Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1122: Lost in the Oasis (4)


Chapter 1122 Lost in the Oasis (4)

Dragons all have traits that are repugnant to their kin. Dragons who are not related by blood naturally dislike each other; even two dragons who are related by blood are inevitably affected by the law of hatred of the same race.

More precisely, the closer the blood relationship between the two dragons is, the more he (she) hates each other as adults, to the point of almost fighting as soon as they meet.

Thanks to this, dragons can never form a fixed society or group. Most dragons live alone in their own territory and rarely have social contacts.

Except for the hormonal influence during courtship, to let two dragons of the opposite **** walk together, it is absolutely impossible for two adult dragons to stay together for a long time in the rest of the time.

When the two young dragons grew up, the day of separation came naturally.

“I hate you! Don’t keep following you!!” The young Baishuanglong roared at his brother: “I don’t need a nanny, and you’ll be embarrassed if you keep following along!!”

“But, Xianvia…” The young Red Fire Dragon looked very aggrieved.

“Noisy! I’m tired of hearing your voice!” The Frost Dragon spread its wings and looked up at the sky, with endless longing in his eyes, the desire to leave this ghost place: “I’ve been able to support myself, please don’t do it, brother. Follow me! I’m going to travel the world to find my father and mother!”

“The outside world is very dangerous, so let my brother be with you…”

“No! You will only embarrass me!!” Bai Frost Dragon couldn’t wait to refuse his brother’s request.

Red Fire Dragon was even more aggrieved: “Am I really embarrassing you like this…”

“Yes!” This sentence hit Baishuanglong’s point of death, and he said nothing when he was young: “Take a good look at yourself! You are a red fire dragon! However, neither the father nor the mother is prosperous. Dragon, how could you who gave birth to a red fire dragon? Sure enough, what other dragons say is the truth, you are actually——“

“Shut up!” A slap, no, a tail, slapped the face of the white frost dragon fiercely, and even knocked the young white frost dragon back a few steps.

“Enough, Xianvia! It’s really enough!” The Red Fire Dragon was the least willing to hear that word uttered from his brother’s mouth. In anger, he could only hurriedly interrupt his brother’s words with actions. .

No matter how much the other dragons ridicule him, the Red Fire Dragon can swallow it; but if it is his brother who says it, he will feel the pain in his heart instantly.

It’s self-blame, and even more guilt for my younger brother; it’s helpless to the status quo, and it’s heartache and despair over the reality.

“Okay.” Despite being reluctant, Red Fire Dragon finally compromised: “Brother will not follow you anymore. We part ways and live separately. Are you satisfied?”

It’s all just to keep my brother from hating him so much.

“You’d better keep your promise.” Baishuanglong responded indifferently, and his eyes no longer had the old attachment to his brother: “Next time we meet, we will be enemies. Duel like other dragons, If you don’t fight, you will never give up. Prepare yourself.”

He raised his wings and flew away, leaving only his brother in a desolate valley.

Love given will never be repaid, only hatred and rejection.

In this case, the red fire dragon also decided to close his heart, face the world with rage and hatred, and play a villain in the script named [History].

No matter how you try, a dragon is always alone, solitary, and lonely. This is the characteristic of their family, and it is also a curse. To blame can only blame his own weakness, unable to break the entanglement of this curse.

However, even with power, what can he do? He is just an evil dragon, the most despised alien even among his kin.

——No one would love him anyway. It has been so, it has always been so, and it will be so in the future.

“Umm…” Shaxing murmured, immersed in his own nightmare, unable to extricate himself. The toxin of the succubus with violent hypnotic properties continued to spread from the bite of Xinghuilong’s neck, and it almost spread to his whole body.

A little, he will be completely controlled by the succubus’ hypnotism;

A little bit before, he will be completely enveloped in despair and lose his mind;

A little bit before he becomes a real [evil].

Nevertheless, the children are convinced that Uncle Shaxing will wake up. —— It should be said that they can only hope so.

At this time, Husky was busy dodging the attacks of the Necromancers.

The corpses have lost the ability to kill enemies with their guns, and their clumsy hands and feet can’t raise their guns well. But they still wield all kinds of swords and sharp blades to hunt down canine juveniles, and they are still deadly and tireless.

The boy with almost no fighting ability can only use the advantages of the venue and his own flexibility to dodge the attack of the sword everywhere, so he is very embarrassed. The situation is getting worse and worse, and the canine boy’s physical strength is about to bottom out. If Uncle Sha Xing hadn’t woken up to save Husky, it wouldn’t be long before Husky would lose the strength to keep fleeing and be chopped into meat sauce by the undead warriors!

