Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1112: Seeking secrets in the sand sea (34)


Chapter 1112 Searching for Secrets in the Sand Sea (34)

“There is a signal? We are clearly underground.” The King of Knights subconsciously took out his mobile phone.

“It is this system that enhances the signal of the photon wave.” Eve’s voice can only be heard in all directions of the restaurant: “This system thinks that the acting host and his friends will need to contact the outside world.”

“Well done.” The King of Knights praised indifferently, turned on the phone and put it to his ear: “It’s me.”

“Your Majesty!? Thank goodness! I finally got in touch with you!” Evan’s voice sounded on the other end of the phone: “Where have you been? We searched the entire desert and couldn’t find your trace! Could it be that you are Was it buried in yellow sand?”

“Haha, you’re absolutely right.” King Arthur said half-jokingly: “I’m in the underground glass world, with Bedivere.”

“What? There’s nothing in that **** place, what are you doing there?”

“Don’t come to the conclusion too quickly, Evan.” Arthur smiled lightly: “We used to put probes here, and what we were looking for was only the Holy Grail Fragment. Finding other things is another matter. .You never know what you’ll find until you encounter [Unknown].”

On the other end of the phone came the half-long young man’s dissatisfied complaint: “Your Majesty, you are playing dumb with me again…”

“Anyway,” the King of Knights stuffed a french fries into his mouth and swallowed them: “Can you detect the signal from that cavalry in Bediveville? Follow that signal, and let’s go to the [City of the Dead] ] Let’s meet.”

“Uh, Your Majesty has found the City of the Dead?!”

“Probably.” Arthur has a conservative attitude towards this matter. After all, he has not seen it with his own eyes, and he has not been able to confirm that it is the real [City of the Dead]: “Anyway, see you later.”

“The signal of the iron knight system has been strengthened.” Listening to the conversation between Arthur and Evan quietly, the artificial intelligence Eve cooperated very well, and has already done appropriate processing there.

Two huge antenna rods were erected at the stern of the golden ship, which emitted strong photon waves, amplifying the signal of Bedivere’s iron cavalry hundreds of times, allowing it to transmit through the huge and heavy ceiling of the glass world. to the ground.

“Thank you for your cooperation.” The King of Knights said lightly, shoving a french fries in front of the werewolf: “Beddy, eat it too. As soon as we reach the city of the dead, we will be busy immediately. .”

“Oh.” Bedivere swallowed the steak and cleaned the whole plate. When he saw the King of Knights handing over the food, he took a bite and ate the French fries without hesitation.

“Well, this tastes good too!” The werewolf laughed innocently like a child. It was only when he was alone with Arthur that Bedivere showed his childish side. This is the same principle as a puppy raised by someone who only wagged its tail at its owner.

“Is that so? I’ll give you a mutton kebab too, but be careful of burning your mouth.” Arthur handed another mutton kebab.

“Hehe…” The werewolf finally took a bite of the mutton kebab, suddenly remembered something, and asked, “Eve, how long will it take to reach the target location?”

“As the energy storage is below 30 percent, the transport vessel is currently sailing at low speed in an energy-saving mode. The estimated time of arrival is one hour.” The ship’s artificial intelligence replied dispassionately.

“By the way, the sun is about to go down, and the ship’s power source is much less.” The werewolf said jokingly. He subconsciously remembered that the caravan’s sand boats were also using solar sails to collect electricity. Sunlight is the best source of energy in deserts where the sky is blue and sunny all year round.

Eve begins to explain: “Actually, the ship uses two power sources, one is highly purified solar energy, which is replenished daily through sunlight; the other is geothermal energy deep underground, which is carried out weekly. A deep dive to replenish——“

“Okay, you don’t need to explain so clearly.” The werewolf was afraid that Eve would continue to talk, so he quickly interrupted: “Anyway, let’s take a good rest during this time. Where is the lounge?”

“The captain’s lounge is behind the bridge, in the single room on the highest floor; and the VIP lounge is opposite the captain’s room.” Another navigation beam appeared on the ground, and the ice-blue beam stretched from the dining room. Go out and go up the stairs on the opposite side of the corridor.

“Let’s go, Arthur.” The werewolf quickly finished off the last food and stood up.

“Aren’t you going to take a stroll around this ship and study what facilities it has?” Arthur also stood up and followed behind Bedivere: “This ship may belong to you in the future?”

“Arthur, didn’t you hear me? I’m the [acting] captain. I just happened to pick up the keystone and was mistaken for the captain.” The werewolf grinned nonchalantly: “The captain’s job Getting up is a heavy responsibility. God knows what strange tasks from ancient people will be forced to perform? This kind of thankless responsibility, if anyone is interested in the future, let’s do it. I still have round table trials to participate in, so I don’t have time to do it. What captain?”

