Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1045: Hunting in the Sand Sea (19)


Chapter 1045: Hunting in the Sand Sea (19)

6:30 pm, somewhere in the Sahara Desert.

Bediver and others went back to Cairo from Zwar from west to east, with a time difference of about two hours. Cairo falls into the night earlier than Zwar.

Their “fishing” has yet to be harvested, the sand boat sails in a quiet twilight, while the bored Bedivere and others are chatting – mainly Seglade and Solar in the Chat, Bedivere and Elaine listen.

“Desert boat meow?” Seglade asked inexplicably: “The [Desert Boat] you’re talking about is that… camel meow?”

“No,” Solar licked his lips and narrated in a low voice: “According to local legends, a strange sand boat lingers in this Sahara desert all year round. It is unmanned and relies on its own Force travels forever in this wilderness, and it is laden with thousands of treasures. This treasure ship is called [Desert Ship], although it may only be a legend.”

“It’s stupid to die.” Bedivere was also listening to Solar and the others chatting. Hearing this, the werewolf couldn’t help but interject: “It’s absolutely impossible for a ship to sail on its own. It can sail in the desert. Someone must be driving it. And… [treasure ship]? What do you think of a ship that is full of treasures but never docks to unload?”

“It’s just a legend, my friend.” Solar waved his hand and smiled, “According to legend, this magical treasure ship likes to lure greedy people aboard with treasure and wait for an opportunity to kill them, absorbing the victims. The souls of those who used it as fuel for the ship.”

“Woo! Ghosts…” Elaine shuddered.

Bediver and Seglade glanced at each other. They had encountered ghost ships at sea before, and felt that ghost ships were no big deal. After knowing the reason, they realized that the so-called ghosts were only created by evil spirits. ghost. I don’t know what happened to this treasure ship called the Desert Ship, but it must also have a reasonable scientific explanation.

“Did you hear this from the human hunters on the opposite side?” Bedivere kept his mind and asked Solar in a low voice.

“Yes, my friend.” Solar looked over to the other side of the boat, just in time to meet the guys over there. The few human hunters who were fishing saw Solar looking over, and immediately waved a few times to say hello.

“Oh, hehe.” Solar also smiled and waved his hand: “They are also very friendly hunter friends. If you want to know them, I can introduce them—“

“Let’s talk about that later,” Bedivere interrupted eagerly. He was already wary of those human hunters, and if he could not deal with them, of course, he would try not to deal with them. Besides, after they finish this commission, I am afraid they will never have the chance to see these human hunters in the future. Why bother to get to know a few passersby in life?

At the same time, the werewolf’s fishing rod began to vibrate, and a fish was caught.

“Okay, let’s get to work.” Bedivere pulls **** the pole, trying to catch the **** desert shark (though it’s likely to jump straight out of the sand, like it did before) .

The fishing rod is also quite heavy, and the desert devil shark caught is estimated to be very heavy. Seglade came over to help pull, intending to pull the big fish out of the sandy sea together, but unexpectedly pulled out a shiny golden thing!

“Eh?” Bedivere groaned in surprise, just about to see what it was. The sand and sea were filled with dust and mist, and the night was getting darker, and the visibility was extremely low. It could only be seen that it had a long, streamer-like shape.

“What the **** is that meow?” Seglade groaned with the same doubts.

“Anyway, pull it out and talk about it!” Bedivere ordered.

The two winked at each other and pulled together. The thing barely struggled, and was dragged out of the sand by them.

It was a huge earthworm thirty feet long and as thick as a human thigh. It has a streamlined and elongated shape with fine bristles on the surface, and it kept wriggling when it landed on the deck, scaring everyone. …

Bedivere’s scalp went numb, and he stared at the disgusting big earthworm for half a second. After that, he acted quickly, grabbed the Seglade spear and stabbed the earthworm in the head! Because he was really disgusted, the gun was stabbed very hard. The pointed end of the spear went straight through the head of the big earthworm (assuming that was the head), pierced the deck of the sand boat, and even left on the heavy deck of the sand boat. A deep hole!

“Is it dead, dead?” Elaine asked in horror, looking at the disgusting giant earthworm and running away.

“No…” Bedivere had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the big earthworm twisted at an even crazier speed and struggled more fiercely! The golden shimmering juice was sprayed from it, and it flowed on the deck. Although the scene looked luxurious, it was really disgusting!

Bedivere gripped the spear tightly in his right hand, and his left arm had electricity, and wrapped the large earthworm tightly with the tortoise-tongue whip.

Smack zi zi zi zi zi! In a burst of electric shock, the big golden earthworm was baked until it was emitting green smoke! After struggling for a while, it stopped moving, and this time it seemed to be really dead.

