Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1275: Hunting on the Silent Night (18)


Chapter 1275: Hunting Demons in Silent Night (18)

At the same time, Great Britain, in Vivienne’s Institute.

After making out with his wife, Palamidis returned to the living room with a radiant face and a happy face.

“Yo, children~” The big cat waved his hand: “Have you watched the game, how do you feel,”

“Uh—” Husky and Hal put down the popcorn and Coke in their hands and looked at each other, looking a little sluggish and overwhelmed. At this time, the duel between Palamides and the swordsman Selun had been completely broadcast on the TV, and some irrelevant behind-the-scenes footage was being played.

“Dad is playing well, meow.” “Uncle Palamidis is doing well,” the two orc teenagers replied at the same time.

The leopard warrior noticed that the children’s expressions were not right, and couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed: “It’s just [ok],”

“Oh, please,” Xinghui Longshaxing on the side complained ruthlessly: “What [fortunately], you two lying brats, this game is not good at all, it should be said to be boring. , I slept three times without knowing it during the game,”

Palamidis looked innocently at the evil star: “So bad,”

“You’re wasting your time.” Shaxing continued: “Even if you have such a powerful artifact in your hand, why don’t you quickly destroy your opponent? Kindness to the enemy is a big taboo for a warrior, and you don’t even understand the basics. Do you dare to call yourself a warrior?”

“Don’t say that, daddy meow,” “Uncle Shaxing is good or bad,” the two orc teenagers couldn’t help defending Palamidis.

“What I said is the truth.” Xinghuilong hummed. He will not be sympathetic to Palamides, his evaluation of others has always been objective (,) and cold.

“Ugh—” Palamidis grunted.

Of course Shaxing didn’t know that there were rules attached to this knockout, which said “you can’t kill your opponent”. The leopard warriors are under enormous pressure. They have to work hard to win the game, but also show mercy. Palamidis just wanted to explain all this, but then he thought about it, telling the Shaxing and the others about this matter is meaningless, but more like making excuses for his poor performance. Thinking of this, he chose to remain silent.

“Anyway.” Palamidis sighed and turned off the TV with a pinch of the remote control: “It’s getting late, you should go to bed.”

“Ok…” “Huh~” Husky and Hal yawned and replied.

“Come on, my kitty, Daddy will take you back to your room.” Palamidis picked up his little son, who was inconvenient, and walked out of the living room. Husky and Shaxing followed, and went back to their room.

“Dad,” the tired leopard boy asked in a low voice, “Why is that Uncle Syron working so hard? Does he have a grudge with Dad? The commentator on TV said that Uncle Syron would rather die. I don’t want you to win the game, Dad.”

“Oh—“Big cat looks a little embarrassed, he’s not sure it’s a good thing to teach his son about racism now, but his son has obviously realized that there is such a strange thing as racism in this world. Phenomenon, it is difficult to deceive the past with a few words.

“Let’s put it this way,” Palamidis thought for a moment, then explained in a circle, “that uncle is a human. And some people think that humans are better than other races. So these people don’t want to see Dad and I become a knight of the round table, and they want to prevent Dad from succeeding anyway.”

“Why is there such a bad guy in this world.” The leopard boy put his cat’s head under his father’s neck and sighed in dissatisfaction: “Dad obviously did nothing wrong, meow.”

“So far, no orc has ever become a Knight of the Round Table.” Palamides replied with a wry smile: “Those people think that if a precedent is set, it will strengthen the arrogance of the orcs, and then they will There are more and more orcs coming to participate in the trials of the Knights of the Round Table. It is not a good thing for them that there are more and more competitors.”


“Humans are born to compete with each other,” the big cat rubbed his younger son’s head and whispered, “There is no concept of good or bad, it’s just human nature. No. It should be said , this is the common nature of all living things. This is the so-called survival of the fittest, and the strong eat the weak. You will understand when you grow up.”

“But Howl doesn’t want to compete with others…” The leopard boy said in a lower voice: “We can’t get along peacefully, meow,”

Palamidis smiled and looked at his younger son with loving eyes. Little Howl is kind and doesn’t like fighting, probably because he has the other half of the rabbit blood in his body, which makes the Leopard boy as docile as a rabbit. This kindness can be said to be a gift, an excellent character. However, in such a cold world, kind people are most likely to suffer.

The future of this child is really worrying.

