Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1011: The ultimate battle against Ziyan (11)


Chapter 1011 The ultimate battle against Ziyan (11)

Seeing Albert survived the explosion, the elf girl Chanel almost burst into tears: “My God! He’s still alive! He’s still alive!” “Wait! That monster is alive too!” Evan shouted in surprise .

That’s right, floating in the very center of the explosion, a huge rock that was almost melted, was the core of the Amethyst Lava Dragon.

Like a disintegrated planet, it has survived the ravages of the explosion, and there is still a small part left, surviving!

It twists and changes shape like an amoeba, and the purple-red slime-like substance is collecting the surrounding rubble and crystal blocks, ready to make a comeback!

Albert held the Haitao Sword in his hand and waved his left arm, which was composed of spiritual bodies, constantly chopping various parts of the core of the slime mold, trying his best to stop the process of monster reorganization! But his movements were obviously not as fast as the opponent’s, and the monster’s reorganization became smoother and smoother, obviously exceeding the speed of Albert’s destruction!

“Let’s go too.” Palamides whispered: “This is the last point left! Kill that monster quickly and end this battle!” However, will it be so simple? Because of the previous explosion, all the floating islands centered on the monster were pushed away by the impact. The floating islands formed by these volcanic rocks floated everywhere in the huge cave, colliding with each other, and everything became extremely unstable! Everyone present was doing their best just by fixing themselves on the floating island they were on, and from time to time they were worried that they would be thrown off due to the collision between the floating islands! In such a situation full of unstable elements, how on earth should they conduct an all-out attack on that slime monster?

Albert glanced at everyone in the distance. He took out something from his waist—a pullback symbol carved out of wood.

The tiger threw the thing hard at the place where everyone was, and Palamidis saw the pullback sign flying towards him. Before he understood what was going on, Albert had already flashed with the leopard. In front of human warriors!

“Come on!” The tiger stretched out his hand to the leopard warrior: “Let’s gather everyone on the same floating island first!” “Is that a teleportation technique?” When the big cat reached out and grabbed the tiger’s spiritual arm, asked suspiciously. That instant flashing move always felt different from ordinary teleportation. —–But what’s the difference? Leopard warriors who don’t know much about magic can’t tell.

“We’ll talk about this later.” Albert ignored Palamidis’ inquiry, and threw the bell back again, and threw it to another floating island in the distance.

Whoosh! The leopard warrior only felt a slight wind in his ears, and he had already teleported with Albert. In front of them is the fairy girl Chanel!

“Tiger? You—” Before Chanel finished speaking, Albert had grabbed her with one hand, and then threw a jab again with the other, towards another floating island with a companion.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! After teleporting several times, Albert gathered everyone on the surrounding floating islands.

“Wow!” Tristan was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a large group of people: “Wide-area teleportation? It has gathered everyone in such a short period of time!” Albert did not I ignored the murloc prince, but withdrew his spirit body arm, let everyone rest on the floating island, and walked to Bedivere himself.

The dying werewolf has stopped moving, not even breathing. His body was sealed by thin ice cubes, which could temporarily prolong his life, but it would not be a solution in the long run!

“Beddy, wait for me. I’ll fix it right away.” Albert muttered in a low voice only he could hear.

“Lend me your pistol.” The tiger turned to Evan and said, “Can you shoot to that mass of meat from this distance?” “The range can theoretically be reached,” Evan visually inspected the float. The distance from the island to the slime monster is three hundred yards: “But there are so many obstacles around, and the trajectory of this floating island is so complicated that you, a layman, can’t hit the target correctly.—— –By the way, what are you using a gun for?” Albert didn’t answer Ivan’s rhetorical question.

Actually, the reason is very simple. The power of the Holy Spirit White Tiger is only enough to make two anchor points for teleportation at a time. Remembering the new anchor point again will cover the old anchor point. Just now, he brought everyone to this floating island to gather, and after teleporting again and again, the earliest anchor point hanging in the core of the monster was refreshed long ago.

“That line—is this a physical bullet?” Albert thought of a compromise, “give me the bullet, I’ll add anchor points to the bullet, and you’ll shoot it. Time. Not much, hurry up!” Ivan took out the magazine from the black iron pistol suspiciously, removed the first steel bullet from the magazine, and handed it to Albert’s hands: “Even if it can hit, What are you going to do next?” “Well, I will use myself as another anchor point to open the portal from here to the heart of the monster——you think so for now. I’ll leave it to you later. That’s it.” Albert meant that he would transfer the damage, and in the process of opening the teleportation port, let everyone present hit the slime monster with an unprecedented powerful blow, destroying it in one fell swoop.

