Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1056: Explore in the dark night (9)


Chapter 1056: Exploring the Dark Night (9)

Same time. Great Britain. Somewhere outside London (.). Dimensional submarine — Ice Crystal.

“Hmm. Are you all asleep?” Acting Captain Nashan Dana glanced through the slit outside the door. There was no movement in the murloc prince’s room. Thought the kids were all peacefully taking their naps. He left with confidence.

Calvin heard the movement outside the door fade away. He crawled out of the bed. He whispered, “She’s gone. Get up.”

“Phew.” Husky lifted the quilt reluctantly. Get up from the floor. if you can. He’d rather just take a peaceful nap like this. Instead of playing those unknown games with the little murloc prince.

However. More faster chapters to come. His curiosity would not allow him to do so. Since Calvin said to take them to meet a [interesting thing]. Then they have to at least take a look. Find out how “interesting” this thing really is.

The canine boy and the leopard boy have tired faces. Slowly pick up their clothes and want to wear them. But the murloc prince stopped his friends: “You don’t need to wear clothes. Just wear a pair of pants and go there. You have to swim through a waterway later. It will get your clothes wet.”

“Uh. Meow.” Leopard boy Hal shouted. Surprised and panicked.

“Oh. Forgot you’re a landlubber.” Calvin sneered: “It’s alright. This prince will take responsibility. Swim behind you. It’s not far. Just hold your breath for half a minute. Hold on to this prince. Everything will be fine.”

“Yes, but meow…. Update as soon as possible”

Calvin clapped his chest and assured: “In the name of this prince. It’s a very safe journey. Don’t you really want to meet [that thing]. It’s a rare treasure. “

Hal frowned. As a little black cat who is afraid of water. He was really reluctant to swim through a waterway of unknown depth or distance with the help of others. But he was just as curious as Husky. Would love to find out what medicine Calvin’s gourd is buying.

The evil star has become a small lizard. on top of Husky’s head. Smiling mysteriously. Xinghuilong may have known something. He is doing bad things. Deliberately not telling Husky the truth.

See everyone is ready (in fact, there is no need to prepare at all). Update Calvin for the first time: “Let’s go out.”

“Out. From here? Wang.” Husky frowned in confusion.

“From here.” The murloc prince moved his bed a little further. There is a small vent under the bed. It actually consists of gaps created between the blue crystals.

The canine boy made a visual inspection. The vent was only big enough for them to stretch an arm in: “Such a small vent. We can’t crawl through it.”

“You sure.” The little murloc prince seemed to have been waiting for Husky to say this for a long time. The boy who saw the dog finally spoke his doubts. He smiled complacently. Reaching out and knocking on the edge of the vent: “Open sesame.”

As if responding to the murloc prince’s request. For the first time, there was a slight bluish glow on the edge of the updated vent. The wall composed of blue crystals began to change. Move slowly. Conjure up a doorway big enough for a child to pass through.

“Wow.” Hal sighed in a low voice.

“No need to make a fuss. Sapphire is a material that is very sensitive to magic. It can react in various ways with magic.” Shaxing yawned: “Mermaids use this to make warships. It is also out of consideration of cost and practicality.”

“Magic stuff. Husky doesn’t know how to bark.” The dog boy approached the vent: “Just climb in and bark. Is there really no problem barking?”

“With Calvin leading the way. No problem.” The murloc prince smiled smugly: “Calvin often goes to compare… ahem… [that thing] to play with.”

Completed. The little murloc prince has already climbed in through the vent: “Follow. Kitty. Don’t you want Calvin to swim down the waterway with you on your back?”

“Come, come meow.” Hal hurriedly followed. Afraid of being left behind. Like drowning in a waterway.

Husky felt dizzy as he watched Leopard Boy’s waggling cat tail. He blinked to distract himself. Immediately get into the vent. followed.

The vents contracted and shrunk shortly after the teens came out. returned to its original shape. The little prince’s bedroom was also enveloped in silence. Everything seems to have never happened. The mermaids on the battleship didn’t even know. This group of imps has gone along the ventilation system of the battleship. Entered the core area of ​​the Ice Crystal.

Same time. Egypt. In room 1130 of the Cairo Grand Hotel.

“Hehehe~” Elaine the white bear took a shower after returning to the hotel. Put on clean pajamas. Ready to go to bed.

However. The doorbell of the room was rang. Someone came to find Elaine.

“Hmm.” The white bear snorted suspiciously. Going to the door: “Bei, Betteville? Don’t you have a magnetic card?”

“Yo.” The moment the door opened. A mysterious man in a black robe and a half-covered silver mask appeared in front of the door. Greeting the bear man: “Long time no see. Elaine.”


