Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5277: Your sword, that’s all


(It’s three o’clock today, and as soon as the morning is over, it will be 30. Xiao Sheng is also going back to his hometown to celebrate the new year. Where are the brothers celebrating the new year. Finally, I wish everyone Yuanyuan in advance on New Year’s Eve.)

black-robed man stared at Li Xingtian with empty eye sockets, looks at Li Xingtian’s posture, stop the world, stop Myriad Dao, stop Samsara.

At this time, Li Zhitian’s starting move has no flaws at all, it can be said to be perfect, this move can block all attacks of human world, and can block all weapons of human world.

With a sound of “铛“, black-robed man released a sword. The thin sword is like a sword made of iron nails. It is not God Item. Even the swords used by ordinary people are thinner than this Thin swords are better.

However, ordinary people can’t use such a killing sword. The sword starts to kill. In fact, before the sword is used, it is already killing.

So, when the sword rang, one’s life was over, and one life was tragically died by the sword.

The stop is infinite, a sword is extended, and in an instant, it is stretched long by the stop, as if a sword is pierced, it is time that has been pierced for thousands of years, it seems that it has pierced Three Thousand Worlds The space seems to pierce the endless mortal world again.

Li Zhitian stretched the killing of the sword long and long, it seems that after the sword is raised, the killing will become extremely thin in the stop.

However, Li Zhitian still underestimated the killing of this sword. Even if it is the thinnest killing, he can also penetrate Three Thousand Worlds, and can also penetrate infinite Samsara. God, slaughter all the demons of all lands.

One thin sword, one deadly sword, one cut, no one can escape death.

“噗“‘s a resonate sound, the sword still pierced Li Zhitian’s throat, Li Zhitian’s eyes were wide open, his face was deathly white at this moment, the pain spread all over his body, he wanted to open his mouth Screaming, but screaming silently.

His one move, he clearly saw own blocking the sword, the stop is endless, and finally at the end of the endless Space-Time, he has already diluted the killing of this sword, it can be said that at this point When the sword was exhausted, it was no longer able to break his stop, no longer able to penetrate his chest.

However, even under the incomparable killing, in the end, it was still the one move that pierced Li Zhitian, the endless Samsara that pierced him, and the endless Space-Time that pierced through. In the end, A sword pierced his chest.

One sword is fatal. In the end, at the moment of life and death, Li Zhitian couldn’t help but exclaim. This is definitely the most killing sword he has ever seen in his life, and it can also penetrate his body with this killing. of a sword.

With a sound of “噗“, black-robed man drew his sword and retracted it, blood gushed out from Li Zhitian’s chest like a pillar of blood.

Li Zhitian’s body fell straight to the sky, but he didn’t fall to the ground, Li Qiye take action supported him, take action like lightning, picked up Highest Beginning light, and instantly nailed to his chest wound, deriving Highest Beginning mystery, Looking back at blood energy, locking his life, when Li Zhitian was on the verge of death, locking his life and pulling him back from the brink of death.

“Thank you Young Master.” At this moment, Li Zhitian fell to the ground, his words were already weak, and his sword was fatal. If Li Qiye take action hadn’t saved him, he would have become Dried Bone(s) on the ground, and died tragically with the sword of black-robed man under.

“I’ll do it.” Li Zhitian was almost killed by black-robed man‘s sword, and he didn’t make Jiannu retreat, nor did he make Jiannu panic, he took a step forward.

Jiannu take action, he started to defend with his hands, and his defense is unpretentious. It can even be said that Jiannu’s defense is a bit quaint. The old slave, when he raised his hands to defend, his hands were trembling, as if he was powerless.

However, a Jiannu is a Jiannu. When he starts to guard, no matter how ancient the style of guarding is, but when he guards, the sky and the earth sink, and all ages builds. Where he is, is the central pillar. Keep the style, cross the blue sky, look at the past and the present.

At this moment, Jiannu stood up, completely as if made by Heaven, and seemed to be extremely heavy. Any moves, any weapons, once they entered his defensive position, would be subject to the heaviest strength, which would be tens of millions of times stronger in an instant. The weight of blessing is on own.

Jiannu take action, one style is for defense, it looks like as if made by Heaven, thick and heavy, and defense is endless.

Jiannu at this time is still Jiannu, but he doesn’t seem to be the old slave with downcast eyes. It seems that he is standing under the starry sky, looking at the past and present, and guarding the blue sky. exist(ence), it seems that, Standing under the starry sky, he could be taller than starlight and thicker than the earth.

The Jiannu in front of you, who dares to say that he is an old slave? He is obviously a exist(ence) standing on top of the peak, an emperor with peak power.

black-robed man‘s empty black eye sockets are also looking at Jiannu, and there are endless indifferent and cold in his eye sockets, it seems that he sees everyone the same, everyone is dead person.

However, Jiannu Yishou, no matter how indifferent and cold black-robed man is, but at this moment, a Dao Light flower seemed to flash in his dark eye sockets.

