Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1317: Explore in the Wilderness (32)


Chapter 1317 Exploration in the Wilderness (Thirty-two)

Seglade knelt on the ground and took a few breaths. He finally regained his senses, but he still had lingering fears.

Fortunately, he touched the Luna Steel Scimitar on the ground in the nick of time, and fortunately, Luna Steel weapons are very light and can be swung with a little effort!

Otherwise, even if he was able to grasp the machete at that moment, he was paralyzed by the electric shock and probably would not be able to wield a heavy weapon and let himself escape!

He turned his head to look at the little girl: “Are you okay, meow?”

“I’m fine—” The little girl walked up to Seglade: “Thank you, big brother.”

“I’m sorry about your mother——“

“You don’t have to be sorry.” The little girl suddenly smiled mysteriously.


Zha! A poisonous needle had stabbed Seglade in the neck. The poison needle was shot from the mouth of the little girl!

The leopard youth was dizzy again and began to stagger limply. Only then did he discover that the so-called “little girl” was not a human at all, but a very light wooden golem!

Even the “woman” who was killed on the ground was just a puppet!

What a great chain plan! With the help of the dark environment in the house, the other party made Seglade completely hooked! He slumped to the ground feebly, the warm feeling that had spread in his pants spreading into a bigger one.

This is probably a kind of poison that anesthetizes nerves. Seglade felt that his body could no longer move, and his whole body was numb and swollen as if he had been struck by a heavy hammer. He lamented that he was still too young and too naive!

There is another movement outside the house, and several men in black have arrived. It is estimated that they are reinforcements of this group of villains. The leopard youth has nothing to do, and he is about to be captured and imprisoned forever!

Whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! There were several gunshots outside the house. The people in black were killed by headshots by light bombs, and they fell one after another.

Another group of people arrived. Although they also had their faces covered, they were dressed very well. They felt like some kind of **** of rich children? The leader of the group broke into the house, shot the “little girl” in the head without saying a word, and defeated the cleverly disguised puppet golem.

“Yo,” then the man crouched down in front of Seglade and tore off his own mask, as well as the rags that covered the face of the Leopard youth.

“It’s really you.” Viscount Roosevelt gave Seglade a mischievous smile.

I wanted to spit out a few words, but Seglade, whose whole body was eroded by powerful narcotic poison, couldn’t reply. His eyes darkened and he was unconscious.

At the same time, somewhere in the Sahara Desert, in a mechanical warehouse of [Golden Ship—Desert Ship].

“Very good, this venue looks like something.” Logan looked at the environment and was quite satisfied.

Bedivere didn’t know what the old man in front of him was satisfied with. All the werewolf saw was an empty and rather huge warehouse. What kind of training is suitable for such a ghost place?

“So what are you still buying? Hurry up and give me that bracelet.” Bedivere asked dejectedly: “Just put on the bracelet and inject [speeding water] into the body to get it. Acceleration effect, right? Anyone can do this kind of trivial thing, in fact, there is no need for any training.”

“Do you really think so?” Big Mage Logan sneered and threw the silver bracelet filled with [Accelerating Water] to the werewolf: “If you want to give it a try, I won’t stop you. .But I have to warn you in advance, this thing is not very pleasant to use.”

The werewolf youth caught the bracelet with one hand and put it on his right arm: “I don’t need your reminder.”

He fumbled and found a small button on the bracelet. It seems that just by pressing this, the inner layer of the bracelet will shoot a needle, injecting [accelerated water] into the user’s blood vessels. People who inject [Acceleration Water] will gain extra [Time] and can move at incredible speed, which is the secret of Logan’s [Time Magic].

“Then, here I go.” Bedivere pressed the button without thinking.

A slight stabbing pain spread across Bedivere’s wrist, and he could clearly feel some sort of icy liquid entering his body.

Then, the world before him began to change.

Dizzy and dizzy. The whole world became dim and blurry, and the werewolf seemed to be immersed in an extremely viscous liquid, making it very difficult to move even half a step!

“Woo——” He tried to lift his leg and take a step. His feet were as heavy as lead, no matter how hard he tightened his muscles and raised his legs, it was so difficult to get out of that mere step!

Breathing is getting faster and faster, but Bedivere can’t seem to get the air in. It was only then that he noticed that the surrounding air had become so viscous! Trying to inhale this jelly-like air into your lungs is simply impossible!

