Lan Ke Qi Yuan Chapter 873: Sincerely


Chapter 873 of Lanke Qi Yuan Text Volume Sincerely When Lian Ping’er used elixirs and magic power to test Min Xian, Ji Yuan, who was far away in the Dragon Palace of Tongtian River, had already sensed it and made a rough calculation with his fingers. I understand that someone has found Min Xian, but I don’t know who it is. It may be his fellow sect or Lian Ping’er, and I don’t rule out the possibility that someone I don’t know met Min Xian by chance and discovered that he was once an immortal cultivator. , although the last is less likely.

But Ji Yuan later discovered that Min Xian seemed to be fine, was still in Dayun Mansion, and his fate was not in danger, so he became a little confused again.

It stands to reason that although Ji Yuan did not cast the spell deliberately, it is not that easy to find the current Min Xian. The person who can find him with difficulty should be an acquaintance, so why not take him away.

With this in mind, Ji Yuan decided to go see Min Xian’s current situation and see what was going on at the banquet. Most of them were just drinking and chatting or discussing what they had learned from the book before. Ji Yuan I feel that the main process of this Dragon Transformation Banquet has passed.

Thinking about this, he stood up after saying a few words to Yin Zhaoxian. Chuanyin told Lao Long and Long Nu that they had to leave for something, and then left the hall directly.

On the way out of the Dragon Palace, the banquet along the river outside was far more lively than inside the Dragon Palace.

People are eagerly discussing the matter of Ji Yuan taking thousands of guests from the Dragon Palace to a world in the book. People yearn for it and speculate about the scenery and the appearance of the phoenix. Some even wonder whether it is an exaggeration or whether it is the same. An illusion, after all, this matter is too bizarre even in the world of spiritual practice.

Of course, people who don’t believe this statement are actually in the minority. After all, this is not a rumor spread by mortals. The guests in the Dragon Palace are all well-known people. There will also be many people who are mixed up in the banquet along the river. When talking about what I have seen and heard in the field of “The Theory of Birds”, the possibility of fraud is really low.

Ji Yuan came out to see this lively event and couldn’t help but smile. In fact, in comparison, he still preferred this kind of dining occasion outside, where many people gathered around the same table and talked lively, unlike inside One or two people per table.

Not long after he walked out of the Dragon Palace, Ji Yuan left directly by the water. As he continued to rise from the bottom of the river, some people at the banquet along the river vaguely saw Ji Yuan’s departure. After explaining it to the people inside, Attracted many probes.

Today’s Ji Yuan’s fastest escape speed is still to use the light of the fairy sword to escape, but even if it is not sword escape, since the mastery of dream travel, the escape speed is equally extraordinary. He does not deliberately rush, but it is only less than Within an hour, they were over Dayun Mansion in Tongzhou.

It is still noon in Dayunfu City. It can be said that the streets are at their busiest time. The stalls of the vegetable farmers who come to the city to buy vegetables have the freshest vegetables, and so do the people in the shops along the street. When shouting the loudest.

Ji Yuan did not enter the city from the city gate, but landed directly somewhere in the city. The location was almost the same as the one chosen by Lian Ping’er before. However, Lian Ping’er relied on intuition, while Ji Yuan could really Guess Min Xian is nearby.

At this moment, the streets were extremely busy with people coming and going. Ji Yuan did not land directly on the street. Instead, he chose an alley on the side, revealed his figure and walked out, blending into the flow of people on the street.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the streets are decorated with lights and colorful decorations. Most people’s faces are filled with smiles. People in the city are walking in the streets, and many people from the villages and even some small towns around Dayunfu City also come here. In this city, you can take your family to buy new year goods, or just go shopping.

When Ji Yuan passed by, people kept shouting and selling items to him. There were also calligraphy and painting stall owners who walked out of the stalls with calligraphy and paintings to sell to Ji Yuan on the street. Their enthusiasm was evident.

Ji Yuan watched all the way without any intention of stopping until he saw an old man walking slowly with a load not far away. The old man also looked around, but he was not looking at people, but looking for people. Suitable location on the street.

Min Xian was hired by Lian Ping’er for a day before, but now that Lian Ping’er has left, it is obvious that Min Xian does not intend to let this day go to waste, and still has the courage to come out, but he left before, this Hui Street has already become lively, and many good locations have long been occupied by vegetable stalls and grocery stalls. It is too difficult to find a suitable location.

Fairy Min Xian used to be arrogant, but now she even looks rickety when walking. But Ji Yuan feels a lot more pleasing to the eye. It’s not because he hates Min Xian that he feels good when he sees him bad, but because I really think he’s a little more pleasing to the eye.

Ji Yuan smiled, looked sideways, stopped, and walked a few steps across the street. He knew that the small open space next to where he was standing before was the existing space on the entire street. The most suitable place to set up a stall.

Sure enough, not long after, Min Xian, who was carrying the load, finally found the spot where Ji Yuan had seen before. With joy on his face, he quickly walked to the empty spot with the load. When he put the load down, he looked around. Seeing that no one nearby was paying attention to him, it was probably deserted, so he felt relieved and set up a stall.

Just like what Lian Ping’er saw, Ji Yuan also saw Min Xian put a wooden box together, took out a small folding stool and a hijab, and took out pens, ink, paper and inkstones and put them away.

