Brow of a Thousand Calamities Chapter 40: Heartbroken 05

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Inside the hut in Chengfeng Town.

She fell into a deep sleep. After running around all night and being stimulated many times, she was exhausted both physically and mentally. Yu Tuan’er asked her to sleep next to Feng Feng, but Feng Feng didn’t sleep. She sat on the bed in good spirits and looked around, looking at Wanyu Yuedan and then at Yu Tuan’er. Her dark eyes were round and big, as if Very curious to see. But he seemed to know that his mother was tired, so he just looked around without making any noise, and firmly grasped the sleeve with his right hand.

Yu Tuan’er and Lin Bu were working together to carry Xue Tao to the bed. Yu Tuan’er had just applied medicine to the wound on her chest, but the wound was very serious. I don’t know if simply applying some gold sore medicine would be effective. Liu Yan didn’t know where to find the yellow water droplets he used to treat Lin Bu, so he had to leave it to fate.

Wanyu Yuedan was sitting aside. Yu Tuan’er had just told her what she knew about Na Mo, Liu Yan and Tang Li Ci. With his intelligence, it was not difficult to understand the key points. at. As for the person who hugged Xue Tao back, who stabbed such a wound in her chest is unknown. The answer seems to be clear, but it is also very confusing.

She and Zhu Yan are together, who can hurt her? Even if she was hurt, why did Zhu Yan leave her alone in the wilderness? There is only one answer: Zhu Yan was the one who seriously injured Xue Tao.

But why did he kill Xue Tao?

Didn’t he go through fire and water for Xue Tao? Wasn’t it because Xue Tao wanted to kill Wan Yuedan, or even because Xue Tao broke into Wangting Villa and broke through many traps to rescue her? How could he hit her so hard in the blink of an eye?

“Xiaoyue.” Yu Tuan’er stared at Xue Tao for a long time, “She is so beautiful.” Wan Yu Yuedan couldn’t see it, so she could only smile, “Really?” Yu Tuan’er nodded, “If I were so Beautiful, I wonder if he will miss me more, alas…” Wan Yuedan said, “Well… not everyone in the world loves beauty. I heard that some people especially like fat girls, and some people especially like old girls. , so whether a man wants to miss a woman depends largely on whether she has left a deep impression on him, right? Uh… a deep and good impression.” Yu Tuan’er looked at Wanyu Yuedan, “If I have it. Your mouth is just fine, I like the shape of your mouth, it’s small, like a baby’s mouth.” Wan Yu Yuedan was talking to her, but she was thinking about Wan Yu Yuedan’s lip shape, and Lin Bu made a sound. Laughing out loud, the two men’s conversation was completely off topic.

Wanyu Yuedan didn’t take it seriously and pressed the back of Xue Tao’s hand slightly. The back of her hand was so hot that the injury looked very dangerous. After thinking for a while, Wanyu Yuedan suddenly asked, “Where are the clothes worn by Mr. Tang?” Lin Bu was stunned for a moment. A big hole was torn in the clothes by Shen Langhun’s short knife, and it was stained with blood and rolled up. Hidden in the closet for fear of being discovered by the people in the romantic shop, no one has touched it yet, “It’s in the closet.”

“Take it and have a look. There might be some medicine in your pocket.” Wan Yuedan’s black and white eyes moved flexibly, “He always carries a lot of good things with him.” Lin Bu stood up and hurriedly He dug out Tang Lici’s **** clothes from the closet and put his hand into his pocket. As expected, there were many bottles and cans inside. He took them out one by one and placed them on the table.

I saw only a small light blue square jade box, a mutton-fat white jade beauty bottle, a string of pearls, a few small jade stones, a few small gold ingots, and a round pill.

Wanyu Yuedan put the things on the tip of her nose and sniffed them, “Young Master Tang seems to like jade very much. These are high-quality jade with excellent temperament and quality. It is a pity to use them as utensils. Hmm… Dioscorea , Aesculus aesculata, Huang Yaozi… What’s in the box is medicine for wounds.” He picked up the finger-sized mutton-fat white jade beauty bottle. This jade bottle was exquisitely made and smooth to the touch. It was an extraordinary product. He opened the cork and took a slight sniff. Lin Bu immediately smelled a very strange smell and sneezed. Wanyu Yuedan frowned slightly and poured out a piece of the contents of the bottle. Lin Bu saw that what he poured into his hand was a white tablet. Different from the pills, the tablet was round and flat, but it was a drug he had never seen before. Wanyu Yuedan obviously couldn’t smell what it was. There was a hint of confusion on Xiuya’s delicate face. She put the pills back into the jade bottle and picked up another round pill. “This is Purple Gold Pill, although it is rare. There are records of this in ancient books. The ancients said that taking Zijin Dan can transform you into an immortal. I don’t really believe it, but this medicine should have something unique about it.”

