Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1: Bronze


Chapter 1 The Bronze Chapter (Beginning) Trapped in a desperate situation

518 AD, Pantoracken, a suburb of Edinburgh.

In the dark cave, there were bursts of warm breath, and the sound was low and dull. Every indication is that this cave is inhabited by terrifying giant beasts.

The young knight and his entourage entered the cave without fear.

The silhouettes of the two masters and servants appeared in the very weak light of the lantern.

Knights wear finely crafted, if not overly embossed, armor. Regardless of the armor’s defense, it was obviously too bulky and hindered the knight’s progress. Even as the knight moved at an extremely slow pace, the armor still rubbed against each other, making a slight but deadly squeak, enough to make the knight’s presence noticed by enemies dozens of feet away.

But the knight didn’t even notice it, and he didn’t even feel the need to hide his whereabouts. He feels good about himself and thinks that he can easily defeat all powerful enemies in the world——with this advanced equipment.

The Bronze Snowflake Medal on the Knight’s chest shows that he is only a Bronze Knight (Apprentice Knight). He didn’t deserve this luxurious outfit.

But the knight’s illustrious family makes this outfit a tacit approval among his colleagues. After all, the son of the current Heavenly Knight of the Northern Heaven Knights, who fought without any proper protection and died in battle, was enough to be a major responsibility for his immediate superiors to move their heads.

On the other hand, the costumes of the knight’s followers are pitifully shabby. Not only is there no protection, but even the clothes are made of rough linen. His small, lean body with little muscle, carrying heavy supplies with difficulty, moved with the same heavy stride.

After all, in this era, it is extremely common for a knight’s follower without any status to die in battle. Equipping a follower with any equipment is just a waste of money.

The knight stopped abruptly, gesturing to stop his entourage as well.

Silence falls. The snoring gradually covered it up.

Not far from the cave, is a sleeping monster. A dragon, a red fire dragon with red scales and fire, an epic photon creature.

Now is the best time. Going up to give a fatal blow to the dragon while it was sleeping, and then going back with the dragon’s head to prove his valor, that’s an opportunity that many knights dream of. Such a feat is enough for the young knight to be promoted, and he was successfully promoted to a black iron knight, or even a silver knight.

The knight is eager to prove himself. He was carried away by fame and acted recklessly and impulsive. His entourage showed disdain in the gloom, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

The knight stepped forward with his sword, quietly approached the dragon’s head, and raised his lightsaber.

Stab down.


The dragon stretched out its claws, blocking the blow. The intrinsic photons naturally condensed on the dragon’s claws are much higher in purity than the light saber’s photon stream.

When two photon weapons collide, the one with the lower photon concentration must receive a larger reaction force. Naturally, the lightsaber bounced back heavily.

“Ouch!” The knight took a few steps backwards, the cumbersome armor nearly causing him to fall.

“I’m still wondering why I’ve been arguing all the time. Sure enough, a mouse ran in.” The dragon got up, and the fire from its nostrils illuminated the cave.

The knight roared, his voice rigid and boring, as if reciting a textbook: “Enlightenment, dragon! I’m here to take your head today!”

“For what? For fame, wealth, or power? It’s ridiculous that you humans die one by one for these boring things!” The dragon sneered disapprovingly. His words echoed through the cave with the characteristic lizard hiss, low and deadly.

“Stop being wordy!” The knight rushed forward with his sword recklessly. He swung his lightsaber, clumsily at the dragon’s belly. The armor made his sword swing sluggish and comical.

Unable to stand the opponent’s slow action, the dragon sent a tail sweep. Seeing that the knight could not dodge, he had to block with the gauntlet of his arm. Fortunately, his armor performance is very high, not only blocking the sweeping attack of the dragon’s tail, but also rebounding the tail, causing the dragon to lose its balance all of a sudden.

“What?!” Long was startled, and his bulky body fell to the ground.

“Suffer to death!!” The knight took the opportunity to stab the broken dragon’s chest, taking its heart.


The tip of the lightsaber stopped a few inches from the dragon’s chest and was blocked by the dragon’s hand.

The dragon just deliberately found a way to fool the knight.

“Hahahahaha!——You are the dumbest adventurer I’ve ever seen!” The dragon smiled sinisterly, threw away the weapon from the knight’s hand, and slapped the Knock the knight over. The knight flew ten yards away!

Touch! The knight’s armor slammed against the stone wall, making a thick muffled sound. However, thanks to the excellent suit of armor, the knight didn’t take particularly heavy damage – just spitting blood.

“This… this is! Blood! Blood!” Seeing the blood he spat out, the knight’s face changed greatly. Pampered he never seemed to be hurt so much.

“You! Give me the medicine!” the knight called to his entourage.

The follower took out a bottle of healing medicine and was about to hand it to the knight. A fireball shattered the medicine bottle, and the potion flowed all over the place.

“Do you think I’ll stand still and wait for your reply?” The dragon sneered The knight hesitated. “Come here, you stand in front of me and defend with your shield.”

“Yes, my lord.” The entourage said, picking up the large shield and being on guard.

“Remember, watch the dragon’s mouth carefully, and don’t blink under any circumstances,” the knight said.

“Don’t blink, no matter what.” The follower replied.


As soon as he finished speaking, the knight pushed down his entourage from behind, taking this opportunity to escape.

The follower, almost crushed by the bulky backpack, clumsily climbed up. Just got up, the dragon has come to him.

“Boy, what’s your name?” In the gloom, the dragon’s eyes emitted two terrifying golden lights.

“Arthur.” The young entourage’s face was unmoved, a scene he was familiar with.

“Then, Arthur.” Greedy saliva dripped from the corner of the dragon’s mouth, he swept the dragon’s tail, and the stone at the entrance of the cave collapsed, sealing the retreat:

“Looks like you’ve been abandoned by your master. Any last words?”

“That——” A sneer flashed across Arthur’s face. When he saw the guy in the way gone, he had no scruples.

He made a provocative gesture: “If you can win, I will talk about it!”

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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