Emperor’s Domination Chapter 7196: Finale


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Just when Li Qiye firmly clamped the Cangtian True Self gun that was about to penetrate own‘s chest, Cangtian let out a long roar.

True Immortal should also kill ” With a loud roar from the sky, in an instant, the sun crown on his head burst out with all the sun’s rays.

This kind of sun ray is not the sun ray of human world, it is one of the initial three spirits!

So, under the “boom” of loud sound, the sun’s rays pulsed like an instant, blasting towards Li Qiye crazily, trying to destroy Li Qiye.

This kind of sun light is the original strength. Its strength strength is comparable to the power of the mother. It penetrates with an instant bombardment. It can beat all worlds to vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke.

All immortals were turned into ashes under such a blow. This kind of strength was already exist(ence) before Highest Beginning was developed.

With a “bang loud sound, Li Qiye received a heavy blow. At the same time, there was a “pop” sound. The tip of the gun had penetrated three inches into Li Qiye’s‘s chest, and blood spattered.

However, at this moment, Li Qiye both eyes flipped over, and in an instant, an indescribable strength spewed out from Li Qiye’s‘s eyes. Such strength was horrifying to the heavens when they saw it.

God be damned, what has he been afraid of? He has never been afraid of anything, he is the master of everything, he can create everything, create everything, and there is nothing strength that can scare him, this is impossible.

However, when Li Qiye really breaks out into own‘s strength, it really scares the world. It’s like a kid learning to talk will suddenly lose his temper when he sees a big strong man pumping his fists.

“Unfortunately, I am not Enron.” Li Qiye When his both eyes spurted out the reverse strength, he blocked the rays of the sun and slowly pulled out the tip of the gun that had pierced his chest.

With a sound of “Boom loud sound, when Li Qiye released own‘s strength, under this sound of loud sound, the sky was blasted away by Li Qiye. “Oh my **** ” When Li Qiye released own‘s strength, when human world and Reverend Cloud and Mud felt such terrifying‘s strength, they couldn’t help but turned pale with horror and shouted: “old man, this is you

Is it really strength? Damn it, you are so ungrateful. ”

In human world, as for all living beings and countless creature, they have no idea what happened, because when the Li Qiye’s strength shock came, all life was shocked and fainted.

Only exist(ence) like Reverend Cloud and Mud, Empress Hong Tian, Primordial Celestial Emperor were not knocked unconscious by the shock.

“Cangtian never saved ” Just when Li Qiye’s strength was released and blasted Cangtian away, Li Qiye made a backhand, and Cangtian’s True Self gun instantly pierced Cangtian’s chest.

Any strength is within the control of Heaven, but Li Qiye shot through the body, but this strength is not under Heaven’s control, and he has never seen this kind of strength.

“How is it possible ?” Cang Tian opened his eyes wide and couldn’t believe it all.

“Why is it impossible? You are just pretending.” Li Qiye said slowly: “It’s just a child’s obsession.”

Cangtian’s eyes widened, and finally, slowly dissipated, “Bang” a resonate sound, the sun crown on Cangtian’s head also shattered at this time, and the sun, one of the three spirits, flew away at this time come out.

In this moment, the “buzzing” a resonate sound, time disappeared, the space also disappeared, karma Yin Yang… and everything else also disappeared.

Everything is no longer exist(ence), only the sun, one of the three spirits, is still there, but at this time it is surrounding a child, a child who is babbling.

This babbling child exudes the original light, as if everything was born from him, and the beginning of everything originated from him.

Every ray of light is so abundant, every ray of light is so original, it seems that when every ray of light is born, it can give birth to a world. The nine main worlds of the heavenly realm and the three thousand Small World have enough strength, and they have immeasurable world’s essence, but in this babbling child, all these strength, all world’s essence

, that’s only twenty-three out of ten.

Such a babbling child seems to have given birth to and created all the worlds.

In fact, this is not the case, but when he was born, he occupied a large amount of world’s essence and myriad things qualities, and the remaining world’s essence and myriad things qualities gave birth to the world, which gave rise to hundred quintillion creature.

As for this babbling child, he was lying there, with the natal object of Highest Beginning, the fifth of the nine characters, Space-Time, pressed under him.

Space-Time’s natal object, the five characters Highest Beginning, were not only pressed on his body, but when rolled up, the five characters Highest Beginning covered his body like a blanket.

At this time, the spirit of the sun surrounds the child, just like the gentlest Elf, protecting the child and letting the child sleep.

However, when Li Qiye hit the sky with collapse and destruction, the child woke up and got up.

Ah! ” The silent child suddenly shouted, and the panic and anger that was awakened suddenly broke out. The qualities of natural spirit essence and myriad things in all the worlds are only twenty-three-tenths of this child’s. Now he burst out as soon as he woke up. What a terrifying it was. With a “boom” of loud sound, it blasted towards Li Qiye. If

Without Li Qiye blocking it, the whole world can be destroyed in an instant. Li Qiye When he blocked the strength that could destroy the world millions of times, the child had already raised his hand, and the initial three spirits of the sun, stars, and clouds, Space-Time natal objects, and Italian comprehend dao, the Highest Beginning nine characters, were fiercely held by him. Here

In his hand, he hit Li Qiye hard.

