I am God Chapter 584: : Eternal Insay! Please wait a little longer!


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The door is wide open to the land of the roots of wisdom.

The light of Shenyue shines down from the starry sky, illuminating the path of all intelligent species.

She is the end point that all intelligent species want to reach, but at this moment, she is just a transit point for the Supreme God to pass by.


The wind blew over the leaves of the sacred tree, as if countless wind chimes were blowing, making a booming sound.

And every leaf reflects the shadow of life.

They are laughing, arguing, or yelling angrily, but all in all they are feeling life and being alive. Their lives are burning like flames, and their every move is full of the rhythm of life.

And on the branches, there are dazzling fruits hanging down one after another, but compared to before, there is now one more.

Looking at the fifth fruit on the sacred tree.

Because Saishen’s face was facing the light, he couldn’t see clearly what he was thinking.

Sheila and Sally waited for a long time before they heard her bow her head and say something.

“Let’s go!”

“Let’s go.”

She has said this many times.

And this sentence is said too much, it seems to make people feel tired.

The Creator looks down and can be seen holding a bottle in her hand.

She looked at the beautiful dreams in the bottle, and each dream reflected the beautiful scenes of the ancient times. In the picture, a boy can be seen grinning, pointing to the distant scenery to tell the dream about the existence outside ,what is that.

The screens alternate one by one, each one is different.

This is the letter of the rainbow tree in the ancient times, but the letter is not sent to others, but to the creator Insai.

Closing his eyes, Shen Yin saw light coming from all directions and gathering together.

Eventually, the condensation formed a bubble.

Fall into the bottle.

You can see the azure planet reflected in the bubble, the witch doctor’s kingdom of God, and the sacred tree that represents all kinds of wisdom.

At the same time, there is also Sally’s stinky face frowning angrily, and Sheila’s always smiling face.

Before this, many bubbles have been filled in it.

And when this bubble falls.

At the moment, the bottle is full.

In an instant.

Yin Shen’s eyes moved slightly.

When she heard that she was going to start again, Sally was the happiest.

She commanded the sterile bacterium to morph into dozens of solitary mushrooms, and hurriedly loaded all the things onto the boat.

She was sitting high on the hot air balloon boat, shouting to the busy mushrooms below.

“Quick, quick.”

“You bastard, why are you grinding like a god.”

“As a servant of Lady Sally, one must be as motivated as Lady Sally.”

“The power of life is the most dynamic, you slow guy, you have no life at all, if you slow down, I will fire you.”

Mushroom’s figure is stagnant.

She doesn’t understand, Sally’s expulsion really just means expulsion?

It still means to remove it after opening it.

In short.

In an instant, the figures of mushrooms criss-crossed each other, flustered under Sally’s urging.

I don’t know if I was anxious or scared.

Without the witch doctor, she does all the work now.

Being busy.

The nihilistic mother raised her head.

She looked at a well-dressed, chubby mythical spirit standing at the cabin door. This guy leisurely waited for the supreme gods to board the boat, and then went to perform his duties.

Don’t suffer from widowhood, but from unevenness.

Although Mother Void Bacteria didn’t know this sentence, she felt the meaning at this moment.

I’m so busy every day, why are you so leisurely?

The sterile mother looked at Velen, and although she didn’t speak, the meaning was self-evident.

You guy, why don’t you come down to work?

But the spirit of myth refused.

She pointed to the hot air balloon boat behind her, and said that she was driving this hot air balloon boat, and this kind of work was not within the scope of her duties.

Besides, I am different from you, I am the little partner and driver of Lord Sheila, and she only does chores and luggage for Sally.

Do you know if there is a gap in this status?

The nihilistic mother swings her arms.

One of them is Sally’s glass jar, the other is Sheila’s boat, neither one is better than the other.

Velen, the spirit of mythology, didn’t speak, as if I couldn’t understand what you were saying.

But soon.

Some guy on the hot air balloon boat who was pointing fingers but doing nothing lowered his head, and found that there was another guy like himself, standing leisurely at the door.

It frowned very double standard, looking very unhappy.

“You guy, what are you looking at.”

“Don’t go down to help?”

“Hurry up and start early.”

One sentence falls.

Velen, the spirit of mythology, was startled immediately, and then slid down in a gulp, struggling to lift up the table placed by the Creator under the sacred tree, and quickly carried it onto the boat.

Master Sally was very satisfied, and she also commented like a little adult.

“Sure enough, the guy in the dream is just not motivated!”

