Emperor’s Domination Chapter 5274: Crash the ship


The yellow sand curved neck giant ship is something that no one can think of. Such a giant ship is the incomparable Continent of one piece of vast. This kind of one piece of Continent is being rowed by people in the endless starry sky, swimming in the endless starry sky among.

Such a scene is so shocking and surprising, human world, is there really such a huge curved neck ship?

At this time, Li Qiye looked at this middle-aged man who could carry the sky on his shoulders, looks at he was galloping the giant yellow sand boat in the starry sky, tirelessly.

Li Zhitian and the others couldn’t help the scene in front of looks at, looks at, this middle-aged man who can carry the sky on his shoulders, Li Zhitian didn’t respond yet, but when Jian Nu looked at this middle-aged man carefully, he couldn’t help but I was shocked.

“This is…” looks at, a middle-aged man who can carry the sky on his shoulders, Jiannu thought of a legend, a legendary exist(ence), but it is no longer human world, he has already disappeared in the long river of time Among them.

For a moment, Jiannu looks at saw the middle aged man that could carry the sky on his shoulders. He didn’t know whether what own saw was real or not. He opened Heavenly Eye and looked at it, and the middle aged man in front of him was not illusory.

At this moment, Jiannu couldn’t help but doubt it in his heart. Is this middle aged man in front of him a real living person, or a ghost that hasn’t died yet? Or is it the fictional exist(ence) in the dream?

Li Qiye didn’t speak, it was just the middle aged man in front of looks at, and deeply felt every move of looks at, middle aged man, rowing the boat. It seemed that although Li Qiye was quite puzzled, Li Qiye had already been in the heart of every detail of looks at middle aged man Faintly understood.

“Boom, boom, boom…” There was a roar of resonate sound, and suddenly, the whole giant yellow sand ship shook, as if a giant yellow sand ship sailing in the starry sky suddenly hit a rock, the whole giant ship shook non-stop, It made people unable to stand still and almost fell on the yellow sand.

Finally, I heard a “boom” loud sound, as if it had smashed countless stars, like a huge yellow sand ship that hit a rock, it suddenly stopped. Everyone recovered, opened their eyes and saw There is a fog ahead, and the scene ahead can no longer be seen clearly. It seems that the huge reef in the starry sky blocked the way of the giant yellow sand ship. After the giant yellow sand ship hit the reef, it was completely stranded.

At this time, the middle aged man who was originally paddling the giant yellow sand boat suddenly jumped off. He didn’t go to check whether the giant yellow sand boat hit the rocks, but he jumped into the fog and abandoned the boat. And gone, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“Hey ” Seeing this middle aged man who can carry the sky on his shoulders suddenly jump off the boat, abandon the boat and disappear into the mist, Li Zhitian couldn’t help but stare blankly, big shout.

However, middle aged man didn’t even look back, and disappeared into the mist in the blink of an eye.

“What should we do?” At this moment, Li Zhitian probed to have a look, and found that there was a fog in front of him, and the whole yellow sand ship seemed to be stranded on a hidden reef, unable to move for a while.

“Give it to me.” Li Qiye stretched out his hand to Li Zhitian, Li Zhitian stare blankly, after recovering, he realized that what Li Qiye wanted was a grimace.

Ghostface, Li Zhitian has been holding it in his hand, walking along the way, his heart is still trembling, and he would glance at the grimace in his hand from time to time.

Now that Li Qiye wants a grimace, Li Zhitian can’t wait to throw the grimace to Li Qiye.

Li Qiye stood on the curved neck of the giant yellow sand ship, put the grimace on the place where middle aged man was sitting just now, heard the “buzz” of a resonate sound, Li Qiye picked up the Supreme law, and instantly nailed the grimace, and instantly The grimace was firmly nailed to the crooked neck.

At this time, Li Qiye captures Grand Dao, condenses the mystery, Grand Dao is in hand, holds the mystery, Grand Dao mixes the mystery, just like Xiao Dao(small blade), and Li Qiye take action is carved.

At the time of Li Qiye take action, it is like a master’s pen, every moment of drawing, is so wonderful that every thin strand is like flowing water, giving people a feeling of total as if made by Heaven.

In the blink of an eye, a woman in fluttering white clothes appeared. The grimace that had been nailed there just now was turned into a woman in fluttering white clothes under Li Qiye Grand Dao‘s mysterious carving.

This woman’s hair is drooping, and she can’t see her face clearly. However, looking at the contours and curves of her whole body, it suddenly makes people feel that she is a Peerless beauty.

At this time, Li Qiye stretched out its hands to refine, sprinkled golden light, kneaded the essence of Grand Dao, crystal light fell on the woman in white, golden light was solidified, and Grand Dao essence was cast.

Hearing the sound of “嗡, 嗡, 嗡”, when the mystery of Grand Dao is fluctuating, and the essence of Grand Dao is in nourishing , slowly, this woman in white exudes a soft light all over her body. Crystal beautiful.

