Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 861: persuade to surrender


p;Chapter 14167 persuade to surrender

Shadow Sovereign couldn’t help but nodded after hearing what Great Minister of War said, but at this time Da Sikong was open the mouth and said: “If this is the case, then we might as well go directly to Blood Slaughter Sect new base nearest/recent. There is no need to transfer to Imperial City there. This will only waste time. , Your Majesty, I think this matter should be resolved quickly. If it takes too long and the base of Blood Slaughter Sect is really built, it will only be more troublesome. Moreover, Blood Slaughter Sect was breached by us last time and Great Defense Formation. They may change this time. The layout method is Great Formation, so we should go earlier. If we go too late and let their formation layout be even bigger, then it will be even more difficult for us to deal with. ”

When Da Sikong said this, Shadow Sovereign was slightly startled, and then he suddenly stood up, and then open the mouth and said: “Zhang Wutong, Ma Yichuan, you two lead all Army Commander to stay, block Blood Slaughter Sect‘s attack, remember , if you don’t fight hard this time, even if you are all dead, we can’t let Blood Slaughter Sect’s people advancing take a step. Others, immediately, prepare, we immediately will deal with Blood Slaughter Sect’s base, Great Minister of War, check it out It’s Transmission Formation away from the base nearest/recent of Blood Slaughter Sect, and we’ll go there immediately.”

Everyone responded, and then they immediately moved. After a while, Great Minister of War found the location of Transmission Formation and reported it to Shadow Sovereign, and Shadow Sovereign and the others were all ready. They directly started Transmission Formation in Great Hall, a batch a batch We went to the city where Transmission Formation was located, and soon Shadow Sovereign they were in a small city. Their Transmission Formation area was not very big either. They could only Transmission Formation a thousand people at a time, and they had just arrived in the in the city city. Shadow Sovereign, received Mao Xuanying’s communication. After listening to Mao Xuanying’s report, Shadow Sovereign‘s complexion became even more ugly. He told Great Minister of War and others who were following him said:, “I just received Mao Xuanying’s information , He has seen the formation disk sent back by here. It is an Transmission Formation disk. After activating formation disk, there will be appears , a energy Transmission Formation, which can Transmission a thousand people at a time, and Blood Slaughter Sect is behind us. How many of these Transmission Formation disks have been put in don’t know? , This is why they can use suddenly and appears behind us. It seems that when Blood Slaughter Sect was defeated by us in initially, they thought of using this move to deal with us, so they just kept their back-up, which is really disgusting. “

When Great Minister of War and others heard what Shadow Sovereign said, their complexion also looked very difficult. After a while, Shadow Sovereign then open the mouth and said: “After everyone arrives, we must destroy their base as soon as possible. We must not leave any , leaving that base is too much of a threat to us. “Great Minister of War and they all nodded, with killing aura on their faces.

Soon Shadow Sovereign‘s Expert all came over with Transmission, but Shadow Sovereign did not bring all Expert over. The killing army stayed with frontline there, and the other Expert all came. After they arrived, Shadow Sovereign He led everyone directly to Blood Slaughter Sect‘s base there, and Blood Slaughter Sect‘s base here, after this period of develop(ment), has become a huge base of a radius of a hundred li(50km). Blood Slaughter Sect‘s Expert have also arrived, and at the same time, the periphery of their base, Countless Reaching Sky Vines have also grown. These Reaching Sky Vines are to deal with those Shadow Clan energys on the ground. These Reaching Sky Vines can absorb those Shadow Clan energys and turn them into fruits, so that when they arrange formation, they don’t have to clean up the residue on the ground. The Shadow Clan energy has been installed, which will make it more convenient for them to install the formation. After all, cleaning up the remaining energy of those Shadow Clansman is also very troublesome.

But Ding Chunming did not relax for a moment. They knew that Shadow Clansman would definitely come over in the shortest possible time. They were waiting for Shadow Clansman, suddenly, sky in the distance, appears to kill countless black spots, Ding Chunming immediately open the mouth and said: “Come, everyone, get ready for battle. “Everyone responded, and then they immediately prepared Magical Artifact, ready to fight at any time.

Ding Chunming then led everyone and flew out of the base directly. He believed that Shadow Clansman would come so soon, and they would not have too many people coming, but the people who came should all be Expert, Ding Chunming still wanted to see it Let’s see, will Shadow Sovereign personally lead the team this time?

