Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1176: Selection in the ring (7)


Chapter 1176 Selection in the ring (seven)

At the same time, Bedivere and King Arthur were also walking down the corridor, on their way to the research room. They chatted as they walked. Although the content of the conversation was not classified, it was quite important. In order to avoid being heard by outsiders, they could only speak in a low voice at a volume that only they could hear.

“So, that’s all you know? The Druids gave you such an important tree species, I thought you would have a deeper involvement with them.”

“I didn’t, really didn’t.” The werewolf’s face was slightly innocent: “I took a boat to Great Britain, how many days did I stay? It just happened that the captain of the boat I was on was a Druid, and he introduced The landlord of the house I went to live in was a Druid, and they heard that I was looking for a venue for the round table trial, so they offered me to help them work for mutual benefit.

I admit that I found the venue for the Round Table Trial to their credit, and I also admit that I helped them a few times, even destroying a Twilight Cult stronghold for it. But I’m not really involved with the Druids – at least I’m not their cultist. “

“However, their Lord Prophet is very optimistic about you. He even gave you the precious Sacred Tree Seed.” The King of Knights sneered and said, “You still don’t understand, Bedi. You are born with a powerful Fortune, this kind of strong luck is favored by many people. Give them a chance and they will make the most of you.”

Bediver’s spine froze when he heard it: “Arthur, listening to you, it’s as if you’re expecting me to be used——“

“That’s right, you’re so smart, little Brady~” The King of Knights lowered his voice, but said to Bedivere in a joking tone: “After this ring match is over, participate in the round table. You will have a short vacation for the trial, and the candidates will return to Great Britain to recuperate. I give you a secret order: continue to contact the Druids, integrate with them, and investigate their details. With your ability, in It’s easy for them to be high in the ranks, right? Then go, be my eyes and ears, and dig out all the secrets of this Druidism!”

The werewolf frowned, looking very reluctant.

“The Prophet Muthani was a nice and amiable man,” he muttered. “He helped me a lot, he’s a great philosopher, and he’s definitely not that kind of wicked villain. You want me to go undercover to investigate. When they expose the secrets of the religion, don’t they want to bring me injustice?”

“I don’t see where you are wronged.” The King of Knights retorted: “Great Britain has never interfered with religious freedom, and we have never had any objection to this Druid religion. As long as they don’t cause trouble, we will Don’t care about anything. If the investigation results show that the Druids are a good sect, we would like to cooperate with them. After all, they are also hostile to the Twilight Cult – the enemy of the enemy is our friend.”


“But be careful, Bedivere.” The King of Knights said again: “You are too young, too naive, too easy to trust others. This is your strength, but also your fatal weakness. There are some in the world. Things are not as beautiful as you think. Even under the extreme light of the sun, there is darkness hidden. This darkness is eyeing us, approaching with gentleness and kindness, but intends to devour us in one bite.

We already know that those tree species are biochemical weapons made by ancient people, and these Druids who own tree species must be inseparable from the ancient gods. Don’t put too much faith in their goodness until you know their true intentions. “

The werewolf was puzzled again: “Aren’t the ancient gods our ancestors? They are obviously helping us…”

“I’m not jumping to that conclusion, Bedivere.” Arthur fell into silence with a thoughtful look on his face.

The King of Knights’ silence is not groundless. They are already close to the research room. And the tiger man Albert, who seems to have completed some kind of test, is running out of the research room with a face full of anger.

As soon as the tiger saw the werewolf, he elongated the cat’s face and complained: “Vampires! Those **** vampires! They didn’t mean to let me unlock abilities at all, and the cheapest ability even cost me three hundred Ten thousand Egyptian coins! He’s crazy!!”

“Al… If it’s three million, we should just be able to get it together?” Bedivere smiled helplessly.

“But that’s everyone’s money, not my own money—you guys won’t agree!” Tiger roared at King Arthur: “In short, you are vampires! Profiteers! Let’s not let them go!” People are alive!”

“The power of the Holy Spirit is so defiant, I think three million is still worth it.” The King of Knights laughed: “However, since you are not willing to spend this money to unlock the power of the Holy Spirit, so what? ?——The Orc’s [Crazy Transformation] is also an unlockable ability, and it only costs 500,000.”

“No way! Vampire!!” Albert solemnly repeated: “Crazy transformation is useless in this ring match! Don’t try to cheat money from us!”