A Peerless woman exuding soft and crystal light appeared in front of everyone. The Peerless woman in front of her seemed to come from the moonlight. goddess.

“My God.” looks at, a Peerless woman like a goddess under the moon appeared in front of own, Li Zhitian couldn’t help but shudder, and goose bumps appeared all over his body, because before that, Li Zhitian was See looks at what is this thing in person.

This is a grimace, full of terrifying grimaces with fleshy teeth, he almost died tragically under the **** mouth of this damned thing.

Now, under the subtle refinement of Li Qiye’s Grand Dao, under the casting of Li Qiye’s, the hideous and creepy grimace has been turned into a Peerless beauty, which is too scary.

For those who don’t know, the goddess in front of looks at, who looks like a goddess walking out of the moonlight, still thinks that the Peerless beauty in front of her is pleasing to the eye, but whether it’s Li Zhitian or Jian Nu, they all know this Peerless beauty is what becomes.

A very terrifying scary **** big mouth was finally carved into a Peerless beauty. This kind of thing makes people feel terrifying more than anyone else, and makes everyone feel creepy.

“My god, how can I trust human world‘s Peerless beauty in the future.” Li Zhitian could not help but shudder, his face turned pale.

If human world‘s Peerless beauties are all like this, then it’s too terrifying, I’m afraid I won’t dare to date those Peerless beauties again.

“Red Pink Skull, do you think it’s just a sentence? Is it just an adjective?” At this moment, Li Qiye raise one’s head glanced at Li Zhitian.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, Young Master, don’t talk about it.” Li Zhitian couldn’t help feeling sick when Li Qiye said this, feeling a little disgusted by own, and begged for mercy: “If you continue, I’ll just I’m afraid I’ll be a bachelor for the rest of my life. When I see a woman, I’ll treat her like a snake.”

“That’s why your Dao Heart is weak.” Li Qiye couldn’t help laughing.

At this time, Li Qiye stuffed the curved paddle discarded by middle aged man into the hand of this Peerless beauty, refined Supreme Ancient Symbol, condensed Supreme Grand Dao, heard the “buzz” a resonate sound, Li Qiye instantly sealed Supreme Ancient Symbol Grand Dao into the between the eyebrows of this Peerless beauty In, enclosed within Knowledge Sea.

“Open Li Qiye mouth Mantra, the evolution is mysterious.

“Boom, boom, boom” roaring resonate sound, with the paddling of this Peerless beauty, the giant yellow sand ship set sail again, retreated from the reef, and galloped away to the starry sky.

Hearing the roar of “Boom, Boom, Boom” resounding through the starry sky, the giant yellow sand ship flew across stars, rushed into Silver River, and galloped in the starry sky. It was very cheerful, and seemed to be full of infinite happiness.

“Have you set off again?” Li Zhitian looks at Xingkong couldn’t help muttering, “Where are we heading?” when the entire gigantic yellow sand curved-neck looks at ship was galloping fast. >

“Wake up quickly.” At this moment, Li Qiye‘s voice was like a bell, and with a bang, like thunder piercing the ear knocked on their foreheads instantly, and exploded in their Knowledge Sea like a thunderbolt.

Jiannu, Li Zhitian, and Zhenxiong all trembled, their whole bodies trembled.

When they woke up and slowly opened their eyes, they found that they were still sitting cross-legged in the yellow sand. When they looked at sky again, sky was still flashing stars. Then they looked at the yellow sand under their feet. When the yellow sand is blown, the yellow sand is blown up, revealing skeleton, nothing has changed.

Looking a little farther away, I saw that the wine shop on the sand dune was still there, and the wine shop was still swaying with Feng Piao/breeze.

The yellow sand is still the yellow sand, the wine shop is still the wine shop, nothing has changed, everything I experienced just now is like a dream.

“Are we dreaming?” After regaining consciousness, Li Zhitian couldn’t help standing up, looking around, there was no ancient city, no red-clothed man, and no big to come true dragon.

Besides the yellow sand in front of them, everything they experienced just now, even the big gooseneck boat in the yellow sand, was not exist(ence), it seemed that everything was just because they had a dream.

“That grimace is not real anymore.” Li Zhitian couldn’t help asking Li Qiye curiously.

Li Qiye glanced at him, smiled faintly, and said, “Who knows if it’s true or not.”

Li Zhitian was still in doubt, but he could be sure that Li Qiye absolutely knew about it.

Young MasterWhy does the giant ship in yellow sand continue?” Jian Nu asked a very core question.

“Everything is so cheerful.” Li Qiye smiled lightly and said, “Then, the joy should continue. If it stops abruptly, how can people be soothed.”

“Requiem.” Jian Nu sighed softly, and understood the reason for everything that happened.

That’s right, they experienced a dream, not they own dreaming, but they walked into someone else’s dream.

“Boom, boom, boom” At this time, there was a roar of resonate sound, and the wine shop ran away at this time.


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