Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1169: I will rest in the quiet night (8)


Chapter 1169 will rest in the quiet night (eight)

Xinghuilong’s paw clicked on Husky’s nose, and immediately the canine boy became smaller. Xinghuilong pushed the tin toy box into the shadow at the bottom of the bed, and pulled the canine boy to hug him. With a drill, he and Husky hid in the tin box!

“Uncle Shaxing, what are you doing?” Husky was at a loss at this time.

“Be quiet! Someone is coming!” the dragon commanded in a low voice. He gently pushed up the top cover of the tin box with his head, leaving only a small crack in the box, enough for them to observe the situation outside.

The feeling of the evil star is not fake at all, someone is indeed coming.

Click, click, click, click. In the stillness of the night, someone walked slowly into the ruins of the post-disaster apartment with small, cautious steps.

Shaxing couldn’t help shaking. The canine boy beside Xinghuilong felt the dragon’s trembling and looked out curiously. Between the gaps in the rubble, they could see the figure of the man wrapped in black air.

The dragon’s photon sense of smell can sense the breath of the other party, which means that Uncle Sha Xing has long noticed the approach of this uninvited guest. However, Uncle Sha Xing’s martial arts are strong, and he should not be afraid of the sky, right? Even if the opponent is a bad guy, with Uncle Sha Xing’s martial arts, he can easily be brought down, right? Why hide?

Although Husky is full of doubts, since Uncle Shaxing said to hide here and wait, let’s hide here and wait.

Click, click, click, click. The man got closer and closer, and with his slow and steady steps, he left a slight noise on the ground.

As the footsteps of death.

The evil star held his breath and dared not make a sound. He could feel the strength of that person from the other party’s breath, and it was a strangely disgusting strength. The other party’s breath is like viscous sugar water, and like a pool of stagnant water, the breath alone is enough to make Xinghuilong feel suffocated. Sha Xing has lived for so many years, and this is the only time he has ever met such a person!

That guy’s strength is definitely not bad, I’m afraid it is comparable to King Arthur’s strength. Fighting with life and using all the power of the evil star, Xinghuilong is confident that he should be able to barely win. But this is said without worries. Sha Xing is fine if he is alone, but now he is dragging a little devil to take care of. Fighting with each other indiscriminately, Husky is likely to be affected by the battle and suffer huge damage!

Therefore, at the moment when the evil star sensed the powerful aura of the other party, Xinghuilong made this wise decision: hide!

There is absolutely no benefit to fighting the opponent. What’s more… that person seems to have accomplices! !

Another figure fell from the sky, landing lightly among the ruins. The two mysterious people started talking to each other as soon as they met:

“Have you found it?” the powerful guy whispered. He changed his voice through some kind of machine, so that his voice sounded low and hoarse, like the roar of a demon in the depths of hell.

“Not yet. I’ve been looking for it for several days. I’ve checked everything related to him, but I can’t find anything useful.” The newcomer replied. Needless to say, this guy also changed his voice to make his voice sound like a shrill insect chirping.

“Sure enough, you can only get information from that kid.” The mysterious man with a low voice sighed: “When will he be brought back?” “From the current situation, it is very difficult.” The mysterious man responded: “King Arthur has placed a powerful bodyguard next to that kid. The Xinghui Dragon is not easy to deal with.” (Sure enough!—) “It’s just a dragon, can’t it be better to kill it?” The mysterious man with a low voice replied. His confident tone seemed to indeed have the strength to kill the evil star.

“Things are not as simple as you think.” The sharp-voiced mysterious man hurriedly denied: “Don’t take action. If you scare the snakes and raise their vigilance level again, things will become more troublesome. We will I found a way. The way to move the dragon away from the kid and kidnap the kid without knowing it.” The mysterious man with powerful strength and a low voice hummed: “I hope you can really do it. Old men. I’m about to get impatient. If this goes on, even if they don’t get the last key, they’ll force the [God’s Arrival Project]()?” “Oh, they won’t. They’ve waited fifty Seventy million years, they have patience. Waiting another year and a half is not a big deal.” Touch! —A piece of rubble suddenly disintegrated and fell from the ceiling. This place was originally a dangerous building that could collapse at any time, and it was normal for something to collapse. The two mysterious people glanced in the direction of the collapse and found that there was no abnormality, so they ignored it and continued to discuss.

“Cough—” But the dust from the collapsed rubble just reached Husky’s bedroom. The canine boy was stimulated by the dust, and just wanted to sneeze, but was covered by Shaxing’s hand.

