Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1209: Selection in the ring (40)


Chapter 1209 Selected in the ring (forty)

“Unbelievable!” Cador, the Knight of the Round Table, who was watching the two fighting in the battleship monitoring room, also sighed: “Not only did the arm’s gigantic ability unlocked, but even the hair caught in his hand was also shattered. Can they be huge at the same time?!” “Because that is not magic, but the process of dispelling magic.” Kai, the Knight of the Round Table, rubbed his chin and analyzed: “As long as his arms can release the [shrinking technique], then theoretically his body will not be different. The components of the scorpion can also be unshrinked – as long as it is caught in the hand.” Cador began to shake his head: “Let Nimitz spend only 400,000 to unlock the gigantic ability of his arms, yes Our biggest miscalculation. This match is very unfair to the tigers!” The red-haired knight of the round table just smiled and said nothing.

There is no justice in this world.

Talent, talent, background, ability, the capital that everyone is born with, is not the same.

As a purebred Frost Giant, Nimitz is a winner in life; in contrast, the one who can’t even use madness and can only fight with two weapons Tiger, lost at the starting line from the very beginning.

What does the little tiger have to do to equalize this decisive gap in ability? experience? wisdom? technology? speed? —— However, his opponents also have these points, even more than Tiger.

In this fight, people didn’t like Albert from the start, because the Tigers lost to the giant Nimitz in every way. Unless miracles happen, unless miracles happen again and again, Albert has no reason to win!

There is nothing new under the sun.

Bediver, who had returned from his own battle, watched the battle between tigers and giants on the big screen and couldn’t help worrying about Albert.

Bah! Nimitz’s huge arms slammed on Albert, knocking the tiger out! Since Nimitz just took a posture of crossed arms for frontal protection, affected by the awkward force arm, the power of this blow is not very large. But it still knocked the young tiger man a full forty yards away! Albert flew away like a white meteor, with no room to dodge in mid-air!

And Nimitz sneered for a while, reached out and grabbed the back of his head vigorously, grabbing a handful of about a hundred strands of hair! He would never miss this opportunity. The giant raised his rapidly growing left arm and threw the giant’s hair out! !

Swish swish swish! ! —— That is simply a torrential rain of steel needles! Hundreds of giant hairs rained down on Albert, with extraordinary power and range! Albert, who was running on the ground, might not be able to evade such an attack, not to mention that he was flying away in a parabola, and his mobility was greatly deprived! ?

Seeing that he was about to be pierced into a hedgehog by the oncoming rain of hairpins, Albert raised two weapons and fired wildly! Needless to say, the shrapnel of the Storm Gun Blade can withstand the attack, and the shock wave ejected by the Luna Steel Scimitar can also deflect the needle rain that is shot in the face to a certain extent! ——But Albert’s real purpose is to let himself fly away at a faster speed!

Speed ​​is power! Even if the needles shot in the face are fierce, their power is only due to the speed difference between them and Albert! If the tiger accelerated in the same direction to very close to the speed of the needles, those needles would do much less damage to him!

That’s right! Zazazazaza! ——Most of the needles were bounced off, and only a dozen hair needles were stuck all over Albert’s body and slammed to the ground with the tiger! But they didn’t stab deeply, they only stayed in the depth of less than three inches on the surface of Albert’s body!

Albert lay in a forest of needles, dizzy from the impact and unable to get up for a while. Most people will think that Albert has suffered a fatal blow and is unable to fight again, but in fact his injury is lighter than expected!

However, the situation is still one-sided! The wounded Albert was unable to move, and his ammunition stock was low! And Nimitz, who still has hundreds of thousands of hairs on his head, can design as much as he wants before the giant becomes bald! !

Whether it’s a long-range attack or a close-quarters fight, Albert has no chance of winning!

What will the tiger do to win this desperate battle? !

(Alas. It hurts.) The dizzy tiger looked at the blue sky above the Red Sea.

The sun is shining and the sky is clear, which is the perfect weather for taking a nap.

(Why, meow, I’m here, doing this kind of thing?) If I just lie down and play dead, this game may be over, and Albert may not have to suffer any more. ?

(Give up, isn’t it good meow?) Unlike Elaine and the others, Albert did not have a special wish to fulfill when he participated in this round table trial;

Albert is not even like Bedivere, who is dedicated to serving his master. Tiger has no goal to pursue.

