Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1084: Searching for secrets in the sand sea (6)


Chapter 1084: Searching for Secrets in the Sand Sea (6)

“Boy,” drove off Solar, and Father Odin turned to Seglade again, “I admit that you are qualified to make weapons in my workshop. But don’t be complacent! Now is the time. The real start!”

He took a sack from his bosom and threw the thing on the table: “Here’s three hundred thousand (Egyptian), half the money that the wolf made from his trade last night. Now, you Take these 300,000 yuan and go to the black market to buy materials for making weapons.”

“I, meow!?” Seglade frowned, looking at the bag of bills on the table. Three hundred thousand is not a small amount.

He couldn’t help swallowing his saliva and asked, “Really any material can be used?”

A complex expression flashed across the old man’s face, a little mischievous and a little serious: “Any material is fine, as long as you like it. After all, this is—you—the weapon you want to make.”

“But I’m not very good at business meow…”

“I know you will lose money in this kind of deal.” Father Odin showed his usual arrogant look, and said coldly: “But it doesn’t matter, we will definitely get it back. No matter what kind of weapons you make How bad it is, I can turn corruption into magic, transform it into a valuable high-end product. You only need to make it, and I will complete the aftermath, understand?”

“Okay… okay meow.” Seglade replied dubiously, putting away the money.

He has learned from Bedivere what a capable eccentric this Father Odin is. —— Although very strange, but very capable.

In short, it’s always good to have money in your hands. With this start-up capital, Seglade can buy back some good weapon materials. Even in the worst case, unable to rely on Father Odin, the Leopard youth can still use the materials available to make some decent weapons.

“By the way, and those weapons—” Seglade turned his gaze to the corner of the stone house again. There were piles of thunder lizard spears, shields, and rhino-horned greatswords he had brought — all he wanted to do was enchant those weapons with his father.

“That kind of thing, let’s talk about it later!” Father Odin didn’t seem to have much interest in the pile of weapons, and continued to tap an iron ingot on the anvil with his hammer—— That thing has basically taken shape, it is the blade of a sword.

The leopard youth shrugged helplessly and walked out of the room. Outside the house, Solar also came over to meet Seglade, and stuffed a white turban prepared in advance to the leopard youth: “Put this on, my friend.”

“What is this?” Seglade was stunned for a while, not understanding the other party’s intentions.

“In order to hide your identity, my friend.” Solar smiled at the young Leopard, with no malice in his sincere smile: “Since you have the skills to make expensive weapons, you will never think about it. Appeared in the black market. A long time ago, our clansmen also encountered a similar thing – they were kidnapped for being too public, and their whereabouts have not been known since.

Dad Odin is a skilled martial artist and no one dares to mess with him, and we never need to worry about him. But unfortunately, my friend – I don’t think you have the ability to protect yourself in this black market in Cairo. “

Simply put, Seglyde is undervalued.

The leopard youth, who is not very self-respecting, did not get angry and cursed immediately, but he still pouted and looked at Solar in dissatisfaction: “Do you think I am such a kid who is easy to be kidnapped meow? Do you think I’m still a kid, meow?”

“It’s not like that, my friend.” There was no malice in Solar’s sincere smile, but it was because of this sincerity that it made people even more angry: “But I advise you not to underestimate this country. Egypt It’s a country full of dangers, far more dangerous than you can imagine. Be careful sailing, my friend.”

Although he didn’t want to, Seglade felt vaguely that what Solar was saying was correct. The usually carefree Solal would be extremely cautious about this matter, probably because very unpleasant things had happened in their clan before.

Careful sailing the ship of ten thousand years. Seglade muttered these words, wrapping his head with his turban. He even hid his ears at the end of his head, leaving only a small slit for vision all over his face. The advantage of this is that the face is completely hidden, but the disadvantage is the dullness of hearing caused by the tightly wrapped ears.

And… it’s hot.

“Let’s go, my friend.” Solar had already walked in the direction of the market center, as if he wanted to accompany Seglade to buy materials.

“Are you following?” the Leopard Man asked. The ending of his usual [meow] was blurred by the wrapping of the turban, which made his accent sound even weirder: “But, keep you busy. It’s been a whole day, how embarrassing is this…”

“It doesn’t matter, my friend.” Solar smiled brightly, his expression commensurate with the morning sunshine in Cairo: “Thanks to you, the weapons I use to fight in the ring are ready, no It is necessary to continue to work. I have a lot of free time today and can be with you all the time. And I also really want to know what kind of materials you can use and what kind of weapons you can make. It’s really exciting.”