Ding Chunming As soon as they came out and set up their formation, Shadow Clansman was already in front of them. When he saw the leader Shadow Clansman, Ding Chunming couldn’t help but slightly smiled, and then he open the mouth and said: “Shadow Sovereign Your Majesty, we meet again, how are you always?” Ding Chunming This is He was angry with Shadow Sovereign, and Shadow Sovereign also saw Ding Chunming. When he saw Ding Chunming, his complexion changed, and then he stopped. He glanced at the people behind Ding Chunming again, discover Alien Cavalry was there, and variant beast Cavalry was also there. , but also has plenty Blood Slaughter Sect‘s Expert, which makes his complexion even more gloomy. He is very clear. Now he wants to destroy Ding Chunming and them. I’m afraid it won’t be easy. He wants to destroy Blood Slaughter Sect‘s formation. I’m afraid it won’t be easy either. , Blood Slaughter Sect seems to be well prepared this time, and will not let him succeed easily.

Shadow Sovereign although thought so in his heart, but said said:under the hand/subordinate loser, I really didn’t expect that you dared to appears in here, you are really desperate, you don’t think that just because you made a formation, you can be in here Stand firm, okay? I tell you, you are dead today.” After Shadow Sovereign moved his hand, the sword was already appears in his hand, and Ding Chunming‘s in hand also had two more hammers, and everyone else also showed their Magical Artifact. Come out, Shadow Sovereign then open the mouth and said: “Ding Chunming, you will die.” After saying that, he rushed towards Ding Chunming. This time he did not speak to Ding Chunming opportunity, he just wanted to destroy this formation as soon as possible.

Ding Chunming As soon as he saw Shadow Sovereign in such a hurry make a move, he knew Shadow Sovereign‘s plan. He slightly smiled, and then said solemnly: “Come on, let me see if you can kill me.” After saying that, he raised his hammer and faced it, and at the same time, people from both sides under the hand/subordinate , they also fought to a certain point, but when they engaged in the battle, Shadow Clansman was completely at a disadvantage, and the reason why they were at a disadvantage was also very simple, because Alien Cavalry was too much like formidable, Alien was riding behind Blood Slaughter Sect, and Battle Formation was used. formation is the best team. If Alien Cavalry fights one-on-one with the elders of Blood Slaughter Sect, is possible will have the upper hand in one-on-one, one-on-two can lead to a tie, and one-on-three can only be at a disadvantage. But if Alien Cavalry forms Battle Formation and fights against others, then one against ten or one against a hundred will have is possible. They will give Battle Formation and formation attack to those who can reach pinnacle. Their strength is very formidable. .

Now that Alien Cavalry is facing off against Shadow Clansman, Shadow Clansman suffers a huge loss immediately. Their strength is although very formidable, but facing Alien, they really have no good solution. With Alien Cavalry’s Battle Formation, they can’t compete with Law Idol. Yes, the use and understanding of Battle Formation by Alien Cavalry is incomparable to them, so when Alien Cavalry formed Battle Formation and fought against Shadow Clansman, Shadow Clansman fell directly at a disadvantage. This is the most terrifying thing after riding Alien.

At the same time, variant beast Cavalry also played a big role in fighting strength. Their fighting strength can’t compare with Alien Cavalry is much worse than the Expert of Shadow Clansman. However, when variant beast Cavalry formed Battle Formation, their fighting strength also got a huge improvement. , those Expert of Shadow Clansman, once they fought against them, immediately suffered a big loss, and countless Alien Cavalry were directly destroyed.

Ding Chunming and Shadow Sovereign still have to fight, Shadow Sovereign still has no way to defeat Ding Chunming, even his discover, Ding Chunming strength is more formidable than before, which makes Shadow Sovereign even more headache, he look at Ding Chunming, suddenly open the mouth and said: “Ding Chunming, Your strength is so formidable, why do you still stay in Blood Slaughter Sect? You know that Master Main God exists, so you should understand. No matter how strong your Blood Slaughter Sect‘s Sect Master is, formidable, he is still is impossible and is the opponent of our Master Main God. And you still call him Young Master, do you still want to be a slave? There is no way for a slave to be an elder. Why don’t you join me Shadow Clan, then I will report to Main God sir and let you become Shadow Clan prince. In one fell swoop, everything will be great. above people, so isn’t it better? and as long as you surrender to our Lord Main God, then you can directly become Everlasting. You should also know that all of us are hard of kill, and we can all be resurrected. This is Everlasting, then You join and we Sect are better than staying at Blood Slaughter Sect, right?”