With a “bang”, when all the most infinite strength hit Li Qiye hard, Li Qiye fell to the ground.

The next moment, the babbling child climbed onto Li Qiye, raised his hand, and grabbed the whole world.

“Oh my god, is going to be destroyed.” Faced with the sudden capture of big hand, Reverend Cloud and Mud yelled. “Do you want to block?” Between electrical spark light, Reverend Cloud and Mud complexion big change, he wanted to take action, but the next moment, he stopped and did not block. He fell there and murmured: “Just hold on a little longer. “Word 1

When it fell, with a “buzz” sound, his between the eyebrows lit up.

Others, such as Empress Hong Tian, Dahuang Yuanzu, Qian Suyun, Primordial Celestial Emperor, Divine Emperor Qing Mu… they could not help but be horrified, but at this moment, such as Empress Hong Tian, Dahuang Yuanzu, they had some insights.

“Hold on a little bit.” In this moment, every point in their between the eyebrows area lit up.

With a sound of “Bang loud sound, the babbling child has grasped all the worlds , the nine main realms of heaven, three thousand Small World, all the worlds, and hit Li Qiye **** the face.

Under the “bang” of loud sound, when the whole world hit Li Qiye‘s face, everything was destroyed. In this moment, everything was no longer exist(ence).

At this time, the panicked and angry child opened his arms from left to right and punched Li Qiye in the face with “bang, bang, bang” one after another, trying to beat Li Qiye to death.

But, how could it be possible to kill Li Qiye? In this moment, the child once again picked up the Three Spirits of the First Step and the Nine Characters of Highest Beginning and hit Li Qiye **** the face.

At this time, the three initial spirits and the nine characters Highest Beginning had become weapons in his hands. When they hit Li Qiye‘s face again and again with “bang, bang, bang”, they even caused Li Qiye to bleed.

“Children, don’t mess around.” Li Qiye grabbed his hand and threw it away. There were “bang, bang, bang” loud sound, hitting him on the ground again and again.

When “Ah! ” was pressed down and beaten by Li Qiye, the babbling child couldn’t help but scream, and then cried loudly “Wow”. This is not human world‘s child crying. It can destroy any world and destroy any thing when it cries. The three spirits of the beginning and the nine characters of Highest Beginning all burst out under the cry of the child. terrifying’s force

Quantity, rush towards Li Qiye.

However, before the explosion reached Li Qiye, Li Qiye raised his hand, and there was a “buzz” sound, which instantly focused on the three spirits of the beginning and the nine characters of Highest Beginning. Li Qiye waved his hand and said: “Stay aside for now. .”

Of course the three spirits of the beginning and the nine characters of Highest Beginning could not withstand the will of Li Qiye’s Supreme, and were instantly thrown aside by Li Qiye.

At this moment, the babbling child slipped away, crawled and disappeared, hiding.

“Little guy, it’s time to come out.” Li Qiye looked for the child, but he was completely afraid of Li Qiye and couldn’t hide.

“Okay, let’s play a game with you.” Li Qiye smiled and said: “Then let’s see the innocence of children.” As soon as the words fell, Li Qiye‘s body emitted light, and everything dissipated. At this time, Li Qiye He also turned into a babbling child. This is not a phantom or a disguise, but an Li Qiye’s naked child

Heart. Here, there is no world, no Space-Time, no karma, only children babbling around, searching here, looking there, without time, the innocent children don’t know what to look for

For how long, the child Cangtian was not found.

In the end, the childlike Li Qiye searched for too long and became hungry. With the sound of “bang“, he fell there and could no longer crawl. Without the measurement of time, I don’t know how much time has passed. The child Cangtian slowly crawled out from his hiding place and crawled around the lying Li Qiye. He found that Li Qiye did not have any malicious intentions. It was true

When he was as innocent as own, he took out a candy from own and gave it to Li Qiye.

The childlike Li Qiye got up, took the candy, and started eating.

Cangtian, this child also eats own candy.

At this time, the two of them were enjoying each other happily, eating a piece of candy for who knows how long. At this time, Li Qiye smiled innocently and brightly, and the sky also laughed.

Li Qiye raised his hand and drew a line of time, which slowly gathered into a long river of time.

The child curiously drew looks at Li Qiye for a long time, and then looks at Li Qiye drew karma Samsara, and drew the rhythm of Yin Yang… The child in the sky watched with gusto, and unknowingly, the childlike Li Qiye picked up his hand and guided him As he drew all this, as Li Qiye took him to outline, a world slowly emerged

is spread out. One world after another is outlined in the hands of the child Cangtian, one life after another is rendered in the hands of the child Cangtian… Eight Desolate, Liutianzhou, 3 Immortals World, the nine main worlds of Tianjing,

Three Thousand Worlds……

The world that had just been caught and smashed to destruction by the child Cangtian, at this moment, one after another was once again restored and presented in the hands of the child Cangtian.

