Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1167: I will rest in the quiet night (6)


Chapter 1167 will rest in the quiet night (six)

But why! ? Isn’t the dark son just by constantly infecting living things to achieve the purpose of self-proliferation? Why do they only infect the animals in Elaison’s Pure Land, but do nothing to the plants there?

“Oh, Your Majesty doesn’t need to be so confused.” Seeing Arthur’s surprised expression, the Great Mage Merlin smiled indifferently: “If you think about it carefully, the principle is really simple. If dark sons want to multiply, they must An infected species is required to [devour] other species.

In other words, Anko is only interested in creatures with [Appetite]. —— In other words, Anko is only interested in [animals]. Plants do not have the physiological function of [feeding], so they do not have appetite, and they will not engage in excessive predation under the temptation of dark seeds, so they are immune to dark seeds.

The ancients were very smart, and it was estimated that they realized this problem in a short period of time after the dissolution of Anko. All the biochemical weapons they developed based on plants should exist to fight against dark child creatures. “The King of Knights was stunned for a while. He thought of something:” Bedivere said that this tree species was given to him by the [Druid] people. “Merlin nodded knowingly:” In other words, Druidism and ancient people are very closely related. They must know something, they may even be special troops left by the ancient gods to deal with Anzi. “King Arthur smiled, expressing reservations about Merlin’s overly rich and unfounded speculation: “I originally thought they were just an immortal religious group in Great Britain. —— In any case, I have instructed Bedivere to write me a detailed report and let him reveal everything he knows about Druidism. We’ll just have to wait and see Brady’s report, he won’t let us down. “Merlin shook his head again, and dismissed the shady magic at will, and the black barrier that enveloped the two instantly disappeared without a trace:” It’s hard to say, Your Majesty. If your werewolf friend only has a superficial cooperative relationship with the Druid Cult, the other party will probably not really trust him and will not reveal the real secrets of the Cult to him. The information we have at our disposal is still very limited. “”I’ll find a way. “King Arthur waved his sleeves, turned and walked away.

At the same time, somewhere in Edinburgh, in an apartment destroyed by an explosion and fire.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. The dragon’s wings fluttered in the night sky, making a low sound. Xinghuilong carefully controlled the altitude and speed of the flight, and sneaked into the top floor of the apartment together with the dark clouds covering the moon and the hazy night.

“I really found it here…” Husky was surprised. He clearly didn’t tell Uncle Sha Xing where his hometown was, but Xinghuilong came to this place with his keen sense of smell. This super sense of smell is comparable to the talent of the orcs – even more so!

“Huhu. The world of photons is an ocean of information.” Shaxing put the canine boy from his back, and he changed back to his human form, and began to walk carefully in the ruins: “Some races are good at Find [image] from this sea of ​​information, and some races are good at finding [sound] from this sea. And dragons find [breath] from it.” “breath? Isn’t it smell?” Dog With the help of the evil star, the young man carefully walked into the ruins that could collapse at any time. They had to take every step very carefully, because the floor beneath them had been badly cracked in the explosion, and the steel bars in the concrete had broken quite a bit. If they accidentally smashed the floor, they would fall from a collapsed apartment. The injury is minor, but the impact of the fall is likely to trigger a chain reaction of collapse, and burying them alive is the most important thing.

“No.” Shaxing smiled softly, slowly pushed aside a piece of rubble that blocked the road, and cleared a passage: “The smell you smell is the chemical information brought by the chemicals in the air. But dragons The [breath] smelled is a bit different from the smell. It is difficult to describe it with words such as [incense] and [smelly]. If I really want to say it, it should be closer to a kind of [pressure]. It’s a bit powerful The aura on the guy’s body is also very strong, you can even easily feel his oppression, as if to suffocate you. On the contrary, some people exude a pleasant breath, and it is very relaxing to be around such a person .” Husky’s big eyes turned smartly: “For example… the black cat sister Wang?” The evil star glanced at the canine boy: “You boy… in some ways It’s unexpectedly clever.” “Hehe~” The dog boy touched his head and passed through a crack of collapsed rubble: “Uncle Shaxing, can you pass through?” “Oh, it’s not difficult at all. .” Xinghuilong transformed into a fist-sized flying lizard, he was smaller than Husky, and it was easy to pass through the narrow space.