“Peaceful coexistence…that’s the way too.” Palamidis had to smile wryly. He has no intention of correcting his son’s naive and kind thoughts, but he feels it is his duty to reveal part of the truth to the child, so that Hal can be prepared for the cruel world to come:

“But you will find that the road of [peace] is far more difficult than the road of [dispute], because not everyone in this world is reasonable and not everyone is so amiable.

Man, the older you get, the easier it is to become selfish and selfish.

There are people who, in order to make their own life easier, can take things without regard for other people’s feelings, and ask for them insatiably. And such people, unfortunately, fill the whole world and are the mainstream of the times. You will eventually find that there is simply no way to live peacefully with this type of person. If you don’t want to be hurt by them, you can only become stronger, and the strong ones don’t dare to provoke you. “

Here’s a life lesson from Palamidis’ growth from a wandering orphan to a villain. There is no real peace in this world. Violence is always the only truth to solve problems, and it overrides all morality and justice. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, if you are hurt, you have to fight back fiercely. Only in this way can people ensure that they will not be hurt by others.

“But…” Hal wanted to say something.

“Be strong, my boy.” Palamidis interrupted his younger son.

For some reason, the image of Calvin, the little murloc prince, suddenly flashed in Hal’s mind.

“But you’re just a child,” Palamedis put Hal on the bed and covered the quilt: “You don’t have to worry about these things. Live your day, play and Study and rest. Maybe, when you grow up, the world will be a better and kinder place.”

Although he knew very well that the world could never get better. No matter how many thousands or tens of thousands of years later, even if society becomes more “civilized”, it is absolutely impossible for people to change their savage and savage nature.

“Hmm-” Hal replied in a low voice, trying to close his eyes and believe his father’s words. Although his father himself did not believe in such nonsense.

“Good night, my kitty.” Palamidis patted the child’s head, then turned to turn off the light and pushed the door to leave.

After Palamides left, Hal opened his eyes again, brooding in the dark, feeling very uncomfortable.

When everyone went back to their rooms to sleep, the quiet night spread in this institute, and the world instantly became quiet and silent. Sha Xing pretended to fall asleep in his room, and waited until about eleven o’clock in the evening before getting out of bed.

He can sense from a distance that someone is calling him with the dragon scales he left behind.

There will be no one to call him at such a time except the kid Daniel.

Xinghuilong climbed off the bed, sorted out his equipment, and prepared to go.

“Hehe…” However, the door of the room was quietly pushed open, and a small shadow peered outside the door.

“Husky, why are you still not sleeping,” Shaxing asked in a low voice.

“Uncle Shaxing,” the dog boy cat slipped into the room with a waist, and took the door behind him: “You are going to find brother Daniel, right Wang, please bring Husky with you.”

“No,” Xinghuilong flatly refused: “We are going to hunt nightmares this time, it is very dangerous. Maybe I can’t protect you.”

“Didn’t Uncle Shaxing say that Nightmare has no attack power? Wang,” Husky instantly pierced Xinghuilong’s excuse: “So bring Husky, Husky promises to only watch from a distance , I won’t give you any trouble.”

“Tsk—” The evil star is still hesitating.

“Brother Daniel is Husky’s friend, and Husky is obliged to watch Brother Daniel defeat Nightmare Wang.” The canine boy looked at the evil star with his big watery eyes, and continued to plead: “If only Daniel When my brother is alone, it always makes people feel uneasy.”

Shaxing glared at Husky and smiled noblely: “But you can’t help him, this is his battle alone.”

Nightmare’s ability has a wide range of Even the evil star can only watch from a distance as Daniel fights Nightmare. Of course he can intervene, but once he intervenes, the credit is no longer Daniel’s own, which will affect Daniel’s application for promotion to the Silver Knight.

However, the canine boy wagged his tail and said with a smile: “Husky can support Wang for brother Daniel. The support must also have its meaning, and it will definitely be able to help brother Daniel’s Wang.”

Xinghuilong froze for a moment. Husky’s words are full of childish naivety, but that’s an indisputable fact. Although highly unlikely, calls from relatives and friends can sometimes affect a person fascinated by illusions, pulling that person back from the illusions to reality.

“Okay.” Xinghuilong sighed and picked up a candy box from the table beside him: “You can follow me too. But you must do exactly what I say, I want you to stay in A place, you must not run half a step, we are going to hunt a dangerous nightmare, this is not a joke,”

“Understood,” Husky laughed innocently, letting Xinghuilong shrink him and stuff him into a candy box. () “The Walking Dead” only represents the author Raven D. Sass’s point of view, if you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it, and its position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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