The difference is that Min Xian was shivering from the cold earlier in the morning, but now because he had a big meal, the weather has become warmer, and he is in a happy mood, his movements are much faster.

As soon as the things were put away, Min Xian also shouted after sitting down.

“Write Spring Festival couplets, write the word “Fu”, write letters for others…”

Ji Yuan was watching from not far away from the opposite corner of the street. The words written under the hijab of Min Xian’s stall were also vague, but he could guess that it was nothing more than ghostwriting.

Although the world in the Dragon Palace is relatively clear, and the streets in the world are blurry in Ji Yuan’s eyes after coming out, there is another scene in Ji Yuan’s mind on the bustling streets on the eve of the Spring Festival, and the colors are also not part of any beautiful scenery.

But Min Xian, who is obviously a real ordinary person, is not completely blurry in Ji Yuan’s eyes. At least there is a clear brilliance on his face, and this kind of brilliance is actually shared by many ordinary people. It comes from the bottom of his heart. , a longing called hope.

Many ordinary people can attract Ji Yuan’s attention, often because of this ordinary and simple beauty, or that it is actually not ordinary.

At this moment, just seeing Min Xian living so actively and with visible hope on his face made Ji Yuan feel better.

Originally, Ji Yuan planned to leave directly, not wanting his appearance to irritate Min Xian. After all, Ji Yuan should be a very scary person in Min Xian’s heart. It was the Chinese New Year, and Ji Yuan didn’t want to scare such an old man.

But Ji Yuan felt that he had already come, so he took one look and left immediately. He seemed a little sorry that he had traveled such a long way. In that case, after thinking about it, Ji Yuan walked towards Min Xian’s stall. , but after two or three steps, his appearance changed from an extraordinary college student to a man with ordinary clothes and appearance, just like a man who went to the city to buy something.

“Old gentleman, how much does it cost to write Spring Festival couplets and the word “Fu”?”

Ji Yuan asked at the stall with a smile on his face. Min Xian was happy to see people asking as soon as he sat down. There was no one paying attention to the stall, and maybe people passing by wouldn’t come, but someone came to write a couplet. , then people will look at it, and gradually they will live in groups, and business will get better.

“Let’s do it, the price is fair, the paper and ink are mine, five cents for a couplet, three cents for a blessing character, it depends on the number of words, generally a letter will cost less than ten cents… ”

This price is considered fair. After all, the paper on the stall is not too bad. Ji Yuan smiled.

“Okay, it’s just a few bowls of noodles, so just write a couplet with the word “福”.

“Okay, wait a moment, I’ll melt the ink first!”

Min Xian began to grind the ink, while Ji Yuan was watching, and at the same time he reached into his arms and took out copper coins one by one.

When Min Xian was grinding ink, he also paid attention to the movements of the man in front of him, watching as he took out copper coins one by one. Coupled with the honest look on his face, he should be an honest farmer who works hard in the fields all year round, maybe at home. He had a big family to support, but the man only took out six copper coins and fumbled around here and there with an embarrassed look on his face.

“Oh, by the way, you are my first business today, old man. I forgot to tell you. It can be cheaper. I’ll give you half the price, just four cents!”

The embarrassment on the man’s face instantly turned into joy. He thanked him repeatedly, placed four coins in a row on the small stall, and then said a reminder.

“Old sir, is the ink grinding ready?”

“Oh, yes, it’s polished.”

Min Xian was fascinated by the man laying out the copper coins, and then he came back to his senses. He quickly laid out the red paper and dipped his pen in ink.

“Are there any requirements for what to write?”

“No, no, look for Shuyuan I am a peasant, how can I understand? Old sir, you can take care of it.”

“Okay, I’ll write something auspicious and wish you a good year!”

Min Xian smiled and said a blessing, lowered his head and started writing. Ji Yuan just watched. When Min Xian was writing the word “Fu”, he couldn’t help but read the couplets and horizontal batches he had written aloud.

“Working hard makes you rich, and being diligent and thrifty brings prosperity to the family… A bumper harvest, so well written!”

Whether it is sincere or not, Ji Yuan can clearly feel it.

Hearing the compliment, Min Xian also had a smile on his face. He put down his pen and blew the ink, carefully rolled the couplet and the word “福” written in his hand into a loose circle, tied it with straw and handed it to Ji Yuan.

“Here, it will dry in the wind. Try not to rub it.”

“Hey, thank you, old man!”

After Ji Yuan thanked him, he stood up directly, grabbed the couplet and the word “Fu” written in his hand and left.

Min Xian stroked his beard and nodded, smiling as he watched the man leave before putting away the four copper coins on the table. When he got the coins, he was suddenly startled, thinking of the compliment he had just given, and then I realized something in hindsight.

The man who just seemed to have nothing to do with literacy read out the couplets smoothly?

‘Does this person know how to read? ’

Min Xian raised his head, looked forward and around, but the man who was supposed to have just left was nowhere to be found.

Although he looks at Min Xian with admiration now, Ji Yuan will not help him recover his cultivation, at least not in this life. As for whether he will have the chance to catch up in the next life, it is unknown whether he can pay for his sins in the next life. It’s unknown, but there is finally a glimmer of hope.


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