“You can’t say that,” the corner of the King of Knights’ mouth twitched slightly slyly. He leaned into Bedivere’s ear and muttered in a low voice, “Listen, if you take this ancient transport ship down, there will be a lot of benefits.

First of all, after the database of warships can be freely read by us, using the complete data left by the ancients, the warships of Great Britain can be upgraded with reference to the technology of this ship, so that the combat effectiveness of the warships and the The operation ability is greatly improved;

Secondly, the fact that you own such a large amount of [property] will not only guarantee your future life, but will also help you to be named a Knight of the Round Table.

And also, aren’t you curious about it? —— Hidden in this battleship, the secrets of those ancient people. “

A drop of sweat appeared on Bedivere’s forehead: “All that said, it’s actually good for you, Arthur. Since you want this battleship so much, wouldn’t it be nice to give you the keystone?”

“Unfortunately, that’s impossible.” In fact, Eve had already heard the murmurs of the two, and only then did she add: “This ship has already registered the genetic factor of the acting captain of Bedivere, and can no longer Changed. The position of Acting Captain can only be performed by Acting Captain Bedivere and cannot be transferred until all signs of life of Acting Bedivere have disappeared.”

“Haha, did you hear that?” The King of Knights sneered mischievously: “You can’t shirk the position of captain, you have to do it until you die.”

“How could this happen! When exactly–” The werewolf stopped halfway through.

He just remembered that the first time he put the keystone into the gate, the needle stick from the gate pricked his hand. The needle prick, which was hardly itchy or painful, did pierce the skin on his wrist, taking something out of his blood. It is estimated that the ship obtained the genetic factor data of the werewolf from the blood at that time.

“Eve, what are the conditions to be upgraded from acting captain to full captain?” Arthur asked again.

The artificial intelligence of the ship replied without emotion: “In order to obtain the authorization agreement of the official captain, the acting captain of Bedivere needs to go to the fourteenth center to which this ship belongs to conduct a complete identity verification. To prove that the previous captain has officially resigned, a resignation or death certificate of the previous captain is required. Unfortunately, the location of the fourteenth center and the personal information of the former captain are highly confidential and cannot be disclosed to anyone. “

“Even me?” The werewolf scratched his head.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t disclose it to Acting Captain Bedivere.” Eve said.

“That is to say, I don’t have a clue.” Bedivere gave the King of Knights a wry smile, but there was a look of relief and relief on his face: “It’s really not easy to be promoted to a real captain. Ah. I’ll talk about this later.”

In other words, only the true insiders of the ancient gods can gain full control of this battleship. Even if an outsider got a keystone and landed as an acting captain, the battleship was not entirely his. Really thoughtful, ancient gods.

“Humph.” The King of Knights grunted and stopped talking.

The two walked upstairs along the guiding light beam. The beam split into two strands. One led Bedivere to a larger, more luxurious room, while the other led Arthur to the VIP room. rest. The two rooms are actually only separated by a corridor.

“Is there a separate bathroom and toilet in the room?” Bedivere asked as soon as he opened the door.

“Yes, please feel free to use it.”

“That’s great. One more hour, enough for me to take a shower and get a good night’s sleep.” Bedivere laughed.

“You can only take a shower.” The King of Knights sneered.

“The shark’s blood drenched me just now.” The werewolf tried his best to defend his cleanliness: “So, Arthur, see you in an hour?”

“Okay.” Arthur also took off his cloak, revealing a black shirt, and walked slowly into the VIP room. In fact, he also wanted to take a shower: “Don’t oversleep.”

“No way~!” The werewolf stuck out his tongue, and then thought for a moment: “By the Eve. Isn’t this ship full of people?” Have you got your camera? Can we turn off the camera in our room? I can’t relax while you’re watching it all the time. When I’m in my room, I want to keep some personal sex, thank you.”

Bediver always thought Eve’s voice was a bit like Lotus. If he could hear this voice wherever he went, he would always feel a little uncomfortable.

“Understood, Acting Captain Bedivere.” There was a subtle sound of something suddenly extinguishing in the room, accompanied by Eve’s voice: “The surveillance system in the captain’s room and the VIP room has gone offline. Please. Rest in peace.”

The Knight King gave the werewolf a smirk and said, “Oh, it turns out that someone hasn’t released it for a long time, and it’s almost impossible to hold back.”

“It’s not what you think it is!” Bedivere blushed, and ran into the captain’s room. The gate behind him slammed shut quickly.

This book is first published from, see the genuine content for the first time! –xs9h+10296718–>() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only Committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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