Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5276: Sword Dao Like the sky, you are just a branch


Eagle pecking peak, Sword Qi killing, slaughtering gods, exterminating demons, such Sword Qi, the dragon king died here, that is perfectly normal, Dao Monarch emperors may not necessarily be able to cross this peak.

even if‘s incomparably powerful emperor Dao Monarch, someone died here.

Walking to the middle of the mountain, with three real bears of Supreme Dao Fruit, it is also unbearable to bear such a killing Sword Qi, thousands of myriad swords piercing the body, even at this time, the real bear swallows brilliance and wears the armor of the animal way. The way of the real bear is like taking the sky Constellation, the armor of the true bear blessing is on the body of own, shining with the light of Star Radiance, the armor of the true bear is extremely thick, like a giant mountain, blessing is on the body of the real bear.

Even so, the real bear armor is still unable to stop the crazy killing Sword Qi. Under the sound of “clang, clang, clang”, blood has already appeared under the real bear’s armor. If this continues, The killing Sword Qi of Eagle Pecking Peak will definitely kill the real bear. If even if does not die, it is also a serious injury.

Li Qiye at one stroke, Dao Law naturally, heard the “hum” a resonate sound, saw Highest Beginning Tree branded on the real bear armor, saw Highest Beginning Tree, shining light, each grain of Highest Beginning light was swaying , sprinkled on the real bear armor, looked at the big dao marks road of the real bear armor, at this time, made the real bear armor blessing more solid, and the Star Radiance of the constellation is also concentrate harder, just like Star Radiance armor, It was extremely hard to drape on the real bear’s body, which made the real bear feel better and blocked the killing Sword Qi.

Going forward, Jiannu and Li Zhitian can still bear such a killing Sword Qi, if it is another Large Sect Old Ancestor, one party Ancient Ancestor, I am afraid that they have died tragically under the killing Sword Qi.

Jiannu guards the blue sky, looking at the past and present, he is dressed in Azure Qi, as if he has crossed Space-Time, making him still able to handle the killing Sword Qi with ease, this is Jiannu, standing on the peak, can bear Sword Dao killing.

Li Zhitian is Grand Dao majestic, Dao Heart majestic, like Yuan Shan, although the killing Sword Qi is insane, myriad swords piercing through the heart, but he still sticks to own Dao Heart, sacred fruit is full of infinite power, which also makes him block the madness The killing of Sword Qi made him follow Li Qiye step by step.

When approaching the mountain peak, Li Zhitian was already drenched in cold sweat, enduring such terrible madness Sword Qi, although it felt like myriad swords piercing his heart, but he gritted his teeth and never let go.

Li Zhitian was so determined that Li Qiye couldn’t help but click nod.

Compared to Li Zhitian’s difficulty, Jian Nu’s expression is much more relaxed, following behind Li Qiye, he is the most relaxed person.

The sound of “铛sword cry, sword cry entered the ears, making people soul destroyed/terror-stricken. In an instant, it was as if a sword pierced through the heart. Li Zhitian also felt a pain in his chest, and instantly tied magical seal(s) with his hands, sealing own‘s atrium. Shield piercing heart sword intent.

Jiannu can’t help being suffocated by it, one foot stepping on the earth, ancient and modern with Samsara, watching oneself, and being a seamless body, this is how it withstood the sudden Sword Qi piercing through the heart.

At this moment, I saw a middle-aged man sitting on the rock in front of him, this middle aged man, dressed in black, with thin, very pointed cheeks, which looked like cheeks cut off with a sword.

This kind of middle aged man, it seems that both eyes has no beads, sits with downcast eyes, body straight, and the whole person is cold, just like dead person, it seems that when you reach out and touch it, it seems to be touching a cold corpse.

He sat there cross-legged, with a sword on his lap. The sword was pitch black, without any decorations on the whole sword. The scabbard seemed to be sandwiched between two pieces of pig iron, and the blade was also thin, as if made of a piece of black iron nails. made.

The simple black iron sword looks a little thin and has no sharpness, but such a simple black iron sword, thin and without sharpness, kills people between his knees.

The sword is no longer a sword. It seems that it is just a symbol of death. When the thin iron sword is lifted up, death is nailed to the person.

middle aged man, sitting there cross-legged, indifferent and cold is ruthless, he is like this sword on his lap, a thin piece of iron, symbolizing death, it seems that besides killing dead person, whether it is him or the sword on his lap The sword has no other role.

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When you see this middle aged man, when you see the thin iron sword on middle aged man‘s lap, it makes people feel death, not middle aged man death, nor this thin iron sword death, but own death .

It seems that at this moment, a sword has pierced own‘s throat, making people’s eyes wide open. looks at own was stabbed to death by a sword. It seems that under this thin iron sword, Under this fatal sword, no matter what kind of Cultivation Technique own is, no matter what kind of move it is, it cannot stop this sword.

The sword of Li Qiye looks at just smiled lightly, while the sword of Jiannu looks at couldn’t help but look dignified, as for Li Zhitian, the sword of looks at couldn’t help but shrink his eyes.

