Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5275: Wife killing prove the dao


“The restaurant is about to run away.” At this moment, Li Zhitian yelled.

Li Qiye smiled faintly, and said: “Then why hesitate, follow, follow it, and you will be able to get out of here.”

Hearing what Li Qiye said, Li Zhitian took the lead and walked in front.

The wine shop ran away and rushed forward. Li Zhitian and the others also followed the wine shop. However, Li Zhitian was full of doubts in his heart and asked: “What is this thing? It appeared, and it appeared in the dream.”

In the dream, in ancient city, this wine shop did appear, the man in red, the fortune teller Old Man, the big to come true dragon, they all gathered in this wine shop to carve up the straw paper in treasure box, and, One can be quite sure that the straw paper in treasure box was brought in by this wine shop.

“There are some thing that do not exist in reality, but they are not exist(ence) without representative.” Li Qiye smiled faintly, and said slowly: “When you can find the bridge between architectural reality and exist(ence) At that time, then, you will be able to enter the exist(ence).”

“This wine shop is a bridge.” Li Qiye After saying this, Li Zhitian understood, and this is why this wine shop appeared in the dream.

However, thinking about the dream just now, everything was so real, not like a dream at all, which made Li Zhitian think deeply.

“Whose dream is this?” Li Zhitian said involuntarily.

Li Qiye glanced at him, and said calmly: “It should be said, whose dream is this?”

“It’s not a dream of one person.” Li Zhitian suddenly understood the meaning of Li Qiye‘s words.

Li Qiye smiled faintly, and said: “This is called group thoughts. It is not a dream of one person, nor is it a remnant of one person, but a group of people.”

“A group of exist(ence) who used to dominate this world.” Jian Nu said softly such one sentence.

The wine shop in front was running, and finally, it ran into the mist. When Li Zhitian saw it disappear into the mist in front, he couldn’t help shouting: “It’s gone.”

Li Qiye smiled lightly, not in a hurry, and led Li Zhitian and the others through the fog in front of them. After passing through the fog, there was no starry sky as imagined. Sand giant ship.

So, what appeared in front of Li Qiye and the others was a high mountain, and this high mountain blocked the way of Li Qiye and the others.

“This is…” When there was a high mountain in front of looks at, Jiannu couldn’t help both eyes, staring at the scene on the mountain.

On this high mountain peak, there is a scene. When viewed from a distance, it looks like a giant is locked on the top of the mountain. Such a giant, with its hands open, is locked in a chain. On the top of the mountain, the whole body could not move.

Such a giant, with his back exposed and his **** exposed, was chained to the top of the mountain. A chained giant like looks at seemed to have his eyes eaten away by an eagle and his heart eaten by a bear. Howling in pain, screaming in pain.

During the whole process, it seems that a very long time has passed. It seems that the eyes were eaten by the eagle today, and they grew back the next day, and the eagle flew back to peck them; the heart was eaten by the bear today. , The next day, it grew again, and the bear came back… Day after day, year after year, billion years passed, and it seemed that the giants locked on the mountain peaks eventually became statues.

However, in this long suffering day after day, year after year, it seems that the giant’s painful wailing, the giant’s heart-piercing roar echoed in this between Heaven and Earth, billion years In the future, people will still be able to hear such pain.

“Eagle Pecking Peak ” Jiannu could not help murmuring the peak in front of looks at.

“Eagle Pecking Peak.” Li Zhitian couldn’t help being taken aback. The high mountain in front of looks at took a breath, and said in a low voice: “This is the extremely dangerous Eagle Pecking Peak in legend, which was close to death.”

The eagle pecking peak in front of Jiannu looks at gently tapped nod.

“Eagle Pecking Peak, the place where the sword of legend died.” Li Zhitian looks at the huge mountain in front of him, and the giant-like scene on the top of looks at, he couldn’t help muttering: “It is rumored that this is The generation Supreme Sword Emperor will be locked here forever, and will be dug out by eagles and bears.”

Eagle Pecking Peak is a legend place in Liutian Continent. In fact, before Liutian Continent, it was already exist(ence). It has always been a legendary place, but it is also a very dangerous place. Rumors It is said that if one breaks into Eagle Pecking Peak, it will be very difficult to leave alive. Since billion years, not many people can escape from Eagle Pecking Peak unscathed.

About Eagle Pecking Peak, there is an ancient legend, in the incomparably distant years, in the incomparably distant epoch. It is rumored that there is an invincible Great Emperor of Sword Dao, who can kill prove the dao and is invincible vertically and horizontally.

When he was already invincible, he fell in love with a daughter of an older Great Emperor. This daughter of Great Emperor is an era Peerless beauty. It is even rumored to be a first under heaven beauty. Two people who love each other should be Love and happiness.

However, this invincible Great Emperor who killed prove the dao committed Heart’s Demon again and killed his wife prove the dao. He wanted to break through the more powerful Sword Dao and killed own‘s favorite wife.

This invincible Great Emperor killed his wife prove the dao and completely angered his father-in-law, that is, the ancient Great Emperor, the ancient Great Emperor united with other Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch, and captured this invincible Great Emperor who killed prove the dao alive.

