Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 860: Action


p;Chapter 14166 Action

White Eyes was sitting in the small conference room, Ding Chunming and the others had all arrived. Ding Chunming and the others had smiles on their faces as soon as they saw Zhang Hongliang. White Eyes look at Ding Chunming looked like slightly smiled said:. “I believe everyone also saw it, Hong Liang is out of seclusion, he has finished formation, and then we can carry out our second plan. We will follow what we said before, Old Ding, Gongsun, Hongliang, this time, you manager, I’ll prepare staff for you, okay?”

Ding Chunming slightly smiled said:rest assured, no problem, leave it to me.” Gongsun Yulong and Zhang Hongliang also nodded.

White Eyes nodded said: “That’s good, but for this operation, you may not be able to use Reaching Sky Vine, because now there is still occupied by clansman, and the ground of there is still full of Shadow Clan Strength of Law. If you get to there, you will still be able to use Reaching Sky Vine.” If you use Reaching Sky Vine to arrange formation, then Reaching Sky Vine may take a while to clean up the Shadow Clan Strength of Law of there. This is a waste of time, so you must use formation rune to arrange formation. After arranging formation, clean up the Shadow Clan of there. Strength of Formation, you must pay attention to this, because after you get to there, is possible it will not take long, Shadow Clansman will be discover. You, when the time comes, Shadow Clansman and army will definitely rush over in the shortest time. You must be in the shortest time. ”

Everyone responded, White Eyes nodded said: “OK,, then when are you going to take action? tomorrow? ”

Ding Chunming glanced at Zhang Hongliang, then open the mouth and said: “Hongliang, when will it be easier for you to move?” The most important thing about this action is Zhang Hongliang‘s formation, so of course Ding Chunming has to give priority to with Zhang Hongliang.

Zhang Hongliang open the mouth and said: “I can act at any time.” Zhang Hongliang is telling the truth, he is rest well now and can act at any time. After listening to his words, Ding Chunming nodded, and then he turned to White Eyes said:immediately informed me of disciple who participated in this operation. Let’s take action now. Let’s go over first. If we don’t meet, you can go now returned to Alien Cavalry there.” Let Alien Cavalry be divided into ten batches, first batch 1,000 people, follow our together first, and after arriving at there, Hongliang, you arrange the formation as soon as possible, I will have people put a few Transmission Formation disks in other places, Used to confuse the enemy, and then others immediately start a batch a batch‘s past, so as not to arouse Shadow Clansman‘s suspicion. Our people would rather go slower, and absolutely cannot let Shadow Clansman suspect that we have underground city, underground city is the most important .” Everyone responded, and then Sun Buyu immediately went to make arrangements.

Ding Chunming also stood up at this time. He turned to White Eyes said:, “Old Bai, you are responsible for informing the elders who are working with us in together.”

White Eyes nodded, Ding Chunming open the mouth and said: “Gongsun, do you have anything to prepare? Go and prepare now. As long as there is no information from there, we will act immediately.” Gongsun Yulong shook his head and said There is nothing to prepare for.

At this time, Sun Buyu there also sent information. They were ready. Their Alien Cavalry people were always ready to fight, so he prepared very quickly. When Ding Chunming heard what Sun Buyu said, he He nodded, and then he turned to look at Gongsun Yulong and Zhang Hongliang, who also nodded at him, Ding Chunming open the mouth and said: Send them the “OK, coordinates, and we will take action. “After saying that, he directly sent a coordinate to Azure Dragon and asked Azure Dragon to send the coordinates to the people who were following him in together action. Then Ding Chunming asked open the mouth and said: “No chance, have you received the coordinates? “The first person to act with him was Sun Buyu and the others, so he had to ensure that they knew the coordinates. After getting a positive answer, Ding Chunming will act on said solemnly: “OK,.” After saying that, he disappeared directly, and The figures of the other people were also vanish from sight at the same time. White Eyes look at where they disappeared, next step couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “This Old Ding is quite anxious.” although said so, but he still notified the others directly as soon as possible. People, their action begins.

The next moment deep in the territory of Shadow Clan, suddenly appears gathered a group of people. There were only about a thousand people in this group. After they appears , immediately glanced around, and then Ding Chunming immediately said loudly: “Hongliang, formation arrangement, no encounter, arrange Alien Cavalry, immediately Search around, discover Shadow Clansman, kill them on the spot, and put the Transmission Formation disk into there.” Everyone responded, and then immediately all became busy, and Zhang Hongliang flew directly. The next moment he moved his hand, and countless The **** flew out from in his hand. After these **** flew out from in his hand, immediately flew to all directions, in the blink of an eye flew far away, and Alien Cavalry and immediately divided into ten teams and flew straight to all directions. However, Ding Chunming, Gongsun Yulong and Sun Buyu did not move, but stood in the direction of there, look at Shadow Clan Imperial City, complexion was extremely dignified, and at this time, the second batch of Alien Cavalry with one thousand people had arrived.

