Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1308: Explore in the Wilderness (23)


Chapter 1308: Exploration in the Wilderness (23)

The Starscream Thieves are a long and notorious group of thieves in British history.

As their name suggests, they are as vicious as spiders and as tenacious as bedbugs, making them difficult to kill completely.

This band of thieves is entrenched in the mountains and forests of the Great Britain wilderness, always haunting passing caravans. The Knights of Great Britain have sent troops to suppress the thieves dozens of times, but they often return without success. The best result was when the Knights thought they had completely wiped out the thieves, but a few years later they heard the news that the thieves were active again.

And this time, Daniel’s unit is only responsible for clearing a branch of the Starscream Rogues in the southeast – it should be an easy task, but it is actually more than originally expected Dangerous. Because the head of the southeastern branch of the Starscream Rogues is a very cunning character.

And now, the Knights, besieged by the southeastern branch of the Starscream Rogues, are in a tough fight.

Innumerable arrows rained from all directions, and the knights had to turn on the shield generator on their armor in order to guard against the arrows. But all they can do is to defend. The dense forest and the complex and changeable terrain make it impossible for the knights to find out where the person who shot them is.

Puff, puff, puff. The sound of the electric field bursting one after another, the sound of the shield blocking the arrow. Knights’ shields are so strong that normal (unenchanted) arrows cannot penetrate them. But they are not invincible, because if they don’t block a cold arrow, the shield will have energy loss, and it will run out of electricity when it is consumed.

“Damn…” Sir Stross, the silver knight hummed, “Everyone gather together and defend with a shield.”

The remaining five Dark Iron Knights, including Daniel, formed a back-to-back formation at Stross’ call. Half-kneeling on the ground, they removed the shield that was about to run out of energy, and raised a large shield instead.

dong dong dong dong dong. The sound of the shield’s electric field bursting was immediately replaced by the sound of metal crashing against the large shield. These well-enchanted shields are sturdy and require no electricity to maintain, making them very reliable against arrows.

But here comes the problem. In order to defend against the arrows in all directions, the knights had to kneel on one knee and raise their shields in front of them. This made it even more difficult for them, who were already inconvenient to move, and could only be beaten on the spot.

“Sir, I don’t think this is a good solution…” Daniel couldn’t help himself, and said, “Why don’t you just spread out and drive away the enemies in the forest… “

“Long-winded. Now am I the commander or you are the commander.” Stross said angrily: “Everyone sticks to their positions, persistence is victory. No matter how dangerous and cunning these thieves are, they will eventually run out of arrows in their hands. .”

Well, it’s hard to say. Daniel glanced at the arrows on the ground.

At the foot of the black iron knight boy is a feather arrow that fell on the big shield and bounced off. It has been lying on the ground for dozens of seconds. However, its shape is gradually fading away, and finally disappearing like air. Daniel looked at the corpse of his companion next to him, the black iron knight who was originally shot through the throat. The knight had dozens of iron arrows inserted into his body, but his armor was already in tatters. There were more than 300 arrow holes, and he had obviously suffered more damage than the dozen iron arrows. But the other arrows did not stick to the body of the black iron knight.

Is that so?

Though these iron arrows are not enchanted, they have been enchanted. That is the most commonly used magic of recovering arrows by elves, and it can be said to be a kind of magic of warp. Even if the arrow with this magic is fired, as long as it is not completely destroyed, it will be automatically sent back to its owner’s quiver after a period of time.

That is, their enemies have nearly unlimited ammo reserves. In fact, the arrow rain they face will never stop.

Staying here is not the way to go. Only by rushing out to kill the enemy can there be a way to survive.

But…what to do.

Even if it was admonished to his captain, Stross, whose head was overgrown with grass, would certainly not listen. And Daniel is just a black iron knight who has just taken office, and he is also a kid. His actions are monitored by countless big figures at the superior level. Once he acts of disobedience, he will definitely be chased and beaten, or he will be thrown away immediately. The job of the Iron Knight.

What should I do to survive this kind of danger?

Just when Daniel was wondering, the situation suddenly changed dramatically. In place of the rain of arrows, it was a sphere the size of a human head in the air. As can be seen from the parabola it draws, this thing is heavy and heavy, and its lethality is estimated to be amazing.

“Bomb..” Stros’s face turned pale when he saw the thing: “Everyone turns on the output of the shield to the maximum. Prepare to withstand the impact of the explosion.”

