Light Spirit Epic Chapter 100: The pursuit of the Jedi (middle)


Chapter 100: Pursuing the Jedi (Part 2)

In a hotel in a French border town.

“So it is.” The red fire dragon evil star stretched out his small claws and knocked on the stone statue in front of him, “It’s really hard! Not to mention petrified, this is simply steel.”

“Arthur… dead?” Bedivere asked, sobbing.

“If we die, the contract will be terminated long ago. Can we still be summoned like this?” Baishuang Long Xianwei said, “That guy is still alive, or at least part of his inner part is still alive. Drink it in human flesh. Dragon’s blood is inevitable, but the way of death varies from person to person. What’s more, this guy is not human at all, so we can’t predict what will happen to him.”

“What is certain is that the current situation is indeed very bad.” Shaxing said, “Right now it is only the outer shell that has been petrified. Maybe after a while, even the interior will be completely petrified, and then he will be completely petrified. dead.”

“Please, I can do whatever you want, please find a way to save Arthur!” the werewolf boy pleaded.

The two dragons looked at each other, but they were silent.

“If we knew what to do, we would have told you already.” After a long silence, Xianvia said, “What I can do now is to freeze him with dragon breath first to delay his petrification. I just hope you find a way to rescue him before he is completely petrified.”

“Wait! You just go back like this!?” Kai was still outside the hotel trying desperately to prevent the Celestial Knight and Ser Arctor from leaving.

“Sorry, there’s something wrong with the Knights of the North, and there’s no time to relax here,” said the Grand Duke of Leon Dickens.

“Dad!” Kay turned to Ser Arctor.

“Don’t worry, Arthur will have no problem.” The old man smiled mysteriously, “If you take good care of him, there will be no problem.”

“Damn!!” Back in the room, Kai threw his fist on the table in a tantrum.

“Calm down, it won’t help you to be anxious now.” Evan said.

“What do you know?!” Kai roared, “Although there is no blood relationship, Arthur is my younger brother! I clearly want to… protect Arthur well!… I am this Brother is really useless…”

“Mage.” Bedivere whispered, “I need to find the Mage quickly. Merlin might know how to save Arthur!”

“It’s useless…only Arthur knows how to contact the mage.” Kai lost his way, “and the ivory tower is only allowed to enter…”

“Be quiet!” Evan said suddenly.

“What, you kid, it has nothing to do with you that’s why you can be so calm!” Kai said angrily.

“This is not the time to talk about this!” Evan nervously pulled out his weapon, “There is a powerful guy downstairs… coming up the stairs! This amazing amount of photons, is it– —!”

“Beddie, protect Arthur!” Kai drew his weapon.

The door was quietly pushed open.

A girl in a gray robe, pale and expressionless, who looked to be in her teens, appeared in front of the knights.

“Is it the knight Arthur, the knight Kai, the knight Evan, and Mr. Bedivere?” The girl said coldly, without a trace of emotion in her words, which was even less [human] than Arthur’s indifferent tone.

This girl is not human! Evan’s intuition made him sweat. The thing in front of her is just some kind of… some kind of machine covered in human skin. She is by no means good, and her body contains a large amount of terrifying photons!

You can’t do it, you will be killed if you do it! You will be killed in an instant! !

“Put your weapons away!” Evan said.


“Hurry up! Do you want to die?!” Evan shouted hastily.

Kay and Bedivere had to do so.

After the knights put away their weapons, the girl said, “Please come with me. My master wants to see you.”

“Your master?” Kai asked suspiciously.

“The master is the master.” The girl said, “Now, please form a circle and hold hands.”

The knights had to do so. After the knights held hands and formed a circle, the girl came over and put her hand on Bedivere’s.

At that moment, the werewolf boy noticed that the girl’s hand was extremely cold, like steel.

“Then, the teleportation begins.” As soon as the girl’s voice fell, the scene around everyone changed rapidly.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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