“Only under the encouragement of Lady Sally, will I be full of motivation.”

Under the supervision of Sally, the two laborers packed up the things quickly.

Sally jumped down from a high place, and then swaggered behind God Yin, constantly turning around the Creator, as if urging her to leave quickly.

Yin Shen boarded the boat, then closed the hatch and turned the door handle.

Under the rules set at the time of departure, the hot air balloon boat set sail smoothly, and the Creator’s car also left the place of the root of wisdom little by little, and drove away from the Moon of God.

However, when it is in the sky.

It stopped suddenly.

It didn’t go down to the cradle of life, nor did it sail to the dark and deep starry sky, it just stopped in the void.

Like for a moment, it also doesn’t seem to know where it’s going.

Sally leaned on the window, looked at Shenzhiyue who was regarded as the counterpart, and found that the hot air balloon boat under her body hadn’t moved for a long time, she immediately looked puzzled.

“Why is it not moving?”

“It’s broken.”

Velen, the spirit of mythology, also looked outside suspiciously. At the same time, he checked his ship, but he still didn’t understand what was going on.

Seeing that Velen didn’t know what the problem was, Sally was a little dissatisfied.

“It must be broken.”

She stretched out her hand and tapped the hot air balloon boat twice.

Suddenly, I saw the hot air balloon boat tremble violently, almost falling apart.

Velen, the spirit of mythology, was so frightened that he hugged his head and danced side to side in front of the window. She seemed to want to kneel down and hug Sally’s thigh to make her lighter, but she didn’t have the courage , can only look pitifully at the master of life.

And at this time, Mo Gu was standing behind the ruler god, looking like I couldn’t speak, and didn’t know what happened at all.

And at this moment.

Sheila seemed to understand something.

She immediately looked at the man in white who was sitting on the chair, leaning lazily on the backrest, staring at the bubble bottle.

Afterwards, the real reason why the ship did not move forward was stated.

“It’s not that the hot air balloon boat is broken.”

“It is God’s will.”

From the beginning, the rule set by the Supreme God is that the hot air balloon boat will randomly go to any place in the world.

It sounds like there is nothing wrong with it.

But soon, Sally discovered the problem.

Under the Creator’s will, there is no randomness at all. Everything in this world is gradually biased according to the Creator’s thoughts.

Where is this? Going there randomly is obviously because Saishen can go wherever he wants, which is not fair at all.

This also made Sally start to manipulate and affect “fate”.

So at the moment.

It’s not that the balloon boat is broken.

It’s because at this time, it seems that the Creator doesn’t know where to go.

Whether to go to the endless starry sky, or return to the blue planet.

Sally and Sheila looked at Yin Shen who was sitting on the chair together.

She stared at the bottle filled with colorful and dreamy bubbles, and the color of the child’s reflection also dissociated with the bubbles, faintly turning into a rainbow.

But the changing colors seemed to prove her inner confusion.

Finally, she spoke.


“It shouldn’t be departure, but it’s time to go back.”

Sally looked at Yin Shen suspiciously: “Where are you going?”

Sheila asked, “God, are you going home?”

The Creator, who was already deeply in memory and deep in thought, raised his head slowly when he heard this sentence.

The eyes that are so stable that there seems to be no change reveals the coldness like the stars, and the vicissitudes of the years.


“Go home?”

Yin Shen seems to have remembered something.

She remembered those ancient memories that were too long to describe in time: “God Yin, can you go home too?”

As soon as her heart moved, she heard the whole world responding.

When she opened her mouth, invisible power began to spread, and the entire time and space began to distort, forming a vortex that swallowed everything.

Sheila and Sally raised their heads and looked above their heads.


They vaguely saw a star emitting infinite light, so big that it seemed to cover the starry sky.

The eternal stars seem to have poured their power into this corner from beyond the universe, taking back the shadow anchored here.

For her, the universe seems to be a parallel line, or a crossing line.

At this moment, she seems to be turning the intersection into a parallel.

Her figure kept becoming awkward, and the whispers of hundreds of millions of creatures followed, pouring into this god’s car.

Sally seemed to recognize it, she stared directly at the eternal star beyond the universe.

She opened her eyes wide and spoke.


“That’s it, is it going to cross time again?”

Sally’s voice fell, and something seemed to activate at this moment.

The whispering voices around him boiled like boiling water.

“End of era!”

“End of era!”

“Everything… will end again.”

“No, don’t…”

“It’s not the time…it’s not the time yet, it’s not the last moment…”

“The era should not end…at least not like this.”

