Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1205: Selection in the ring (36)


The two entered into a fierce offensive and defensive battle once again. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable). Of course, Albert is still losing ground under the onslaught of werewolves, and can only defend blindly.

Clap! Bedivere’s sword moves were getting faster and faster, and the tiger was negligent and failed to prevent it, and was sent flying again!

“Seven times.” Bedivere repeated the countdown as if urging. Albert has few opportunities left.

However, the tiger got up again and faced the battle with full energy, and carefully observed Bedivere’s attack pattern amid the constant defense.

That’s weird. No matter how flexible and unpredictable Bedivere’s sword moves were, some of the decisive moves the werewolf used to defeat the tiger seemed to have something in common.

Some kind of indescribable, but real, breath that can be sensed.

Clap! At the moment when Albert lost his mind, another blow hit the tiger’s forehead. It was the blow that Bedivere put all his strength into to shatter the skull. If it was replaced by a common weapon, even the most light and fragile twig would surely shatter Albert’s skull and die. Fortunately, they were using a training wooden sword that would break when it hit the opponent!

“Six times.” Bedivere counted down relentlessly: “It’s cheap for you. That blow just now would have killed you ten times.”

“Ugh!” The tiger covered his head, staring at his eyes, in pain. But he gradually understood something.

It’s momentum.

Other attacks are feints, fake moves made to distract the opponent. The sword move that Bedivere really uses to defeat his opponent is often different at the moment of his shot, full of killing intent.

Abandoning the rule, is this what it means to retain the true meaning?

If it’s easy to tell which moves are feints and which attacks are real kills, then this fight has a chance of winning.

Albert breathed a sigh of relief, and concentrated on fighting again. This time, he carefully observed the opponent’s attack, and used his whole body to sense the subtle changes in the momentum of Bedivere’s attack, &ot; trying to distinguish the reality.

“Ha!” The werewolf seized the moment when Albert fled back and lost his balance, raised his wooden sword and fell, it was an unstoppable blow!

But, what’s wrong! There was no killing intent in this attack?

However, it’s still bad if you don’t dodge!

Albert flinched, jumping back while raising his sword to block!

Whoosh! It seemed that the tiger would flinch when he saw it, and the werewolf’s heavy shot stopped abruptly halfway down. He took a step forward, chasing the tiger who was retreating sharply and lost his balance!

Clap! The wooden sword that had fallen halfway changed its trajectory and turned into a sweeping, killing blow! !

“Ouch!” There was no way to stop him, and Albert was knocked out.

“Five times. What a long memory.” Bedivere sneered, looking at the tiger coldly.

It hurts. Albert reached out and touched it. A bruise had been punched out on his abdomen, and every touch would induce severe pain.

“It’s not too late to give up now. If you admit defeat now, you will be fined to do housework for a week at most, at least not for a full month.” Bedivere sneered at the tiger with sweet words.

“Who will admit defeat!” Tiger reluctantly got up and said unconvinced.

“Then I’ll give you another good fight.” The werewolf charged up with his sword.

Whoosh! Another murderous attack!

But that seems to be a sweeping sweep without any power and no one will use the ultimate move as soon as they come up? !

Don’t care, block first, then the tiger was about to use the wooden sword to block Bedivere’s attack, but the werewolf’s sword twisted in an instant and moved to the underside of Albert’s arm!

Clap! ! The wooden sword hit the back of Tiger’s hand heavily, and Albert only felt his hand go numb! In the next second, his wooden sword flew out of his hand!

Touch! ! And Bedivere also rushed over, a shoulder smashed Albert, and when the tiger flew into the air, he stabbed with his sword!

Then, Albert’s heart-piercing screams echoed across the snow field. This time he was stabbed in a vital part, and it can be said that it was really heartbreaking!

“Ooooooooo bastard!” Tiger grabbed his **** and got up, a burning pain below. Bedivere’s attack became more and more vicious and filthy.

However, the tiger can’t blame anyone. The real fight is often like this. As long as the opponent can win, any despicable means can be used. The knights are just stupid excuses made up by those idiots who don’t know anything about combat in the upper class, and only laymen who don’t know the truth will follow it.

You can use any technique, even if you don’t have to stick to using a sword or the same weapon; when it’s critical, you can even use your body to knock your opponent up and create a flaw.

The rule of abandonment is probably what it means.

“Four times.” The werewolf said contemptuously, “Is that blow good?”

The blue veins on the tiger’s forehead burst out: “Damn bastard, I will definitely beat you!!”

