Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1260: Hunting on the Silent Night (3)


Chapter 1260: Demon Hunting in Silent Night (3)

“You must be kidding me?” Palamidis looked dumbfounded.

In the huge icicle formed by the monster frozen, there is a black shadow constantly struggling. There seems to be a huge worm inside the slightly less transparent icicle, writhing frantically in its cocoon, looking both disgusting and terrifying.

Clap la la la la la la la la la la! ! ——The ice cubes gradually cracked, then disintegrated and shattered. That thing broke free from its shackles and broke out of its cocoon, rising and expanding, forming a black pillar on the sea that was about 100 feet long and about 30 feet in radius!

Its roots are still immobilized in the giant ice floes; however, its parts above the ice surface are long and tall, and tens of thousands of octopus tentacles stretch out and wreak havoc everywhere. It is still a scourge, and it will be free from the ice floes before long!

“The undead…” Bedivere murmured in a low voice, shaking off the bone-chilling water on his body.

That’s right, that’s a [dead], not a living thing, but a pile of corpses.

There are countless disgusting rotten flesh on the surface of the black pillar. They are supported by the huge skeleton of some kind of sea beast, but they keep falling apart when the monster twists, splashing black rotten blood. After the slush-like carrion landed on the ground (ice surface), it continued to climb towards the pillar as if alive, to replenish the lost pieces of meat from the pillar.

The center of the pillar is a skeleton, but it looks extremely discordant, as if from different sea beasts, assembled by some mysterious force. Up close it looks like a mess of junk, but from a distance it looks like a human vertebra — making it even more disgusting.

Seeing the thing writhe, a nauseous feeling welled up in Palamidis’ throat, making the big cat almost vomit all of his dinner tonight.

“What the **** is that?” Tristan asked, frowning.

“It’s the carrion, the carrion of countless sea beasts.” Ivan used the eagle eye technique to observe the inside of the undead pillar, but it was so chaotic and mysterious that the eagle eye technique couldn’t completely see through its structure.

“It’s an evil spirit.” Bedivere put on his wringed clothes and said into the walkie-talkie: “It is estimated that the resentment of the sea beasts that the Knights of the Western Heavens have hunted for hundreds of years has turned into this distortion. The body of thoughts.”

“You want to say that this kind of thing has always lived at the bottom of Ettenberg, but no one has ever noticed it?!” Ivan laughed sarcastically: “Impossible! Unless all the people in the Knights of the Western Heaven are blind! “

“It’s impossible for them to notice.” Bedivere calmly analyzed: “Because this monster has only recently started to move.”

“Ahhahahahahahahahaha! ————–” A woman’s voice interrupted the conversation of everyone.

“Oh, **** it, it’s you again!” Sha Xing said angrily. He recognized the speaking voice.

That’s right. At the top of that huge pillar, stood a woman.

In other words, not “standing”, just “standing”. Because her lower body has been integrated with the huge undead pillar, she no longer has the ability to stand on her feet.

This is a succubus.

Although the succubus has been burnt to pieces by the fire, it is beyond recognition, but the evil star still recognizes the succubus.

Yes, this witch is the same witch who led troops into the mirror world yesterday and attempted to blow up the Ice Crystal. Her trick was unsuccessful, she should have been swallowed up by the flames created by the evil star and completely extinguished in the sea of ​​​​fire. Unexpectedly, this guy didn’t die, and even followed the Ice Crystal to the base of the Knights of the West, using the rotten remains of the dead sea monsters to restore strength!

“It seems that you won’t give up until you are completely eradicated.” Xinghuilong flew to the top of the huge undead pillar and confronted the witch: “Well, I will kill you again!”

The sound of explosions began to sound in the sky, and the evil star and the monster began a fierce battle. The Pillar of Necromancer attacks Xinghuilong with countless tentacles, while the Shaxing launches fireballs to fight it. The fireballs and tentacles collided and exploded, and the battle was extremely fierce.

“Nassandrana, how long does it take for the [Dark Blue Wave Cannon] to recharge?” Tristan asked as he charged towards the Ice Crystal, atop the huge ice float.

“Uh, yesterday’s attack affected the normal operation of the power furnace, and the charging time will become very long——“

“Just tell me how long it will take!”

“Half an hour.”

“But we can’t wait for half an hour!” Evan, who was right behind Tristan, angrily said.

Evan’s predictions are very accurate. The evil star was already exhausted from the previous battle; the undead pillar, which had absorbed the power of countless sea beasts for thousands of years, had the upper hand. Its tentacles chased the evil star, turning into a network of surrounding nets in the air; it continuously sprayed venom from the carrion, and the cannonball-like venom forced Xinghuilong to dodge with difficulty——according to this This trend, and soon, Xinghuilong will be defeated!