“Wait a little longer, wait a little longer~”

“The supreme Insay, the great creator, the eternity beyond the universe and time…”

“Wait a little longer…wait a little longer…”

Countless voices came together, overlapped and echoed continuously, and finally turned into the same sentence.

“O Eternal God of Insai!”

“Wait a little longer…wait a little longer…”

The light of God’s Moon also turned around, completely submerging the Creator’s vehicle.

It can be heard that all living beings are panicking, and the voices from the fantasy star sea and the god’s moon are constantly echoing in this starry field.

Somewhere, they seem to have sensed it too.

If the shadow of the Creator merged into the eternal stars, it would completely leave this universe.

Second Age.

Maybe it’s time to end it.

But this time is not the right time, everything is not yet fully prepared.

Once the Creator leaves, it is likely to be the situation of the First Era.

It took two epochs for the intelligent species to finally reach this point. It took 250 million years to finally see the perfect opportunity and the real path to the future.

How can it be, just end here.

The will of all living beings implores.

Regardless of the first era or the second era, regardless of race.

What was there, what is gone.

At this moment.

They are all trying to keep the God of Insai.

And Sheila didn’t expect that she just asked a question about going home, and the situation became like this.

Sheila looked at the continuously twisting vortex above her head and at the ever-growing eternal stars.

Also, under the stars, the projection of the Creator faintly vanished into nothingness.

She was at a loss, but she knew it was not the time, so she ran forward and shouted loudly.

“No, God.”

“Not there.”

Sheila stepped forward, she stretched out her hand to grab God Yin.

Everything happened very quickly, but the shadow sitting on the chair didn’t blur to the point that even she couldn’t touch it, it still stayed in this universe.

She grabbed Shen Yin’s hand smoothly.

Kneeling on the ground, she tightly grasped Yin Shen’s palm with both hands.

Fortunately, it’s not too late.

Sheila raised her head and looked at Shen Yin’s face, that shining crystal face, the silhouette projected from outside the universe.

She can’t grasp the stars beyond the universe and time, but grasping this shadow is all she can grasp.

She held her head high and said with strong emotion.


“It is our home, the land given by the gods and the pyramid temple.”

“It is the pyramid built by Ledliki and Sally for you, the garden where Polo was born, and the temple that you created me.”

“That is our home.”

Insai, who was leaning on the chair, seemed to have dozed off. At this moment, his eyes came back to his senses a little bit, and they regained some warmth.

She watched as Sheila knelt on the ground, clasping her right hand tightly with both hands.

“I think of something, and I feel a little lost.”

Yin Shen looked at his body, which gradually solidified under the light.

“It’s really inconvenient!”

“I just took a nap, and my mood fluctuated, and it became like this.”

Sheila was very anxious at the beginning, but now she broke into tears and looked at the gods helplessly.

“You just freaked me out.”

“I thought you were going to leave us alone.”

Yin Shen said: “Sheila, I can’t leave, because I have never been here.”

She manipulated the shadow she cast in this universe, and said: “Then, go back!”

Sally on the side was not afraid from the beginning to the end. She just planned that if Yin Saishen wanted to go back to the sky, she would hold Yinshen’s thigh and follow along.

Unfortunately, no success.

Sally is very disappointed. She can’t go to Eternal Star to play, but she has to go back immediately. She feels that she hasn’t played enough yet!


“Go back so soon?”

“It’s only been so long, at least I have to go downstairs for a while, how can I go home so early.”

Yin Shen looked at Sally: “Where else do you want to go?”

Sally had been prepared for a long time, and she took out her previous list of goals and plans.

Shown one of the goals above, and said to Yin Shen.

“Go to Beihai.”

“I haven’t been to Beihai yet!”

Sheila also seemed to be afraid that God Sai would disappear into this universe in a single thought again, so she also looked at her and said.


“Would you like to go and have a look.”

Yin Shen didn’t care and nodded.


“Let’s go and have a look!”

With one sentence, the Creator’s vehicle immediately started up again, rotating around the blue planet.

Eventually, go to one of the poles of the world.

When the hot air balloon boat sails down.

On the seat in the cabin, the Creator in white turned the bottle and gently closed his eyes.

She asked a question, not to others, but to herself.

“Can I go back?”

“Even if you travel through time, all you can see is just another light and shadow.”

“I am no longer me, and the world is no longer the world.”

“I can’t go back, I’m just deceiving myself.”

The Creator opened his eyes and shook his head.

“My home.”

“Not in the past, not in the future.”

