Invincible Hero of Necromancer Chapter 2735: Lost Wolverine

Jenny, who had high hopes from Eri, stopped the attack of the Water Elemental Monarch. She swung the frozen sword that had been frozen for thousands of years, and froze the huge waves raised by the Water Elemental Monarch into a blue ice wall that was ten thousand feet high. .

No one knows when the next wave of the water element monarch’s attack will arrive. The preliminary test from the two sides also made Jane fully understand what kind of ability the ancient and powerful element monarch has. When the element monarch is angry, she will Elements that can mobilize the whole world.

The ice wall is centered on the position where Jenny is standing, and it wraps the entire coastal area of ​​Eri. While resolving the attack of the Water Elemental Monarch, it also forms a unique protection, even if it is the elemental army under the Water Elemental Monarch. , It is not an easy thing to cross the ice wall like a moat.

“Water Elemental Monarch…”

Jenny meditates on the enemy’s name as she recovers her mana. The enemy has the power to control the ocean, and the only thing she can fight against is this divine sword in her hand.

“Lord Jenny, the flood has been blocked by the ice wall. The task of rescuing the trapped animals is left to me and the other apprentices. You can restore your mana at ease.” Beside Jenny, the silver-haired apprentice volunteered. She could feel Jenny’s exhaustion, and using the power of the divine sword was also a big burden for Guardian Jenny.

Jenny nodded, handed over the task to the apprentice, and returned to the sacred place in the forest.

Not far away are the forest animals rescued from the flood. Some of them are understanding people, and some are just beasts with low intelligence.

For the sake of the order of the sacred place in the forest, the Drewyins are enlightening the wisdom of these animals. Creatures without wisdom can only be called beasts. Only with wisdom can they become qualified Eli animals.

In the process of enlightening wisdom, linguistics and wisdom art are an indispensable part. Linguistics enables Drewyin to communicate with various creatures, and even the ancient and profound dragon language belongs to the category of linguistics, and wisdom is the key to enlightenment. Beasts enlightened by Drewyin can have Not weaker than human spirituality, they can also communicate with each other.

The person responsible for enchanting these animals is Drew Yin Espan, who drinks the original syllables from his mouth, sometimes turning his body into a brown bear, the slap of his palms shaking the earth, and sometimes turning into a bird spreading its wings.

As a legendary Druyin, these basic transformations have long been familiar to Aspen. When needed, he can transform himself into various forest animals, and has a foundation far beyond those of those animals. Attributes, transformed into any kind of animal, are only in his mind.

Under the guidance of Espan, different kinds of animals sat on the ground with peace of mind, receiving the enlightenment of wisdom, and their originally cloudy eyes became a little more human.

“That wild wolf over there, what are you running around for? Or are you planning to make trouble here because of your higher rank than other animals? Come back to the team soon!”

At this moment, Espan, who was changing, regained his burly human body and scolded a pitch-black wolf in the distance.

The Warg ignored him at all, no matter how Aspen scolded him, the Warg kept his head down and kept sniffing along the ground, as if he was looking for something.

Several stones smashed towards the Warg’s waist and abdomen. When he sensed the approaching attack, the Warg showed full vigilance and agility. .

Aispan was slightly taken aback when he noticed the wolf’s movements. With his legendary Druyin’s strength, even if it was just a few stones, it was enough to hit the disobedient wolf until he could not stand up. , Unexpectedly, his sudden attack was quickly avoided by the Warg who didn’t care about his movements at all.

“Nice response.”

Aispan clapped his hands and praised, the Eri Jungle is vast and rich in resources, plus there are jungle guardians to maintain peace and regulate the grievances between animals, many forest creatures have lost their primitive vigilance. Like the Warg, it is a fierce predator who is always on the utmost vigilance.

Faced with Druyin’s praise, the Warg bowed his back and let out a provocative growl in his throat, looking like he was ready to attack at any time.

“But here, you’d better listen to me all the time.”

