Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5278: Dao Heart If you are not firm, you need to give up your feelings


Slaying with one sword, endless killing, extreme killing, Celestials, Deities and Demons, under this sword killing, all will be crowned, Heaven and Earth Myriad Dao, under this sword killing, all will be broken.

The sword of killing has reached the extreme. All the killings of human world cannot be compared with this sword.

The killing sword, right between electrical spark light, will penetrate Li Qiye’s‘s chest, and the sword will definitely kill Li Qiye’s.

Under the killing sword, even a exist(ence) like Li Zhitian would feel own‘s soul flying. Just now, he own took the killing sword with his own hands, but the sword in front of him pierced, Compared with the sword at the beginning, it is stronger and more terrifying.

Undoubtedly, if Li Zhitian receives this ultimate killing sword at this time, he will undoubtedly die. Under such a killing sword, there may be no room for maneuver.

The a resonate sound of “bang ” kills with one sword, and the moment it is about to pierce Li Qiye’s‘s chest, between electrical spark light, Li Qiye pinches with two fingers.

Just pinch two fingers, everything is enough, any killing sword, any deadly sword, all come to an abrupt stop between these two fingers.

All Heavenly God spirits, no matter how much mystery, all ages lord, no matter how much good fortune, Yin Yang great world, no matter how much deduction… Everything in human world must come to an abrupt end between these two fingers.

A killing sword, no matter how extreme the killing is, it is the same, but it still cannot cross the Li Qiye’s two fingers.

Double designate the universe, **** to rule Eternal, everything in the world, just **** is enough.

The sword of killing stopped between the two fingers, and it was instantly pinched so that it was difficult to cross it. Moreover, when the **** were folded, it was a “bang” a resonate sound, the sword of killing was broken into two.

No matter how terrible this sword is, no matter how powerful this sword is, breaking all lands, wearing Jiu You, breaking Yin Yang, killing and invincible, but it is only between the fingers of Li Qiye’s, under one fold, No matter how terrifying the sword of killing is, it is also to collapse to break at this moment.

A sword stabs out, there is no killing, only the will of a sword, a sword penetrates the will of human world, this extremely firm will runs through the whole world, runs through trillion years time, runs through the ancient Myriad Dao, no matter what moves you usetreasure On the other hand, no matter how you escape from the trillion starry sky, and no matter how you avoid Yin Yang Samsara

Under the stabbing of the broken sword, it is useless. This sword is no longer the sword itself, but the will representative, Supreme the firm will. When the will stabs out, Sword Dao will penetrate through the ancient times .

Whether it is a **** or a fairy, they will all be pierced by this broken sword. Without any how to keep, any creature can survive the disaster. Under the absolute will, any struggle is futile. The blocking and all evasions are of no avail.

Hearing the a resonate sound of “噗”, a sword pierced through the throat, and then hearing the a resonate sound of “铛”, the broken sword hit the rock.

Blood, gurgling, bursting out of the throat, flowing along the broken sword body to the rock, and then flowing from the lines on the rock, for a moment, the rock has been painted by blood A shocking picture of blood.

black-robed man, killing with one sword is very terrifying, he can kill with one sword, when he wanted to kill Li Qiye’s with one sword, but his thin iron sword was cut off by Li Qiye‘s two fingers.

With a “poof”, the thin iron sword of black-robed man pierced his throat in an instant, nailing black-robed man to the rock behind him in an instant.

black-robed man was lying there, the broken sword pierced his throat, and nailed his body to the rock. At this time, his dark eye sockets were wide open, it seemed that, at this moment, his both eyes There are wisps of divine splendor in them.

It seems that at this moment, his eyes seem to have eyes, as if he can see everything in human world clearly.

“What is the right way to kill prove the dao, what is the right way to kill a wife, nothing but Heart’s Demon.” Li Qiye glanced at black-robed man who was nailed to the rock, and said calmly: “Sword Dao is firm, runs through Eternal, how to need kills his wife. Dao Heart If you are not firm, you need to give up your heart and heart, it is just a cowardly act.”

“A cowardly act.” black-robed man‘s empty eye sockets looked at the distant sky, as if, on the distant sky, one face after another could be seen emerging.

“Confess well.” Li Qiye indifferent and cold glanced at black-robed man, this is the real indifferent and cold, such a indifferent and cold, black-robed man should be nailed there, never turning over.

“If you can repent and realize, you will be able to find what you are looking for Sword Dao.” Li Qiye indifferent and cold said: “Otherwise, I will obliterate you until you die.”

“Cowardly behavior…” black-robed man seems to have not heard the words behind Li Qiye. It seems that only this sentence is forever imprinted in black-robed man‘s memory , eternally imprinted in his Knowledge Sea, and will never be erased.

