Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1008: The ultimate battle against Ziyan (8)


Chapter 1008 The ultimate battle against Ziyan

At the same time, in the middle of the night, the East African Plateau, the underground palace of Kilimanjaro volcano, the center of the labyrinth of the earth.

Appearing in front of Bedivere and others is the amethyst lava dragon who just climbed up from the ultra-high temperature purple lava pool.

Due to the heat of the lava, it nearly doubled in size, and the amethyst scales on its entire body were even more interspersed with lava of purple light. The purple dragon stone crystal and the high-heat lava set off each other, making this wonderful dragon look full of supreme divinity…or supreme magic.

Fortunately, it is now surrounded by lava, and the gun holes used to shoot fireballs are also blocked, and its tracking fireball attack is invalid! This guy has become just huge, but lacks the means of attack!

———Or maybe not?

Hey! ! ———The amethyst lava dragon roared, and the whole body spewed purple smoke with strong light. This smoke was the steam of sulfur, which diffused around it and also dissipated the heat everywhere. !

Is this a defensive measure? ——wrong! It’s cooling off! Dissipate the waste heat that has accumulated huge energy in the body in the form of steam! This is the harbinger of some kind of powerful attack!

Thinking of this, the werewolf Bedivere immediately shouted: “Be careful! It’s about to attack!” As soon as the words fell, the monster had scattered a lot of purple crystal floats from its body! These front ends are amethyst tips, and the back half are floats of lava balls, just hovering in mid-air!

“What the **** is this?!” Albert was dumbfounded.

The next second, these suspended crystals began to move irregularly, scattering everywhere. But their amethyst pointed tips are constantly aimed at everyone, as if they are making some crazy idea!

“Oops! This is——” The werewolf was ready to avoid: “It’s the turret!” Zizzizizizizizizi! —— Those floating turrets began to shoot countless thumb-like, but extremely deadly purple flame beam cannons at everyone present!

“My God! This bastard’s attack methods have evolved again?!” Albert hurriedly dodged, dozens of beams brushed past the tiger, very dangerous!

The purple flame beam cannon used by the Amethyst Colossus to deal with the Albert team was single-handed. It was powerful, but it could be blocked with a shield. As long as everyone huddled behind the shield, they could still survive.

But now, this purple flame beam cannon firepower network composed of countless floating cannons can attack everyone from any angle, height, and direction, and it is almost impossible to guard against!

The most terrifying thing is that this amethyst lava dragon seems to have a lot of intelligence. It knows that the defense power of everyone present is not high, and it is a waste to attack people here with a powerful purple flame beam cannon, so it is changed to the current small beam cannon attack! Compared with the previous terrifying beam cannon, although the power of this thumb-sized beam is nearly a hundred times smaller, they can still easily penetrate the body of the people present with one blow, and burn the body of these almost unprotected poor creatures. A fist-sized hole!

The guy has been collecting previous combat experience to evolve a more effective means of killing. The previous battles of Albert and others were all paved for the experience of the Amethyst Lava Dragon!

As soon as the Amethyst Floating Turret began to shoot, everyone present immediately became like ants on a hot pot, busy running around, trying their best to dodge, and there was no room for a counterattack! Is this the ultimate attack method of the Amethyst Lava Dragon! It’s so hard to deal with!

No wonder the organizers of the round table test refused to go out in person, but instead arranged for the candidates to handle this matter! ——If even the trump card of the Knights of the Round Table is seen by this monster, then no one in this world can stop the Amethyst Lava Dragon!

“Damn it!” Albert just flashed a blow, and immediately rushed to one of the floating cannons, raising his sword and drawing out!

Away! The thing was much more agile than expected, easily dodging the tiger’s attack!

The moment I looked at the floating cannon at close range, the tiger finally saw its structure! In addition to the tip of the amethyst and the main body of the lava ball, there is a small round stone inside each amethyst floating gun. In the stone is probably the core that controls the actions of the colossus—that is to say, every floating cannon has a small core that controls its actions independently! Every Amethyst Floating Cannon has autonomous consciousness and is a small floating gunner. Their attack accuracy and evasion ability are amazingly high!

Too bad! This is not an “attack” released by the Amethyst Lava Dragon. Each of these floating cannons has a life of its own, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are an [army]! Albert and the others are being besieged by an entire army, and every little soldier in the army has deadly firepower and agile action!

What should I do to compete with this terrifying army? !