“Huh?” The mysterious people seemed to have heard the movement on the side of the bedroom and rushed over at the same time! When they saw Husky’s bed, they thought someone was eavesdropping under the bed, and they approached at the same time. One of the figures leaned over and glanced under the bed.

Meanwhile, the dark clouds over the moon dissipated a little, and the moonlight shone down the crumbling apartment ceiling, just in Husky’s bedroom. While the mysterious man leaned over and looked around, the moonlight also shone on the man’s face.

Shaxing peeks through a slit in the toy box. However, the mysterious man was wrapped tightly all over his body, covering his face so that only a small slit left for his vision. His appearance could not be seen clearly at all!

Still, the evil star saw the guy’s eyes. Those eyes faintly glowed a terrifying blood red in the darkness! Within that circle of blood red, there is another circle of pale gold! Those are monster eyes, that guy is definitely not an ordinary human!

“The box?” whispered the man looking under the bed. From the deep and twisted voice, it could be heard that he was the mysterious man with great strength. He didn’t find anyone hiding under the bed, but he saw the tin toy box where Sha Xing and the others were hiding.

“Oh, it’s just that kid’s toy, nothing worth studying.” The mysterious man with a sharp voice replied casually. He didn’t seem to think that someone would be hiding in a box and overhearing their conversation. So, the voice response just now should be an illusion?

“Just in case, open it up and take a look.” Guys with great power don’t think so. He is more cautious than anyone else. He reached for the tin box and was about to drag the toy box out from under the bed! ——Oops! Shi Xing swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Is it still unavoidable to fight? !

Or should I take advantage of this to immediately release the teleportation spell and open the portal to escape? !

No. Too late to shove the Husky even smaller! Without the protection of Shaxing’s body, the canine boy cannot pass through the teleportation space constructed by dragons! The photon turbulence inside will tear the child to pieces in an instant!

Sure enough, we still have to fight! ——squeak! —— Just as the mysterious man was about to touch the tin box, a dark shadow sprang out from under the bed! A little mouse escaped from the bed!

“Oh, damn!” the two mysterious men shouted simultaneously, backing away in disgust.

This apartment was originally rented by Lian Yin’s mother and son, and it is quite old. Coupled with the impact of the explosion and fire, it has been vacant for many days, and naturally there will be many dirty little things running around.

“Hmph, it’s just a mouse.” The mysterious man with a low voice did not touch the tin box again. He probably thought that the strange noise under the bed was caused by the mouse, and the suspicion of the tin box had been lifted.

“I have to go too,” said the sharp-voiced mysterious man. “This place has been fully investigated, and there is nothing noteworthy. It’s too noticeable. Let’s meet at the same place next time.” “Understood.” The mysterious man with a low voice replied. The two stepped out of the room, quickly passed through the ruins, and soon dissipated into the night.

After the aura of the two mysterious people completely disappeared, Shaxing breathed a sigh of relief and climbed out of the tin box: “What a **** night. It’s not suitable to stay here for long, let’s go back.” When he crawled out from under the bed, his body returned to its original size. He trembled slightly uncontrollably: “They… are looking for Huskiwang.” Xinghuilong turned into a humanoid, preparing for teleportation: “Yes, they are playing your mind. But you It will be fine. Lao Tzu will watch over you all the time, and they won’t even have a chance to do it.” “Well. Uncle Shaxing is here, it’s really reassuring.” The dog boy said with a wry smile. He reluctantly looked at the tin toy box behind him: “Can Husky take the toy box back?” “Better not.” Two favorite toys. But if you bring them all back, let your mother see the box and she’ll know we’ve been here. Are you going to explain to her what happened here?” “Oh… .” The canine boy felt that what his evil uncle said was very and did not argue any more. He put the magic quill and the pacifier in his pocket and hid it, and took another look at the toys in the toy box.

When he thought about it, he felt that the toys in the toy box were either too big to hide or had no value for collection, and the dog boy sighed: “Okay, we’re going back. “Husky doesn’t need any other toys. He’s had better fun lately and started to get addicted to a certain game. Compared to that game, the little toys in front of him looked ridiculous, childish and boring. The eight-year-old boy began to indulge in the knights’ game. He wanted those swords and shiny armor, not the game consoles and plush dolls in front of him.

“So, you don’t want any other toys, just that pacifier is enough?” Shaxing gave Husky an incredulous look.

“That’s… since Husky was very young… uh…” The canine boy blushed and stammered, “Anyway. , that is something of great commemorative value.” “Very good.” Sha Xing sneered, too lazy to say anything to Huskiddo. He took out the empty jar, and at the same time used magic to make the canine boy smaller: “Come in, we should go.” If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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