Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1194: Selection in the ring (25)


Chapter 1194 Selected in the ring (twenty-five)

About half an hour ago, Egypt, in the Stone Pillar Forest of the Red Sea, the second round of the eighth knockout round: Scimitar Morun vs. Elaine the White Bear.

Being so nervous, Elaine awkwardly fell into a somersault as she jumped off the transport boat.

“Hug, sorry.” The white bear hurriedly got up, looking naive.

But his opponent didn’t let up, but instead increased his guard by thinking that Elaine was acting on purpose. Morun took out two machetes as a sign of battle, and asked in a low voice: “I heard that you got the treasure buried in the underground palace of Kilimanjaro volcano? Is this true?” “Yes, yes Yes.” Elaine scratched her head and looked at his opponent.

Morron is a tall, slender man, but he is not tall. The dark, tight-fitting clothes showed the mermaid line around the waist of Scimitar’s hands to the fullest. From the looks of it, Moren should be a fighter of agility. He has no beard, his hair is cut short, and his face is thin and three-dimensional, full of Prussian characteristics. His small, piercing black eyes were staring at Elaine, noticing every little move of the bear man.

Morren’s slender, neatly trimmed hands held a pair of gleaming, oddly constructed machetes. The blade of the machete is not so much a sharp light, it is better to say that there is a strange light blue arc on the edge. The characteristics of physical weapons, and the deadly cutting ability like photon weapons.

Although Elaine is stupid, he has experienced many battles and knows that the opponent’s pair of scimitars must be very special and not easy to mess with. In the case of not knowing the details of the other party, the most correct way, of course, is to observe from a distance first – his father Boles often taught him this.

After deciding what to do, Elaine took a few steps back with the Luna Steel shield raised, the other hand clenching his impact cone in preparation for a counter-attack.

Seeing Elaine holding a melee gear but backing away, Moran suddenly laughed. “I don’t know if you are pretending to be stupid on purpose, or you are so stupid. Since you have the ability to get the treasure of the volcano underground palace, your ability must not be bad. Is that ability a fighting strength or a simple good? Luck, let me find out!” After speaking, Morun suddenly swung a knife! Just twenty yards away from the White Bear Man!

Whoosh! Something is calling! !

“What—?” —— Before Elaine could react, a big hole had been cut in his right shoulder by some kind of sharp slash! The wound was deep to the bone, and it almost didn’t cut off Elaine’s right arm! Elaine’s shoulder immediately spurted blood!

“Wuu—!””Oh, did you dodge it? That blow was clearly intended to dislodge your arm.” Moron’s face was grim: “Although his response is slow, he has a beast. With their ability to detect danger, did they move their bodies at the most dangerous moment?… Not bad! Then next——!” Swoosh! Moran swung a knife again! Also at least fifteen yards away from Elaine!

“Wow!—” Elaine already had a copy this time, she quickly raised her shield, and tried her best to move her body behind the big shield!

Pop! Yet he still got hit. His left thigh was slashed, and it was close to the buttocks! Although the wound is not very deep, it hurts Elaine very much!

But it doesn’t make sense! Elaine’s big shield was intact, and the polar bear just now hid almost his entire body behind the big shield! However, the opponent’s blade bypassed the big shield, attacked from behind from an incredible angle, and slashed the calf of the white bear? !

How on earth did Mollen do it?

“Unbelievable…” The machete paced sideways at a moderate pace, staring at Elaine’s right shoulder. The bone-deep wound on the polar bear’s shoulder had begun to stop and heal. After another minute or so, except for a little scarlet blood stain near the hair of the wound, there was no trace left!

“This amazing recovery ability. Orcs… No, is it a unique talent of the polar bear?” Moron sighed: “Most of the power has been sealed by the magic bracelet, and it is still possible to have such outstanding talents. Recovery ability, you really are not easy! Can you get the treasure buried in the volcanic underground palace, is it also rely on this ability?——Or, there are more?” Morun suddenly accelerated and ran around, surrounded by Elaine circled. He started to slash out with both knives, and kept slashing!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! ! Countless sharp blades attacked Elaine, and they were all invisible blades, each of which was deadly! The polar bear knows that it is difficult to dodge these attacks with their own hands, and even if they use a shield to block them, they may not be able to block them all! In a hurry, he raised his shock cone and stabbed the ground! !