When Ding Chunming heard what Shadow Sovereign said, he was stunned for a moment, and then he asked in confusion look at Shadow Sovereign said: “Are you recruiting me?”

Shadow Sovereign look at Ding Chunming looked like, he couldn’t help but Dark Qi, but he didn’t show it, but sheathed his sword and stepped aside, look at Ding Chunming said:Ding Chunming, as long as you join us Shadow Clan, I will make you the prince of Shadow Clan, and have a relationship with me The same power, what do you think? “Shadow Sovereign has spent a lot of money this time. He dares to make such a condition. simply can’t do it because it is not him who makes the final decision, but the **** of Shadow Clan. , he is just writing a bad check now.

Ding Chunming One listen Shadow Sovereign He said this as if he had heard some funny joke. look at Shadow Sovereign , laughing said:Shadow Sovereign , you say these words, do you believe it yourself? you Shadow Clan Don’t you know what the situation is? return Everlasting , HaHaHa Ha, that’s the funniest joke I’ve ever heard. You’re just a bunch of other people. release It’s just the dog that came here. Let him out now because he lets you bite people. When you can’t bite people anymore, or you bite all the people to death, he will kill the dogs and eat their meat. You yourself The most important soul is missing from my body, and that soul is in Shadow Clan of **** in hand control Wait, if he wants you to die, he can let you die at any time. When the time comes, you will not even Soul Mark It won’t stay, it will just become his body energy part of me, just like that, you actually had the nerve to ask me to surrender Shadow Clan God? HaHaHa Ha, it’s so funny, it’s really funny, look at me like Lunatic ? Even if I am Lunatic , I won’t do that either, I risk my own life control , to hand over my life to others, even if I am crazy, I will not do it, Shadow Sovereign , you won’t be don’t know What’s going on? Are you still in the dark? HaHaHa Ha, if this is really the case, then I really feel sorry for you, if you are clearly know What is the situation, but you still want to persuade me to surrender? Then I really have to admire your shamelessness. ”

p;Chapter 14167 persuade to surrender

After listening to Great Minister of War’s words, Shadow Sovereign couldn’t help but nodded. At this time, Da Sikong was open the mouth and said: “If this is the case, then we might as well go directly to Blood Slaughter Sect new base nearest/recent. There is no need to transfer to Imperial City there. This will only waste time. , Your Majesty, I think this matter should be resolved quickly. If it takes too long and the base of Blood Slaughter Sect is really built, it will only be more troublesome. Moreover, Blood Slaughter Sect was broken by us last time Great Defense Formation. They may change this time. Great Formation layout method, so we should go earlier. If we go too late and let their formation layout be even bigger, it will be even more difficult for us to deal with. ”

When Da Sikong said this, Shadow Sovereign was slightly startled, and then he suddenly stood up, and then open the mouth and said: “Zhang Wutong, Ma Yichuan, you two lead all Army Commander to stay, block Blood Slaughter Sect‘s attack, remember , if you don’t fight hard this time, even if you are all dead, we can’t let Blood Slaughter Sect’s people advancing take a step. Others, immediately, prepare, we immediately will deal with Blood Slaughter Sect’s base, Great Minister of War, check it out It’s Transmission Formation away from the base nearest/recent of Blood Slaughter Sect, and we’ll go there immediately.”

Everyone responded, and then their immediately moved. After a while, Great Minister of War found the location of Transmission Formation and reported it to Shadow Sovereign, and Shadow Sovereign and the others were all ready. They directly started Transmission Formation and a batch a batch in Great Hall. We went to the city where Transmission Formation was located, and soon they were in a small city. Their Transmission Formation area was not very big either. They could only have Transmission Formation a thousand people at a time, and the in the city they just arrived in Shadow Sovereign, received Mao Xuanying’s communication. After listening to Mao Xuanying’s report, Shadow Sovereign‘s complexion became even more ugly. He said to Great Minister of War and others who were following him said: “I just received Mao Xuanying’s information , He has seen the formation disk sent back by here. It is a Transmission Formation disk. After activating formation disk, there will be appears , a energy Transmission Formation, which can Transmission a thousand people at a time, and Blood Slaughter Sect is behind us. How many of these Transmission Formation disks have been put in don’t know , this is why they can put suddenly and appears behind us. It seems that when Blood Slaughter Sect was defeated by us in initially, they thought of using this move to deal with us, so they just kept a back-up, which is really disgusting. “

When Great Minister of War and others heard what Shadow Sovereign said, their complexion also looked very difficult. After a while, Shadow Sovereign then open the mouth and said: “After everyone arrives, we must destroy their base as soon as possible. We must not leave any , leaving that base is too much of a threat to us. “Great Minister of War and they all nodded, with killing aura on their faces.