With a sound of “铛”, the sword came out of its sheath, and the killing pierced through the heart. black-robed man The moment the sword is about to be drawn, life and death have been decided, the universe has been broken, one sword is fatal, and there is no difference between the sword and the sword.

However, in Jiannu’s hands, there is a difference, no matter whether the sword is drawn or not, it must be included in his watch.

Hearing the “bang” a resonate sound, the sword pierces the defense with immeasurable weight, no matter how fast the killing is, no matter how terrifying the killing is, but the moment a sword pierces the defense, it is instantly suppressed, even if this sword It can pass through the defense, but the endless weight makes this killing sword difficult to conceit, and the killing momentum is momentarily stagnant.

In a moment of stagnation, Jiannu take action, put his palms together, the heaven and the earth, the ancient and the modern, and under one close, he firmly clamped the sword. Hearing the sound of “bang”, he clapped again On the sword body, it is extremely firm, it seems that the world has closed in this instant.

How heavy and how much is the sky and the earth, when the sky and the earth are closed with a “bang”, the force is immeasurable, it is impossible to contending.

Even so, the sword cry of “铛” pierced through everything, pierced the world, and instantly stabbed Jiannu’s chest.

The tip of the sword pierced through the clothes and the skin, blood dyed red on the clothes chest on the chest, but the sword was exhausted and did not kill Jiannu.

The sword has been exhausted, and Jianu holds the sword firmly, the sword slave is not dead, but the killing sword has also killed all.

Hearing the a resonate sound of “铛”, he put his sword back into its sheath, black-robed man indifferent and cold built a slave at looks at, and said: “You can go there.”

“Good looks at Jianu took the sword, and Li Zhitian couldn’t help applauding loudly. Although the sword hurt Jianu, Jianu really took the sword.

“It’s a fluke, a fluke.” Jiannu was also not complacent, and retreated behind Li Qiye, standing with lowered eyebrows.

“That’s all for your sword.” Li Qiye looks at black-robed man said calmly.

black-robed man indifferent and cold, looking at Li Qiye with empty eyes, neither angry nor sad, calm indifferent and cold, as if his killing sword pierced the heart of a person.

“Let me go out.” black-robed man indifferent and cold said: “Let you see another sword.”

Li Qiye couldn’t help laughing, shook his head lightly, and said, “Even if you let me out, you can’t kill me with a sword.”

“Not necessarily.” black-robed man indifferent and cold said.

“That’s just because you are too confident in own‘s killing certificate Sword Dao.” Li Qiye said lightly: “It’s just a slanted sword, how can you kill me.”

black-robed man looked at Li Qiye with empty sockets, not angry, just indifferent and cold.

“If you don’t understand yourself, Sword Dao will never be consummated.” Li Qiye said calmly.

“The sword will kill, this is the way.” black-robed man indifferent and cold said.

Li Qiye couldn’t help laughing, looks at black-robed man, and said: “It’s so pitiful, I think the sword is the best, but it’s just that I can’t beat Heart’s Demon. At the time of Nine Worlds, killing my wife prove the dao, I don’t see you being invincible, at the time of 13 Continents , also killed my wife prove the dao, I still don’t see you as invincible. That’s just your self Samsara, sword, Enter the Dao, heart but demon, how do you see the extreme of Sword Dao.”

“Killing everything is the best of Sword Dao.” black-robed man indifferent and cold said.

“Really?” Li Qiye smiled and said, “Okay, let me see your kill or mine.”

Li Qiye stood up, waved to black-robed man, and said calmly: “take action, one sword, if you don’t end, I will end. You eternal life, you can’t draw a sword.”

The words of “Good Li Qiye’s instantly aroused the killing of black-robed man. In this instant, the killing was endless. Li Zhitian and the others couldn’t help but be amazed by it. In this instant, black-robed man seemed to erupt The killing of own ultimate.

At this moment, black-robed man seems to be integrated with the whole Eagle Pecking Peak.

Facing the endless killing of black-robed man and ultimate, Li Qiye stood there very casually, without any defense, without any posture, just standing there casually, with his hands hanging down, very natural .

At this time, black-robed man, who is the ultimate killer, is staring at Li Qiye, and his black eye sockets seem to be able to see the slightest clue in Li Qiye.

However, Li Qiye stands casually like an ordinary person, and even if does not have any cultivate people, and they can also stand casually like this, and there are flaws everywhere.

Staring at Li Qiye for a long time, there is no clue for reference, and any flaw can be used as a sword.

In the end, black-robed man take action, “铛” kills with one sword, the sword comes out, people die, one sword sees life and death, no matter you are the dragon king or the emperor, under this sword, you will be penetrated True Fate, you will be Breakdown sacred fruit Dao Fruit.

Slaying with one sword, with unparalleled penetration, he died tragically under this sword in an instant.

Dragon Emperor, under the sword of killing, he will be soul destroyed/terror-stricken, but he can’t take this sword. This sword has brought life into death portal, and life is gone forever.


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