Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5520: little cute


On Wanxia Peak, Sunset Valley‘s disciples were all standing there, looks at‘s long and narrow deep valley, I don’t know how many disciples couldn’t help holding their breath, waiting for Li Qiye to come out of the narrow and long deep valley.

Sunset Goddess, Qin Baifeng and the others couldn’t help holding their breaths, they also looks at quietly, a pair of pair of beautiful eyes staring at the long and narrow deep valley, they couldn’t help getting nervous, because Li Qiye has been in for too long, and there is still no movement, they are all worried , What will happen to Li Qiye in it.

In fact, they don’t know anything about the situation inside, and they don’t know what Xian’ao means, because since Saoxia Fairy got Xian’ao, even Xian’ao has been in Sunset Valley inheritance for billion years for a long time , However, no one has ever [comprehend/comprehension], nor do they know what is the ultimate mystery of Xian’ao?

Today, Li Qiye has entered the long and narrow deep valley, and may have comprehended Xian’ao, or may have disappeared in it forever.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly, in the long and narrow deep valley, a figure appeared. It seemed that the figure was flickering, like some thing was floating.

“Come out, come out.” When seeing a figure flickering in the narrow and long deep valley, the disciples of Sunset Valley couldn’t help but get excited and said loudly.

At this moment, from the narrow deep valley, Li Qiye finally walked out.

“It finally came out.” After seeing Li Qiye coming out of it, the disciples of Sunset Valley couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief and cheered loudly.

When I came back to my senses, I saw Li Qiye. At this moment, I saw an white clouds floating beside Li Qiye, a pure white cloud. Such a white clouds makes people want to lie on it It seems to be so white and soft. Lying on it, it must be very comfortable, and it can make people fall asleep all at once.

“You’re fine.” After seeing Li Qiye come out, the goddess Wanxia couldn’t help being ecstatic, she rushed over and fell into Li Qiye‘s arms, couldn’t help but hug Li Qiye tightly, she couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief , a high-hanging heart finally let go.

“I knew you would be fine.” Goddess Wanxia looked up at looks at Li Qiye, almost crying, Li Qiye has been in for so long, she is worried that Li Qiye will never come back once she goes.

“What can it be?” The person in front of Li Qiye looks at couldn’t help flicking her forehead lightly, and smiled faintly.

Goddess Wanxia couldn’t help but let out a long breath, and came back to her senses, pink blushing face, but she was a little happy, she blinked, smiled coquettishly, and said, “Then you stay here.”

Li Qiye just smiled lightly at the words of Goddess Wanxia.

“I know.” Li Qiye‘s faint smile, but Goddess Wanxia suddenly understood it, and said softly nod: “I’m beyond my control.”

However, the Goddess Wanxia did not give up, she raised her face, met Li Qiye’s‘s gaze with flickering gaze looks at Li Qiye, and said, “How long will you stay?”

Li Qiye couldn’t help but smile too.

“Together, to be together, to be together, to be together.” At this time, the disciples of Sunset Valley couldn’t help cheering, booing loudly, and shouting loudly.

When Sunset Valley‘s disciples made such a loud booing, Goddess Wanxia couldn’t help but pink blushing face.

Li Qiye couldn’t help but smiled lightly, kissed her forehead lightly, and said slowly: “silly girl, you don’t understand.”

As soon as the words fell, Li Qiye stretched out his hand, took out the wisp of immortal light from the valley, and tapped it lightly.

Hearing the “buzz” of a resonate sound, this line of immortal light hit between the eyebrows of the Goddess of Sunset, and in an instant, between the eyebrows lit up, and immortal light was imprinted on her between the eyebrows, as if , in this instant, immortal light has been baked into her between the eyebrows.

In the sound of “buzz”, time seemed to stop, everyone’s movements, everyone’s expressions, are clearly visible, it seems that everything can be reversed, everything can be karma Created in general.

When the sound of “buzz” fell, everything in the world returned to normal.

“Together, together, together.” The disciples of Sunset Valley were still shouting and booing, but when they saw that immortal light was at the place of Goddess between the eyebrows of the sunset, all the disciples became silent all of a sudden. The scene in front of everyone looks at, looks at Sunset Goddess.

In this instant, everything seemed to have changed. For the disciples of Sunset Valley, the Goddess of Sunset in front of them seemed to have changed. However, the disciples of Sunset Valley couldn’t tell how it changed. It seems that, She seems to have a kind of escaping from human world, with a breath that is otherworldly.

human world, it’s worth going nostalgic for, it’s worth staying here, take a good look at this human world, when you come back, it’s still a childlike innocence.” Li Qiye said softly to the Goddess Wanxia.

“When I came back, I was still a child at heart.” Goddess Wanxia whispered Li Qiye softly.

