Emperor’s Domination Chapter 7111: Stay here


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(Fourth update today!!!)

Chongming Immortal Monarch, also known as Lao Chongming, was once the master of Chongming Tomorrow, but later gave way to the Chongming Immortal Master, and never appeared again. Some people say that he has passed away, while others say that he is reclusive. out.

Although Chongming Immortal Monarch has not reached the heights of Chongming Immortal Master and has not achieved the same strength as one of the nine major Divine Beasts, he still has an extremely important position in Chongming Tomorrow. In fact, not only in Chongming tomorrow, but also in the entire Holy Heaven, Lao Chongming also has a very important position. Although he is not as good as Jiu Da Divine Beast, but under Jiu Da Divine Beast, there are few people who are more important than him.


Today, after Chongming Immortal Monarch appeared, everyone from Tianzai Dragon Clan to Chongming knelt down to pay him the highest respect.

When everyone stood up, Chongming Immortal Monarch slowly landed in the divine realm, and looks at, the chief immortal guard of Zaitian, said slowly: “Long time no see.”

“I haven’t seen the holy face of Immortal Monarch for a long time.” even if The chief immortal guard of Zaitian, who has always been aloof, also has great respect for Chongming Immortal Monarch.

“How is Tianzai Immortal Palace?” Chongming Immortal Monarch asked such one sentence. Chongming Immortal Monarch asked this, which made the Chongming Bird Clan feel a little unhappy, because Tianzai Immortal Palace had banned their Chongming Immortal Master, and it was time for them to fall out with them long ago, even if they Divine Beast

The Chongming Bird Clan never fights among themselves, but for such a thing, the Chongming Bird Clan should be given a explain/justify.

“After Immortal Monarch left, Tianzai Immortal Palace has not changed. Under the rule of the Immortal Lord, the Immortal Palace is as harmonious as ever.” Tianzai Chief Immortal Guard said slowly.

The words of Tianzai’s Chief Immortal Guard made Chongmingshi Dragon Clan and the Chongming Bird clan couldn’t help but glare at him. The adult Chongming Bird couldn’t help but said: “If this is the case, then what happened to our Immortal Lord? ?”

In response to such questions from the adult Chongming Bird, Tianzai Chief Immortal Guard remained silent and did not answer.

An adult Chongming Bird couldn’t help but said to Chongming Immortal Monarch: “Old Ancestor Immortal, Tianzai Immortal Palace has banned our Immortal Master. Tianzai Immortal Palace should give a explain/justify. Otherwise, we Chongming will never give up…” Before the adult Chongming Bird finished speaking, Chongming Immortal Monarch raised his hand gently to stop him from continuing, and said slowly: “It is not the Immortal Guard’s turn to make the decision on this matter. This is an internal matter of our Divine Beast clan. , not raw

We are in constant opposition, we are all a family, and everything can be discussed carefully. ”

“Thank you Immortal Monarch for your understanding.” Chongming Immortal Monarch‘s words also made Tianzai Chief Immortal Guard feel bowing the body. Although it is said that the Chief Immortal Guard of Tianzai also holds a high position in the Holy Heaven and holds the unparalleled powerful Tianzai Attendant Dragon Clan, and he own is also unparalleled, but he does not have any power regarding the Divine Beast clan.

To interfere, from beginning to end, he was just executing the orders of the Divine Beast family. “The Immortal Guard is too polite.” Chongming Immortal Monarch couldn’t help but gently shook his head and said: “Servant Dragon Clan, just do what own should do. This is a rule. Our Holy Heaven has always been a rule, and we should not break it. rules

. ”

“If Immortal Monarch is still in Tianzai Immortal Palace, all matters will be solved easily.” Tianzai’s chief immortal guard couldn’t help but said with emotion.

Although, Chongming Immortal Monarch has not reached the height of Chongming Immortal Master, failed to become one of the nine Divine Beast, and failed to enter Tianzai Immortal Palace.

However, in the past, Chongming Immortal Monarch also held important positions in Tianzai Immortal Palace, and even Tianzai Shi Dragon Clan was under his command and jurisdiction.

However, later on, Chongming Immortal Monarch was old and wanted to retire, so he did not continue to stay in Tianzai Immortal Palace. Even in Chongming tomorrow, he gave up his position as the master and passed it on to Chongming Immortal Lord.

Of course, Chongming Immortal Master did not live up to Chongming Immortal Monarch‘s expectations. Chongming Immortal Master not only shouldered the entire Chongming Tomorrow, but also surpassed Chongming Immortal Master and finally entered Tianzai Immortal Palace.

“I’m old, and I can’t do many things anymore.” At this time, Chongming Immortal Monarch shook his head gently, and then said: “However, rules are rules after all. What Xianwei does, I can understand it and I support it.”

“Thank you Immortal Monarch.” Hearing Chongming Immortal Monarch‘s words, Tianzai’s Chief Immortal Guard said bowing the body deeply. After all, they serve Dragon Clan and serve the guard Divine Beast clan.

Chongming Immortal Monarch gently nod, then turned around and said to all the Chongming birds of the Chongming clan: “You all follow the Immortal Guard until the Immortal Guard escorts you to a safe place.”

“What ?” Hearing the words of Chongming Immortal Monarch, the Chongming birds of the Chongming clan were in an uproar. They all thought that own had heard wrong, and they couldn’t believe own‘s ears.

Old Ancestor, do you want us to follow?” After hearing what Chongming Immortal Monarch said, even an adult Chongming bird didn’t believe that Chongming Immortal Monarch would make such a decision.