Aispan patted his chest, and his already burly body was raised again, and a thick mane emerged from his body. In just a short moment, he turned into a huge brown bear.

With just one palm, he slapped the wolves that came straight into the air, and the wolves swirled in the air for a few times before his limbs stiffened, and he slammed onto the grass, until after a while, Only then did he groan and get up.

After being slapped by the legendary Druyin, Warg felt that his head had been beaten into a puddle of mud. Couldn’t get rid of the drowsiness in my mind.

“Now you know what to do? It’s time to return to your team.”

Returning to human form, Aspen clapped his hands, apparently satisfied with the Warg’s response.

Attending the wisdom of beasts is not just as simple as imparting knowledge to them, but also requires a combination of grace and power. Only when beasts learn to fear and obey under absolute power can they be considered to have initially mastered a little human form.

The wolves in front of him became the target of Espan’s slaughter. As he expected, the beasts that were still a little restless in the vicinity, after seeing the encounter with the wolves, all became obedient and belonged to them. Figures are growing.

As one of the few melee ranks in Eli who is qualified to fight the Behemoth head-to-head, there is no doubt about the strength of Druyin. When Espan turns into a giant bear, even the Behemoth can live. A few tricks, dealing with such a wolf is naturally no problem.

The Warg, who was beaten by Druyin’s palm, had some incompetence in his head, and came to Druyin’s enchanting team in such a vague way, completely forgetting that he was not the beast rescued by Jenny at all , but has more important tasks.

“Have you seen the secret method I use? If there are talented people among you, there is also a chance to learn this kind of transformation secret method under my enlightenment. But if you are too ignorant, this secret method will also be similar to You’re out of luck.”

Aispan continued to enchant the nearby beasts, and when he caught a glimpse of the returning witch Jenny out of the corner of his eye, he could not help but salute the guardian.

Although there was some unpleasantness between Espan and Jenny’s apprentices in the previous selection, the matter has passed, Espan is as rough as his burly body, and never cares about what happened in the past. He still paid his respects to the Guardian Jeanne.

Jenny also nodded in response, no matter what they did, the general direction was the same, that is, to protect the peace of the Elf Kingdom, they are all jungle guardians, and they shoulder a heavy responsibility.

“Jenny, we got a text message from the Thieves Guild.”

Soon, Jenny, who returned to the royal city, was found by the hero Gru. The hero Gru is a little urgent, and at the same time brings some important news to Jenny.

“The good news is that the Thieves Guild has obtained the Water Orb that restrains the Water Elemental Monarch. The leader of the Thieves Guild, Lady Shadow, intends to trade with us personally to exchange the Water Orb for the Guild Mage’s Fire Orb.”

After listening to the news of the hero Gru, Jenny couldn’t help but look happy. With the help of the water spirit ball, they will have a greater confidence to fight against the water element monarch, thus preventing the world from being destroyed by the element monarch.

Even if it is the Sword of Ice, it cannot directly destroy the Water Elemental Monarch. It is naturally great news to be able to obtain the help of the Water Spirit Ball at such a time.

However, seeing the red-haired half-elf with a serious face and no joy in reaping the good news, Jenny also realized the problem. Under other circumstances, Gru would definitely be happy about it, his expression was so serious that it made Jenny’s expression tense.

“What about the bad news?” Jenny immediately asked. Since the good news couldn’t make the hero Gru happy, it must mean that he has bad news that worries him even more, which also made her unable to speak. road.

“The bad news is that, through the observation of the master of Bracada, the air flow of the main plane has undergone a very serious abnormality. It is speculated that the air element monarch also came to the main plane. When the elemental monarchs joined forces, It’s probably more difficult than we expected to deal with them.” Gru sighed.

After learning the news of the Qi Elemental Monarch, Gru was very uneasy for a time. Even if the Magic Guild claimed that they were capable of dealing with the Qi Elemental Monarch, Gru still had trouble letting go of his worries.