“Woo!” Albert, distracted by thinking, was brushed past by the beam, and a burst of heat spread over the tiger’s left shoulder! He felt a sharp pain for a moment, and then found a terrible scorching mark on his shoulder! Before the tiger could treat his wounds, the beams rained in the sky one after another, surrounded Albert from all directions, and was about to blast the big cat into rubbish!

“Al!!” Bedivere’s tortoise-tongued whip wrapped around the tiger’s waist, pulling Al back! The two fell back from the floating island they were in and were caught by another floating island on the lower level.

And the floating island above was being bombarded by nearly a thousand small purple flame beam cannons. For a while, the gravel flew around, and the shattered amethyst scattered in the air like raindrops! The amethyst structure at the bottom of the floating island rose and floated because it absorbed a lot of heat, and it became very unstable!

Too bad! The amethyst lava dragon’s attack is not only effective against people, it and its legion will soon notice that they can also rely on attacking the floating island to make the surrounding environment unstable. This move alone can make the surrounding environment unstable. The people on the floating island are at the mercy of death! Before they gain more experience and know more effective ways to kill the enemy, they must fight quickly!

“What are you doing? Stupid tiger!” The werewolf just put down Albert, seeing that the tiger not only failed to reflect on the attack just now, but continued to stay, so he increased his tone and cursed angrily: “You Do you really want to die?!” “No way!” Albert raised his wrist, pointed at the magic bracelet and shouted, “This guy is not an opponent we can deal with! If we can use magic, everything will be better! But now that we’re carrying this thing, there’s no way we can beat that monster!!——I’m going to take it off!” He made the right decision. In order to save their lives, they don’t care so much at all! But doing so would be equivalent to breaking the rules of the exam, and the next punishment would be terrifying. In the worst case, Albert would be disqualified from the exam!

How can this happen!

The werewolf grabbed the tiger’s wrist with one hand: “Stop it! Even without the magic bracelet, we can’t do magic here!” He shouted hysterically: “Think about it!! If you take this off, You will be disqualified from the exam! All your hard work will be in vain! You have come all the way from the initial trial, you have been through so much suffering, what is it for?””I don’t care! It’s better than dying Such a hellish place!” Albert said stubbornly. His original purpose was not this exam, but to accompany someone. In fact, his goal has already been achieved, and he has no regrets to have reached this point!

(Why some idiots just can’t understand?!) Magic may not be used in this place, but Albert has the Holy Spirit White Tiger in his body. Even if he doesn’t use magic, he can still do something by relying on the power of the Holy Spirit White Tiger. !

(Pay attention, stupid wolf!) “Idiot!” The werewolf was still arguing with the tiger, trying his best to prevent Albert from taking off his bracelet: “If you say don’t do it, don’t do it! What!” Albert, regardless of the werewolf’s obstruction, had already torn off half of the bracelet on his left hand: “It’s so noisy! I don’t need you to worry about what I’m doing! We’re not on the same team, even if I’m canceled. It has nothing to do with you if you are qualified for the exam!” (I just want to save you, and this group of people!) Bedivere was in a hurry, and while clasping Tiger’s bracelet, he wrestled his arms with Albert. : “Of course it’s related! This exam is obviously ~mine~! If you mess around and let the battle end casually, it’s like I’m cheating too! I won’t allow this!!” The words touched Albert’s inverse scale again, and the tiger was completely angry: “Talking to himself there again! What do I want, that’s my freedom! It has nothing to do with you!! You don’t care! Shi meow, my mother meow! Don’t let him interfere with my actions in a self-righteous manner!!” “Do you think I really want to interfere in your actions?! You idiot, little idiot, reckless and mindless fool! I just want to help you, lest you be impulsive and regret your actions later!” Bedivere thought that friends should do this. But he’s always too concerned about carelessly.

It also naturally attracted further disgust from Albert: “You are an idiot! I want you to take care of my business! Nosy stupid wolf!!” The two began to fight, you punched me One kick, dodging and sparring in the storm of the beam cannon, it is simply killing!

“Hey, why are you arguing?” Looking at Evan, who was arguing between the two from a distance, he couldn’t help but feel depressed for a while: “These two are like children—“”Humph– -” Palamidis also paid more attention to the tiger and the wolf. On the one hand, he was amused by the immaturity of the two, and on the other hand, he began to worry.

The werewolf was arguing with the tiger, ignoring the dozens of amethyst floating cannons that gradually surrounded them!

“Damn———what are you playing?! Be careful behind your back!!” Palamedis warned loudly while dodging the Amethyst Beam Cannon’s attack.

Bedivere turned sharply to check the situation: “What?!” The floating guns fired together, and more than a dozen beams surrounded them from all angles at the same time! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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