Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1134: Lost in the Oasis (16)


Chapter 1134 Lost in the Oasis (Sixteen)

“Keep quiet? No, not really.

“I’m just a **** in that battleship,” Bedivere responded to Tristan’s taunts: “Where is it like our Prince Tristan, who has a high position and can do whatever he wants.” On the prince’s forehead, “You —” “This is not the time to quarrel!” Evan advised: “If we don’t want to be besieged by more monsters, we must leave here as soon as possible!” ~ Get out! ! ~A faint voice entered everyone’s mind inexplicably.

“Huh?!” Everyone was startled by the sudden voice.

“Isn’t that the giant who can use telepathy?” Bedivere couldn’t help frowning.

Telepathy is not ordinary speech. The sound is directly transmitted to everyone’s brain through photons, and there is no sound source at all. Therefore, the crowd cannot determine the location of the speaker from the source of the voice.

~Go away! ! The intruder must die! ~ “There seems to be something else in this forest.” Arthur looked around, but couldn’t find the source of the sound in the dark forest: “It’s very likely that that thing is directing other monsters to attack us.” That’s easy.” Tristan wiped his spear with a handkerchief, removing some of the coke-like dirt from the spear. “Find the guy who was talking just now and kill it, and the riots here will stop. It will subside.” “Hopefully it will be that simple.” Bedivere poured a pan of cold water.

The werewolf vaguely felt that things were not so simple. Maybe their guess was wrong, the monster wasn’t actually hiding in this forest.

~ Don’t spoil the peace here! ! ~”Noisy!!——” Arthur roared. His dragon roar really shocked the guy who spoke with telepathy, and even the riots of the monsters in the forest were quelled.

Everyone was stunned, not expecting this to work. They don’t seem to have to worry about being besieged by an army of monsters for a while – although they still have to get out of here quickly.

“Let’s split up.” Arthur ordered: “I and Bedivere together, search east; Ivan and Tristan, search west.” “Opposition!” Tristan was uncharacteristically Said: “Your Majesty, your safety is the top priority! Ivan’s eagle eye technique is very useful for preventing sneak attacks. You must walk with Your Majesty! Otherwise, when there is an emergency, this stupid wolf can’t save you at all!” Are you trying to scold me in circles for no use?” This time, blue veins appeared on Bedivere’s forehead.

“No, it’s useless for me to scold you directly.” The murloc prince criticized mercilessly.

“It’s so noisy, shut up both of you!” Arthur said angrily: “It’s because of this that I want to separate you!——Is this okay? I’ll bring Evan set off together, leaving the two of you to continue quarreling!” “This prince won’t have the same knowledge as such a person!” Tristan showed a look of disdain.

“I’m too lazy to quarrel with you, and I’m not a child!” The werewolf said in disbelief.

“You guys can really carry out your mission well without quarreling?” Arthur asked suspiciously.

“No noise!” “No way!” Bedivere and Tristan shouted in unison.

The King of Knights chuckled: “Very good, then it’s settled. I and Ivan will search east; Bedivere and Tristan will search west. Let’s go!” Although he was extremely reluctant, The werewolf still obeyed King Arthur’s orders and followed Tristan into the forest west of the clearing.

At the same time, Great Britain, on the outskirts of Edinburgh, in a Goth’s café.

Everyone’s dinner has arrived. However, it was more of an interrogation than a dinner party. The appearance of Sha Xing sitting there with a serious face and preparing to interrogate Daniel made Husky and the others lose their appetite.

“This, this is the main course…” With the help of the black cat, Daniel brought up six plates and placed them in front of everyone tremblingly. After he lifted the lids one by one, the contents on the plate were in everyone’s eyes.

It’s really a fish dish, but it’s done quite differently. Daniel drizzled tomato sauce with soy sauce on the grilled fish. The sweet and sour tomato sauce matched the freshness of the fish, which seemed to be delicious.

“I thought your store only made dark dishes?” Lancelot asked curiously. The grilled fish in front of him, although the sauce is special, is still a kind of normal cuisine, which seems to be different from the style of the Gothic Cafe.

“Brother, you are going too far!” The black cat pouted and protested: “We don’t specialize in producing dark dishes! The spirit of the Goths is not to take the usual path. As long as it is a unique dish, it will be produced. Cooking is just one of them!” “This is a recipe from my ancestors, it’s hard to eat outside.” The apprentice knight boy also whispered.