As for all the disciples of Sunset Valley, in the scene of looks at, it seems that everything is so beautiful, just like the story in legend, perhaps, this is a kind of love story.

“Hey, where did he go?” On the land, Niu Fen looked around, even if he exhausted Grand Dao, he still couldn’t find out where Li Qiye went, and he couldn’t finish watching the clues.

“Where can I go?” At this time, a leisurely voice sounded, and Li Qiye was already standing behind him, and beside Li Qiye’s, there was a white flower white clouds fluttering

“Well, Young Master is back.” Seeing Li Qiye, Niu Fen couldn’t help but smile happily.

Seeing this white clouds, Niu Fen became upset, widened his big eyes, and said: “It’s you, kid, who left me just now, let’s see if you Grandpa Niu take good care of you.”

At this time, this flower white clouds seems to be unable to understand what Niu Fen said, its expression is like a pair of innocent eyes wide open looks at Niu Fen, it seems like an ignorant child, so cute, but also So cute.

Niu Fen stared and said, “What are you looking at? Have you ever seen a man like you Niu Fen? Look again, Grandpa Niu threw you into the mud pit and stomped on you a few times. Do you know?” .”

However, this white clouds can’t speak, only looks at Niu Fen, still looks very cute, it seems that it doesn’t think Niu Fen is angry at all.

“Look again, look again.” Niu Fen seemed to stand up and stroke his sleeves, saying: “Look again, Niu Fen will beat you to death.”

However, this white clouds is so cute looks at Niu Fen, if Niu Fen is fierce, it sounds so cute, or so kind.

“Okay, okay, I lost to you.” Under the cute and cute demeanor of this white clouds, Niu Fen did not fold, so he had to surrender and said: “Forget it, forget it, you Grandpa Niu , is a generation of unrivaled Dao Monarch, Eternal is invincible, can hold a boat in the stomach, and don’t care about it like you.”

This white clouds doesn’t seem to understand Niu Fen‘s boastful words, looks at Niu Fen, and then looks at Li Qiye.

“Don’t understand?” Niu Fen said with a smile: “Come on, let me tell you, you Grandpa Niu, you are Eternal‘s first Dao Monarch, Whole World is invincible, as long as you Grandpa Niu appear, what other Dao Monarch, what other emperor, what Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch, I have to give you Grandpa Niu all stand aside, when you play Grandpa Niu, various Emperors and Deities, you are all trembling.”

Hearing the words Niu Fen, this white clouds seems to understand it, and it seems to click nod.

“Look, you are so cute, you can understand everything, Innate Talent is extraordinary, and a child can be taught.” Niu Fen patted the head of this flower white clouds with a smile, and said leisurely: “In the future, what will you Grandpa Niu feel like?” Alright, let me pass on the words you gave to the bottom of the box, so that you can run rampant in the world and domineering. No, you don’t need unique skills, you just need to report your Grandpa Niu name, and no one will make things difficult for you.”

“Okay, don’t brag there.” Li Qiye sat on his back, shook his head with a smile, and said, “Your eighteen solutions, in its eyes, seem like a child’s play.”

When “Really?Niu Fen heard such words, he couldn’t believe it.

Li Qiye couldn’t help but smiled lightly, and said: “Then you should teach it well, and then you will understand.”

“Hey, Young Master said so, then there is nothing wrong with it.” Niu Fen smiled, patted the white clouds beside him, and said: “Did you hear that, Young Master has already spoken, in the future, when you are free, you Grandpa Niu I will teach you one and a half ways, and you will benefit endlessly throughout your life.”

This white clouds seemed to understand Niu Fen‘s words, so I clicked nod, and there seemed to be no problem at all.

As for Li Qiye, she just smiled and didn’t explain too much.

Young Master, where did this little guy come from?” Niu Fen‘s bragging is all bragging, it’s just boring, to pass the time, he is not a fool, his generation Wushuang/matchless Dao Monarch, just now it was just a joke.

“The place you should come to.” Li Qiye smiled faintly, and said slowly: “Go to the place you should go.”

“It’s the same as not saying it.” Niu Fen couldn’t help but goo.

Li Qiye patted his back armor, and said calmly: “The opportunity is rare, so communicate with it well, and you can teach it a half-movement.”

Young Master said so, I must remember.” Niu Fen said happily.

Niu Fen also doesn’t think that own can teach this white clouds one and a half tricks, but Li Qiye reminded him like this, there must be a reason, how could he miss such an opportunity.

Young Master, where are we going?” At this moment, Niu Fen was fully driven.

“Let’s go to the battlefield and purify it.” Li Qiye raise one’s head looked around and took a look.

“Alright, I know, let’s go to Daocheng.” Niu Fen laughed and ran wildly.


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