“Then… well.” Seglade understood. Despite being a descendant of an unqualified dragon hunter, the magic swordsman Solar is no less obsessed with good weapons than any other dragon hunter.

The two smiled at each other and walked towards the black market in Cairo.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. The sound of hammering in the stone house began to rise and fall, evenly and powerfully, but with a passion that had never been seen before. Father Odin continues his day-to-day forging routine, but this seemingly ordinary routine will soon be disrupted by some unusual event. Good or bad, only God knows.

At the same time, Zvar.

The one who jumped into the secret underground cave was a desert shark!

In other words, it looks like a desert shark, with a terrifying triangular tip and a row of huge jagged shark teeth, and at the same time has limbs for upright walking, a shark?

“What the **** is this meowing?!” Bedivere looked at the monster’s blood-soaked, rubber-like skin, and then at the demon merman’s pair of terrifying blood-red lights. Big eyes, can not help but stunned.

King Arthur had already pulled out his lightsaber from his belt, unfolded a pale green light blade about three feet long, and a low electromagnetic roar erupted from the blade: “Whatever it is! Since the other party has come to the door, kill it first. Say it again!”

Before he finished speaking, the monster had already rushed towards the King of Knights with its sharp claws! Its claws are quite different from the claws of beasts, as sharp as shark teeth, and as huge as five sharp knives, which can easily tear people apart! This claws are completely disproportionate to its palm, and it is definitely not the natural form that a creature should have. This claws that exist only for killing seems to have evolved from the very beginning with the goal of [weapons]!

Touch! clang clang clang clang! ——In just one second, Arthur has been wielding his sword and fighting monsters for several rounds. The maddened claws of the monsters are extremely ferocious, but they cannot injure the king of knights who are as light as swallows and can swing their blades at a high speed that is almost impossible to catch with his eyes!

Bediver knew he didn’t need to do anything but protect the Egyptian teenager. Even if the weapon in hand is an ordinary lightsaber, such a battle will not threaten the king of knights!

Indeed, the battle-hardened Arthur quickly prevailed! The monster’s claws are ferocious and unpredictable, but its unruly attacks betray the fact that it is a layman. Even though the physical strength is far superior to that of the King of Knights, the merman is still suppressed by King Arthur to fight. From the beginning of the stormy attack, it quickly turned into a defensive counterattack, and even a situation of retreating!

“Ma… te…!” The thief boy next to Bedivere had a fever and began to lose his mind, talking nonsense.

“Don’t talk, it will affect Arthur’s battle!” Bedivere used his body to protect the boy, holding a tungsten turtle tongue whip on guard, lest the monster suddenly turn around and hurt the innocent.


“For a long time…” The merman made a muffled noise, and then suddenly jumped back far away, dodging Arthur’s sword blow.

“Roar ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah” It started to shout wildly, the sound was like a tear wooden board, and it seemed like the whistling of wind and dust in the desert.

“Be careful, Bedivere! It might be up to something else!” Arthur yelled.

The werewolf tightened his grip on his tungsten tortoise tongue whip even more, and the weapon in his hand was ready to swing out to kill the enemy at any time in order to cope with any unexpected events.

The body of the desert merman begins to change. Its **** body gradually secreted a mucus-like thing, colorless and transparent, but it looked very sticky.

Whoosh! It disappeared instantly! !

No is not going away! Bedivere’s excellent dynamic vision told the werewolf that in that instant, the entire body of the monster actually sneaked into the ground!

In the sand-filled Sahara Desert, let alone. However, at this moment, their feet are quite hard sandstone ground! What the **** did this **** shark do to get into the rocky ground? ! Is it warp magic?

No, little things like that don’t matter anymore! The important thing is, in the face of such a ferocious, concealed opponent, how can Arthur and Bedivere dodge that thing, the sneak attack launched from the depths of the earth!

Whoosh! ! When it jumped out like a cannonball three feet in front of the King of Knights, and madly bit the King of Knights with its blood-red mouth, Arthur felt bad!

It’s too late to dodge, Arthur will be bitten by it! Moreover, under the bite of this **** mouth, just one blow is enough to kill!

As if alive, the whip in Bedivere’s hand flew out of its own accord! –6139+xs162822–>() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only Committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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