Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1059: Explore in the dark night (12)


Chapter 1059 Exploring the Dark Night (Twelve)

Bediver shuddered from the tip of his ear to the end of his tail after hearing the weapon shop owner’s offer.

Indeed, Father Odin said that the lizard-tooth dagger could be worth a lot of money when enchanted, but… 100,000? ! Is this still the black heart price quoted from black market merchants, which has obviously been suppressed? ! (Not to mention the 600,000 from the rich prince!)

If a large number of these weapons were made and sold in large quantities on the black market, how much wealth would they bring to Bedivere?

Looks like it’s time to get back to Seglade as soon as possible. That kid is so talented, he is simply a goose that can lay golden eggs.

“That’s right,” Bedivere received the check, and then he asked the owner of the weapon shop aloud: “What’s the origin of that prince… just now?”

“You foreigners really don’t know anything!” The owner of the weapon shop looked at the werewolf in disbelief: “That is His Royal Highness Prince Said, the… er… former prince of Egypt.”

“Once?” Bedivere was puzzled by the boss’s hesitant attitude: “Isn’t the monarchy abolished in Egypt?”

“Yes, it’s a republic now. But honestly,” the shop’s father lowered his voice to the lowest level and whispered in Bedivere’s ear: “The current Egyptian parliament is simply a bunch of trash. Thanks to them, this country has been in chaos for nearly half a century. Everyone misses the time when the pharaohs were in the past, and hopes that Prince Said can be restored.”

“Is that so?” Bedivere replied casually, indifferent to the matter. No wonder the citizens have inexplicable respect for that Prince Said. The rule of the royal family is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people today.

However, the times are advancing, and the tide of history cannot be defied. Egypt, which has entered a republic, can no longer return to the original monarchy. No matter how bad the current government of this country is, the republic will always exist, and no matter how the dynasty is changed, only the members of the parliament are replaced.

Anyway, it’s done, it’s time to go back to Solal and Father Odin. Bedivere still owes a thank you to the two of them—even though he sold such a fine lizard.

He glanced at the stall next to him and suddenly remembered that he had one more necessities to sell. Bedivere isn’t short of money now—with money in his pockets, he can’t help being self-willed.

“Boss, what is that?” the werewolf asked knowingly, and his eyes fell on a machine in the shadows.

“Hey, what you say it is, it is what it is.” The boss said ambiguously.

That’s an iron cavalry. It is slightly old and rusted, and its armament has been dismantled. There are still many bullet marks on the outer shell. From this shape, it is an iron cavalry produced in Great Britain, one of the most well-crafted anti-gravity gunboats in the world.

Why do British armaments appear in this black market? Don’t ask such stupid questions.

Bedivere was concerned with the performance of the machine: “Can it run? What happened to the engine and the armament?”

“Second-hand goods.” The owner of the weapon shop shrugged and said slightly contemptuously: “It has been resold by too many people, and it has become what it is now. Not to mention the original photon engine and anti-gravity device, early It’s gone. Now this guy is equipped with a sand boat’s magnetic engine and solar sail, specially modified to sail in the sand sea. Although it is cheap, it is still very reliable. Do you want to buy it?”

Bediver frowned. The werewolf had served as the knight’s assistant when he was young, and of course knew the mounts of these British knights very well. In fact, he once disassembled and reassembled Arthur’s iron cavalry, and remodeled it countless times. Bedivere, who has special feelings for the iron cavalry, can’t help but feel a little distressed when he sees this tattered iron cavalry.

And he happens to have money on his hands, and he happens to need transportation across the Sahara Desert—to get to Zvar tomorrow.

…Will you buy it?

In the house east of the market, the sound of ding ding dong dong continued. Father Odin treats his children and grandchildren differently. The process of helping Solar to rebuild the double sword is very long. It is estimated that the most delicate craftsmanship is used, and it is polished and cast bit by bit.

As a result of Dad’s busy work in the house, he left out the magic swordsman Solar, who was waiting outside the house. The young man waited bored for half an hour and had to lean against a large rock and do push-ups.

Rumble rumble… the sound of some kind of vehicle’s engine getting closer.

“Mr. Bedivere?” The magic swordsman stopped exercising, got up from the ground, and looked at the approaching werewolf riding on the old anti-gravity gunboat: “You are obviously going to sell a How can the sword come back after buying this kind of thing?”

“Haha, this kid is great!” The werewolf parked the cavalry next to the truck and jumped out of the car, his puppy’s tail swayed uncontrollably: “Looks old, but the engine actually works Very smooth!”

Solar glanced curiously at the old machine: “How much did it cost, my friend?”