“Yes, all of you will follow. The Immortal Guard will be in charge on the way. The Immortal Guard will be able to **** you to a safe place.” Chongming Immortal Monarch said slowly with a solemn expression.

Once again confirmed by Chongming Immortal Monarch, all the Chongming birds of the Chongming family know that own heard it right, it is indeed the case.

Immortal Monarch ” At this time, Holy Spirit Shixian wanted to speak, but was stopped by Chongming Immortal Monarch. “Old Ancestor Immortal, I’m afraid it’s inappropriate to go here. Our Immortal Lords are all banned. I’m afraid that if we follow Tianzai Shi Dragon Clan, we will also fall into the trap, and we may also end up with the fate of being banned. Old Ancestor Immortal, we can’t leave Heavy

Tomorrow. “An adult Chong Mingwu couldn’t help but say.

“I don’t want to leave Chongmingming either.” The young Chongmingniao is even more willful and unwilling to leave Chongmingming. Because, for the young Chongming birds, they live in Chongming, with the attendants and guards of Dragon Clan. It is safer and more comfortable for always better than to go to other places. What’s more, the current situation is not good, in case they fall into other places

In the hands of Dragon Clan, you may be unable to control yourself. “Don’t worry, this is not something that the Immortal Guard can decide, nor is it something that Dragon Clan can decide. Everything is just an internal matter for our family. There is nothing that we can’t sit down and talk about.

Chat to eliminate the barriers in each other’s hearts. Therefore, after the Immortal Guard escorts you to a safe place, you should also have a good chat with your elders. Don’t hold any prejudices. We are all one family. “Chongming Immortal Monarch said slowly.

Chongming Immortal Monarch Such words immediately made all the Chongming birds in the Chongming bird family blankly look at each other, and for a while, they didn’t know what to say. The words of Chongming Immortal Monarch are indeed reasonable. The Divine Beast family, no matter what they are Divine Beast, Chongmingniao, or True Dragon, they all belong to the Divine Beast family and are all one family. Since they are a family, what’s the point?

What can’t we sit down and talk about?

“Xianwei, the safety of the children will be left to you. They are young and have nothing to do. I hope Xianwei will bear with me.” In the end, other Chongming birds could not refute or disagree, so Chongming Immortal Monarch had already made a decision.

Old Ancestor Fairy, what if we are banned…” Seeing that own‘s Old Ancestor had already made their decision, other Chongming birds could not change their decision. However, there were still adult Chongming birds who couldn’t help but say.

Chongming Immortal Monarch couldn’t help but waved his hand gently, and said lightly: “Don’t worry, the Immortal Guard has followed me for so long, and he escorts you there, I am very relieved.”

“Thank you Immortal Monarch for your trust.” Tianzai Chief Immortal Guard couldn’t help but give Chongming a deep Immortal Monarch bowing the body.

Chongming Immortal Monarch looked at all the Chongming birds and said: “Okay, there’s nothing more to say. Let’s all set off with the Immortal Guards, and let’s say goodbye.” “Don’t pass by Old Ancestor.” Since Chongmingxian Wang Zuo has made the decision, all The Chongming birds can only follow the instructions of Chongming Immortal Monarch. They all one after another bid farewell to Chongming Immortal Monarch bowing the body. The world of looks at own, no matter what, will

It is reluctant to leave.

“Live well and let Bloodline continue.” When leaving, ChongmingImmortal Monarch one after another patted every Chongming bird, whether young or adult, and said one after another goodbye.

Immortal Monarch, please come with us, I also have the responsibility to protect you Immortal Monarch.” At the last moment, Tianzai Chief Immortal Guard bowed deeply to Chongming Immortal Monarch, and also asked Chongming Immortal Monarch to leave together. When the chief immortal guard of Tianzai said such words, the Clan Head Holy Spirit Shixian of Chongmingshi Dragon Clan couldn’t help but complexion big change. At this moment, Holy Spirit Shixian also realized what was going to happen. At this moment

In the meantime, Holy Spirit Shixian realized that everything was in the opposite direction to what he had imagined at the beginning. This was not what he had guessed. “No, I’m old. I don’t want to go anywhere with these old bones. I just want to stay here quietly. Tomorrow is my home. In the future, I should also be here to deserve to die.” Chongming Immortal Monarch couldn’t help but sigh. Said, refused

Invitation from Tianzai Chief Immortal Guard. “Immortal Monarch, let’s say goodbye.” Seeing that Chongming Immortal Monarch had made up his mind, Tianzai Chief Immortal Guard knew that own could not persuade him. He took a deep breath and said goodbye to ChongmingImmortal Monarch again and again until ChongmingImmortal Monarch helped them up. Until

. looks at Tianzai Shilongfang was about to leave with the Chongming Bird Clan. Li Qiye, who had been standing by and watching the excitement, couldn’t help but smile and said lightly: “Where are you taking them? It can’t be back to Tianzaixian. Palace

. ”

When Li Qiye asked this question, all the Chongming birds and even the Chongming servant Dragon Clan suddenly looked at the chief immortal guard of Tianzai.

Tianzai Chief Immortal Guard was startled when he saw Li Qiye. He didn’t know who Li Qiye was, but he shook his head and said in a deep voice: “Sorry, no comment.”

“We should know where we are going.” You Chongmingniao was also unconvinced and muttered. Li Qiye smiled back and said: “No comment, that’s your business. If I want to know, it’s not up to you.”


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