While Cangtian, the child, was immersed in recreating the world he had just destroyed, Li Qiye had restored his appearance, and he was still Li Qiye.

In the end, when I heard the “Bo” a resonate sound, the child Cangtian completed his masterpiece, and when the world he destroyed was completely reappeared again, I couldn’t help but looks at Li Qiye with joy. And all the lives and sentient beings in Heaven Realm Nine Big World and Three Thousand Small World have no idea what happened. They don’t know that in just a moment, their world has been destroyed. They

Once vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke.

Only a handful of exist(ence) who have reached realm and can comprehend it know what happened. “It’s your fault, you just fight when you fight, why do you want me to die again.” Reverend Cloud and Mud couldn’t help but shook his head and said: “If you are a good person, you have to be the king of children and leave us all living beings. It’s too difficult, too

It’s difficult. ”

The Empress Hong Tian and the Great Wilderness Yuanzu, who had a clear understanding of each other, could not help but feel frightened. In this moment, they had something comprehend and understand, which caused a shock in their hearts. They held on a little and Dao Heart did not move.

At this time, Cangtian’s child face up, happily looks at Li Qiye, couldn’t help but laugh.

“It’s time to come to an end.” Li Qiye couldn’t help but laugh. In this moment, Li Qiye‘s light shone and fell on human world.

When “The universe is unified ” as Li Qiye Mantra falls, the power of mother emerges.

The heart of the world, the core of order, the source of wisdom, the nest of life… the form of the power of the nine mothers one after another emerged, followed by the words of Li Qiye’s, and the sound of “buzz” loud sound.

All the maternal powers merged together, and a figure emerged. The figure of a woman enveloped the entire world in an instant.

Just when the woman’s figure appeared, Li Qiye big hand stretched out his hand, and with a “bang”, he took out something from Eight Desolate‘s Bodhisattva tomb.

As soon as this thing was taken out, an extremely soft light suddenly fell on human world, the conscience of heaven and earth.

“The thoughts of all living beings are the conscience of heaven and earth.” Li Qiye The words are followed and echoed between heaven and earth.

“The thoughts of all living beings.” At this time, all the lives in human world raised their heads, looked up to the sky, and bathed in the light of this world‘s conscience.

At this time, all living beings in hundred quintillion have thought in their hearts, and their consciences are determined by Dao Heart. When all living beings have thought in their hearts and their consciences are directed towards them, the cultivator strong men, Great Emperor Ancient Ancestor, Supreme Giant, and immortals various kings in any world must move in the same direction as all living beings have thought in their hearts. They can only walk in the same direction and be with Yun

All living beings return together. Yunyun was born from the heart and thought, and when her conscience was directed, under the sound of “buzz, buzz, buzz”, at this moment, countless creatures in all the worlds, after the light in their hearts was lit, they all gathered in the heaven and earth Conscience


When the conscience of heaven and earth gathered thought of all life, in the a resonate sound of “Boo”, Li Qiye integrated the conscience of heaven and earth into the body of this female figure melted by the power of mother.

“Be with the common people, think with all living beings, think of all living beings, think of Dao Heart, this is human world.” The method of Li Qiye’s supreme fell, signed on human world, signed on this figure.

Afterwards, Li Qiye raised his hand, and there was a “boom” loud sound. The three initial spirits and the nine characters Highest Beginning turned into mortal rings, and they were no longer around this woman in an instant.

“All living beings are together, Dao Heart does not move.” When Li Qiye’s Mantra fell, with a “buzz” sound, the woman’s figure slowly dissipated and slowly integrated into the lives of all living beings.

“Buzz” a resonate sound, at this moment, the lives of all living beings are brightened.

“How is it?” After lighting up all this, Li Qiye looks at Cang Tian this child.

This child of heaven, looks at, all the worlds also giggled happily.

Li Qiye stood up and said: “Let’s go.”

The child in the sky stretched out his hand and asked Li Qiye to hold him.

Li Qiye picked up the child Cangtian and put it on this shoulder.

Finally, Li Qiye turned back, glanced at human world again, and gently tapped own‘s between the eyebrows, and the light emerged.

“Hold on a little bit.” At this moment, Empress Hong Tian, Dahuang Yuanzu, Qian Suyun… they had a clear understanding, and they understood the road ahead, and their between the eyebrows also lit up.

“Bah, old man, I’m not going to suffer with you. I’ll just stay here and lie flat.” Reverend Cloud and Mud lay directly on the ground and couldn’t get up.

At this time, with the child Cangtian sitting on his shoulders, Li Qiye turned and left.

Complete the book 2024.06.02


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