“Forget it!” Tristan said angrily: “Nassandrana, cancel the charging procedure of the Deep Blue Wave Cannon and charge the 3D printer instead!”

“A 3D printer? What’s the use of that thing? … And, if you use a 3D printer, you’re completely exposing the warship to the outside world——“

“Just do it!” said the murloc prince angrily.

Bediver and Palamedis on the coast also saw dragons and undead pillars fighting in mid-air. They were stunned.

“I’d better go back and pick up my little Hal.” Palamides sighed, “There’s nothing we can do here anymore.”

“No, wait!” Bedivere hurriedly grabbed the leopard warrior: “Let’s start the [Dragon Cannon]. That thing may not be able to cause fatal damage to monsters, but it should be able to provide a certain amount of damage to the evil stars. Fire support!”

“Do you think this is really useful?”

“Better than doing nothing.” Bedivere, who had been at Ettenberg, knew where the dragon cannons were hidden and how to use them. The huge ten-foot-long harpoon fired by the Dragon Shot can easily penetrate the undead pillar, and even if it can’t kill it, it can at least hinder its movement.

“Tsk… Okay!” Palamidis smacked his lips, followed behind Bedivere, and ran towards the castle again.

At the same time, everyone at the lighthouse saw the fierce battle on the sea.

“Humph——” Ao Yun, the Knight of the Round Table, paced back and forth impatiently, thinking in his heart whether he should help or not.

“Sister-in-law Elyson~” Calvin, the little murloc prince, took the opportunity to snuggle up beside the elf girl and act like a spoiled child: “Calvin is so scared~ Sister-in-law plays the piano for Calvin~”

Husky and Hal gave the murloc prince a blank look and scolded Calvin, the little pervert.

The elf girl smiled and began to play the harp. The wonderful sound of the piano suddenly filled the whole room, making Husky feel that his soul was healed.

“Elyson, now is not the time to do this.” Aoyun complained slightly dissatisfied.

Elyson smiled again, stopped playing, and at the same time stretched out a hand and gestured in mid-air with her slender fingers. There seemed to be magic on her fingernails, and the gestures also left trails of golden light in the air. The trajectory is composed of letters, words, and finally a series of continuous sentences:

[Don’t worry about us. you go help. ]

“I can’t! I promised to protect the children here!” Ao Yun said with a sullen face.

[I will protect them. ] Elason wrote again in mid-air.

“But there may be enemies lurking in the castle.”

[I can handle it. ] The elf girl wrote again: [Don’t doubt my strength. ]

Ao Yun frowned and finally agreed: “Okay. Take care of these children.”

He ran quickly to the window and drew his sword.

“Alright, Big Brother Aoyun’s magic sword is really powerful~” Calvin suddenly reminded.

Husky and Howl look at the sword of Oyun, the Knight of the Round Table. The dark red, strangely constructed magic sword seemed to have life, and began to change as it was unsheathed. It grew, twisted, and reshaped, and in the blink of an eye it was a crimson dragon about thirty feet long. The Crimson Demon Dragon opened its claws and grabbed the city wall, squatting outside the lighthouse like a big gecko, which was truly majestic; its wings and the mane on its back fluttered in the wind, like a living creature.

Husky and Hal are stunned. It was the first time they had seen a magic sword that could transform into a biological form. It is also the rarest among all types of magic swords in the world.

Ao Yun, the Knight of the Round Table, ignored the surprised children and jumped out of the window, lightly on the dragon’s back.

“I’ll be back when I go.” Ao Yun grabbed the dragon’s horn and flew away on the dragon.

“Wow.” The two orc teenagers shouted at the same time, with envious gleams in their eyes.

“That’s the [Magic Sword Fafnir].” Calvin said triumphantly, as if showing off his toys to his friends.

Elison flicked the little murloc prince’s forehead lightly: [Showing off is a bad habit. ]

“Hehehe~” Calvin stuck his tongue out and made Calvin is a bad boy, please forgive Calvin to Mrs. Elyson. Let’s play another song~”

The elf girl gave another sweet smile and began to play her harp. The little prince Calvin also picked up the panpipe from the table next to him and played, and played an ensemble with his sister-in-law. It was a **** battle outside, but this small lounge was filled with pleasant sounds, which made the children forget the horror of the monster attack.

[You come too. ] Elaison plays the harp with one hand, freeing one hand to write magic words in the air.

Husky and Hal looked at each other and smiled. They picked up sand mallets and bells (one of the few instruments they could use) on the table, and played together with the elf girl and the little murloc prince.

In a dark corner of the lighthouse lounge, a shadow is lurking. It was about to attack the boys when it heard this wonderful quartet and began to tremble uncomfortably. It soon couldn’t stand the sound of the music, and retreated to its dark corner, crawling into the ventilation duct to escape. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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