Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Chapter 437: Bei Wei


Hearing what Zhao Hai said, Wu Feng and the others had serious expressions on their faces. When Wu Feng asked just now, he wanted to see what kind of thoughts Zhao Hai really had. Now that they got the answer from Zhao Hai, they Also contented.

Zhao Hai took a look at a few people, and then said solemnly: “All right,, go down and prepare, anyway, we just need to be fully prepared. As for whether Shadow Clansman is plotting against us, we will find out later up. “Several people all responded, and then they all stood up, pointed at Zhao Hai gave a salute, and then turn around leave.

In the subsequent several days time, the Sect of the Golden Dry Defense Line did have their own reactions. Some Sect people are still chasing Shadow Clansman, but some Sect are not chasing Shadow Clansman. As long as Shadow Clansman starts retreat, they will retreat returned to golden stem defense line here, but less return, more chasing Shadow Clansman.

As for those who followed Zhao Hai to attack and passed Shadow Clansman, none of them went after Shadow Clansman, and some people strongly opposed to chasing Shadow Clansman, and they were locked up on the island in the end, preventing them from participating in the war. Those people are although anxious, but they have nothing to do. They can only reflect their thoughts to Sect, but the answer they get from Sect there also disappoints them. They have no other choice but to wait, but Fortunately, they don’t have to participate in the attack of Shadow Clansman.

For more than ten days in a row, Shadow Clansman has been carrying out such an attack, and then in retreat, when each Sect first pursued Shadow Clansman, they were indeed very careful. Their is possible was also affected by the Zhao Hai warning, Even those who went to chase, very careful, did not pursue with all their strength, and they were worried that this was really a conspiracy of Shadow Clansman, so they were extra careful.

However, for more than ten days, those who pursued did not encounter any problems, nor did they encounter Shadow Clansman‘s attack, so their vigilance gradually relaxed, and they began to chase Shadow Clansman non-stop , Slowly they chased Shadow Clansman farther and farther away, and now they are getting farther and farther away from the golden stem defense line here, but they themselves don’t seem to notice this.

Hu Zong gave them a discover warning once, but those Sect people can’t listen to it at all now. They seem to be deliberately confronting Hu Zong. The more Hu Zong refuses to let them go, the more they will go Thinking about it, it’s really hard for you to imagine that this is something done by cultivator. At this moment, they seem to have become angry children, without any reason to say.

In fact, those Sect people are using this method to express their protest to Hu Zong. When Hu Zong punished Zhang Shang before, these Sect people, although didn’t say anything, but it also made their hearts very uncomfortable In their view, Hu Zong, Elder Assembly‘s Great Elder, has no qualifications to punish Zhang Shang. Zhang Shang is one Sect‘s Core Disciple, but now he can’t even do Core Disciple. This makes many people feel sad, so they These people just want rebel Hu Zong, they dare not say rebel Hu Zong, because they are worried that Hu Zong will punish them, so they use this way to carry out rebel.

Five days later, Shadow Clansman‘s large camp actually began to move backwards, and the entire Shadow Clansman‘s army began to move backwards. They have moved to a distance of three hundred miles from the Golden Dry Line of Defense. This distance is not enough. It is far, of course, for a cultivator, it is not too far, and Shadow Clansman‘s large camp although moved back, but their offense did not stop. They have been attack against the Jinshi defense line here, and the Jinshi defense line here has also been In the counterattack, the distance of their pursuit is also getting farther and farther. Now many Sect people in the golden dry defense line here have begun to lose their temper. Especially when people are in large camp retreat of discover Shadow Clansman, they are even happier. They think that it is them Shadow Clansman retreat, although Hu Zongzaisan warned them, but those people couldn’t listen.

Ten days later, the people from various Sect on the golden dry line of defense, after chasing Shadow Clansman, have reached a place about a hundred miles away from Shadow Clansman large camp, and even if they did so, they did not encounter any ambushes from Shadow Clansman, which made them All Sect people are more convinced that Shadow Clansman is afraid and wants to retreat. They all want to attack Shadow Clansman because they don’t want Zhao Hai monopolize the limelight.

Zhao Hai led people to attack Shadow Clansman before, and finally retreated completely, and the golden stem defense line here sent him a reward for notifying the entire sacred tree world, which made many people very envious. They all wanted to be like Zhao Hai , get such a reward, so they also want to attack Shadow Clansman, as long as they can repel Shadow Clansman, they don’t believe that Hu Zong will not give them a reward.