Soon Shadow Sovereign‘s Expert all came with Transmission, but Shadow Sovereign did not bring all Expert with them. The killing army stayed with frontline there, and the other Expert all came. After they arrived, Shadow Sovereign Taking everyone directly to Blood Slaughter Sect‘s base there, Blood Slaughter Sect‘s base here, after this period of develop(ment), has become a huge base of a radius of a hundred li(50km), Blood Slaughter Sect‘s Expert have also arrived, and at the same time, the periphery of their base, Countless Reaching Sky Vine also grew. These Reaching Sky Vine are to deal with those Shadow Clan energy on the ground. These Reaching Sky Vine can absorb those Shadow Clan energy and turn them into fruits, so that when they arrange formation, they don’t have to clean up the residue on the ground. The Shadow Clan energy is now available, which will make it more convenient for them to install the formation. After all, cleaning up the residual energy of those Shadow Clansman is also very troublesome.

But Ding Chunming did not relax for a moment. They knew that Shadow Clansman would definitely come over in the shortest possible time. They were waiting for Shadow Clansman, suddenly, sky in the distance, appears to kill countless black spots, Ding Chunming immediately open the mouth and said: “Come, everyone, get ready for battle. “Everyone responded, and then they immediately prepared Magical Artifact, ready to fight at any time.

Ding Chunming then led everyone and flew out of the base directly. He believed that Shadow Clansman would come so soon, and they would not have too many people coming, but the people who came should all be Expert, Ding Chunming still wanted to see it Let’s see, will Shadow Sovereign personally lead the team this time?

Ding Chunming As soon as they came out and set up their formation, Shadow Clansman was already in front of them. When he saw the leader Shadow Clansman, Ding Chunming couldn’t help but slightly smiled, and then he open the mouth and said: “Shadow Sovereign Your Majesty, we meet again, how are you always?” Ding Chunming This is In anger Shadow Sovereign, and Shadow Sovereign also saw Ding Chunming. As soon as he saw Ding Chunming, his complexion changed, and then he stopped. He glanced at the people behind Ding Chunming again, discover Alien Cavalry was there, variant beast Cavalry was also there. , and has plenty Blood Slaughter Sect’s Expert, which makes his complexion even more gloomy, and his very clear. Now he wants to destroy Ding Chunming and them, I’m afraid it won’t be easy. He wants to destroy Blood Slaughter Sect’s formation, I’m afraid it won’t be easy either. , Blood Slaughter Sect seems to be well prepared this time, and will not let him succeed easily.

Shadow Sovereign although thought so in his heart, but said said:under the hand/subordinate loser, I really didn’t expect that you dared to appears in here, you are really desperate, you don’t think that just because you made a formation, you can be in here Stand firm, okay? I tell you, you are dead today.” After Shadow Sovereign moved his hand, the sword was already appears in his hand, and Ding Chunming‘s in hand also had two more hammers, and everyone else also showed their Magical Artifact. Come out, Shadow Sovereign then open the mouth and said: “Ding Chunming, you will die.” After saying that, he rushed towards Ding Chunming. This time he did not speak to Ding Chunming opportunity, he just wanted to destroy this formation as soon as possible.

Ding Chunming As soon as he saw Shadow Sovereign in such a hurry make a move, he knew Shadow Sovereign‘s plan. He slightly smiled, and then said solemnly: “Come on, let me see if you can kill me.” After saying that, he raised his hammer and faced it. At the same time, people from both sides under the hand/subordinate , they also fought to a certain point, but as soon as they engaged in the battle, Shadow Clansman completely fell into the disadvantage, and the reason why they fell into the disadvantage was also very simple, because Alien Cavalry was too formidable, Alien was riding behind Blood Slaughter Sect, using Battle Formation, using formation is the best team. If Alien Cavalry fights one-on-one with the elders of Blood Slaughter Sect, is possible will have the upper hand in one-on-one, one-on-two can lead to a tie, and one-on-three will be at a disadvantage. But if Alien Cavalry forms Battle Formation and fights against others, then one against ten or one against a hundred will have is possible. They will give Battle Formation and formation attack to those who reach pinnacle. Their strength is very formidable .