That’s a very good idea, but—”You just guided the lava in the lava pool to create an explosion, and you still can’t wipe out the monster.” Tristan doubted the plan: “Now why do you Do you think our power can surpass the natural power of lava?” “Because that monster is resistant to fire, lava has nothing to do with him. You have all kinds of attack methods in your hands. If you combine them correctly, you will definitely be able to do something.” Ai Albert said bluntly: “Please, let’s solve it with all our strength! Brady needs to be sent to emergency as soon as possible!” Everyone present was silent. Most of them thought that the werewolf was helpless, after all, he was so terribly injured. But who knows? Orcs are so tenacious that they can live in suspended animation for a week even if their heads are cut off. Perhaps as the tiger suggested, send Bedivere to emergency as soon as possible, and the werewolf might be saved.

Furthermore, there is really no better way to destroy that terrifying monster that keeps regenerating. Even if it’s a gamble, it’s okay to try Tiger’s proposal!

“Okay!” Albert returned the bullet in his hand to the half-dragon youth. There seemed to be some kind of force attached to the bullet, though it was barely visible. It is hard to believe that this insignificant power can be used to destroy opponents thousands of times stronger than itself, but it is an indisputable fact-because, the same miracle, I have already given birth once!

The half-dragon youth quickly loaded the bullet into the magazine and put it into the black iron pistol. He stuck his head out from the edge of the floating island and aimed at the monster in the distance!

At that time, the slime mold monster had collected the surrounding rock crystals and lava, regenerating it to a certain extent. If it drags on like this, it will construct an indestructible shell and make a comeback. It will be very troublesome to defeat it then!

Only now! Evan must precisely aim at the most tender fleshy part of the monster, avoid the surrounding waste rocks and floating islands, and hit the target under the harsh conditions of shaking everywhere, swaying from side to side! This is an impossible task for ordinary people, and it is very difficult even for a half-dragon youth with Eagle Eyes!

He took off his glasses, and the power of the eagle eye technique was fully open, focusing on the target!

Everyone present held their breath and did not dare to make a sound, for fear that a slight noise would affect Evan’s aiming.

Bah! Evan opened fire. It was just a dull and low-key explosion without any bright spots, but this shot was related to the fate of everyone, especially the fate of Bedivere!

Whoosh! ——The steel bullets that serve as anchors fly out quickly!

“Huh?” Palamidis grunted, the bullet’s trajectory didn’t look like it could hit the target! It deviates at least a hundred feet, and it seems that it is not planning to hit the core of the slime monster, but some floating island on the side?

“Relax.” Evan put away his gun: “My ballistic calculation will never go wrong.” Indeed. The bullet drew a beautiful arc in mid-air, avoiding countless floating debris, avoiding the surrounding floating islands, and hitting the floating island thirty yards away from the core of the slime mold!

The moment it hit the smooth and hard volcanic rock surface of the floating island, it bounced, burst into sparks, and refracted at sixty degrees!

That’s right! If you want to hit the monster from a straight distance, there are too many obstacles in the middle, and it will be very difficult! Ivan uses the method of refraction to let the bullet hit the floating island next to the core of the slime mold first, and uses the rock surface of the floating island to refract the bullet to the bottom left corner of the monster!

Zha! The bullet penetrated into the fleshy structure of the monster Even better, at this time, it was completely unprepared, and it did not notice a small metal block refracted from other directions. I thought it was just the debris around it hitting it! It absorbs this “metal nugget” and assimilates it as part of itself!

“Hit meow?” Albert seems to be able to sense if the bullet (anchor) has reached the target. When he saw that the time had come, he immediately raised his left arm of his spiritual body: “That’s it!” His left arm composed of intense white light instantly transformed into a huge circle———— Something like the familiar “portal”.

On the opposite side of this circular “portal”, the monster’s body is wriggling and twitching, and its ugliness is fully presented in front of everyone! .

This is Albert’s plan: to use almost zero-distance “teleportation”, so that everyone can use the equipment in their hands from this floating island to carry out the deadliest blow to that monster!

What everyone has to do next is to wave their weapons and unleash all the power of destruction on the flesh mass in front of them! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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