Jiannu, Li Zhitian, they were all looks at nailed to the rock black-robed man, the broken sword pierced through the throat, nailed to the rock, black-robed man will never turn over, eternal life will be nailed there forever, just like Li Qiye said Only on that day, when black-robed man can truly repent and realize, can he be freed from the broken sword, otherwise, he can only be nailed there forever, being obliterated until he completely dies. up to one day.

“Let’s go.” Li Qiye no longer went to see black-robed man, but stepped up and turned over Eagle Pecking Peak. Li Zhitian, Jian Nu and the others followed closely behind Li Qiye.

Li Qiye take action once again shocked Li Zhitian and the others, even if they were prepared in their hearts and knew that Li Qiye would win, but for them, it was still extremely shocking.

A killing sword cannot harm Li Qiye in the slightest. The most terrifying thing is that the backhand breaks the sword, and the black-robed man is nailed to the rock forever. This is an eternal nail. No matter how powerful black-robed man is in the future, if he If he can’t repent and realize, he can only be crucified there forever. No matter how powerful strength is, it won’t help him, and he can’t escape. He can only be there forever by suppression kill.

The only way for black-robed man to come out is to be crucified like this, to repent and become enlightened, only if he repents thoroughly, completely [comprehend/comprehension], can he survive from such a crucification, Only then can we truly escape from being crucified.

I don’t know how long it has been since “Coward “. The distant sky of black-robed man looks at and the faces of looks at seem to be too close, yet so far away.

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Before he knew it, it seemed that rain had passed through his dark eye sockets, as if his eye sockets were wet.

After turning over the Eagle Pecking Peak, I saw the magnificent mountains in front of me. sky was sprinkled with rays of light one after another. Dye bizarre, very peculiar.

In the distant place of sky, on top of sky, portal is faintly visible, as if there are stone steps winding up, leading directly to portal on sky, and directly to another world in portal.

Through portal, it seems that you can glimpse another world above sky, where there are magnificent buildings, mountains and rivers rivers with golden mountains and silver mountains, and rivers like jade belts… from a distance, It seems so bizarre, and it seems to be unreal, everything looks so unreal.

The scene of bizarre in front of “Xiao Fangtian looks at, and the various anomalies in portal on looks at sky, Li Zhitian immediately knew where it was.

Small Fangtian is as famous as the Four Leagues, Cangling, and Pure Land. However, it is different from the Four Leagues in that Xiaofangtian has always been hidden and often does not appear in the world. Moreover, The Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch where Xiao Fangtian lives is very old, some Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch, even people from later generations can’t name them.

The Dao Monarch emperors of the four alliances do not necessarily live in the four alliances, perhaps, they have their own world outside the alliance, perhaps in the remnant domain, or perhaps in the dream.

However, Xiao Fangtian’s ancient Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch often lives in Xiao Fangtian, and, after living for a long time, human world, it is rare to see Xiao Fangtian’s Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch.

Even, human world, everyone can’t tell clearly, what Great Emperor and Immortal Monarchs live in Xiao Fangtian, and among billion years, everyone can’t tell how many people there are in Xiao Fangtian, and how powerful they are Strength.

There are also rumors that Xiao Fangtian’s Great Emperor and Immortal Monarchs have all died one after another. Xiao Fangtian has no new emperor Longjun to settle in. inheritance on par.

But there is also a saying that Xiao Fangtian still hides the ancient, mysterious, powerful and inhuman Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch. Even if no one can name these Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch human world, they are still terrifying.

However, what is certain is that whether Xiao Fangtian’s Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch or other exist(ence) is indeed old, even if these Great Emperor and Immortal Monarchs have not yet melted, but I am afraid that they are all already Longevity Blood, Shouyuan dried up.

If Xiao Fangtian really does not have other Great Emperor and Immortal Monarchs in the future, then Xiao Fangtian may really decline along with it.

“Xiao Fangtian Li Qiye also looked at the vision in Vault of Heaven, looks at portal, and said slowly.

Li Zhitian was also curious, looked at Li Qiye, and asked, “Does Young Master want to climb Xiaofangtian?”

They walked all the way, passed through the yellow sand land, and climbed over the Eagle Pecking Peak, as if they came here for Xiao Fangtian.

Li Qiye looked around the world, but hadn’t seen him yet, just smiled lightly, didn’t say anything, just walked forward.

Li Zhitian and the others didn’t know what Li Qiye was going to do, but when they came to their senses, they all immediately followed behind Li Qiye.

They all went in the direction of Xiao Fangtian, when Xiao Fangtian’s light shone on his body, it was very strange.


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