“30,000 yuan is very cheap.” Bedivere said happily: “Although there are many parts that need to be replaced, but give me a little time, it will definitely be reborn.”

30,000 Egyptian Coins is equivalent to 3,000 Britannia Gold Coins, and the original iron cavalry in the Order is about 10,000 Britannia Gold Coins. This old iron cavalry is equivalent to one-third of the price of the original. Although it is an unattainable price for most civilians, the rich and willful Bedivere thinks it is already very cheap.

“Uh, well, my friend. If you think it’s worth it, it’s worth it.” Solar knew that Bedivere was spending money, but he was too lazy to dismantle the werewolf.

At the same time, the banging sound in the house finally disappeared, and Father Odin came out with Solar’s double knives: “What’s the matter, kid? How much did the daggers sell for?”

“Hmm… 100,000 yuan.” Bedivere deliberately concealed the huge sum paid by Prince Said, and used the arms shop owner’s offer to fool the old man. It was a professional offer after all, and he knew it could fool the past.

“Huhu, according to your bargaining level, it is probably like this.” Father Odin has no doubts at all, or he did not have much expectations for werewolves: “So, Now that you have tasted the sweetness, have you decided to cooperate with me?”

“Cooperation, of course cooperation.” Bedivere hates Father Odin’s arrogant attitude very much, but with the temptation of huge wealth in front of him, the werewolf can’t turn a blind eye: “How do you want to cooperate? Call Glyde, let him make the weapon, and you’re in charge of further processing, right?”

“Yes. You are responsible for selling the final product. The profit is three or seven cents. You are three and I seven.”

“What?” Bedivere was unhappy: “How is this different from what we said?! We are responsible for raw materials, basic production of weapons, and even sales. And you are just possessed by a demon, almost It didn’t take much work, why charge so much?!”

“Oh,” the old man Odin frowned at the werewolf with a very arrogant attitude: “Then tell me, what happened when you sold weapons just now? Did you see any strange phenomenon?”

This sentence undoubtedly hit Bedivere in the dark spot. The lizard-tooth dagger that had been processed by his father seemed to be alive, possessing the ability to raise thunder and lightning storms. It is absolutely impossible for Sagrada to make such a wonderful qualitative change with Sagrada alone as a weapon.

But is it really Daddy’s fault? how is this possible. Father Odin just wiped the dagger with the pulp of the golden bug, and knocked it a few times at will. This kind of random gesture, which is not even processing, can really make a mediocre dagger change magically?

“Hey, can’t figure it out?” Father Odin grinned, his gray beard shaking: “You think I just tapped a few times, you’re wrong. This is the dragon hunter. The secret method of a family, its name is [Blade Secret Language]. It can liberate the memory hidden in the weapon and turn the invisible memory into tangible power.”

Bediver looked stunned, expressing disbelief.

“This is true, my friend.” Solar also persuaded: “This is one of the secret techniques used by the dragon hunters to create dragon martial arts. It was originally a dragon awakened from the keel of a dragon. The secret art of memory. But it can also be used on weapons made from the corpses of other creatures.”

Father Odin glared at Solar: “This is also a secret technique that you stinky boy didn’t learn, you unworthy descendant!”

“Dad, please don’t mention this…” Solar looked away, avoiding the old man’s questioning.

“Hmm…” The werewolf scratched his head, even so, he still felt very unhappy: “This doesn’t change the fact that you do very little and make a lot of money. No, the profit is at most 50%, 37 Don’t think about such a beautiful thing as splitting accounts. If you can’t do it, you’ll have to pull it down. Anyway, I’m not so short of money now.”

An obvious blue vein appeared on the forehead of Odin’s forehead: “Stinky boy, do you want to cross the bridge to draw a board?!”

“What I said is the truth.” The werewolf waved his hand and said bluntly: “I make money to buy better weapons for the next round table knight exam. The money is enough. , the weapon is good enough, there is no need to be greedy and make money. Dad, you are too, what kind of money are you greedy for when you are old? Are you going to take the money into the coffin?”

This is a big truth, no matter how cunning and eloquent Father Odin is, he can’t break [ Bedivere has a check for 600,000 Egyptian dollars in his trousers pocket, and he has no shortage of it. money.

“Ow… Okay!” Father Odin waved his hammer threateningly: “Five or five! No less! Wish us a happy cooperation!”

“Pfft—” Bedivere suppressed the smirk on the tip of his nose: “I wish us a happy cooperation.”

Werewolves know that business cooperation is just an excuse. Daddy Odin seems to be more eager to meet Seglade than to make money.

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