Actually, he couldn’t use madness at all.

“Hehe, it’s so lively here. What’s going on?” A voice interrupted Tiger’s complaint.

“Is that you?” Albert turned his head and saw that it was Chanel, the elf girl: “What are you doing here?”

“I have something to do with you.” Chanel said bluntly as soon as she came up.

“Oh—” The tiger’s face suddenly flushed.

“Pfft—” Bedivere couldn’t help laughing.

“If you don’t mind—“Chanel ignored the ridicule of others, holding the tiger’s round ears in one hand, “I’ll borrow this big cat first. We have some personal things to talk about.”

“…Ow! Don’t pull your ears! It hurts——” Albert was taken away by Chanel.

“It’s nice to be young.” Arthur smiled mysteriously: “Beddieville, don’t patronize and envy others. You’re not too young, and it’s time to find a woman to start a family.”

“I don’t want to talk about this, Arthur.” The werewolf was indifferent, even showing a look of disgust: “I used to have a family, but my wife and children are dead. Before I let go of thinking about them, I’m not planning to start another relationship.”

“Widowhood for the dead is also a choice.” The King of Knights said in a deep voice: “If this is your choice, I won’t say anything more. But don’t forget, Bedivere. Only love Only then can people become truly powerful. If your heart is empty, and there is nothing to love or protect, your strength will stop. That’s all I can say, and you can do it yourself.”

The werewolf responded with a deadly silence.

At the same time, Chanel, who was pulling (pulling) the tiger away, found a very secluded corner in the battleship before stopping. When she stopped, Albert felt that his ears were almost numb, leaving only a tingling sensation.

“Ow—! That’s enough, really—!” the tiger complained, rubbing his ears.

“Idiot.” Chanel deliberately tugged a few more times, as if to fight the tiger. She found the tiger’s ears very soft and comfortable to pull.

“I told you to infiltrate the Sphinx’s headquarters to investigate his plans. How did you do this?” Chanel asked again: “Have you found any clues?”

“Uh, but Father Sphinx is a good man.” Albert tilted his head to defend Father Lion: “He’s very amiable and generous. And he’s a gourmet. , invited me and Uncle Palami’s family to dinner last night, that dragon beast steak is super delicious.”

“You sound like he was bribed.” The elf girl was upset.

” But… we’ve been with him all day, learning table manners and things like that, and nothing out of the ordinary has happened. He asked us to pretend to be his Son and grandson, attending the dinner just to win the trust of his business partner——“

Chanel nodded slightly, as if she had heard something: “The partner is the queen of gems, right?”

“You already know, come and ask me!” The tiger man youth was also displeased.

“What business are they talking about and you didn’t ask?” Chanel pressed.

“Hey!” the tiger shouted in a straight line: “I’m having dinner in the VIP room! You have to pay attention to table manners! You can’t ask questions casually! What kind of business they are going to talk about, only they know, I Why are you so embarrassed to ask?”

The elf girl turned her face away in disappointment, but the slender jade finger flicked on the tip of the tiger’s nose: “Useless guy!”

She analyzed to herself again: “So, Rosetta, the queen of gems, is also an insider. The two of them are plotting some huge conspiracy to overthrow the Egyptian government?—Well, maybe Very sexual. The queen of gems has financially controlled the entire sultan, and even she called herself the queen, blatantly overstepping the status of the king of the sultan. The woman obviously thinks that she does not have enough power, and has a relationship with the Sphinx. Joined forces to seize The enemy’s power is bigger and bigger than imagined. It seems that a **** storm is really inevitable.”

“Can you stop this conspiracy theory…” Albert muttered gloomily.

“What do you know, stupid tiger. The world is full of conspiracies.” Chanel gave Tiger a disdainful look. Then, she ordered in a strong tone: “You must ask what the deal between the Sphinx and Rosetta is! This is very important! Maybe they are dealing in jewelry on the surface, but behind the scenes they are dealing in arms! If we can cut the chain of arms transport, we can end the coup—or, at least, slow down their plans!”

The tiger pouted in dissatisfaction: “It’s difficult for the strongman again. I have no reason to approach Father Sphinx, why do you want me to go to him and ask him this and that? Just look for it like this. He, are you not afraid of his suspicions?”

“So, you are really a stupid tiger.” Chanel smiled: “You have a reason to approach him: borrow money!”

.co() “The Legend of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vickers. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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