Daniel was startled, and immediately flipped the controller on his breastplate to let the shield unfold. The moment the Cavaliers opened the protective cover, the heavy bomb also fell.

Boom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ————————————————

The explosion nearly deafened Daniel’s eardrums. It was an earthen incendiary bomb filled with gasoline, and it exploded on impact, setting off a violent firestorm just above the knights’ heads. .

For a time, the surrounding scenery was filled with smoke and fire. The knights’ shields may have been excellent enough to barely withstand the impact of the explosion, but the smoke was enough to make the knights dizzy, and the heat of the fire would pass through their armor and burn their flesh. .

Daniel thought to himself. The current situation is indeed a huge crisis, but it is also a huge opportunity – an opportunity to keep him alive. He wasn’t a fool, he knew that if he continued to follow Stross’s command, the team would eventually be wiped out. Only by taking advantage of this thick smoke to rush out and risking his life to fight, can he have a chance to survive.

Furthermore, Stross couldn’t see Daniel, who had run away, in the thick smoke that kept spreading.

It took only one hundredth of a second for the boy of the dark iron knight to make up his mind, and he raised his shield and ran wildly in front of him.

It took him a few seconds to get out of the smoke, and a rain of arrows came in his face. The boy raised his shield to block without thinking much, and dozens of iron arrows landed on the shield and bounced off. Several arrows landed on Daniel’s calf, but the enchanted bandage wrapped around the boy’s leg played a certain protective role. Although the iron arrow cut through the bandage, it couldn’t hurt Daniel’s flesh.

In order not to let the companions behind him realize that he had left the formation, Daniel ran silently and disappeared into the forest in an instant. He happened to see a thief pulling a bow and an arrow behind a tree ten yards in front of him, so he went over and gave the guy a sword without thinking.

The power of the lightsaber is really strong. Its light blade pierced the trunk of the tree and hit the thief full of evil in the chest. The thief died before he could fight back.

Three more iron arrows were fired at Daniel’s forehead. But the young man was agile and avoided the arrow with a squat. He put away the blade of his lightsaber, hid half of his body in the grass, and began to **** slowly in the grass. His enemies know how to take advantage of the environment to sneak up on his team, and Daniel can take advantage of that too. After all, he had already fought countless fights with monsters in a similar simulated training environment. And it’s up to him to fight alone. Compared with the cunning and dangerous monsters who can kill people in one blow, these thieves are simply not worth mentioning.

He remembered the direction of the arrow in his heart, and he fumbled lightly, only to find a thief hidden in a tree ten yards away in front of him.

Daniel carefully pulls out a light gun and fires at the guy. The large-caliber light bullet was adjusted to the minimum output, and became as small as a hairpin. This pin-type light projectile is usually almost ineffective, and the armor of the knights can easily defend against it. But the target of Daniel’s shooting was a thief dressed in tatters and not wearing any armor at all. So it hit the target with ease, a headshot. The needle-like light bullet plunged into the thief’s head, instantly making the villain’s brain blossom.

Daniel crawls away immediately after firing a shot. He used the minimum output shot and hid himself very well, but he couldn’t guarantee that his location was not After climbing three yards, he still couldn’t see any arrows falling behind him, so he continued with peace of mind Track the next target.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. The low and silent assassination continued, and Daniel’s counterattack was very successful. The thieves focused on sieging the group of knights, but they did not expect that a young dark iron knight who was left behind was slaughtering their people. A minute has passed, and twelve people have fallen in the encirclement of the thieves group, and the eastern side of the encirclement is actually facing a state of disintegration.

And the group of British knights, who were so smoked that they couldn’t stand it, also ignored the orders of their captain, Stross, and rushed out. After all, his own life is the most important thing, to continue to squat in the center of the fire and continue to be smouldered by the high heat is simply suicide. .

Dark iron knights rushed into the depths of the forest against the rain of arrows, but stumbled, either slipping on the slippery woodland or tripping over the branches of vines and unable to move forward. Their equipment is inherently cumbersome and not suitable for use in dense forests. Seeing the situation, the thieves knew that it was a good time to wipe out the Knights, and they shot arrows even more desperately, and threw several incendiary bombs, slamming them on the heads of the Knights.

The hapless Dark Iron Knights were attacked from all directions, and their shields failed due to prolonged use. They were full of iron arrows, and their original black and shiny armor was also stained with smoke and blood, and they were very embarrassed for a while.


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