Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1224: Recuperate in the silent night (1)


Chapter 1224: Rest in Silent Night (1)

At the same time, on the deck of [Battleship Britannia—The Assault Palamedis],

“It’s over,” Palamidis sighed lowly, looking at the large hologram screen in the distance,

“It’s over,” Bedivere also agreed, and the last few games were successfully completed. In this fierce battle of life and death, some people are happy and some are sad, and there are candidates who have successfully advanced. Of course, There are also losers who have been defeated and brushed down,

The last few transport boats returned to the deck of the battleship with the candidates who had worked so hard to win their battles, and the Knight of the Round Table, Cador, had already brought all his men and came to the deck early, before everyone was ready. Can’t wait to read it:

“The first round of the knockout round is over, and the results are as follows:

Group 1:

The first game: Silver Wolf Bedivere vs. Big Mage Logan, the winner Silver Wolf Bedivere;

Second group:

The first game: Ser Palamidis vs. Swordsman Cyron, the victor, Ser Palamidis;

The third group:

Second match: Viscount Roosevelt vs. Syglade the Panther, the winner Sygled ​​the Panther;

The fourth group:

Game 1: [Hawkeye] Evan vs Bandit Herff, the winner [Hawkeye] Evan;

Group 5:

The first game: Warlock Lorenz vs. Magic Swordsman Solar, the victor Magic Swordsman Solar;

The sixth group:

Scene II: Beast Hunter Albert vs Giant Nimitz, the victor Beast Hunter Albert;

The seventh group:

Second match: critical striker Thoroldov vs. Murloc Prince Tristan, winner Prince Tristan;

The eighth group:

Second match: Scimitar Morren vs. Ice Bear Elaine, the winner, Ice Bear Elaine;

The ninth group:

Scene 1: Dark Elf Chanel vs. Outlaw Stan, Victor Dark Elf Chanel,

“Well, the result of course,” Palamidis moved his hands and feet and muttered in a low voice from the audience, the winner of the first round of the battle was 100% unexpected by Palamidis. Inside, there is not even the slightest suspense. Even so, the leopard warriors still sweated for the little tiger and the white bear before,

Cador seemed to have heard Palamidis’s muttering, and glared at the leopard warrior from a distance before continuing:

“Next is tomorrow’s schedule:

Group 1, Game 2: Veteran Villefort vs Gladiator Berelder;

The second group, the third game: Trap Master Formalin vs Leopard Man Zephyr;

The third group, the first game: Marksman Farris vs. Swordsman Bartok;

Group 4, Game 2: Sir Patrick vs. Mordred;

The fifth group, the third game: Gunner Bardock vs Swordsman Sparta;

Group VI, Game 1: Dragon Knight Doha vs Knight Christopher;

Group 7, Game 1: Monk Judar vs. Bounty Hunter Nin;

Group 8, Game 1: Viking Warriors Hillhart vs Earl Sanders;

The ninth group, the second game: Knight Farok vs Sniper Rael;

——The above personnel, please gather on the deck of this battleship at ten o’clock in the morning,

Candidates who have no competition arrangement for tomorrow can move freely. Please choose a plan that suits you to recuperate or prepare for the competition. Tomorrow’s competition will be divided into nine channels and will be broadcast live on CCTV in Cairo. You can use the hotel TV to watch The competition of other candidates; today’s competition will also be rebroadcasted on TV after 8, 10 and 12 pm, and candidates who are interested can watch it,

——The above is all the content, you can disband,”

Speaking of this, Bedivere, Palamidis, and Seglade glanced at Zephyr at the same time. Most of their group had played a game in today’s tournament, The only thing left is Zeffer to play tomorrow. Is Zeffir’s opponent the trapper Formalin? It sounds like a very difficult guy,

“I will win, Meow,” Saifer nodded to his companions: “Whether it is a trap master or a strategist, I will defeat him in my own way, Meow, don’t worry about me Meow,”

“It’s good to be confident, but don’t underestimate the enemy,” Palamides advised his eldest son,

“Um…” Saifel agreed vaguely, glanced at his father and swam away quickly, yes, even if he wins tomorrow, he and Palamidis are in the same boat. In the same group, that is to say, their father and son still have to fight to the death in the end, facing a powerful enemy who is about to fight to the death – even if that person is his own father – the young Leopard Man estimates that It’s hard to open up to each other,

“Okay, let’s go back to the hotel,” Palamidis shrugged helplessly to hide the embarrassment at the moment: “Come to my room tonight for a battle meeting to prepare for our next battle. Get ready,”

“You go back first,” Bedivere said, “I’ll stay here and wait for Elaine and Albert, the idiot of Elaine is fine, but if we leave that boy Elaine alone in the battleship In the infirmary, he must be panicking because he can’t find his way back to the hotel,”