Through. The evil star was too lazy to change back into a human form, so he landed on Husky’s head.

Seeing the journey, the dog boy has walked most of the way, and the place he is now is the living room of his house. Although this place has been messed up by the impact of the explosion, scorched black by the fire, and everything has changed beyond recognition, but a few days ago, his mother, Lianyin, was pierced by an assassin’s sword here a few days ago. What happened here is for Haas Key left a huge psychological shadow, and it was impossible for him to forget this place.

The canine boy shuddered. In order to ease his unease, he asked in a low voice, “Speaking of which… Uncle Shaxing and Uncle Arthur, who is stronger?” “If it’s just an ordinary discussion, I’ll be stronger.” Xinghuilong said without hesitation: “But if I fight with my life, he will beat me.” “Uncle Arthur is stronger? Why is it woofing?” The dog boy asked inexplicably: “If you want, use magic When Uncle Se becomes smaller, he can easily defeat Wang——” “No way.” Xinghuilong sneered and denied: “If you use magic, you can not only make people smaller, but also make people smaller.” What about other things——such as frogs. But that is useless at all. The transformation magic is used on the opponent, and the success rate is very low. There is a self-protecting photon force field in the living body, called [absolute field] .It reflects any hostile spells harmful to this creature.

Almost 100% of polymorph spells are deflected unless the subject is willing to be deformed. do you remember? When I used magic to make you small, I also told you: [Don’t resist it]. Once you have a sense of resistance and think that it is a spell that has a negative impact on your body, the shrinking spell will immediately fail. “”Oh—” Husky then remembered what happened before. The first time he and Howl were reduced by the Star Dragon and put into a crystal candy box, they were too scared to let the spell fail prematurely. As a result, they swelled and returned to their original shape in the candy box and in the mouth of Uncle Xing Xing, and almost burst Xinghuilong’s mouth.

Shaxing added: “Generally speaking, all polymorph spells must be voluntarily deformed by the subject, or the subject must be hypnotized before it can be successful. If it is that simple, it can transform the opponent into Little, don’t all magicians become invincible guys? Everyone just learns spells, and what kind of swordsmanship.” “So it’s so loud.” Husky replied casually, his big eyes in the darkness He struggled to identify the structure of the ruins, hoping to find the room he used to live in. After a lot of work, he finally found the direction of the room: “This way. Husky’s room is right here.” “Hope the things in your room weren’t destroyed by an explosion or burned to ashes.” ‘ said Shaxing coldly. Judging by the extent of the damage to the apartment, their chances of recovering the magic quill were very slim.

Or not.

Husky groped into the old site of his room and saw his burned-out cot. However, when the canine boy took out the small tin box he used to store his treasures from under the bed, he was surprised to find that the box was exceptionally well preserved.

Perhaps it’s because the little case itself is made to be strong. Or maybe it is because it is protected by some unknown power. In short, apart from a little black burn on the surface of the case, it is not particularly damaged.

“Great. Turn it on now.” Shaxing ordered.

“Uh… Uncle Shaxing, can you turn your back on it for now?” Husky said shyly.

Xinghuilong frowned: “Why? Is there something shady hidden in it?” “No, but Wang—” The dog boy replied hesitantly, with a shy blush on his face. .

What did the evil star grinned immediately: “You’re only eight years old, and you hide those unhealthy books in the toy box?” “No!” Husky’s face Rising red: “Uncle Shaxing, what nonsense are you talking about! Husky never sees that kind of thing, Husky is not as bad as Daddy!” “Then there is nothing to be afraid of. Open it. “Xinghuilong didn’t give in. He is a dragon, and he will always only know how to live willfully, and will not pay attention to the sophistication of human society.

“You promise not to laugh at Huskies? You promise not to tell you what you see?” “Laughs at you? Why?” I became more and more puzzled: “And why do you want to say it? I am not your friend, not your relative, nor your guardian. I am just a bodyguard. No matter what is not in your private life, I have nothing to do with Lao Tzu. It doesn’t matter.” “Okay Wang…” After the evil star repeatedly assured, Husky sighed and agreed. The canine boy flipped the locks on both sides of the tin box and opened the box.

[This book is first published from, see the genuine content for the first time! ]

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