Light Spirit Epic Chapter 116: Wandering in the Wilderness (Part 2)


Chapter 116 Wandering in the Wilderness (Part 2)

Ten minutes later.

“Swish…” There was the sound of water.

“Huh?” Arthur walked into the hotel toilet with half-open eyes, “Is anyone there?”

“Ah, Arthur?!” Bedivere was startled, “Don’t come in, don’t come in yet!!”

“Oh, what’s this smell?” Arthur was waiting at the door of the toilet, “You lascivious boy, did you do [that kind of thing] with that robot girl?”

“No, idiot!!” Bedivere angrily exclaimed.

“Humph.” Arthur sneered mysteriously.

“That, Arthur?” Bedivere asked.

“What’s the matter.”

“Just help Kay,” Brady said.

“Why am I helping that idiot. He’s going to slam his head into the wall, can I stop him?” Arthur was clearly angry when he said this.

“I know Kai is an idiot. I don’t have any self-awareness, and I ran to that kind of dangerous place on purpose.” The werewolf boy said while washing his clothes, “But at that moment, I couldn’t help thinking of my brother.”

Arthur wanted to say something, but as soon as the words hit his throat, they got stuck.

“…I don’t want you to repeat the same mistakes I made, and in the end, you have to quarrel with your brother, and you won’t even have a chance to apologize and never see you again. Of course… This is also the past, and I am lucky to see Papalov at the end.”

“Kay won’t die so easily,” Arthur whispered.

“I have a bad feeling,” Brady said. “If I don’t do anything like this, Kay won’t come back. I have that feeling.”

“It’s just that you think too much.” Arthur said, “Go back to sleep when you’re done, maybe Kay will change his mind tomorrow morning.”

“Arthur, what did you do the last time I told you about my brother?” Bedi asked.

“I went to see Vivian,” Arthur replied.

“So, do you regret going to see her?” the werewolf boy asked sharply.

Arthur was unable to answer. The answer is yes. However, as long as he answered, it was like admitting that he had lost.

“I’m going back to bed, you’ll get it right. If Kay and the others see you, you’ll be teased for weeks,” Arthur said.

Bedivere snorted in disbelief and heard Arthur’s footsteps receding.

The next morning.

“Okay, I’m off.” Kay stood up after breakfast and said, “It’s useless to stop me unless you cut off my legs…even then I’m going to crawl.”

“What an unrepentant guy.” Arthur said coldly, “Sit down.”

“I said I won’t listen to you again!” Kai said in disbelief.

“Sit down, idiot. Wait until everyone’s finished breakfast. We’ve all agreed to accompany you to the Warrior’s Grave,” Arthur said.

“Really?!” Kay said happily, “Arthur, you are really my good brother!”

“Shut up! Otherwise I’ll cut off your hands and feet and tie you up and throw you into the sea!” Arthur said coldly.

“Evan, is there any problem for you to follow? This adventure is likely to kill you.” Arthur confirmed again.

“Dad was there at that time, right?” Ivan asked with a mournful tone, “I was fired from the Knights for no reason, and he didn’t object. It seems that he gave up on me completely and no longer held any sympathy for me. Hope. I don’t have a place to go, I might as well follow you to the warrior’s grave and impress the old bastard.”

“I advise you not to hold such thoughts.” Arthur said, “Those who go to the graves of warriors with the determination to die are usually the first to die. If we really want us to take you, it is best to Come back alive with determination. If we can’t do it, we’ll leave you.”

Evan hesitated for a moment, “Okay, that’s it.”

“Before you go, you have to prepare equipment.” Arthur said, “I have 20,000 gold coins on hand, but weapons and armor are very expensive, and there is no way to get good equipment among the people. What should I do? “

“How about a wizard?”

“I don’t want to ask him any more for the time being. I’m not too thick-skinned to ask him for help within a few days.” Arthur said.

“Tsk.” Kai saw that he couldn’t come to a conclusion no matter how he discussed it, and suddenly had an idea: “Let’s just go hunting monsters? If we get the corpse of a special monster and bring it to Vivian, it can be used. Very powerful weapons for very little money. The more special materials that pique Vivian’s interest, the better.”

“Your gun,” Arthur asked, “made from a lava troll’s heart? How much did it cost?”

“Well, this—” Kai thought for a while, “10,000 gold coins, my accumulation of three years—“

Before Kay could finish speaking, Arthur punched him: “This prodigal!!”

“But it’s very strong! Isn’t it worth it? Dad gambled and played with women, and he spent more than 10,000 gold coins in one night.”

“That’s why the old **** sold me and Lancelot to pay off the debt when he had no money!” Arthur said angrily, “It’s true that a father must have a son! Don’t have the concept of financial management?!”

“I’ve been in the Knights before, so I don’t need to worry about food and housing…” Kai pretended to be innocent, “Obviously he’s an iron job, how do I know that I’ll be fired suddenly? “

“Okay, it’s my fault, I’m so sorry for causing you all to be fired!” Arthur sarcastically said, “Now go get basic equipment and hunt monsters. I don’t know what Vivian will bid for. We can only build a bunch of good and bad materials, and then entrust Vivian to make equipment depending on the economic situation.”

“Well, that—-” Bedivere finally interjected, “Arthur, I actually have some money here too.”

The teenager hands a passbook to Arthur.

“This is…!”

The passbook contains six-figure sums of money. There are a full 300,000 Pantoracken gold coins!

“Where do you have so much money!?”

“Didn’t our tribe take some belongings when they escaped? This is what my parents left behind. For some reason, my grandfather’s village was destroyed by the orcs, and the villagers’ property was inherited by me. This is also the money that the Banque de France sent not long ago.”

“This kid turned out to be a little rich man!” Kai said enviously, “With such a large sum of money, it is enough to build a castle about the size of the Beitian Knights base!”

“But we can’t use this Arthur said,”This is the money of your people and the people in the village, it will be used to rebuild your village later. How can we be so selfish and use your blood to buy equipment? “

“But, isn’t Arthur having a problem? Money can be earned slowly in the future, but now let’s solve the urgent problem——“

Arthur patted the werewolf boy on the head, “Don’t worry, there will always be a way. You can keep the money yourself.”

“Evan’s weapons need to be bought now, and Brady better get a lightsaber. Then there’s Kai’s armor.”

“It’s fine if I don’t wear armor, you can do it, so can I—–“

“If you want to enter the warrior’s grave without any protection, you are courting death!” Arthur interrupted Kay, “Others still need to buy some basic armor, but if you want to compete head-on with the monster traps in the maze, just give it to me. Wear full armor.”

“How much will that cost…” Kai softened.

“I have an idea,” Evan said, “Isn’t it okay to take the skin or shell from the monster to make armor? Like dragon scales…”

“Vivian can do it, but it still costs money in the end.” Arthur said, “Forget it, let’s talk about buying the armor part, and get the weapons first to hunt monsters. Please be careful, don’t Killed by monsters without protection!”

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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