It should be said that Husky’s physical strength has bottomed out. Distracted from excessive tiredness, Husky stomped on the slippery stone and fell to the ground!

“Wow!” He let out a scream, knowing that disaster was imminent!

A necromancer who followed closely behind the canine boy had already caught up. Seeing such a good opportunity, how could he not take advantage of the momentum to pursue it! The long sword in its hand fell, and the sharp long sword was enough to split Husky, who was not wearing any armor at all!

Whoosh! Crack la la la la! Before hitting Husky, the Necromancer froze first! A strong icy mist spread over the monster, and this corpse, which was already covered in blood, could easily be frozen!

“What are you still in a daze? Run!” The little murloc prince Calvin shouted not far away.

“Calvin Wang!” Husky scrambling to escape regardless of the mud on his body.

“Oh, there’s still a kid who isn’t dead?” The succubus in the distance saw the little murloc prince crawling out of the stone bunker, and was very surprised: “Come on! Even the kid was killed!” !”

Faced with the furious monsters attacking the group, the little murloc prince squeezed a magic light ball between his palms, ready to cast a more powerful ice fog: “Puppy run away! The prince is here to stop it!”

“No! You will die!” Husky exclaimed. Husky is an orc, with more physical strength than ordinary people, and excellent motor nerves, so he can protect himself in the crazy attack of those necromancers. And Calvin’s physical strength and motor nerves are not much different from ordinary humans. Even with magic, the little murloc prince can’t last for a minute under the onslaught of monsters, and he will be cut into sashimi in an instant!

One is a canine boy who is at the bottom of his physical strength, and the other is a murloc prince with insufficient physical strength. They can’t resist under the siege of monsters! And the leopard boy Hal watched the battle between Husky and Calvin from a distance on the battleship (in fact, he was just being chased unilaterally), but he could do nothing!

A monster attacked, and Calvin quickly released a cloud of ice mist, hitting the upper body of the monster! But the lower body of the monster can still move, and it kicked the little murloc prince!

“Ouch!” Calvin was simply kicked far away, hit a hard rock, and spat out blood!

“Calvin Wang!!” Husky exclaimed, struggling to dodge the stab of another Necromancer!


Someone is calling.



(Help me!)

“Yeah!” Shi Xing suddenly opened his eyes, a strange scarlet light flashing in his eyes.

“Oh! Are you awake!” The succubus exclaimed in surprise, “Looking at this, the hypnosis should be successful?”

“…Yes…Master…Obey…Master’s…command.” Shaxing murmured in a low voice. In a haze.

“Hahahaha…ahhahahahahaha!!” The demon girl laughed smugly, and her army of undead warriors stopped moving. Knowing that she has controlled the most powerful warrior on the scene, and the demon girl has the chance to win, she is unscrupulous: “Look, stinky brats! Your last trump card has also become my slave! You are no longer saved!”

“No! Uncle Shaxing Wang…” Husky looked desperately at the fully hypnotized Xinghuilong.

“Um…uh…” Calvin got up from the ground, blood was still coming from the corner of his mouth, he also looked at Xinghuilong disappointedly: “Uncle Jinling is nothing more than that. Is it…”

“Hmph, that kid should be the little prince of the mermaid clan?” No need to concentrate on hypnotizing the evil star, the succubus now has time to observe her opponent, so she recognizes Calvin. Prince’s identity: “Looks like the Queen of Iceland is going to lose a son today. Don’t blame me, this battleship and you guys are all in the way. For Queen Morgan’s great cause of unifying the universe, you must be eliminated as soon as possible!—- –My new green knight, I’ll give you your first task right now: go kill that kid!!”

“According to…order…Master!” The evil star slowly walked towards Prince Calvin. He was still holding Husky’s photon dagger in his hand, but this dagger would soon become a murder weapon, and the flame-like red light that bloomed on it also added a bit of weirdness at this time.

“Humph…” Calvin was half-kneeling on the ground, watching the evil star walking slowly towards him with the murder weapon in his hand, but the little murloc prince didn’t run or He himself I know it’s useless to run away. At the speed of Xinghuilong, I am afraid he will catch up with him in an instant.

This game has been checkmate. As long as the evil star is still hypnotized, nothing the boys do is useless. And this hypnosis, it seems that it is not so easy to solve.

The evil star holds the photon dagger high and is about to slash Calvin’s head!

“Wow—!” The little murloc prince closed his eyes and prepared to die.


(No! Xianvia!)

(Don’t leave me alone!!)

Just when Prince Calvin thought the blade of light was about to fall on his head and cut his brain in half——

Some sort of hot liquid dripped onto Calvin’s cheek. –6139+xs265658–>() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only Committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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