He rushes up to continue fighting the werewolf, trying to catch the moment Bedivere kills. The werewolf faltered several swords, suddenly exuding murderous intent, raised his sword and stabbed at the tiger! Albert behaved well this time, evading the fatal blow with a quick dodge! But he guessed wrong again! Bedivere’s sword thrust was still a false move, and the real ultimate move came after the tiger dodged, and a sweep hit Albert’s throat!

“Cough, cough, cough, cough!” The tiger who fell to the ground coughed and almost suffocated.

“Do you think you can win if you catch my murderous aura when I attack? It’s so naive, such a murderous aura can also be hidden.” Bedivere grinned. The previous murderous attacks were all bait, and they were played to trick tigers into being fooled. How could the real killing intent be noticed by the opponent casually!


Albert was completely toyed with applause. The same thing seems to have happened once before when facing a certain Celestial Knight.

If the opponent is a seasoned celestial knight, the tiger has nothing to say if he loses. But the opponent in front of him is just a stupid wolf! A competitor of the same age as Albert (actually, Bedyville is four years younger than Albert), who should have started at the same ***!

To be defeated again and again by this kind of guy, where does this save Albert’s face? !


The furious tiger raised its sword and slashed, for the first time forcing the werewolf to retreat and defend. right! Bedivere has much more combat experience than Albert, and his attacks are completely unpredictable! Since all predictions are invalid, then there is only one way to attack! Attack is the best defense, as long as you hit Bedivere with no chance to fight back with a series of stormy blows!

Clap! It worked! ! Albert’s lucky success breaks Bedivere’s wooden sword!

“Succeeded!” The tiger dashed forward with a sword, thinking it would take out Bedivere!

I didn’t expect the werewolf to swipe past lightly, and at the same time stretched out a hand to catch the half wooden sword that was broken and flew away, still circling in the air! Before the wooden sword could disappear, the werewolf instantly circled to Albert’s side, aimed at the tiger’s belly, and stabbed with a half dagger!

“Pfft” Albert vomited a mouthful of blood, and his stomach was poked with pain!

“Three times.” Bedivere kicked the tiger on his knees, panting, and said sternly: “Don’t delay, get up.”

Plan! The tiger suddenly swung a sword diagonally and swept to Bedivere’s chin!

It’s useless, the werewolf has no flaws at all, he evaded the tiger’s sneak attack with one back, and at the same time kicked Albert’s chin, kicking the tiger away!

The tiger in mid-air didn’t even have a chance to keep its balance, and Bedivere’s wooden sword complied, stabbing the tiger in the shoulder under the powerful throw of the werewolf!

“The last two chances. Hehehehehe.” Bedivere giggled, full of malice.

Albert was constantly being beaten, utterly defeated, and didn’t even have a half chance of winning. The tiger got up from the ground, panting heavily, covered in injuries, seemingly unable to fight again, and impossible to turn defeat into victory.

However, Albert got up from the ground, and instead of his previous rage, he became calmer.

Werewolves have far more fighting experience than tigers. No matter how hard Albert tries, he will definitely not be able to defeat this opponent.

Now that you know you can’t win, there’s no need to worry about winning or losing. Thinking of this, Albert suddenly felt relieved.

However, once, even just once, this arrogant stupid wolf will be taken aback.

Bediver suddenly sensed something was wrong. The ground tiger in front of him suddenly seemed to be a different person, and the breath exuded from his whole body was different.

No, it’s not different, it’s faded! ?

Albert collapsed suddenly.

Shoot! The big cat’s crouching was followed by a rush towards the werewolf!

It was supposed to be a killing Bedivere should have chosen the timing of dodging based on this murderous aura, but the werewolf unexpectedly discovered that Albert was gone!

He’s gone! ?

Whoosh! The werewolf heard the wind blowing from the sword, and hurriedly jumped back and dodged! Fortunately, his hearing and response were excellent, the wooden sword slid across his chest, but never touched Bedivere’s body!

In that fast world, although Bedivere was completely unable to locate Albert, he traced back the opponent’s attack and learned the general direction of Albert. Therefore, the moment he avoided the sword strike was also the moment when Bedivere counterattacked. His wooden sword slanted upwards, sending Albert flying!

“Ha, ha, ha! Last chance!” Bedivere gasped. The amount of exercise just now was not large, but the moment of dodging and counterattack just now put so much psychological pressure on the werewolf that Bedivere could only relieve himself by panting heavily.

Albert was knocked out and hit the ground hard again. After such a fiasco, the tiger didn’t care, and got up with a smirk: “Scared you, meow?” () “Act of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. Content that violates national laws, please delete it. Our stand is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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