Ghana players took out some kind of bottle of dark liquid from their waists and poured it into their mouths.

Albert frowned. In the next instant, the already strong muscles of that group of black people swelled up, doubling in size!

“What a meow!” Tiger couldn’t help but spit out: “What is that meow medicine?!”

“Stimulants, of course.” Captain Shiloma replied indifferently.

“What meow, stimulants?!” Albert was shocked: “Drinking that kind of thing blatantly is not a foul meow?——There are tens of thousands of eyes watching here?!”

“What are you doing stupid again.” Mutter poured cold water on Albert with a cold tone: “I told you, this is dark American football. Doping and hormones are used. It’s not a foul at all.”

“Meow!” Albert was so angry that he was so angry: “I don’t know what meow?! Such blatant drug use is not a Can you still play well?! “

“You’re snorting yourself…” Mutter whispered at a volume barely audible.


Hiloma gave Mutter a blank look.

“No, it’s nothing.” The cat boy hurriedly stopped: “Before you go to the game, do some warm-up exercises.”

Albert was indignant as he moved his muscles. He saw the black people in Ghana who had taken drugs and started running with the ball. After taking the doping, their strength had improved by leaps and bounds. The speed was faster than that of the beasts. The Sphinx’s defense, playing a very rude game.

Ghana’s brute force attack was monotonous and slow, but they were always able to advance ten yards before falling to the ground four times, so they always pressed towards the Sphinx’s bottom line, almost unstoppable!

Crap! If this goes on, the Sphinx will probably lose points first!




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