As for Hu Zong’s warning, they didn’t take it seriously at all. In their view, Hu Zongna warned that simply didn’t want them to accept the award, so they simply didn’t listen to Hu Zong. Sect sent a letter, each Sect is also obedient and violative, on the one hand, people who say they will order Sect are not chasing Shadow Clansman, on the other hand, those who are Sect, but simply does not listen, it seems that those Sect did not order them Sect Such an order, when Hu Zongzai wrote to them Sect, telling them Sect must take care of it, their Sect people will say, we have taken care of it, but if they don’t listen, they can’t do anything about it.

These words can also deceive children, if the representatives of each Sect in the Jingan defense line here dare not listen to their Sect, they will Sect at any time change him, call him to returned to Sect, there They will still be allowed to stay in the golden dry defense line here free and unfettered, and now some of them can stay in the golden dry defense line here, it must be the acquiescence of their Sect, these Hu Zong can still see it.

But Hu Zong doesn’t care, even if those people are all dead, he doesn’t care, they die, no big deal, he doesn’t want to use those people’s deaths to teach those Sect people a lesson, let Those Sect people understand, in the golden dry defense line here, who has the final say, so Hu Zong although issued those warnings, but he actually knew that these warnings would not have any results.

At this time, Lu Buwei and the others are also making the final layout. After Lu Buwei saw those chasing cultivator retreating, he went to returned to in big tent, and then called all the generals of under the hand/subordinate In big tent, after those generals arrived in big tent, he look at those generals said: “I didn’t see Lin Ze leading the troops out today attackWe, it seems that our plan to lure him out has failed. We can’t wait any longer. If those fools really wake up, it will be too late. tomorrow, let’s proceed according to the plan. Are you all ready? If someone makes a mistake in there by then, do not blame me for being rude, everyone Have you listened to understand?” Speaking of here, Lu Buwei’s two eyes swept over everyone like electricity.

Everyone from simultaneously responded, they were already ready, the reason why these days they have not done anything to those people is because they want to wait and let those people completely relax their vigilance, and the second is because they want to put Zhao Hai Get it out, Shadow Sovereign wants Zhao Hai‘s head, but they can’t kill Zhao Hai now, even if they win, after going back, the credit will be reduced a lot, so they want to get Zhao Hai out, and then Killed, but after so many days, Zhao Hai has not made any movement, which made them very disappointed. Now he can be sure that Zhao Hai will never come out, which also makes them very impatient.

At this time, a general said to Lu Buwei said:, “Commander, I have an idea. When our plan starts, the Golden Dry Line there will definitely send people to rescue, and that Lin Ze led the attack before us. , Among the people who came to the rescue this time, he will definitely be useful. Do you think we should send a special group of people just to hunt and kill Lin Ze? Then maybe we can kill Lin Ze.”

When Lu Buwei heard what this general said, he couldn’t help being stunned, and then his two eyes couldn’t help but light up, he immediately look at that person said:correct/pretty good, this method is good, HaHaHa ha, if the golden dry defense line there sends people out to rescue , Lin Ze, who has experience in fighting us, will definitely be sent out. At that time, we only need to send some Experts to hunt Lin Ze, and there will be no problem. This Lin Ze is just a Law Expert now. Just send out some titles Expert, that’s enough to hunt him down, okay, fantastic, go down and prepare, you don’t need to worry about this matter.” All the generals responded, and then all pointed at Lu Buwei gave a salute, and then withdrew big tent, after they retreated, Lu Buwei open the mouth and said: “Come here.”

Following his voice, a personal soldier came in and said to Lu Buwei gave a salute said:, “Marshal.” Lu Buwei nodded, and then open the mouth and said: “Go, call Yeluhong from the Beiwei camp. “The Personal Guard responded, and then it was turn around leave.

After a while, a person wearing a black leather armor walked into big tent, and he said to Lu Buwei gave a salute said:, “See you, Commander.” It is also a simple set of leather armor, and there is no helmet on his head. He is wearing a black hat, and his leather armor is also very simple, just like a bulletproof vest, which can only block their chest and back , wearing a pair of black trousers on the lower body, a pair of black boots on the feet, and a pair of black Gauntlets on the wrists. The whole person looks very ordinary, as if there is nothing special about them. Even on them, you don’t feel With a touch of Expert, without a little bit of imposing manner, the whole person feels flat, worse than an ordinary Shadow Clan small soldier.

But this person is Lu Buwei under the hand/subordinate elite of the elite, they have a battalion, known as Beiwei battalion, they are Elite of the whole Shenwei battalion, all the people in the first battalion are Law and title Expert, they although have no shadow beasts Mount, but fighting strength is extremely powerful, their entire battalion only has ten thousand people, but the fighting strength of ten thousand people is much stronger more than the hundred thousand of other armies, as long as they are make a move, until now, there is no unfinished duty, It can be said that they are an ace army of Lu Buwei under the hand/subordinate, and they can even be said to be the ace of aces.


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