Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1063: Explore in the dark night (16)


Chapter 1063 Exploring the Dark Night (16)

“The photon network that invaded Great Britain?” Hal had a bad premonition: “You’re talking about… hackers… or something like that? Could it be that we are going to do something bad?”

“No, little black cat. This prince won’t do anything bad, you can rest assured.” Calvin climbed up the beach and approached the blue crystal pillars: “We use this spy this time. pod with only one goal: the [that] simulation game system at Edinburgh Castle.”

“Wait…” Upon hearing this, Husky’s eyes lit up: “You mean, we can use this strange cabin to connect to that Uncle Arthur’s simulation game?!”

“Of course.” Calvin put a hand on one of the blue crystal pillars, and the outer wall of the pillar suddenly opened a gap, just enough for a teenager to enter: “Without the permission of His Majesty King Arthur, you will not have Chance to get into that game again — you’re worrying about it, aren’t you?”

The minds of the canine boy and the leopard boy were completely guessed. The two of them nodded at the same time.

“Come in, then. Let’s log into their system from here and startle the adults.” Calvin’s mouth twitched upwards in a mischievous smile.

Hal frowned worriedly: “But there’s really no problem with this meow? If you use this spy cabin to make trouble…”

“No problem,” Calvin’s smile changed from naughty to cold and arrogant: “All the consequences are borne by this prince, and no one dares to blame Calvin.”

The evil star, perched atop Husky’s head, let out a groan of disdain. This guy Calvin is really different as a prince. No matter how wayward he is, there is no need to be afraid of being blamed. This espionage system cabin must also be a military secret of the Kingdom of Iceland. And this kid easily brings outsiders in to use this thing.

“Um…” Husky walked into one of the crystal pillars suspiciously, and pressed his hand on the outer wall of the crystal pillar like Calvin did. Sure enough, a gap was soon opened on the surface of the pillar for the canine boy to enter. There is nothing inside the hollow column, it is completely empty. If you really want to say, this one is entirely made of blue crystal, and there are some small holes on the floor at the bottom of the hollow column that seem to be used for water injection.

“What are you waiting for? Come in!” Calvin urged.

“But meow…” Hal still didn’t dare to enter this strange cabin, as if he was afraid that something bad would happen after entering.

“Isn’t it necessary to prepare an extra spy cabin for Lao Tzu?” Shaxing complained about the unfair treatment.

“Do the lizards still need extra cabins?” Calvin glanced at Xinghuilong: “No need, anyway, when they really work, no matter how many cabins are the same. You will soon be I understand.”

Husky reluctantly climbed into the crystal cabin, hoping that the crystal cabin could really bring him into that simulation game again. He just reached the fifth level yesterday, and there are still a lot of things to solve, and a lot of new combat skills are waiting for him to learn. It’s really frustrating to give up halfway like this.

Cats! The moment the canine boy climbed in, the hatch closed immediately. Immediately afterwards, from the small hole in the crystal column floor, some kind of water-like transparent liquid really emerged, and the water level was rising at an alarming rate!

“Water, water meow!” There was also the exclamation of the leopard boy from Hal’s cabin. It seems that his experience is exactly the same as that of Husky!

Husky was startled and shouted: “Trap?! Let us out!”

The calm voice of the murloc prince came from Calvin’s cabin: “Don’t worry, this is a biochemical electrolyte. After filling the lungs, it can directly supply oxygen to the lungs, and it will not drown.”

“But is this really necessary? Wang—” Before Husky started complaining, the liquid had already filled the entire cabin, completely immersing the canine juvenile in the sea of ​​electrolyte. Even reluctantly, Husky inhaled the wonderful liquid. As if they had self-consciousness, they squeezed air out of the canine juvenile’s lungs and replaced it with electrolytes.

After taking a sip of [water], Husky was relieved. Calvin was right. After filling his lungs with electrolyte, Husky no longer felt that suffocation. This liquid feels even thinner than air, and there is nothing uncomfortable about breathing. Without the slight liquid resistance that he feels when moving his hands and feet, Husky would have thought he was in a buoyant “air”.

“Are you all ready?” Calvin’s voice came from a nearby cabin, but it sounded more like it was coming directly from Husky’s head.

“When you’re ready, start. Bits?”

“Beep!~” The crystal dolphin made another cheerful and cute cry from outside the beach, and he probably thought it was some kind of game. Not knowing what he did to the system, suddenly the entire beach shook slightly.