“Miss Xue’s injury is critical,” Lin Bu said, “I think it’s better for Miss Xue to take this medicine and see if it has a miraculous effect of bringing the dead back to life.” Wan Yuedan gently opened the wax shell outside the pill. It was a bright golden pill, as big as a longan. His fingers were warm and as soon as he picked up the pill, it seemed to melt. Wan Yuedan had no choice but to put the pill on Xue Tao’s mouth in a hurry.

Nuoda’s purple golden elixir touched her burning lips and quickly turned into juice, flowing into her belly along the seam of her lips. Lin Bu and Wanyu Yuedan both smelled an elegant and fragrant medicinal fragrance. It seemed that this purple elixir was really different, and it was different from the pills in the bottle of mutton-fat beauty just now.

After taking the Purple Golden Pill, Xue Tao’s flushed cheeks recovered slightly. After a while, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and Yu Tuan’er said, “Miss Xue?”

Xue Tao slowly opened her eyes, which were as clear and beautiful as a stream of autumn water. Yu Tuan’er gently touched her hair, “Everyone said that sister is a rare beauty, but I I think you are much prettier than her, you are so beautiful.” Xue Tao’s autumn eyes slowly looked at Wan Yuedan, “Who are you…”

“Girl, please calm down and rest. You are neither at Wangting Villa nor at Zhu Yan’s side.” Wanyu Yuedan looked gentle and harmless, so Xue Tao kept looking at him, her chest rose and fell rapidly a few times, her lips and teeth Wei Zhang seemed to want to say something, but couldn’t. Yu Tuan’er kept looking at the remaining half of her face. Xue Tao’s features and nose were all the way she liked them. The more she looked at them, the more she liked them, and she couldn’t help but feel envious.

Wanyu Yuedan listened to Xue Tao’s rapid breathing and knew that she had something to say, so she said softly, “What does the girl want to say?” Xue Tao opened her lips and moved them silently. Lin Bu looked at her mouth. Xing said, “I…I…don’t…get…him…” Wan Yuedan smiled slightly, “He hurt you seriously, and he probably regrets it in his heart. Don’t think too much. Only when you get better can you have the strength to… He talks a lot.” Yu Tuan’er looked at him in surprise, “Do you know who she is talking about?” Wanyu Yuedan said with a smile, “She is talking about ‘Crazy Lan Wu Xing’ Zhu Yan.” Yu Tuan’er sighed. He said to Xue Tao, “Didn’t he love you very much? Why did he want to kill you? He spent so much effort to rescue you and just threw you away like this?”

A tear slipped from the corner of Xue Tao’s eyes, and she finally made a weak voice, “He… was only kind to me in his life… but I… I felt sorry for him…” Yu Tuan’er said curiously , “Why are you sorry for him? You were caught and imprisoned by Yu Honghou. It’s not your fault. Besides, you have suffered so much over the years. He finally found you, so why didn’t he treat you well?” Xue Tao was confused. Looking at the roof, “Ten years… it’s so long… Why didn’t he rescue me eight years ago, six years ago or even four years ago?” Yu Tuan’er raised her hand, wanting to slap her, “You What nonsense are you talking about? He was poisoned by Yu Honghou eight years ago, six years ago, and four years ago. He was so confused and stupid that he didn’t know anything. How could he save you as soon as he regained consciousness? Isn’t that enough? ”

“I thought about him breaking down walls and crossing obstacles one after another to come to me. I thought about it every day for these ten years. I thought he might appear in front of the window and see me tied to the bed. I thought about him. I would be very distressed, and I would be very happy… But he never showed up. I was **** year after year, year after year… I thought about how he would save me every hour of the day… …Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, I can’t live without thinking like this…But he never came,” Xue Tao said weakly, “Sometimes I am sad, sometimes disappointed, sometimes desperate, sometimes angry. But no matter what I think, he just won’t come. I hate my cousin, you can’t imagine how much I hate him, but over the years, he was the one who mocked me when I was sad, and he was the one who laughed at me when I was disappointed. He was the only one who stayed with me when I was desperate and angry. In the past ten years, I have only seen him… everyone else seemed to have disappeared.” Xue Tao’s tears flowed out, as if flowing down her thin body. The last drop of blood, “I hated him, but one day I discovered… Although my cousin is sinister and vicious, even though he has done all the cruel things, even though he tied me up until I got sick, he is still in pain. There is At that time… he was in more pain than me. I still had hope. I was hoping that Zhu Yan would come to save me. He looked at me and tied me up. He had no hope. I was in pain, and he would also be heartbroken and regretful. , but he can’t let me go…” She gasped sharply, “He can only sit there and look at me. Sometimes I know that he doesn’t want to come see me, he doesn’t want to accompany me, and he also wants to kill. Me, but he couldn’t do it. I expected him to kill me, but he held me and cried…I…I…”


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