In this moment, Zhang Hongliang suddenly said solemnly in sky: “Sure!” Following his voice, the **** flying forward all around stopped. After the **** stopped, Zhang Hongliang immediately pinched Magic Secret Art with their hands. , said solemnly: “Get up!” Following his voice, five colors radiance rose from suddenly all around. After five colors radiance appears , immediately enveloped their area of ​​region with a radius of twenty miles. Then five colors radiance rotated, and as five colors radiance rotated, On the ground where they were, bursts of Dark mist appeared, and after these Dark mist emerged, they were directly sucked in by a gourd thrown by Zhang Hongliang.

At this time, people with Alien Cavalry were popping up in a steady stream. After a while, Shadow Clansman Strength of Law was no longer visible in that area. Zhang Hongliang immediately vs. Ding Chunming said:Old Ding, I want to expand Great Formation, please inform others , come all over.” Ding Chunming Hearing what Zhang Hongliang said, he immediately responded, but at this time, Zhang Hongliang directly release formation rune, those balls, after those **** release went, they flew straight outside. Go, and at the same time, Zhang Hongliang also directly spilled Reaching Sky Vine‘s seed, and Reaching Sky Vine began to grow on the ground. After these Reaching Sky Vine grew up, immediately produced fruits one after another, and these fruits were all black. Zhang Hongliang also collected these fruits. These fruits are all Shadow Clan energy. These Shadow Clan energy are hidden deep in underground. Now they are all absorbed by Reaching Sky Vine and turned into fruits.

At this time, Alien Cavalry and variant beast Cavalry all arrived, Blood Slaughter Sect‘s that Elder also arrived, and Alien Cavalry who had gone out to check the surrounding situation all came back. They reported directly to Ding Chunming said:Elder Ding, there is no Shadow Clansman within a hundred miles. “We discover have cleaned up several Shadow Clansman hidden guards.” Ding Chunming nodded, all of this was within their expectations. I think Shadow Sovereign should have received information by now. Let’s see what Shadow Sovereign does next. So he just waved his hand and asked those Alien Cavalry to return to the team. He didn’t say anything else, and all those Alien Cavalry also returned.

At this time, Shadow Sovereign had indeed received information. As soon as they received information, Shadow Sovereign‘s complexion changed. He immediately wrote to Great Minister of War and others, asking Great Minister of War and immediately to come to Great Hall, and Great Minister of War and others were also first. It was time to arrive at Great Hall here. After all, they also lived in several layers, which is adjacent to Your Highness, so it was very easy to get there.

As soon as Great Minister of War and the others arrived in Great Hall, they saw Shadow Sovereign sitting in Great Hall with a gloomy look. Their hearts sank when they saw Shadow Sovereign’s complexion, Great Minister of War. They knew there must be something important occur, otherwise If so, Shadow Sovereign‘s complexion wouldn’t be so ugly. They pointed at Shadow Sovereign gave a salute, and before they could ask, Shadow Sovereign said open the mouth and said: “I just received hidden guard‘s information. Deep within our clan, where Blood Slaughter Sect originally established a base, there are Blood Slaughter Sect’s people appears are in there and have established a base. Now their base is expanding. beloved minister, what do you think we should do now? ”

Shadow Sovereign‘s words made everyone stunned, and then their complexion all changed, and Great Minister of War‘s complexion also changed into very difficult. He immediately open the mouth and said: “This is Blood Slaughter Sect‘s conspiracy, they discover from the front battlefield, There is no way to break through our defense, just sneak attack from behind, but how did they reach there? Wasn’t their base completely destroyed before? “Great Minister of War felt very curious, don’t know, what is going on, why Blood Slaughter Sect People will be suddenly appears in there.

Shadow Sovereign said solemnly: “hidden guard checked it out. They said they found some formation disk in underground in some places. Those formation disk seemed to be deliberately thrown into there by people from Blood Slaughter Sect, and those formation disk can still be used. I have asked them to They sent formation disk to Imperial City there, let Mao Xuanying take a look first, what thing is formation disk, so that we can know how they appears in there, now we must think carefully, how to deal with Blood Slaughter Sect , what do you think?”

When everyone heard what Shadow Sovereign said, they were all silent. At this time, Great Minister of War open the mouth and said said: “Now Blood Slaughter Sect wants to use this method to force us to retreat. Once we are retreat, then they can send troops from here to carry out attack on us. , but now we have to retreat. If they really establish formation in there, we will face a situation of being attacked from the front and back. most important is that if they directly attack Imperial City, it will be even more dangerous. , the defense strength of our current Imperial City there is not very strong, so Chen’s idea is that we should go to retreat first, concentrate our forces first, destroy their newly built base, and then come here to block the attack of Blood Slaughter Sect with all our strength. But now there is not enough time, so my idea is that we first take all Expert, use Transmission Formation, returned to Imperial City there, and then move from Imperial City there, Transmission to a place away from their base nearest/recent, and then all of us work together Attack and destroy their base, and frontline here, we can leave those Army Commander and lead the clansman below to deal with it. As long as we can use the fastest speed to destroy their base, we can immediately/on horseback Back to frontline.”



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