As the system boots, a strange feeling begins to creep into Husky’s mind. He finally understood at this time.

The simulated reality systems in Great Britain use simulated hoods and real electronic circuits; and the mermen are more advanced, directly soaking the user’s whole body with this electrolyte, and through the connection of the whole body, a certain This photon signal is directly input into the user’s brain nerve.

The dog boy’s eyes were darkened, and his reality was immediately replaced by other scenes, replaced by a dark world.

In the dark, Husky found himself just a ball of light.

“Husky Meow!” Another ball of light also came up, and the voice should be the Leopard boy Hal.

“Very good, everything is running smoothly.” The light ball representing Calvin also came over to join the friends.

“You call this [successful]?!” Only the evil star complained dissatisfiedly. He appeared in this pitch-black world in the form of a golden-armored boy, incompatible with other “people” in the shape of light balls.

“It’s strange that the system can’t simplify your appearance…” Calvin’s light ball glanced at the evil star. It was obviously an image of a ball of light, but Husky vaguely knew that the murloc prince was “looking” at the evil star: “Forget it, don’t care about such details.”

“Beep beep!” Another light ball floated over, it seemed to be a crystal dolphin bit.

“Bit, the rest of the navigation is up to you,” Calvin said.

“Beep!” Bit replied cheerfully, his light ball spun quickly in the air a few times, hesitantly a fish was swimming in the water. The surrounding darkness changed rapidly, and countless unpredictable bands of different colors and brilliance began to appear, rapidly passing in the same direction.

Optical flow.

Somehow, a word popped into Husky’s mind, a word he had never heard of. I’ve never heard of it in my life, but I know it exists.

The teenagers were actually just standing still, but the fast-moving scene around them gave them the illusion that they were flying at high speed. Maybe that’s the case. The dolphin seems to have done something to bring the consciousness of the teenagers from the original place to thousands of miles away, traveling in the network world of a certain photon.

“It’s obviously a fish…” Shaxing whispered.

“Beep!” Bit angrily protested.

“Dolphins are not fish, they are mammals.” Calvin repeated: “Also, bit is very special. He is the central processing unit (cpu) of the entire [Ice Crystal], although it is a living thing, but It is also a powerful biological computer!”

“You must be kidding me!” Xinghuilong snorted. This sounded exaggerated, but the dragon heard the fact from the unwavering tone of the murloc prince.

This fish, not a fish, controls the entire submarine, and is it proficient in espionage warfare? Obviously don’t know how to speak human language, but isn’t this crystal dolphin smarter than humans? !

Whoosh whoosh whoosh——The surrounding scene continues to change rapidly, but it soon changes from a dark world rippling with countless streams of light to a tangible [world].

Although this [world] is also blank, Husky recognizes it. This is when their Uncle Arthur brought them into that virtual game in the first place, the “Early Setup Area”.

And someone’s figure is guarding the [door] of this world.

——The Knight of the Round Table, Cameron, is almost the same as his image in reality, waiting with this majestic appearance.

He discovered the “invasion” of the crowd, so he blocked it here and waited for the teenagers to “invoke themselves”.

No, no. Not “discovered”, more like “anticipated”.

“I thought someone was hacking our system. It turned out to be you, Prince Calvin.” Cameron didn’t speak ill of the intruders, as if he knew Calvin and the others would come.

“You knew we were coming?” The murloc prince’s orb-like body twitched suspiciously.

“His Majesty King Arthur told me that you might come today. Do you connect to the analog system from an external network? I didn’t intend to believe such absurd things.” The Knights of the Round Table took a deep breath : “But sure enough! Everything was foreseen by His Majesty the King!”

“His Majesty’s magic tricks are really At this time, the little murloc prince did not forget to flatter gracefully:”So…you plan to let us go home. Is it, Lord Cameron? “

“How come.” Cameron waved his hand: “Your Majesty said, if you come, let you play in the game for a while. Today is a normal working day, and there are other knight apprentices in the system. Training…cough…playing, you are willful and willful, but don’t interfere with other people’s tasks.”

“Understood. I won’t cause you any trouble.” Calvin assured.

“Then,” the knight of the round table stretched out his hand again, and the image of everyone immediately changed from a simple light ball to a flesh-and-blood character in the game: “Come in!”

The door to this [world] opened for the teenagers immediately. In a flash of white light, Husky found himself in front of the bonfire at the Eternal Altar.

!!–9h+9924078–>() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vickers. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it Handling, the stand is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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