“啾~” Howl scooped up some fish for his little pet Pochi. After taking a bite, the little carp was intoxicated, and circled happily beside the leopard boy.

“It doesn’t seem to be poisonous.” Shaxing picked up a knife and fork and cut a piece of grilled fish, dipped it in the sauce and put it into his mouth. Then he showed a complex expression of joy and sullenness on his face at the same time, and began to question Daniel: “Now, explain: what the **** is your kid eating inside and out for?” ..” Lancelot muttered on the side, but was greeted by the evil star’s vicious stare, so the Knights of the Round Table did not speak.

“That…” Daniel casually ate a small bite of the grilled fish and replied in a low voice, “I need money. A lot, a lot of money. My mother is sick, very sick. That’s absolutely It’s not an incurable disease, but to cure that disease, surgery is needed. It needs money.” Husky, who was beside him, had just cut off a piece of grilled fish with a knife and fork, and when he heard Daniel’s self-report, he couldn’t help frowning sadly.

“So you eat inside and out, not only get the salary of the Beitian Knights every month, but also go out to work part-time to make money?” Shaxing ate another bite of grilled fish and swallowed the juice: “Four working, Exhausting yourself. You can’t be promoted in the Knights, you can’t make much money by working outside, you can’t take care of both. In short, you’re an idiot.” “Uh!” Daniel twitched as if he had been pricked by a needle, unable to refute.

Husky listens in silence, eating his grilled fish in silence. The sweetness of the tomato sauce and the deliciousness of the fish go well together, and this is a really good dish. But he was so worried about the condition of Daniel’s brother that he felt dull when eating this dish.

“I don’t understand.” Lancelot couldn’t help asking, “If I remember correctly, the Knights of Great Britain have medical allowances for their knights and their families. Even if it’s just apprentice knights, you You and your family should enjoy free medical allowances, and the insurance company should pay for your mother’s surgery. Why are you pushing yourself so hard?” Daniel’s face suddenly sank: “This… Can I not tell you? If outsiders know about this—” “Speak it out.” Sha Xing coldly ordered: “If there are extenuating circumstances, We’ll keep it a secret for you.” Daniel sighed again, “Ah, okay. My mother was not a British national. She was… smuggled from Europe. So although my dead father I am from Great Britain. Although I have a British household registration, my mother cannot enjoy any social welfare in Great Britain. Apart from working part-time, I…I really have no way…I can help my mother…” “Illegal immigration, hum.” Xinghuilong sneered, although he didn’t know much about human society: “In short, your family is troublesome.” Daniel didn’t answer, his face was full of remorse and resentment .

“It doesn’t matter.” The evil star changed the conversation, “I think that all this is for your mother’s sake, I can turn a blind eye to your behavior of eating inside and outside. But, how long do you want to continue this kind of life? Suppose You haven’t broken your body, and you can continue to persevere — with the poor salary of your apprentice knight and the pocket money you earned from part-time jobs, how long will it take to cover your mother’s surgery expenses?” The apprentice knight boy With a pale face, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva: “About… It will take five years. Because it is a major operation, the operation fee and drug cost are very high. I just hope that my mother can persist until I have enough money.” Said At this point, Shaxing, Lancelot and Black Cat shook their heads at the same time. Daniel is a simple-minded kid after He thinks things too simply. A seriously ill person cannot survive five years of suffering. By the time Daniel scrapes together enough money to operate on his mother, his mother will probably be gone.

“Then what should I do!” the apprentice knight boy cried in despair.

“Shh! Be quiet!” The black cat covered Daniel’s mouth slightly displeased. Although they were in a relatively deserted corner of the cafe, there were other guests in the cafe, and Daniel’s yelling would affect other guests’ meals.

The black cat looked at the table again and saw that everyone had almost eaten the grilled fish in tomato sauce, so he stood up and said, “You guys continue to eat. I’ll go and serve the second dish.” After the black cat walked away , Lancelot suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said: “Actually, as long as you work hard to upgrade to a regular knight—that is, a black iron knight, your economic problems may be solved.” Daniel’s eyes widened. , looked at Lancelot incredulously: “Huh?” [From, look at the genuine content for the first time! ]

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