“Huh.” Bedivere wiped away a cold sweat. The gold-colored mucus secreted by the big earthworm on the back tortoise tongue whip also became extremely disgusting. Could this mucus carry some kind of unknown germs?

Kana was still at the bow of the ship directing the sailors to put up the sun sails, and when she saw the commotion on the left side of the ship, she rushed over to see what happened. When she saw Bedivere kill the big earthworm, she not only smiled sweetly: “Hehe, what a lucky guy, did you catch a golden worm?”

“Golden bug?” The werewolf frowned. Never heard of such a thing.

“A rare bug that appears in the Sahara Desert. This guy’s body fluid is a rare enchanting material, so its price is very expensive… One kilogram can be sold for hundreds of thousands of Egyptian coins.”

Bediver glared at Karna: “However, this is something you caught during your commission process, and it belongs to the caravan, so you’re going to confiscate it, right?”

“Nothing.” Kana sneered and waved her hand: “Mohammed’s caravan basically only deals in food business, gold bugs are not in the category of food at all, even if it is given to us, we can’t deal with it. That’s why I said You are lucky, you caught this thing, it’s yours.”

“Very good…” The werewolf scratched his head: “Then, who will teach me how to deal with the corpse of this thing…?”

“Oh, that’s easy to handle, since it’s already on the ship, the caravan will take care of helping you transport it back to the sand port in Cairo — of course, we’ll charge a small portion of the shipping cost. After arriving in port How to deal with this, that’s your problem — of course, I can help you contact the transport vehicle to take this thing away.”

The more I listen to Bedivere, the worse it feels: “And then…? Where should it be shipped and sold?”

“Haha, how would I know such a thing.”

“You don’t know?!”

“Listen,” Kana jokingly kicked the gold bug’s corpse: “This is the kind of commodity that has no market price. Ordinary people can’t afford it at all, and those who can afford it may not necessarily know it. The important problem is that the technology of using gold bugs to make weapons has long been lost, and even if there is a market, there is no one who can use it. So…”

“It’s trash.” Bedivere said unhappily, “Let’s throw it back into the sand.”

“Don’t make a decision so quickly.” Kana advised: “This thing is hard to come by. Maybe there are some curious collectors in Cairo who want to buy it? You never know how things will turn out. .”

“But if not, I’ll even lose the shipping…” The werewolf thought for a while: “How much do you charge for shipping?”

“I still have to weigh it, it’s hard to say.” Kana poked the body of the golden bug with a cane again. The surface of the thing was as soft as rubber, and you could feel it was full of juice:” Visually, this guy It weighs about two tons. Calculated at 1,000 cairo per kilogram of shipping, this will cost 20,000 in total.”

“The money you gave us is only 70,000 Meow…” Seglade protested dissatisfiedly: “Can’t you charge it any cheaper Meow?”

Kana thought about it for another half a second: “Maybe. I’ll go back and discuss it with the boss. The question is whether you plan to ship this back? Or do you say no, just throw it in the sand?”

“…Yes, of course.” Bedivere didn’t intend to let go of any good opportunity to make a lot of money, and in front of him was a priceless mountain of gold: “I’ll ask you to transport it back… By the way, it’s all about body fluids, right?”


“That’s easy. Can I borrow some water containers?”

Don’t need to mention Bedivere, several sailors have already arrived with empty barrels. The sand ship had just finished unloading, and some were empty containers.

“These wooden barrels are not free either. Each one has a capacity of 100 Egyptian coins and each has a capacity of 500 liters. Look at it like this, it can hold 20 or 30 barrels.” Kana added: “It depends on what you mean, do you want to spend money to solve it or just throw away the golden bug?”

“Without the flesh, how much does it weigh as long as the body fluids?” Bedivere asked again.

“Including the weight of the barrel, it’s probably about a Kana said looking at the golden mucus on the ground. The liquid has begun to take the shape of semi-solidified jelly, which is obviously stronger than water. The specific gravity is large, and the same volume is also heavier.

Based on a rough calculation, the cost of shipping and materials (barrels) should be no more than 15,000 yuan after filling everything in barrels, which feels good.

“Let’s do it like this.” The werewolf nodded, “I’ll leave it to you to fill it up.”

“Please us?” Kana glanced at the werewolf: “You’re wrong again… Sailors are not obliged to help you pretend, if you want to do it, you have to count the labor cost. Just send three people to do it for you. , is it okay to charge one thousand yuan per person?”

“Tsk!” So angry that Bedivere vomited a mouthful of old blood, and he was tired of talking about money with businessmen: “Forget it, don’t bother you, I’ll pack my own buckets…”

“Wow! Yes, there is a fish caught!” But there was movement on Elaine’s side, and he caught a desert devil shark.

!!–by:–>() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it , is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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