“It’s not that exaggerated,” Palamidis sneered: “He’s no longer a child,”

Beddieville replied with a wry smile: “He’s much more childish than you think,”

“Huhu,” Zaffir held back his laughter and said to the werewolf, “Mr. Bedivere, please give me your Luna steel machete, meow, I will take care of your weapon after I go back. Make further modifications to make it easier to use,”

“Very good, then I’ll leave it to you,” Bedivere didn’t think much of it before shoving the machete to the Leopard youth,

Although the werewolf is inconvenient to say because of his feelings, Bedivere did notice in the previous battle that the plug-in system ported to the Luna Steel weapon is indeed slightly inferior to the plug-in system of the original British version, /

The original weapons with plug-ins in Great Britain can be activated instantly when the trigger is pulled, and the whole process is smooth and refreshing; the Luna steel machete with the plug-in is a little different, it starts from pulling the trigger. There is a delay of about tenths of a second until the plug-in is activated, which is a bit awkward to use. This little delay should be insignificant, but in a tense battle where life and death are on the line, this delay is likely to cause the weapon to be used. were defeated,

Of course, this can’t blame Zefei. It took only a few hours for Zefei to complete the extremely difficult task of transplanting precision electronic parts with the few resources he had. The young man has actually done a very good job,

Seifer also knew that Bedivere had already noticed this problem, and also knew that the werewolf was just embarrassed to bring it up, which made the Leopard youth even more embarrassed. He scratched his head embarrassedly when he retracted his scimitar: Look forward to it, I will definitely adjust the plug-in system so that it starts up without any delay just like the original plug-in system.”

“Please,” the werewolf took the tungsten turtle tongue whip from his waist: “I’ll give you this too. It would be great if a plug-in system could be added to the tungsten turtle tongue whip.”

“No, you should keep that weapon for now, meow,” Seglade interrupted: “Although the odds are not high, there have been cases of opportunistic candidates attacking their opponents while preparing for battle, meow, Therefore, even if it is not in the middle of the game, you must always be vigilant and not take it lightly,”

“Understood,” the werewolf nodded and glanced at the surrounding crowd. Most of the candidates began to disperse and returned to the Cairo Hotel by transport boat, but some candidates refused to leave. It seems that there is another plan. Since the organizer of the round table trial has not clearly stipulated that candidates cannot attack other candidates during non-competition, that is to say, even if the competition is over, they must not be careless. Really good fighters must be vigilant at all times. , a guy who can always protect himself and can be attacked by his opponent easily can’t become an excellent fighter, let alone become a knight of the round table,

Speaking of this, Elaine, who is alone and has not recovered from her serious injuries, is not even more dangerous, ——I have to pick him up as soon as possible,

“Then, I’ll visit that little idiot Elaine, we’ll see you later,” the werewolf waved goodbye to the three Palamidis and his son, and walked to the depths of the battleship.

“Mr. Bedivere…” Seglade looked at the back of the werewolf, and at this time the transport boat responsible for picking up the candidates also stopped beside the three father and son Palamidis , the knight in charge of driving on it looks like urging everyone to go quickly,

“Go back,” Palamidis patted his sons on the shoulders: “I’m really exhausted today. After I go back, I have to eat and drink to replenish my strength. Hahaha, what do you want to eat? ,”

“Dad, go eat by yourself, we’ll have the hotel deliver it to the room, meow,” Saifer said with a serious face: “You have to hurry up and adjust the weapon,”

“Oh, I only care about work, I don’t even have time to eat with my father,” Palamidis said with a long face: “As expected, the child will eventually leave his parents when he grows up. Hey, you guys Two ungrateful boys; hey, life is really lonely as snow——“

“Okay, okay, meow—” The two brothers, Saifel and Seglade, agreed dejectedly together: “Eat, let’s go to dinner first, meow,”

Unexpectedly, Palamidis smiled mischievously: “No, I also ordered the hotel to deliver the meal. It seems like you guys are having fun preparing your weapons. Let Dad help you too.”

“Dad, you…………,” Zephyr and Seglade glanced at each other immediately, this time it was their turn to elongate their faces, although occasionally they were very ingenious but their father Palamidis didn’t have enough fine craftsmanship to make weapons.

Bediver’s tongue whip woven from the tongue tendons of swamp turtles is the best evidence of the rough craftsmanship of Palamides—(before being transformed by Father Odin ,) That whip wasn’t even “proportioned”, the body of the whip, which was about ten feet long, was thicker here and thinner there, and woven so unevenly that it was very uncomfortable to look at,

The two leopard youths suddenly had an ominous premonition: let Dad touch those sophisticated electronic devices, there’s really no problem meow,

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