Boom! ! The powerful piling ability of the impact cone thorn immediately smashed a big hole in the rocky ground of the battlefield! The splashing stones and dust scatter together with shock waves! Like a shield, it can deflect all attacks and protect Elaine at the center of the explosion – as long as the opponent’s attack is a physical shock wave!

Zazazazazazazazazaza! !

But no! After the shock wave passed, Elaine had dozens of stab wounds all over her body, bleeding profusely! The polar bear felt a sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the right side, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover it! Almost all the internal organs flowed out of the cut abdomen, but fortunately, this deadly accident was stopped by this cover! Fortunately, he has a super recovery ability, and the wound on his abdomen will heal quickly!

But why? ! The powerful blow just now is theoretically enough to deflect all physical shock waves! Aren’t those slashes drawn by Scimitar Morun some sort of shock wave? Isn’t he, like Bedivere, relying on high-speed swinging of his weapon to generate a long-range attack wave like a vacuum blade? ! If it is also a shock wave, the vacuum blade should be easily blocked by the blast of the shock cone! Why can’t it be done? !

Unless that wasn’t a shock wave! There must be another mystery in that pair of scimitars!

While Elaine was slashed dozens of times and was severely wounded, Moron also avoided far away — or, in other words, was knocked out by Elaine’s attack.

“Well, interesting.” The machete climbed up from the ground, wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, and seemed to have suffered only minimal damage: “Is it a shock wave from hitting the ground with a picket? It’s a dangerous weapon. I’ll pay attention in the future.” Too bad. In order to save her life, Elaine actually made her opponent see more details! In this way, Moron will not be close to the white bear. And Moron’s attack is still a mystery, plus it can attack from a long distance, it is really difficult to deal with! Unless the white bear man also has a long-range attack method, and the opponent is caught off guard, Elaine will definitely fall into an unprecedented hard fight!

What should I do?

Elaine suddenly remembered what happened half an hour ago, when Zephyr helped everyone refit their weapons.

“What is this, what is this?” The white bear man looked at the trigger on the impact cone and asked in confusion.

“This is a hook, meow.” Zephyr smiled and tapped something sharp like a spear head at the bottom of the picket. There are barbs attached to the pointed head, and it looks very dangerous: “Elaine, all the weapons in your hand are for melee combat, and you lack long-range attack methods. You will definitely suffer when you encounter some special enemies. But look. It looks like you can’t use a firearm well, meow? So just use this.” “But, but how, how?” The white bear looked at the claws that gleamed coldly, and was at a loss.

“Do you want me to teach you this, meow?” Saifer’s face was helpless: “Either stick the hook to the ground and drag yourself over to quickly approach the enemy, meow; or stick to the enemy and drag the enemy directly. Come here, meow! You see—pull the trigger to launch the hook; release the trigger, and the hook will automatically rewind meow. You can understand the specific usage in battle meow.” “Yes, but this one gets stuck. Other people’s body, body, no, won’t it hurt?” The Leopard Man youth looked incredulous: “Of course it will hurt, and the skin will break open. ——But why do you sympathize with the enemy?” “Okay, okay. …” Elaine still looked unsure. Such a complex thing, the white bear people felt that it was impossible to use it well. He is not willing to use such a cruel weapon to hurt people. In particular, people who can talk and walk, live.

“By the way, there is another plug-in, meow.” Saifer whispered in Elaine’s ear: “In this Moon God Steel Shield, the one installed is———” Elaine came to her senses from her musings, and Moron had already swung another knife at the white bear man—thirty yards away.

There is no time to think about it, the bear man hurriedly retreated and raised his shield to defend. tie! There was still paint on his calf, but fortunately, the wound wasn’t very deep!

It can’t go on like this! The opponent’s moves are Every knife intends to hit the white bear. You can’t be merciful against this kind of opponent, or you’ll lose an arm if you’re not careful! While Elaine was still in a hurry to retreat, he had raised the shock cone to aim at Moren, and pulled the trigger!

Pop! ——The claws attached to the steel cables as thick as fingers shot out rapidly and flew straight towards Morun!

Morron, who was far away, couldn’t see what it was for a while, thinking it was just some kind of projectile shot by Elaine. He dodged the claws with a roll.

However, the grappling claws were not meant to hit Moron the Scimitar! It flew out in a parabola and finally landed on the ground!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! ! The steel cable of the hook was reeled in an instant. It was driven by a powerful motor, and the rewinding force was enough to pull the huge white bear man over! Elaine used the strength of the rewinding of the steel cable and the speed of her own running, and she approached Morn in one breath!

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