Jenny seems to have thought of something: “Those mages, will they agree to the exchange of spirit balls? If there is a water spirit ball, I believe that the power of the artifact can be better utilized.”

Gru nodded: “You don’t have to worry about this matter, the council of the jungle guardians has reached an agreement with the mages, they will fully cooperate with us before the danger of the elemental monarch is lifted, and the water **** in exchange will also It will be up to you to use.”

Jenny frowned. With what she knew about the mages, the mages would never agree to this request lightly: “Then what price will Eli have to pay? The mages who are most conscious of their own interests will not be freed. Treasures are lent to us.”

“The price is that when the danger of the elemental monarchs is lifted, they will borrow the sword of ice, and Eli’s elf troops will complete the restoration of the country from the evil necromancer.” Gru sighed.

Jenny also fell silent. For those mages, there is nothing more to look forward to than the recovery of Brakada. They will be reduced to the point where they are now, all eating the disadvantage of the artifact in the war. .

He has mastered many unique treasures, including many artifacts, Rhodes, who has already beaten the mages to the point of losing their armor and disarming, and had to flee far away to Eli. If they had the blessing of the divine weapon, the Sword of Ice, and the military support provided by Eli, they would no longer have to fear Rhodes, and it was just around the corner to recover the Brakada Snow Region.

If you want to borrow the mage’s things to fight against the great disaster that is approaching, you will naturally have to pay a price, and that price is to drag the future Eli into the continuous war.

“In this case, even if we survive the catastrophe of the elemental monarch, Eli will definitely not live in peace in the future.” Jenny sighed deeply.

Gru just shook his head: “Eri is long gone. The necromancer’s ambition will not stop because of a little satisfaction, it will only expand infinitely, even if Blaka Da has fallen into his hands, and he will not stop fighting. What awaits him is to destroy other creatures, or be destroyed by other creatures. Even without those mages, Eli, who is showing fatigue, will fall into the flames of war. , this is also my original intention to go out to sea to find swords.”

Gru’s eyes are firm, and his red hair seems to be burning: “Only by eradicating evil, Eli will usher in the final peace, otherwise all the peace in front of him will be false, and the real enemy will never slow down. his footsteps.”

Jenny felt Gru’s will, a hero’s determination. Even if she is extremely dissatisfied with the mage, she has to admit the truth in Gru’s words. The evil will not recede because of their temporary patience, but will only think that they are weak and can be bullied.

Jenny shook her head, saying that was a long way off compared to the immediate crisis. The elemental monarch remains the sword hanging over all creatures, and if left unchecked, they will destroy the world. With the help of the water spirit ball, her grasp against the elemental monarch can also be a little bit bigger.

At this moment, there was an exclamation from the two of them in the distance. The fireflies in the forest were completely extinguished at this moment, and the deep darkness completely enveloped the nearby Eli creatures.

“It’s her… Ms. Gru’s expression froze at the thought of the rumors about the thief leader.

In the rumors of the thieves, the leader of the thieves guild is always shrouded in shadow, no one can see her true face, no one knows the specific information about her, she is like manipulating the world’s intelligence in the dark With a touch of phantom, anything that happens in the world cannot escape her control.

The water spirit ball against the elemental monarch is also escorted by the shadow lady. Anyone who dares to take the water spirit ball from her hands will die helplessly in the deep shadow.

Even Jenny and Gru were affected by this darkness, blocking all perceptions there, making people seem to fall into a dark abyss, unable to feel the darkness of their existence at all, even their two heroes, It was difficult to adapt for a while.

Feeling the darkness that engulfed the light and caused the world to sink completely, Jenny also realized something in her heart. When the fire element has not disappeared, the power of the Shadow Lady is unparalleled, far exceeding the ordinary legendary creatures, reaching the level of the legendary peak. When the world falls into the deepest darkness and there is no flame in the world, how terrible should the power of the Shadow Lady become?

As if aware of Jenny’s doubts, in the darkness, there was a short chuckle. The laughter was sweet and melodious, but it contained fatal danger.

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