Li Xingtian, the genius of unparalleled, the dragon king of 12 with Supreme Saint fruits, he will never give up easily, nor is he the one who surrenders without a fight.

However, the moment he saw this sword, Li Zhitian knew that own could not resist this sword, this sword, representative death, once the sword is released, he will die.

“Go through here and save your life.” black-robed man sat there with an expression of indifferent and cold, his expression was not cold, even without depend on the person‘s glance, he didn’t have the aura of looking down on the world.

He just said this sentence very indifferent and cold, as if he was stating a fact. It seems that, in his eyes, whether it is Li Qiye or other people, there is no difference from dead person.

“Unfortunately, this move of yours doesn’t work for me.” Li Qiye said indifferently: “Although your sword is sharp, you are not qualified to kill me.”

If Li Qiye is like this, let black-robed man slowly raised the head, looks at Li Qiye, that’s right, one pair of his eyes is indeed without eyeballs, one pair of eyes is empty, only eye sockets.

When he looked at him from the eye sockets without eyeballs, people couldn’t help but feel creepy, and the eye sockets without eyeballs made people feel even more frightened.

Because of those black eye sockets, it seems that own has fallen into dark(ness) all of a sudden. In this dark(ness), it seems that a murderous sword is waiting for an opportunity. When the sword comes out, it must be fatal. The moment you react, the sword in dark(ness) has already pierced your throat, and you have seen the death of own.

However, Li Qiye didn’t react at all when faced with such eye sockets without eyeballs.

“You, you can block my sword.” Finally, this black-robed man indifferent and cold said, without any expression, just like the words spoken by a robot, but the words of the robot may still have temperature, but, The words that came out of this black-robed man‘s mouth had no warmth. The sound was like the sound of a sword being rubbed against a whetstone, making it very uncomfortable to hear.

“Is there what difficulty to block your sword?” Li Qiye smiled lightly, and said: “Sword Dao is magnificent, you are just taking the edge of the sword, and the sword is not me, but you.”

“My sword kills my black-robed man that coldly looked at Li Qiye, seeming to be suspicious of Li Qiye such one sentence.

Sword Dao is like the sky, you are just a branch.” Li Qiye said lightly, “I am prove the dao, I am just touched by myself. This way, there is nothing too great.”

black-robed man coldly stared at Li Qiye, his empty eye sockets were pitch-black. He stared like this, making anyone feel creepy, but Li Qiye was very calm.

one person one sword , dare to pass?” In the end, black-robed man was not angry, but indifferent and cold said such one sentence. This sentence of indifferent and cold did not have any threat, nor did it have any intention of killing, but it made people feel creepy , even a exist(ence) like Li Zhitian couldn’t help but shudder.

“Do you want to take his sword?” Li Qiye glanced at Li Zhitian and Jiannu.

“I really want to try.” The black-robed man, looks at in front of Li Zhitian looks at had a sword on his knee. Although the sword was not take action, the sword was placed on his knee, but he knew very well that a sword was fatal, and he might even die Died tragically by a sword.

However, Li Zhitian looks at This sword is still eager to try, myriad swords Not as good as a sword, this is the sword of the ultimate way of killing, although Li Qiye This is not worth mentioning, but for Li Zhitian, this sword is still worth trying.

The sword of killing the pinnacle, one sword can be tried.

“Take a sword.” Compared with Li Zhitian’s eagerness to try, Jiannu is calm, even a bit indifferent and cold, it seems that he has already planned this sword.

“Which one of you will come first?” Li Qiye couldn’t help showing a faint smile, looks atLi ZhiHeaven Peace Jian slave.

“Stupid bird flies first, I will fly first.” Li Zhitian knew that this sword was very terrifying, but he still gave it a try and stood up.

“Okay, it’s him, take the sword first.” Li Qiye patted Li Zhitian on the shoulder, and smiled lightly.

“Ask for advice.” Li Zhitian Li Qiye deeply to this black-robed man, and started to raise his hands casually.

Hearing the a resonate sound of “嗡”, Li Zhitian raised his hands, condensed the heaven and the earth, stopped Space-Time, stopped Myriad Dao, and held hands together to pull the law of Ten Thousand Worlds, seal the way of Yin Yang, and lock all Samsara.

At this moment, Li Zhitian stood there, but it seemed that he was standing outside Yin Yang, not in Five Elements. It seemed that Li Zhitian in front of him had already stood in the incomparably distant Space-Time outside.

Li Xingtian, take action means stopping the sky, and also stopping the way. The word “Zhi” has been fully evolved in his hands. The sword can stop, the soldier can stop, and Myriad Law can stop.

It seems that any move Cultivation Technique or weapon treasure that is close to Li Xingtian will stop abruptly, and they will not be able to overcome Li Xingtian’s defense, let alone approach Li Xingtian.

Li Xingtian, the dragon king of 12 Wushuang/matchless sacred fruit, when he started, he was only Samsara, Grand Dao was independent, surpassing everything in human world, own was outside Myriad Dao and mortal world.

Under this momentum, it seems that any sword can’t hurt Li Zhitian.


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