He struggled for about ten minutes in this nearly suffocating condition, and the effect of [Time Water] finally passed. [Accelerated World] Once it stopped working, Bedivere was completely weak and collapsed to the ground with a snap!

“Ha, ha, ha, ha!!” He gasped, letting the mass of air rush into his lungs. For the first time in his life, breathing was such a wonderful thing!

“Why, why?!” When Bedivere was able to speak, he immediately asked impatiently: “Is this your [time magic]?! Why is it different from what I have experienced before?!”

“Because you’ve only experienced the fur before.” Logan said with a smirk.

Bediver smashed Logan’s silver bracelet with a Luna steel machete during his duel with Logan yesterday. The [Accelerating Water] poured out from the broken bracelet in an instant and washed over the two of them at the same time, allowing Bedivere to temporarily get the effect of [Accelerating]. But Bedivere didn’t feel the discomfort he felt now, and he felt quite free to move in that accelerated world.

But what was the one he faced just now? ! Is that kind of thing really Logan’s [time magic]? !

“How long did I stay in [Accelerated World] just now?” The werewolf asked after heaving a sigh of relief.

“I don’t know. Five minutes? Maybe ten minutes. But for me it’s only a short second.” Logan looked at the werewolf coldly: “But in that short second you moved Very fast, yes.”

“Moving very fast, but walking in place.” The werewolf said with a sullen face: “So what the **** was that just now! Why do I feel so uncomfortable after injecting [speeding water]?!”

“Oh, that’s what it is.” The old man stroked his beard and smiled: “You should already know its principle. [Accelerated water] is just a kind of pure water, which is made with magic. The extra [time]. Injecting this [time] into the blood vessels does give people a temporary [acceleration] effect, but it also brings a lot of side effects.”

“Side effect.”

“First of all, of course, the symptoms of [water intoxication]. It manifests as shortness of breath, fatigue and other symptoms.”

Bediver frowned. “I know that. But are there any other questions?”

“There are other symptoms, such as – hypoxia.” Logan sneered.

The werewolf frowned again: “Yes, hypoxia. This is what I experienced just now—but why is it suddenly hypoxia?”

“In the previous battle, you basically guessed correctly about my [Time Magic] properties. But you still missed a little. ], he could barely breathe the air around his body.”

Bedivere recalls his experience with [Time Magic] just now. Indeed, he seemed to be wrapped in a thick layer of jelly, and that jelly-like thing was nothing but air.

The air that was light as wind and light as smoke turned into a semi-solid substance in the [stagnant time]! It’s so difficult to inhale the jelly-like air around you! Because it was so difficult to breathe, the werewolf nearly suffocated to death!

“This is [the weight of time].” The old man went on to explain: “When you are alone [accelerated] far beyond [the flow of time in the world], the air around you is not accelerated. , still stuck in place. They are fixed in the spot where they were at that moment, no longer flowing, and certainly not sucking into your lungs.

Of course, thanks to the diffusivity of [time], a small portion of the air around your body will also gain acceleration from you, and with luck, you may indeed be able to inhale a tiny bit of it. But that amount is very small after all, and the oxygen supply is far from enough to maintain your movement.

If you accelerate yourself regardless of the consequences, you will only drown in [time]. “

“So it After listening to this, Bedivere couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart:” That is to say, even if I can use [Accelerating Water] to accelerate myself, I still have to face problems such as hypoxia. , can’t move freely in an accelerated world? —— This is not easy to do. “

If you can’t move freely in the [Accelerated World], it’s probably just a fantasy to use time magic to pass through the flywheel array to the core of the power furnace. Even if he did it reluctantly, the clumsy Bedivere would only be knocked down by the rapidly spinning flywheel and turned into a blur of blood.

“Sure enough, I still can’t rely on the unstable power of [time magic].” Bedivere scratched his head irritably: “But there’s no time left, so I can only bite the bullet and rush through the flywheel array– —-“

“Wait, your conclusion is too fast.” Logan hurriedly stopped: “I said [the air around your body cannot be accelerated], but I didn’t say [the air in your body cannot be accelerated]. accelerated] ah.”

Bediver glared at Logan: “The… air inside me?”

“It’s holding your breath,” Logan had no choice but to reveal the mystery: “Just hold your breath.”




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