Touch. The polar bear was taken aback. He closed the door without much thought.

“Stranger, stranger.” Elaine leaned back against the door. Panic: “What did he do, what did he do. He knew me.”

Knock knock knock. The man continued to knock on the door: “Open the door. You stupid bear.”

“Who are you, who are you?” The white bear man was full of vigilance: “Why did you find such a place?”

The masked man whispered, “I…I came to talk to you about something. About the round table trial.”

“I don’t believe it.” Elaine said suspiciously: “Dad said. Those who hide their identity and approach us are not good people. I won’t open the door to let you in.”

The masked man scratched his head dejectedly: “Are you a child? … I really can’t do anything about you. That’s good. Look into the fish’s eyes for yourself. Check with your own eyes who I am.”

Elaine looks suspiciously at the fisheye of the door. Through the extra luxurious fish eye made of crystal on the hotel door. The polar bear looked at every move of the man outside the door. I saw the man looking around. After confirming that there is no one else in the corridor. Finally took off the mask.

Under the mask. It was the face of an ordinary-looking, yet heroic, young human being. Needless to say that man. It’s King Arthur.

“Arthur… Your Majesty.” Elaine opened the door: “Why, you are here. More chapters to come sooner.”

“Come to you. Of course.” The King of Knights just showed his face. Immediately he covered half of his face from the bridge of his nose to his forehead with his half-covered mask. Hide your identity: “This is a private interview. I…I come to inspect the candidates every year. You know.”

“Yes, yes.” Elaine flushed. While welcoming the king into the room. On the other hand, he apologized embarrassedly, “Just now, just now, it was really rude. Your Majesty.”

“Don’t call me [Your Majesty]. You stupid bear.” The King of Knights then closed the door. “In order not to reveal my identity. Call me [Purgatory Lord].”

“Okay, okay. Purgatory… uh.” Elaine bit her tongue.

“Well. Update the candidate who lives in the same room with you as soon as possible.” King Arthur deliberately tested the white bear man quietly.

“Bee, Bedyville.” Elaine ran to boil the hot water. Getting ready to make tea: “He was waiting outside, waiting to get his wages back. He hasn’t, he hasn’t come back.”

“Haha. It’s okay.” [Purgatory Lord] sat down on the sand in the lobby of the luxurious guest room. Glancing at Elaine’s blood-stained clothes outside the bathroom: “It’s been a busy day. Hmm.”

“Jane, it’s a disaster.” The white bear man put some black tea leaves in the teapot. Waiting for the hot water to boil: “We actually want us to go and defend the sand boat. Kill sand and desert sharks all the way. The newly bought clothes are all stained with shark blood. Good luck, bad luck.”

“Don’t complain. It’s a lucrative job anyway.” The King of Knights sneered: “Since Bedivere is not here. I’ll talk to you first.”

“Talk. Talk about something.” The white bear found a chair. Sitting down nervously at the table: “Your Majesty, Your Majesty, do you want to know about me?”

“Relax. Just some simple chat.” Arthur deliberately leaned against the sand. Make it easy. I hope this will ease the mind of the white bear: “I am not questioning you as the king of Great Britain. I am talking to you as a friend. You can speak freely. Tell me your heart. (Wish) things (hope).”

“Are you on your mind?” The white bear man was still confused.

“Yes. Your heart (wish) is (wish).” The king of knights tapped the leather sand with his fingers. He had perfectly trimmed nails, neither long nor short. Knocking on the leather sand with a low sound: “[Round Table Knights Mutual Aid Program]——You should know this. Right.”

Elaine’s face turned serious for a moment: “Yes, of course I know. It is because I know, know——“

“You timid idiot would risk your life to take such a dangerous exam.” The King of Knights couldn’t wait to finish Elaine’s words: “To be honest. When I saw your name on the candidate list. Surprised. Didn’t expect you to work so hard.”

“Haha…” The bear man scratched his head The boiling water was already boiling. Boiling hot water was noisy in the electric kettle. Elaine used to make a pot of black tea with hot water. Bring a cup to the King of Knights.

“Thank you.” Arthur took the teacup. Looking at the white bear man with anticipation again: “So. You are participating in the round table trial. What wish do you want to achieve?”

“This… must be said, said.” The white bear looked at King Arthur timidly.

“Yes. I must. My private interview this time is to confirm the wishes of the candidates one by one. To prepare for the realization of your wishes in the future.” The King of Knights said: “Of course. I have to pass the exam successfully. I’ll be promoted to Knights of the Round Table first.”

Elaine stared blankly at King Arthur. Tears suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He knelt down suddenly. Shouting to Arthur: “Your Majesty. Please save, save my dad.”

From, see the genuine content for the first time! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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