“In the old days that can never be touched.”

It’s over.

Yin Shen put down the bottle, stood up, and walked towards the distance.


After a while.

Five slender fingers held the bottle full of dreams again, and picked it up gently.

On the glass wall, Yin Shen’s human face and figure are reflected.

Even if it is a dream and an illusion, at least there is a dream to dream.


Sally pressed her face against the glass wall forcefully.



The barrier of the mythical props felt like it was squeezed out of soft glue by her, protruding deeply, and it was about to be crushed by her.

Velen, the spirit of mythology, stood behind her with his head tilted and his shoulders shrugged.

It looks like I’ve given up.

Instead of worrying about Master Sally breaking the boat, think about persuading the Ruler of Life.

It’s better to be ready to shout loudly at the last moment.

“Master Sheila, help me.”

It’s more realistic.

Sally looked down, the closer she got to the world, the more excited her eyes became.

One pair.

Unexpectedly, it looks like I’m back, Sally-sama.

And she thought in her heart: “What fun things should I do this time?”

With the continuous approach to the world, the familiar feeling returned.

In the azure sea, the world full of vitality is constantly expanding.

The surroundings are no longer the deep and endless darkness, but the atmospheric sky that gradually brightens and turns blue, with layers of white clouds.

Although the universe makes people yearn for it, this small world can give people a strong sense of security.

Sheila walked down from the upper floor with a book in her arms.

After seeing that the North Pole was about to arrive, I asked Sally who couldn’t wait.

“Sally, what’s there in Beihai?”

“Why do you expect so much?”

Sally said: “Iron Brain said it was going to grow up.”


In an instant, even Sheila had a question mark on her forehead.

Of course she knew that the iron head was the Sailor Siren, but this guy was already too big for ordinary people to describe and imagine.

At this time, what does it mean to say that it is going to grow up?

That’s it, haven’t you grown up yet?

Sally immediately described what it means for the giant **** Ruhe to grow up.

“Just like big fireworks and big meteors.”

“The big meteor flew into the universe, and the big fireworks and the center of the earth gradually merged into one.”

“Just like the two of them, the iron skull will also undergo transformation.”

Sheila understood immediately.

Insai once said that the future of life power is turning into ecology and turning into the world.

And look at the situation.

Recently, although the Ruhe giants are far from reaching the point that Insai God said.

But it has already begun, and it is on the point of swallowing the entire earth.

In fact, before this, there were already preliminary signs of this.

For example, the Death Star going to the starry sky, and the lava giant devouring the center of the earth, both of which have signs of transformation and devouring the world.

Sheila asked: “What is the Sailor Siren going to do?”

Sally thought about the words for a while, and then made gestures.

“The brain shell must swallow all the water, let all the water become its own power, and turn itself into the ocean.”

“Starting from the North Sea, it has already built a secret base there, and it wants to transform from its own secret base little by little, transforming the water of the entire world.”

Sheila nodded: “It really is the ocean and water!”

The car of the gods kept going down, and Sheila was also looking outside.

After a while, she suddenly asked a question.


“Before, weren’t you worried that God really left alone?”

Sally turned her head and looked at Sheila.

“Don’t worry!”

Sheila didn’t understand, asked her.


Sally said, “Because if God leaves, I will go to her.”



This was never what Sally considered, all she would consider was how to do it.

If God is gone, go to her.

Even if it breaks the whole world!

Even if it reaches the edge of the universe.

Just do it.

Sheila understood what Sally meant, and couldn’t help laughing immediately.

“It really is Sally!”

And Sally immediately smiled proudly, looking like I’m good.

And suddenly.

Sally seemed to sense something, and lay down in front of the window again, pointing at the bottom and shouting.

“It’s here.”

“It’s here, take a look.”

“Iron Brain’s secret base is below.”

Sheila looked down with Sally, and saw the black storm covering the entire North Pole.

The terrifying storm surrounded the entire North Pole, and it became a so-called secret base.

At the same time.

The starting point of the Celer Siren devouring the world.

Although this process may take a long time.

And followed Sally’s finger and looked down.

Looking through the black storm, a strange scene appeared.

The northern polar region is obviously a cold polar region. There are glaciers and frozen water everywhere, but in the center of the black storm, there is a piece of calm water.

The whole world can’t make any waves, just like a mirror.

This reminded Sheila of a place with such characteristics.

“Mirror of the Sky?”

However, compared to the Sky Mirror on the once “narrow” frozen mountain range, this place is many times bigger.

Here is the real mirror of the sky.


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