(It hurts and is tired, why do you keep fighting?) He can get to where he is now, standing on this battlefield to fight against strong enemies, all because of the help of Bedivere and other companions . It was the group of orcs who pulled Albert, who was unmotivated and always liked to give up halfway, to this point.

“Don’t believe in yourself.” Albert suddenly recalled what Palamidis said to him before leaving this morning.

“You have to believe, others believe in yourself.” “Because, you are stronger than you think.” The Leopard warrior at that time patted the tiger on the shoulder and said earnestly: “Just show your confidence. —Even with unfounded confidence—you can become as powerful as others imagine you.” “Uncle” Albert slowly opened his eyes.

Various sounds from the past also began to linger in Tiger’s ears.

“I just don’t want to see my friends being treated like idiots.” Bedivere said to Albert the night before leaving for the exam: “You’re much better than you think, Al.” The werewolf’s eyes were full of sincerity, unmistakable sincerity. It was that sincerity that deeply moved Albert.

Even though he may not be as good as others think, but even if only one person can believe in himself so much————How could he just betray the other person’s trust?

“Meow?” Like a mist, the image of a small white cat loomed in front of Albert’s eyes. That is the Holy Spirit White Tiger.

“Little White” Albert silently looked at the Holy Spirit White Tiger.

No words needed. What the other party wants to say, the tiger youth has long known.

(Understood, Xiaobai.) Albert struggled to get up slowly.

(Then meow, let’s keep working hard.) “Oh, how can you still get up?” Nimitz, the giant who thought he had won for sure, was really surprised when he saw the tiger get up.

“Hehehehehe” Albert, who was covered in injuries, looked very terrifying. There were more than a dozen steel needles inserted into his body, and blood was constantly pouring out of the wound. The frost giant’s hair is oozing with cold air, constantly eroding the tiger’s body.

But none of this matters. It doesn’t matter as long as it doesn’t affect the action. Because, the real victory or defeat will be decided in the next blow!

“Since that’s the case, I have to take out my secret weapon!” Albert’s expression changed, and he shouted loudly: “Come out, Xiaobai!!” “What—?!” The giant Nimitz was surprised to see that the huge white tiger of the Holy Spirit appeared from behind Albert in an instant! A huge phantom about thirty feet high, looming in the air, is roaring at the giant Nimitz in a vigorous posture! !

——That’s the real guy!

Anyone who knows will know that it is the true infallibility of the Holy Spirit!

As a result, the more knowledgeable people are, the more fearful they will be, because that’s a real Holy Spirit! !

“When were you?!” “From the beginning, I had it.” Albert replied calmly, “I insisted not to use the power of the Holy Spirit, just because it was unfair to you. .So——don’t get too complacent, bastard!””What nonsense is that tiger talking about?”In the monitoring room, the Knight of the Round Table, Cador, was puzzled: “The power of his Holy Spirit should be all Was it sealed by the magic bracelet? Could it be that there is something we don’t know about yet?!” “Calm down, Cador!” The Knight of the Round Table, the Grand Duke of Palinlor, who is also a Heavenly Knight, Stand up from the seat: “Our technology in Great Britain is the world’s first, and the technology department said that if the power of the Holy Spirit can be completely sealed, the bracelet will definitely be able to completely seal the power of the Holy Spirit!——The seal is invalid. That kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen!” “Yes, but!” Where did Tiger’s confidence at this moment come from?

“If there is only one [power] left to use by that Holy Spirit—it is its [existence] of the Round Table Kay suddenly figured out everything, and burst out A burst of laughter: “Ahahahahahaha, he’s scaring people! Little tigers are so funny! He intends to bluff his opponent with an empty shell of the Holy Spirit! “That’s right, it’s just an illusion! The white tiger of the Holy Spirit revealed a phantom like smoke! This is the only thing the White Tiger of the Holy Spirit can do now!

“Scare?!” Cador was even more puzzled: “Unbelievable! Does he think he can defeat his opponent just by scare?!” “We will understand eventually.” The Heavenly Knight walked out of the monitoring room with a smirk : “I’ll be back when I go.” Anyway, this was Albert’s final blow. This blow will expose Holy Spirit White Tiger’s trump card. Once shot, the giant Nimitz will know that the Holy Spirit White Tiger at this moment is just a paper tiger!

Albert can only defeat the giant Nimitz with a single strike before the Holy Spirit White Tiger’s trump card is revealed! !

——This is a life-threatening battle!

[,! ]() “The Legend of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing healthy and green reading. platform. 【】,thank you all!


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