Now that Alien Cavalry is facing off against Shadow Clansman, Shadow Clansman suffers a huge loss immediately. Their strength is although very formidable, but facing Alien, they really have no good solution. With Alien Cavalry’s Battle Formation, they can’t compete with Law Idol. Yes, the use and understanding of Battle Formation by Alien Cavalry is incomparable to them, so when Alien Cavalry formed Battle Formation and fought against Shadow Clansman, Shadow Clansman fell directly at a disadvantage. This is the most terrifying thing after riding Alien.

At the same time, variant beast Cavalry also played a big role in fighting strength. Their fighting strength can’t compare with Alien Cavalry is much worse than the Expert of Shadow Clansman. However, when variant beast Cavalry formed Battle Formation, their fighting strength also got a huge improvement. , those Expert of Shadow Clansman, once they fought against them, immediately suffered a big loss, and countless Alien Cavalry were directly destroyed.

Ding Chunming and Shadow Sovereign still have to fight, Shadow Sovereign still has no way to win Ding Chunming, even his discover, Ding Chunming strength is more formidable than before, which makes Shadow Sovereign even more headache, he look at Ding Chunming, suddenly open the mouth and said: “Ding Chunming, Your strength is so formidable, why do you still stay in Blood Slaughter Sect? You know that Main God adults exist, you should understand, no matter how strong your Blood Slaughter Sect‘s Sect Master is, he is still is impossible our opponent of Main God adults, And you still call him Young Master, do you still want to be a slave? There is no way for a slave to grow up. Why don’t you join me Shadow Clan, then I will report to Master Main God and let you become the Shadow Clan prince. In one fell swoop, tens of millions Above people, this is isn’t it better?. And as long as you submit to our Main God masters, then you can directly Everlasting. You should also know that all of us are hard of kill, and we can all be resurrected. This is Everlasting, then You join and we Sect are better than staying in Blood Slaughter Sect, right?”

When Ding Chunming heard what Shadow Sovereign said, he was stunned for a moment, and then he asked in confusion look at Shadow Sovereign said: “Are you recruiting me?”

Shadow Sovereign look at Ding Chunming looked like, he couldn’t help but Dark Qi, but he didn’t show it, but sheathed his sword and stepped aside, look at Ding Chunming said:Ding Chunming, as long as you join us Shadow Clan, I will make you the prince of Shadow Clan, and have a relationship with me The same power, what do you think? “Shadow Sovereign has spent a lot of money this time. He dares to make such a condition. simply can’t do it because it is not him who makes the final decision, but the **** of Shadow Clan. , he is just writing a bad check now.

Ding Chunming One listen Shadow Sovereign He said this as if he had heard some funny joke. look at Shadow Sovereign , laughing said:Shadow Sovereign , you say these words, do you believe it yourself? you Shadow Clan Don’t you know what the situation is? return Everlasting , HaHaHa Ha, that’s the funniest joke I’ve ever heard. You’re just a bunch of other people. release It’s just the dog that came here. Let him out now because he lets you bite people. When you can’t bite people anymore, or you bite all the people to death, he will kill the dogs and eat their meat. You yourself The most important soul is missing from my body, and that soul is in Shadow Clan of **** in hand control Wait, if he wants you to die, he can let you die at any time. When the time comes, you will not even Soul Mark It won’t stay, it will just become his body energy part of me, just like that, you actually had the nerve to ask me to surrender Shadow Clan God? HaHaHa Ha, it’s so funny, it’s really funny, look at me like Lunatic ? Even if I am Lunatic , I won’t do that either, I risk my own life control , to hand over my life to others, even if I am crazy, I will not do it, Shadow Sovereign , you won’t be don’t know What’s going on? Are you still in the dark? HaHaHa Ha, if this is really the case, then I really feel sorry for you, if you are clearly know What is the situation, but you still want to persuade me to surrender? Then I really have to admire your shamelessness. ”


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