The ancient Great Emperor locked him on the peak, nailed him to the peak, and cast the Supreme spell, so that he would be eaten by eagles and bears for life and death, and he would never be reborn.

In this way, this invincible Great Emperor was permanently locked on this peak, but he couldn’t die. He endured the pain of being pecked by eagles and hearted by bears every day, day after day, year after year. Years, it seems that there will never be Samsara.

This kind of suffering seemed to end forever. The wailing and roaring of this invincible Great Emperor resounded throughout the world, echoing day sun and moon and moon.

It was not until the catastrophe came, 13 Continents collapse and destruction, Liutianzhou was remodeled, the sea was dry and the rocks were rotten, this invincible Great Emperor stopped the pain Samsara day and night, and finally condensed into stone withering, so, there is Such a scene today.

There are rumors that even if it is Samsara day and night, in the endless pain, this invincible Great Emperor who was nailed here, never gave up Sword Dao, even in the endless pain Samsara In the middle, the invincible Great Emperor is enduring the pain, and at the same time condenses the Sword Dao of own.

So, in the end, this invincible Great Emperor has become a stone withered when the sea is dry and the stone is rotten. However, his terrible killing Sword Dao is still condensed in this mountain. It seems that this mountain is called Eagle Peck Peak by later generations. The mountain has become the embodiment of the killing Sword Dao.

It is precisely because of this that anyone who enters Eagle Peck Peak will be killed by the terrible Sword Qi. Of course, there have also been Wushuang/matchless people who have entered Eagle Peck Peak, wanting to comprehend the killing Sword Dao of this Eagle Peck Peak, but, I haven’t heard of anyone who can pass through [comprehend/comprehension].

The people who were able to go to [comprehend/comprehension] to kill Sword Dao finally came back alive, shaking their heads and sighing, saying: “This Sword Dao, murderous aura is too heavy, the killing is too crazy, Yi become a devil also.”

At this time, Jiannu and the others did not expect that after passing through the yellow sand land, they would come to Eagle Pecking Peak.

“Should we make a detour?” Li Zhitian looks at couldn’t help asking the Eagle Pecking Peak in front of him. He had also heard of legend that owns the Eagle Pecking Peak.

“Let’s go up and have a look.” Li Qiye smiled faintly, and stepped up to the Eagle Pecking Peak.

At this time, Jiannu and Li Zhitian all took a deep breath, turned Cultivation Technique, and circulated Grand Dao. They emitted rays of light one after another, protecting their whole bodies with the power of Grand Dao of own, Followed Li Qiye onto Eagle Peck Peak.

Whether it is Jiannu or Li Zhitian, they have all heard the name of Eagle Pecking Peak, and they have heard such a powerful exist(ence) as Dijun Dao Monarch, who fell in Eagle Pecking Peak, how dare they take it lightly, so, Guard the whole body with own‘s most powerful Cultivation Technique.

Stepping into Eagle Pecking Peak, starting from the foot of the mountain, you can already see Dried Bone(s), look carefully at these Dried Bone(s), they were all killed by one move before they were alive, it seems that sword light flashed through their chests, and instantly fell to the ground and died miserably.

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Undoubtedly, these Dried Bone(s)s at the foot of the mountain did not have the slightest power to resist when they were dying. They ran into Eagle Peak by mistake and were instantly killed by Sword Qi.

Going forward, although there are fewer and fewer Dried Bone(s)s falling on the ground, the Divine Attribute emitted by each Dried Bone(s) is getting stronger and stronger. There is no doubt that they were very powerful during their lifetime. He died tragically under the Sword Qi of Eagle Pecking Peak.

As you go up, Jiannu, Li Zhitian, and Zhenxiong all feel that the terrible killing Sword Qi is everywhere, and this kind of killing Sword Qi is very domineering, murderous aura vertical and horizontal, slaughtering Heavens.

Moreover, this kind of murderous aura is not the murderous aura of ordinary cultivator powerhouses, it is definitely the peak level Great Emperor and Immortal Monarch, the murderous aura of Dijun Dao Monarch, and the most murderous and ruthless murderous aura, every strand of murderous aura can be pierced instantly Dao Fruit sacred fruit is average, very ferocious.

Jiannu is so powerful that he can look down on the world and be invincible. Li Zhitian is also a genius of unparalleled. With 12 Supreme Saint fruits, his strength is also unmatched. When they endured this insane killing Sword Qi, they stepped on the stone road On the other hand, they all felt the same pain all over their bodies, as if one after another Sword Qi penetrated their bodies.

This is indeed because they are powerful. If it were other people, they would not be able to bear this kind of murderous aura that slaughtered the world and slaughtered godly demon. They would have died tragically under this terrible murderous aura.

When walking halfway up the mountain, the real bear with three Supreme Dao Fruit began to be unable to bear such a killing Sword Qi. It is conceivable how terrible the killing Sword Qi here is. Ordinary Large Sect Old Ancestor, once stepping into the eagle pecking peak , will be killed instantly.


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